#! /usr/bin/env python """\ bundlebuilder.py -- Tools to assemble MacOS X (application) bundles. This module contains two classes to build so called "bundles" for MacOS X. BundleBuilder is a general tool, AppBuilder is a subclass specialized in building application bundles. [Bundle|App]Builder objects are instantiated with a bunch of keyword arguments, and have a build() method that will do all the work. See the class doc strings for a description of the constructor arguments. The module contains a main program that can be used in two ways: % python bundlebuilder.py [options] build % python buildapp.py [options] build Where "buildapp.py" is a user-supplied setup.py-like script following this model: from bundlebuilder import buildapp buildapp() """ __all__ = ["BundleBuilder", "BundleBuilderError", "AppBuilder", "buildapp"] from warnings import warnpy3k warnpy3k("In 3.x, the bundlebuilder module is removed.", stacklevel=2) import sys import os, errno, shutil import imp, marshal import re from copy import deepcopy import getopt from plistlib import Plist from types import FunctionType as function class BundleBuilderError(Exception): pass class Defaults: """Class attributes that don't start with an underscore and are not functions or classmethods are (deep)copied to self.__dict__. This allows for mutable default values. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): defaults = self._getDefaults() defaults.update(kwargs) self.__dict__.update(defaults) def _getDefaults(cls): defaults = {} for base in cls.__bases__: if hasattr(base, "_getDefaults"): defaults.update(base._getDefaults()) for name, value in cls.__dict__.items(): if name[0] != "_" and not isinstance(value, (function, classmethod)): defaults[name] = deepcopy(value) return defaults _getDefaults = classmethod(_getDefaults) class BundleBuilder(Defaults): """BundleBuilder is a barebones class for assembling bundles. It knows nothing about executables or icons, it only copies files and creates the PkgInfo and Info.plist files. """ # (Note that Defaults.__init__ (deep)copies these values to # instance variables. Mutable defaults are therefore safe.) # Name of the bundle, with or without extension. name = None # The property list ("plist") plist = Plist(CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = "English", CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion = "6.0") # The type of the bundle. type = "BNDL" # The creator code of the bundle. creator = None # the CFBundleIdentifier (this is used for the preferences file name) bundle_id = None # List of files that have to be copied to /Contents/Resources. resources = [] # List of (src, dest) tuples; dest should be a path relative to the bundle # (eg. "Contents/Resources/MyStuff/SomeFile.ext). files = [] # List of shared libraries (dylibs, Frameworks) to bundle with the app # will be placed in Contents/Frameworks libs = [] # Directory where the bundle will be assembled. builddir = "build" # Make symlinks instead copying files. This is handy during debugging, but # makes the bundle non-distributable. symlink = 0 # Verbosity level. verbosity = 1 # Destination root directory destroot = "" def setup(self): # XXX rethink self.name munging, this is brittle. self.name, ext = os.path.splitext(self.name) if not ext: ext = ".bundle" bundleextension = ext # misc (derived) attributes self.bundlepath = pathjoin(self.builddir, self.name + bundleextension) plist = self.plist plist.CFBundleName = self.name plist.CFBundlePackageType = self.type if self.creator is None: if hasattr(plist, "CFBundleSignature"): self.creator = plist.CFBundleSignature else: self.creator = "????" plist.CFBundleSignature = self.creator if self.bundle_id: plist.CFBundleIdentifier = self.bundle_id elif not hasattr(plist, "CFBundleIdentifier"): plist.CFBundleIdentifier = self.name def build(self): """Build the bundle.""" builddir = self.builddir if builddir and not os.path.exists(builddir): os.mkdir(builddir) self.message("Building %s" % repr(self.bundlepath), 1) if os.path.exists(self.bundlepath): shutil.rmtree(self.bundlepath) if os.path.exists(self.bundlepath + '~'): shutil.rmtree(self.bundlepath + '~') bp = self.bundlepath # Create the app bundle in a temporary location and then # rename the completed bundle. This way the Finder will # never see an incomplete bundle (where it might pick up # and cache the wrong meta data) self.bundlepath = bp + '~' try: os.mkdir(self.bundlepath) self.preProcess() self._copyFiles() self._addMetaFiles() self.postProcess() os.rename(self.bundlepath, bp) finally: self.bundlepath = bp