#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- Python -*-
"""usage: %(program)s [options] file...
Supported options:
--address addr
-a addr Set the address text to include at the end of the generated
HTML; this should be used for contact information.
--columns cols
-c cols Set the number of columns each index section should be
displayed in. The default is 1.
-h Display this help message.
-l Split the output into sections by letter.
--output file
-o file Write output to 'file' instead of standard out.
--iconserver is Use 'is' as the directory containing icons for the
navigation bar. The default is 'icons'.
--title str Set the page title to 'str'. The default is 'Global
Module Index'.
--uplink url Set the upward link URL. The default is './'.
--uptitle str Set the upward link title. The default is 'Python
Documentation Index'.
import buildindex
import getopt
import os
import re
import string
import sys
def usage():
program = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
print __doc__ % {"program": program}
def error(msg, rc=2):
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
print msg
_rx = re.compile(