# pdb.py -- finally, a Python debugger! # (See pdb.doc for documentation.) import string import sys import linecache import cmd import bdb import repr class Pdb(bdb.Bdb, cmd.Cmd): def init(self): self = bdb.Bdb.init(self) self = cmd.Cmd.init(self) self.prompt = '(Pdb) ' return self def reset(self): bdb.Bdb.reset(self) self.forget() def forget(self): self.lineno = None self.stack = [] self.curindex = 0 self.curframe = None def setup(self, f, t): self.forget() self.stack, self.curindex = self.get_stack(f, t) self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0] # Override Bdb methods (except user_call, for now) def user_line(self, frame): # This function is called when we stop or break at this line self.interaction(frame, None) def user_return(self, frame, return_value): # This function is called when a return trap is set here frame.f_locals['__return__'] = return_value print '--Return--' self.interaction(frame, None) def user_exception(self, frame, (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)): # This function is called if an exception occurs, # but only if we are to stop at or just below this level frame.f_locals['__exception__'] = exc_type, exc_value print exc_type + ':', repr.repr(exc_value) self.interaction(frame, exc_traceback) # General interaction function def interaction(self, frame, traceback): self.setup(frame, traceback) self.print_stack_entry(self.stack[self.curindex]) self.cmdloop() self.forget() def default(self, line): if line[:1] == '!': line = line[1:] locals = self.curframe.f_locals globals = self.curframe.f_globals try: exec(line + '\n', globals, locals) except: print '***', sys.exc_type + ':', sys.exc_value # Command definitions, called by cmdloop() # The argument is the remaining string on the command line # Return true to exit from the command loop do_h = cmd.Cmd.do_help def do_break(self, arg): if not arg: print self.get_all_breaks() # XXX return try: lineno = int(eval(arg)) except: print '*** Error in argument:', `arg` return filename = self.curframe.f_code.co_filename err = self.set_break(filename, lineno) if err: print '***', err do_b = do_break def do_clear(self, arg): if not arg: try: reply = raw_input('Clear all breaks? ') except EOFError: reply = 'no' reply = string.lower(string.strip(reply)) if reply in ('y', 'yes'): self.clear_all_breaks() return try: lineno = int(eval(arg)) except: print '*** Error in argument:', `arg` return filename = self.curframe.f_code.co_filename err = self.set_break(filename, lineno) if err: print '***', err do_cl = do_clear # 'c' is already an abbreviation for 'continue' def do_where(self, arg): self.print_stack_trace() do_w = do_where def do_up(self, arg): if self.curindex == 0: print '*** Oldest frame' else: self.curindex = self.curindex - 1 self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0] self.print_stack_entry(self.stack[self.curindex]) do_u = do_up def do_down(self, arg): if self.curindex + 1 == len(self.stack): print '*** Newest frame' else: self.curindex = self.curindex + 1 self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex][0] self.print_stack_entry(self.stack[self.curindex]) do_d = do_down def do_step(self, arg): self.set_step() return 1 do_s = do_step def do_next(self, arg): self.set_next(self.curframe) return 1 do_n = do_next def do_return(self, arg): self.set_return(self.curframe) return 1 do_r = do_return def do_continue(self, arg): self.set_continue() return 1 do_c = do_cont = do_continue def do_quit(self, arg): self.set_quit() return 1 do_q = do_quit def do_args(self, arg): if self.curframe.f_locals.has_key('__return__'): print `self.curframe.f_locals['__return__']` else: print '*** Not arguments?!' do_a = do_args def do_retval(self, arg): if self.curframe.f_locals.has_key('__return__'): print self.curframe.f_locals['__return__'] else: print '*** Not yet returned!' do_rv = do_retval def do_p(self, arg): try: value = eval(arg, self.curframe.f_globals, \ self.curframe.f_locals) except: print '***', sys.exc_type + ':', `sys.exc_value` return print `value` def do_list(self, arg): self.lastcmd = 'list' last = None if arg: try: x = eval(arg, {}, {}) if type(x) == type(()): first, last = x first = int(first) last = int(last) if last < first: # Assume it's a count last = first + last else: first = int(x) except: print '*** Error in argument:', `arg` return elif self.lineno is None: first = max(1, self.curframe.f_lineno - 5) else: first = self.lineno + 1 if last is None: last = first + 10 filename = self.curframe.f_code.co_filename breaklist = self.get_file_breaks(filename) try: for lineno in range(first, last+1): line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno) if not line: print '[EOF]' break else: s = string.rjust(`lineno`, 3) if len(s) < 4: s = s + ' ' if lineno in breaklist: s = s + 'B' else: s = s + ' ' if lineno == self.curframe.f_lineno: s = s + '->' print s + '\t' + line, self.lineno = lineno except KeyboardInterrupt: pass do_l = do_list # Print a traceback starting at the top stack frame. # The most recently entered frame is printed last; # this is different from dbx and gdb, but consistent with # the Python interpreter's stack trace. # It is also consistent with the up/down commands (which are # compatible with dbx and gdb: up moves towards 'main()' # and down moves towards the most recent stack frame). def print_stack_trace(self): try: for frame_lineno in self.stack: self.print_stack_entry(frame_lineno) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def print_stack_entry(self, frame_lineno): frame, lineno = frame_lineno if frame is self.curframe: print '>', else: print ' ', print self.format_stack_entry(frame_lineno) def run(statement): Pdb().init().run(statement) def runctx(statement, globals, locals): Pdb().init().runctx(statement, globals, locals) def runcall(*args): apply(Pdb().init().runcall, args) TESTCMD = 'import x; x.main()' def test(): import linecache linecache.checkcache() run(TESTCMD)