self.message("Done.", 1) def preProcess(self): """Hook for subclasses.""" pass def postProcess(self): """Hook for subclasses.""" pass def _addMetaFiles(self): contents = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, "Contents") makedirs(contents) # # Write Contents/PkgInfo assert len(self.type) == len(self.creator) == 4, \ "type and creator must be 4-byte strings." pkginfo = pathjoin(contents, "PkgInfo") f = open(pkginfo, "wb") f.write(self.type + self.creator) f.close() # # Write Contents/Info.plist infoplist = pathjoin(contents, "Info.plist") self.plist.write(infoplist) def _copyFiles(self): files = self.files[:] for path in self.resources: files.append((path, pathjoin("Contents", "Resources", os.path.basename(path)))) for path in self.libs: files.append((path, pathjoin("Contents", "Frameworks", os.path.basename(path)))) if self.symlink: self.message("Making symbolic links", 1) msg = "Making symlink from" else: self.message("Copying files", 1) msg = "Copying" files.sort() for src, dst in files: if os.path.isdir(src): self.message("%s %s/ to %s/" % (msg, src, dst), 2) else: self.message("%s %s to %s" % (msg, src, dst), 2) dst = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, dst) if self.symlink: symlink(src, dst, mkdirs=1) else: copy(src, dst, mkdirs=1) def message(self, msg, level=0): if level <= self.verbosity: indent = "" if level > 1: indent = (level - 1) * " " sys.stderr.write(indent + msg + "\n") def report(self): # XXX something decent pass if __debug__: PYC_EXT = ".pyc" else: PYC_EXT = ".pyo" MAGIC = imp.get_magic() USE_ZIPIMPORT = "zipimport" in sys.builtin_module_names # For standalone apps, we have our own minimal site.py. We don't need # all the cruft of the real site.py. SITE_PY = """\ import sys if not %(semi_standalone)s: del sys.path[1:] # sys.path[0] is Contents/Resources/ """ ZIP_ARCHIVE = "Modules.zip" SITE_PY_ZIP = SITE_PY + ("sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + '/%s')\n" % ZIP_ARCHIVE) def getPycData(fullname, code, ispkg): if ispkg: fullname += ".__init__" path = fullname.replace(".", os.sep) + PYC_EXT return path, MAGIC + '\0\0\0\0' + marshal.dumps(code) # # Extension modules can't be in the modules zip archive, so a placeholder # is added instead, that loads the extension from a specified location. # EXT_LOADER = """\ def __load(): import imp, sys, os for p in sys.path: path = os.path.join(p, "%(filename)s") if os.path.exists(path): break else: assert 0, "file not found: %(filename)s" mod = imp.load_dynamic("%(name)s", path) __load() del __load """ MAYMISS_MODULES = ['mac', 'os2', 'nt', 'ntpath', 'dos', 'dospath', 'win32api', 'ce', '_winreg', 'nturl2path', 'sitecustomize', 'org.python.core', 'riscos', 'riscosenviron', 'riscospath' ] STRIP_EXEC = "/usr/bin/strip" # # We're using a stock interpreter to run the app, yet we need # a way to pass the Python main program to the interpreter. The # bootstrapping script fires up the interpreter with the right # arguments. os.execve() is used as OSX doesn't like us to # start a real new process. Also, the executable name must match # the CFBundleExecutable value in the Info.plist, so we lie # deliberately with argv[0]. The actual Python executable is # passed in an environment variable so we can "repair" # sys.executable later. # BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT = """\ #!%(hashbang)s import sys, os execdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) executable = os.path.join(execdir, "%(executable)s") resdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(execdir), "Resources") libdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(execdir), "Frameworks") mainprogram = os.path.join(resdir, "%(mainprogram)s") if %(optimize)s: sys.argv.insert(1, '-O') sys.argv.insert(1, mainprogram) if %(standalone)s or %(semi_standalone)s: os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = resdir if %(standalone)s: os.environ["PYTHONHOME"] = resdir else: pypath = os.getenv("PYTHONPATH", "") if pypath: pypath = ":" + pypath os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = resdir + pypath os.environ["PYTHONEXECUTABLE"] = executable os.environ["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = libdir os.environ["DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH"] = libdir os.execve(executable, sys.argv, os.environ) """ # # Optional wrapper that converts "dropped files" into sys.argv values. # ARGV_EMULATOR = """\ import argvemulator, os argvemulator.ArgvCollector().mainloop() execfile(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "%(realmainprogram)s")) """ # # When building a standalone app with Python.framework, we need to copy # a subset from Python.framework to the bundle. The following list # specifies exactly what items we'll copy. # PYTHONFRAMEWORKGOODIES = [ "Python", # the Python core library "Resources/English.lproj", "Resources/Info.plist", ] def isFramework(): return sys.exec_prefix.find("Python.framework") > 0 LIB = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "lib", "python" + sys.version[:3]) SITE_PACKAGES = os.path.join(LIB, "site-packages") class AppBuilder(BundleBuilder): use_zipimport = USE_ZIPIMPORT # Override type of the bundle. type = "APPL" # platform, name of the subfolder of Contents that contains the executable. platform = "MacOS" # A Python main program. If this argument is given, the main # executable in the bundle will be a small wrapper that invokes # the main program. (XXX Discuss why.) mainprogram = None # The main executable. If a Python main program is specified # the executable will be copied to Resources and be invoked # by the wrapper program mentioned above. Otherwise it will # simply be used as the main executable. executable = None # The name of the main nib, for Cocoa apps. *Must* be specified # when building a Cocoa app. nibname = None # The name of the icon file to be copied to Resources and used for # the Finder icon. iconfile = None # Symlink the executable instead of copying it. symlink_exec = 0 # If True, build standalone app. standalone = 0 # If True, build semi-standalone app (only includes third-party modules). semi_standalone = 0 # If set, use this for #! lines in stead of sys.executable python = None # If True, add a real main program that emulates sys.argv before calling # mainprogram argv_emulation = 0 # The following attributes are only used when building a standalone app. # Exclude these modules. excludeModules = [] # Include these modules. includeModules = [] # Include these packages. includePackages = [] # Strip binaries from debug info. strip = 0 # Found Python modules: [(name, codeobject, ispkg), ...] pymodules = [] # Modules that modulefinder couldn't find: missingModules = [] maybeMissingModules = [] def setup(self): if ((self.standalone or self.semi_standalone) and self.mainprogram is None): raise BundleBuilderError, ("must specify 'mainprogram' when " "building a standalone application.") if self.mainprogram is None and self.executable is None: raise BundleBuilderError, ("must specify either or both of " "'executable' and 'mainprogram'") self.execdir = pathjoin("Contents", self.platform) if self.name is not None: pass elif self.mainprogram is not None: self.name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.mainprogram))[0] elif self.executable is not None: self.name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.executable))[0] if self.name[-4:] != ".app": self.name += ".app" if self.executable is None: if not self.standalone and not isFramework(): self.symlink_exec = 1 if self.python: self.executable = self.python else: self.executable = sys.executable if self.nibname: self.plist.NSMainNibFile = self.nibname if not hasattr(self.plist, "NSPrincipalClass"): self.plist.NSPrincipalClass = "NSApplication" if self.standalone and isFramework(): self.addPythonFramework() BundleBuilder.setup(self) self.plist.CFBundleExecutable = self.name if self.standalone or self.semi_standalone: self.findDependencies() def preProcess(self): resdir = "Contents/Resources" if self.executable is not None: if self.mainprogram is None: execname = self.name else: execname = os.path.basename(self.executable) execpath = pathjoin(self.execdir, execname) if not self.symlink_exec: self.files.append((self.destroot + self.executable, execpath)) self.execpath = execpath if self.mainprogram is not None: mainprogram = os.path.basename(self.mainprogram) self.files.append((self.mainprogram, pathjoin(resdir, mainprogram))) if self.argv_emulation: # Change the main program, and create the helper main program (which # does argv collection and then calls the real main). # Also update the included modules (if we're creating a standalone # program) and the plist realmainprogram = mainprogram mainprogram = '__argvemulator_' + mainprogram resdirpath = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, resdir) mainprogrampath = pathjoin(resdirpath, mainprogram) makedirs(resdirpath) open(mainprogrampath, "w").write(ARGV_EMULATOR % locals()) if self.standalone or self.semi_standalone: self.includeModules.append("argvemulator") self.includeModules.append("os") if not