#! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/python-405 #! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/python # Capture a CMIF movie using the Indigo video library and board # Usage: # # makemovie [-a] [-q queuesize] [-r n/d] [moviefile [audiofile]] # Options: # # -a : record audio as well # -q queuesize : set the capture queue size (default 2) # -r rate : capture 1 out of every n frames (default and min 2) # # moviefile : here goes the movie data (default film.video); # the format is documented in cmif-film.ms # audiofile : with -a, here goes the audio data (default film.aiff); # audio data is recorded in AIFF format, using the # input sampling rate, source and volume set by the # audio panel, in mono, 8 bits/sample # User interface: # # Start the application. Resize the window to the desired movie size. # Press the left mouse button to start recording, release it to end # recording. You can record as many times as you wish, but each time # you overwrite the output file(s), so only the last recording is # kept. # # Press ESC or select the window manager Quit or Close window option # to quit. If you quit before recording anything, the output file(s) # are not touched. import sys sys.path.append('/ufs/guido/src/video') import sv, SV import VFile import gl, GL, DEVICE import al, AL import time import posix import getopt import string # Main program def main(): format = SV.RGB8_FRAMES qsize = 2 audio = 0 rate = 2 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'aq:r:') for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-a': audio = 1 elif opt == '-q': qsize = string.atoi(arg) elif opt == '-r': rate = string.atoi(arg) if rate < 2: sys.stderr.write('-r rate must be >= 2\n') sys.exit(2) if args[2:]: sys.stderr.write('usage: Vrec [options] [file [audiofile]]\n') sys.exit(2) if args: filename = args[0] else: filename = 'film.video' if args[1:] and not audio: sys.stderr.write('-a turned on by appearance of 2nd file\n') audio = 1 if audio: if args[1:]: audiofilename = args[1] else: audiofilename = 'film.aiff' else: audiofilename = None gl.foreground() # XXX should remove PAL dependencies x, y = SV.PAL_XMAX / 4, SV.PAL_YMAX / 4 print x, 'x', y gl.minsize(40, 30) gl.stepunit(8, 6) gl.maxsize(SV.PAL_XMAX, SV.PAL_YMAX) gl.keepaspect(SV.PAL_XMAX, SV.PAL_YMAX) win = gl.winopen(filename) x, y = gl.getsize() print x, 'x', y v = sv.OpenVideo() v.SetSize(x, y) v.BindGLWindow(win, SV.IN_REPLACE) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY) print 'Press left mouse to start recording, release it to stop' while 1: dev, val = gl.qread() if dev == DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE: if val == 1: info = format, x, y, qsize, rate record(v, info, filename, audiofilename) elif dev == DEVICE.REDRAW: # Window resize (or move) x, y = gl.getsize() print x, 'x', y v.SetSize(x, y) v.BindGLWindow(win, SV.IN_REPLACE) elif dev in (DEVICE.ESCKEY, DEVICE.WINQUIT, DEVICE.WINSHUT): # Quit v.CloseVideo() gl.winclose(win) break # Record until the mouse is released (or any other GL event) # XXX audio not yet supported def record(v, info, filename, audiofilename): import thread format, x, y, qsize, rate = info fps = 59.64 # Fields per second # XXX (Strange: need fps of Indigo monitor, not of PAL or NTSC!) tpf = 1000.0 / fps # Time per field in msec vout = VFile.VoutFile().init(filename) vout.format = 'rgb8' vout.width = x vout.height = y vout.writeheader() MAXSIZE = 20 # XXX should be a user option import Queue queue = Queue.Queue().init(MAXSIZE) done = thread.allocate_lock() done.acquire_lock() thread.start_new_thread(saveframes, (vout, queue, done)) if audiofilename: audiodone = thread.allocate_lock() audiodone.acquire_lock() audiostop = [] initaudio(audiofilename, audiostop, audiodone) gl.wintitle('(rec) ' + filename) lastid = 0 t0 = time.millitimer() v.InitContinuousCapture(info) while not gl.qtest(): try: cd, id = v.GetCaptureData() except RuntimeError: time.millisleep(10) # XXX is this necessary? continue id = id + 2*rate ## if id <> lastid + 2*rate: ## print lastid, id lastid = id data = cd.InterleaveFields(1) cd.UnlockCaptureData() queue.put(data, int(id*tpf)) t1 = time.millitimer() gl.wintitle('(busy) ' + filename) print lastid, 'fields in', t1-t0, 'msec', print '--', 0.1 * int(lastid * 10000.0 / (t1-t0)), 'fields/sec' if audiofilename: audiostop.append(None) audiodone.acquire_lock() v.EndContinuousCapture() queue.put(None) # Sentinel done.acquire_lock() gl.wintitle('(done) ' + filename) # Thread to save the frames to the file def saveframes(vout, queue, done): while 1: x = queue.get() if not x: break data, t = x vout.writeframe(t, data, None) del data sys.stderr.write('Done writing video\n') vout.close() done.release_lock() # Initialize audio recording AQSIZE = 8000 # XXX should be a user option def initaudio(filename, stop, done): import thread, aiff afile = aiff.Aiff().init(filename, 'w') afile.nchannels = AL.MONO afile.sampwidth = AL.SAMPLE_8 params = [AL.INPUT_RATE, 0] al.getparams(AL.DEFAULT_DEVICE, params) print 'audio sampling rate =', params[1] afile.samprate = params[1] c = al.newconfig() c.setchannels(AL.MONO) c.setqueuesize(AQSIZE) c.setwidth(AL.SAMPLE_8) aport = al.openport(filename, 'r', c) thread.start_new_thread(audiorecord, (afile, aport, stop, done)) # Thread to record audio samples # XXX should use writesampsraw for efficiency, but then destroy doesn't # XXX seem to set the #samples in the header correctly def audiorecord(afile, aport, stop, done): while not stop: data = aport.readsamps(AQSIZE/2) ## afile.writesampsraw(data) afile.writesamps(data) del data afile.destroy() print 'Done writing audio' done.release_lock() # Don't forget to call the main program try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print '[Interrupt]'