"""Tests for the uninstall command.""" import os import sys from io import StringIO import stat import packaging.util from packaging.database import disable_cache, enable_cache from packaging.run import main from packaging.errors import PackagingError from packaging.install import remove from packaging.command.install_dist import install_dist from packaging.tests import unittest, support SETUP_CFG = """ [metadata] name = %(name)s version = %(version)s [files] packages = %(pkg)s %(pkg)s.sub """ class UninstallTestCase(support.TempdirManager, support.LoggingCatcher, support.EnvironRestorer, unittest.TestCase): restore_environ = ['PLAT'] def setUp(self): super(UninstallTestCase, self).setUp() self.addCleanup(setattr, sys, 'stdout', sys.stdout) self.addCleanup(setattr, sys, 'stderr', sys.stderr) self.addCleanup(os.chdir, os.getcwd()) self.addCleanup(enable_cache) self.root_dir = self.mkdtemp() self.cwd = os.getcwd() disable_cache() def tearDown(self): os.chdir(self.cwd) packaging.util._path_created.clear() super(UninstallTestCase, self).tearDown() def run_setup(self, *args): # run setup with args args = ['run'] + list(args) dist = main(args) return dist def get_path(self, dist, name): cmd = install_dist(dist) cmd.prefix = self.root_dir cmd.finalize_options() return getattr(cmd, 'install_' + name) def make_dist(self, name='Foo', **kw): kw['name'] = name pkg = name.lower() if 'version' not in kw: kw['version'] = '0.1' project_dir, dist = self.create_dist(**kw) kw['pkg'] = pkg pkg_dir = os.path.join(project_dir, pkg) os.mkdir(pkg_dir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(pkg_dir, 'sub')) self.write_file((project_dir, 'setup.cfg'), SETUP_CFG % kw) self.write_file((pkg_dir, '__init__.py'), '#') self.write_file((pkg_dir, pkg + '_utils.py'), '#') self.write_file((pkg_dir, 'sub', '__init__.py'), '#') self.write_file((pkg_dir, 'sub', pkg + '_utils.py'), '#') return project_dir def install_dist(self, name='Foo', dirname=None, **kw): if not dirname: dirname = self.make_dist(name, **kw) os.chdir(dirname) old_out = sys.stderr sys.stderr = StringIO() dist = self.run_setup('install_dist', '--prefix=' + self.root_dir) install_lib = self.get_path(dist, 'purelib') return dist, install_lib def test_uninstall_unknow_distribution(self): self.assertRaises(PackagingError, remove, 'Foo', paths=[self.root_dir]) def test_uninstall(self): dist, install_lib = self.install_dist() self.assertIsFile(install_lib, 'foo', '__init__.py') self.assertIsFile(install_lib, 'foo', 'sub', '__init__.py') self.assertIsFile(install_lib, 'Foo-0.1.dist-info', 'RECORD') self.assertTrue(remove('Foo', paths=[install_lib])) self.assertIsNotFile(install_lib, 'foo', 'sub', '__init__.py') self.assertIsNotFile(install_lib, 'Foo-0.1.dist-info', 'RECORD') def test_remove_issue(self): # makes sure if there are OSErrors (like permission denied) # remove() stops and display a clean error dist, install_lib = self.install_dist('Meh') # breaking os.rename old = os.rename def _rename(source, target): raise OSError os.rename = _rename try: self.assertFalse(remove('Meh', paths=[install_lib])) finally: os.rename = old self.assertTrue(remove('Meh', paths=[install_lib])) def test_suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(UninstallTestCase) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')