self.plist.has_key("CFBundleDocumentTypes"): self.plist["CFBundleDocumentTypes"] = [ { "CFBundleTypeOSTypes" : [ "****", "fold", "disk"], "CFBundleTypeRole": "Viewer"}] # Write bootstrap script executable = os.path.basename(self.executable) execdir = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, self.execdir) bootstrappath = pathjoin(execdir, self.name) makedirs(execdir) if self.standalone or self.semi_standalone: # XXX we're screwed when the end user has deleted # /usr/bin/python hashbang = "/usr/bin/python" elif self.python: hashbang = self.python else: hashbang = os.path.realpath(sys.executable) standalone = self.standalone semi_standalone = self.semi_standalone optimize = sys.flags.optimize open(bootstrappath, "w").write(BOOTSTRAP_SCRIPT % locals()) os.chmod(bootstrappath, 0775) if self.iconfile is not None: iconbase = os.path.basename(self.iconfile) self.plist.CFBundleIconFile = iconbase self.files.append((self.iconfile, pathjoin(resdir, iconbase))) def postProcess(self): if self.standalone or self.semi_standalone: self.addPythonModules() if self.strip and not self.symlink: self.stripBinaries() if self.symlink_exec and self.executable: self.message("Symlinking executable %s to %s" % (self.executable, self.execpath), 2) dst = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, self.execpath) makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) os.symlink(os.path.abspath(self.executable), dst) if self.missingModules or self.maybeMissingModules: self.reportMissing() def addPythonFramework(self): # If we're building a standalone app with Python.framework, # include a minimal subset of Python.framework, *unless* # Python.framework was specified manually in self.libs. for lib in self.libs: if os.path.basename(lib) == "Python.framework": # a Python.framework was specified as a library return frameworkpath = sys.exec_prefix[:sys.exec_prefix.find( "Python.framework") + len("Python.framework")] version = sys.version[:3] frameworkpath = pathjoin(frameworkpath, "Versions", version) destbase = pathjoin("Contents", "Frameworks", "Python.framework", "Versions", version) for item in PYTHONFRAMEWORKGOODIES: src = pathjoin(frameworkpath, item) dst = pathjoin(destbase, item) self.files.append((src, dst)) def _getSiteCode(self): if self.use_zipimport: return compile(SITE_PY % {"semi_standalone": self.semi_standalone}, "<-bundlebuilder.py->", "exec") def addPythonModules(self): self.message("Adding Python modules", 1) if self.use_zipimport: # Create a zip file containing all modules as pyc. import zipfile relpath = pathjoin("Contents", "Resources", ZIP_ARCHIVE) abspath = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, relpath) zf = zipfile.ZipFile(abspath, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for name, code, ispkg in self.pymodules: self.message("Adding Python module %s" % name, 2) path, pyc = getPycData(name, code, ispkg) zf.writestr(path, pyc) zf.close() # add site.pyc sitepath = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, "Contents", "Resources", "site" + PYC_EXT) writePyc(self._getSiteCode(), sitepath) else: # Create individual .pyc files. for name, code, ispkg in self.pymodules: if ispkg: name += ".__init__" path = name.split(".") path = pathjoin("Contents", "Resources", *path) + PYC_EXT if ispkg: self.message("Adding Python package %s" % path, 2) else: self.message("Adding Python module %s" % path, 2) abspath = pathjoin(self.bundlepath, path) makedirs(os.path.dirname(abspath)) writePyc(code, abspath) def stripBinaries(self): if not os.path.exists(STRIP_EXEC): self.message("Error: can't strip binaries: no strip program at " "%s" % STRIP_EXEC, 0) else: import stat self.message("Stripping binaries", 1) def walk(top): for name in os.listdir(top): path = pathjoin(top, name) if os.path.islink(path): continue if os.path.isdir(path): walk(path) else: mod = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE] if not (mod & 0100): continue relpath = path[len(self.bundlepath):] self.message("Stripping %s" % relpath, 2) inf, outf = os.popen4("%s -S \"%s\"" % (STRIP_EXEC, path)) output = outf.read().strip() if output: # usually not a real problem, like when we're # trying to strip a script self.message("Problem stripping %s:" % relpath, 3) self.message(output, 3) walk(self.bundlepath) def findDependencies(self): self.message("Finding module dependencies", 1) import modulefinder mf = modulefinder.ModuleFinder(excludes=self.excludeModules) if self.use_zipimport: # zipimport imports zlib, must add it manually mf.import_hook("zlib") # manually add our own site.py site = mf.add_module("site") site.__code__ = self._getSiteCode() mf.scan_code(site.__code__, site) # warnings.py gets imported implicitly from C mf.import_hook("warnings") includeModules = self.includeModules[:] for name in self.includePackages: includeModules.extend(findPackageContents(name).keys()) for name in includeModules: try: mf.import_hook(name) except ImportError: self.missingModules.append(name) mf.run_script(self.mainprogram) modules = mf.modules.items() modules.sort() for name, mod in modules: path = mod.__file__ if path and self.semi_standalone: # skip the standard library if path.startswith(LIB) and not path.startswith(SITE_PACKAGES): continue if path and mod.__code__ is None: # C extension filename = os.path.basename(path) pathitems = name.split(".")[:-1] + [filename] dstpath = pathjoin(*pathitems) if self.use_zipimport: if name != "zlib": # neatly pack all extension modules in a subdirectory, # except zlib, since it's necessary for bootstrapping. dstpath = pathjoin("ExtensionModules", dstpath) # Python modules are stored in a Zip archive, but put # extensions in Contents/Resources/. Add a tiny "loader" # program in the Zip archive. Due to Thomas Heller. source = EXT_LOADER % {"name": name, "filename": dstpath} code = compile(source, "" % name, "exec") mod.__code__ = code self.files.append((path, pathjoin("Contents", "Resources", dstpath))) if mod.__code__ is not None: ispkg = mod.__path__ is not None if not self.use_zipimport or name != "site": # Our site.py is doing the bootstrapping, so we must # include a real .pyc file if self.use_zipimport is True. self.pymodules.append((name, mod.__code__, ispkg)) if hasattr(mf, "any_missing_maybe"): missing, maybe = mf.any_missing_maybe() else: missing = mf.any_missing() maybe = [] self.missingModules.extend(missing) self.maybeMissingModules.extend(maybe) def reportMissing(self): missing = [name for name in self.missingModules if name not in MAYMISS_MODULES] if self.maybeMissingModules: maybe = self.maybeMissingModules else: maybe = [name for name in missing if "." in name] missing = [name for name in missing if "." not in name] missing.sort() maybe.sort() if maybe: self.message("Warning: couldn't find the following submodules:", 1) self.message(" (Note that these could be false alarms -- " "it's not always", 1) self.message(" possible to distinguish between \"from package " "import submodule\" ", 1) self.message(" and \"from package import name\")", 1) for name in maybe: self.message(" ? " + name, 1) if missing: self.message("Warning: couldn't find the following modules:", 1) for name in missing: self.message(" ? " + name, 1) def report(self): # XXX something decent import pprint pprint.pprint(self.__dict__) if self.standalone or self.semi_standalone: self.reportMissing() # # Utilities. # SUFFIXES = [_suf for _suf, _mode, _tp in imp.get_suffixes()] identifierRE = re.compile(r"[_a-zA-z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$") def findPackageContents(name, searchpath=None): head = name.split(".")[-1] if identifierRE.match(head) is None: return {} try: fp, path, (ext, mode, tp) = imp.find_module(head, searchpath) except ImportError: return {} modules = {name: None} if tp == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY and path: files = os.listdir(path) for sub in files: sub, ext = os.path.splitext(sub) fullname = name + "." + sub if sub != "__init__" and fullname not in modules: modules.update(findPackageContents(fullname, [path])) return modules def writePyc(code, path): f = open(path, "wb") f.write(MAGIC) f.write("\0" * 4) # don't bother about a time stamp marshal.dump(code, f) f.close() def copy(src, dst, mkdirs=0): """Copy a file or a directory.""" if mkdirs: makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) if os.path.isdir(src): shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlinks=1) else: shutil.copy2(src, dst) def copytodir(src, dstdir): """Copy a file or a directory to an existing directory.""" dst = pathjoin(dstdir, os.path.basename(src)) copy(src, dst) def makedirs(dir): """Make all directories leading up to 'dir' including the leaf directory. Don't moan if any path element already exists.""" try: os.makedirs(dir) except OSError, why: if why.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def symlink(src, dst, mkdirs=0): """Copy a file or a directory.""" if not os.path.exists(src): raise IOError, "No such file or directory: '%s'" % src if mkdirs: makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) os.symlink(os.path.abspath(src), dst) def pathjoin(*args): """Safe wrapper for os.path.join: asserts that all but the first argument are relative paths.""" for seg in args[1:]: assert seg[0] != "/" return os.path.join(*args) cmdline_doc = """\ Usage: python bundlebuilder.py [options] command python mybuildscript.py [options] command Commands: build build the application report print a report Options: -b, --builddir=DIR the build directory; defaults to "build" -n, --name=NAME application name -r, --resource=FILE extra file or folder to be copied to Resources -f, --file=SRC:DST extra file or folder to be copied into the bundle; DST must be a path relative to the bundle root -e, --executable=FILE the executable to be used -m, --mainprogram=FILE the Python main program -a, --argv add a wrapper main program to create sys.argv -p, --plist=FILE .plist file (default: generate one) --nib=NAME main nib name -c, --creator=CCCC 4-char creator code (default: '????') --iconfile=FILE filename of the icon (an .icns file) to be used as the Finder icon --bundle-id=ID the CFBundleIdentifier, in reverse-dns format (eg. org.python.BuildApplet; this is used for the preferences file name) -l, --link symlink files/folder instead of copying them --link-exec symlink the executable instead of copying it --standalone build a standalone application, which is fully independent of a Python installation --semi-standalone build a standalone application, which depends on an installed Python, yet includes all third-party modules. --no-zipimport Do not copy code into a zip file --python=FILE Python to use in #! line in stead of current Python --lib=FILE shared library or framework to be copied into the bundle -x, --exclude=MODULE exclude module (with --(semi-)standalone) -i, --include=MODULE include module (with --(semi-)standalone) --package=PACKAGE include a whole package (with --(semi-)standalone) --strip strip binaries (remove debug info) -v, --verbose increase verbosity level -q, --quiet decrease verbosity level -h, --help print this message """ def usage(msg=None): if msg: print msg print cmdline_doc sys.exit(1) def main(builder=None): if builder is None: builder = AppBuilder(verbosity=1) shortopts = "b:n:r:f:e:m:c:p:lx:i:hvqa" longopts = ("builddir=", "name=", "resource=", "file=", "executable=", "mainprogram=", "creator=", "nib=", "plist=", "link", "link-exec", "help", "verbose", "quiet", "argv", "standalone", "exclude=", "include=", "package=", "strip", "iconfile=", "lib=", "python=", "semi-standalone", "bundle-id=", "destroot=" "no-zipimport" ) try: options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopts, longopts) except getopt.error: usage() for opt, arg in options: if opt in ('-b', '--builddir'): builder.builddir = arg elif opt in ('-n', '--name'): builder.name = arg elif opt in ('-r', '--resource'): builder.resources.append(os.path.normpath(arg)) elif opt in ('-f', '--file'): srcdst = arg.split(':') if len(srcdst) != 2: usage("-f or --file argument must be two paths, " "separated by a colon") builder.files.append(srcdst) elif opt in ('-e', '--executable'): builder.executable = arg elif opt in ('-m', '--mainprogram'): builder.mainprogram = arg elif opt in ('-a', '--argv'): builder.argv_emulation = 1 elif opt in ('-c', '--creator'): builder.creator = arg elif opt == '--bundle-id': builder.bundle_id = arg elif opt == '--iconfile': builder.iconfile = arg elif opt == "--lib": builder.libs.append(os.path.normpath(arg)) elif opt == "--nib": builder.nibname = arg elif opt in ('-p', '--plist'): builder.plist = Plist.fromFile(arg) elif opt in ('-l', '--link'): builder.symlink = 1 elif opt == '--link-exec': builder.symlink_exec = 1 elif opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'): builder.verbosity += 1 elif opt in ('-q', '--quiet'): builder.verbosity -= 1 elif opt == '--standalone': builder.standalone = 1 elif opt == '--semi-standalone': builder.semi_standalone = 1 elif opt == '--python': builder.python = arg elif opt in ('-x', '--exclude'): builder.excludeModules.append(arg) elif opt in ('-i', '--include'): builder.includeModules.append(arg) elif opt == '--package': builder.includePackages.append(arg) elif opt == '--strip': builder.strip = 1 elif opt == '--destroot': builder.destroot = arg elif opt == '--no-zipimport': builder.use_zipimport = False if len(args) != 1: usage("Must specify one command ('build', 'report' or 'help')") command = args[0] if command == "build": builder.setup() builder.build() elif command == "report": builder.setup() builder.report() elif command == "help": usage() else: usage("Unknown command '%s'" % command) def buildapp(**kwargs): builder = AppBuilder(**kwargs) main(builder) if __name__ == "__main__": main()