"""Freeze modules and regen related files (e.g. Python/frozen.c). See the notes at the top of Python/frozen.c for more info. """ from collections import namedtuple import hashlib import os import ntpath import posixpath import argparse from update_file import updating_file_with_tmpfile ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(ROOT_DIR) FROZEN_ONLY = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Tools', 'freeze', 'flag.py') STDLIB_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Lib') # If FROZEN_MODULES_DIR or DEEPFROZEN_MODULES_DIR is changed then the # .gitattributes and .gitignore files needs to be updated. FROZEN_MODULES_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Python', 'frozen_modules') DEEPFROZEN_MODULES_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Python', 'deepfreeze') FROZEN_FILE = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Python', 'frozen.c') MAKEFILE = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Makefile.pre.in') PCBUILD_PROJECT = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'PCbuild', '_freeze_module.vcxproj') PCBUILD_FILTERS = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'PCbuild', '_freeze_module.vcxproj.filters') PCBUILD_PYTHONCORE = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'PCbuild', 'pythoncore.vcxproj') OS_PATH = 'ntpath' if os.name == 'nt' else 'posixpath' # These are modules that get frozen. # If you're debugging new bytecode instructions, # you can delete all sections except 'import system'. # This also speeds up building somewhat. TESTS_SECTION = 'Test module' FROZEN = [ # See parse_frozen_spec() for the format. # In cases where the frozenid is duplicated, the first one is re-used. ('import system', [ # These frozen modules are necessary for bootstrapping # the import system. 'importlib._bootstrap : _frozen_importlib', 'importlib._bootstrap_external : _frozen_importlib_external', # This module is important because some Python builds rely # on a builtin zip file instead of a filesystem. 'zipimport', ]), # (You can delete entries from here down to the end of the list.) ('stdlib - startup, without site (python -S)', [ 'abc', 'codecs', # For now we do not freeze the encodings, due # to the noise all # those extra modules add to the text printed during the build. # (See https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/28398#pullrequestreview-756856469.) #'', 'io', ]), ('stdlib - startup, with site', [ '_collections_abc', '_sitebuiltins', 'genericpath', 'ntpath', 'posixpath', # We must explicitly mark os.path as a frozen module # even though it will never be imported. f'{OS_PATH} : os.path', 'os', 'site', 'stat', ]), ('runpy - run module with -m', [ "importlib.util", "importlib.machinery", "runpy", ]), (TESTS_SECTION, [ '__hello__', '__hello__ : __hello_alias__', '__hello__ : <__phello_alias__>', '__hello__ : __phello_alias__.spam', '<__phello__.**.*>', f'frozen_only : __hello_only__ = {FROZEN_ONLY}', ]), # (End of stuff you could delete.) ] BOOTSTRAP = { 'importlib._bootstrap', 'importlib._bootstrap_external', 'zipimport', } ####################################### # platform-specific helpers if os.path is posixpath: relpath_for_posix_display = os.path.relpath def relpath_for_windows_display(path, base): return ntpath.relpath( ntpath.join(*path.split(os.path.sep)), ntpath.join(*base.split(os.path.sep)), ) else: relpath_for_windows_display = ntpath.relpath def relpath_for_posix_display(path, base): return posixpath.relpath( posixpath.join(*path.split(os.path.sep)), posixpath.join(*base.split(os.path.sep)), ) ####################################### # specs def parse_frozen_specs(): seen = {} for section, specs in FROZEN: parsed = _parse_specs(specs, section, seen) for item in parsed: frozenid, pyfile, modname, ispkg, section = item try: source = seen[frozenid] except KeyError: source = FrozenSource.from_id(frozenid, pyfile) seen[frozenid] = source else: assert not pyfile or pyfile == source.pyfile, item yield FrozenModule(modname, ispkg, section, source) def _parse_specs(specs, section, seen): for spec in specs: info, subs = _parse_spec(spec, seen, section) yield info for info in subs or (): yield info def _parse_spec(spec, knownids=None, section=None): """Yield an info tuple for each module corresponding to the given spec. The info consists of: (frozenid, pyfile, modname, ispkg, section). Supported formats: frozenid frozenid : modname frozenid : modname = pyfile "frozenid" and "modname" must be valid module names (dot-separated identifiers). If "modname" is not provided then "frozenid" is used. If "pyfile" is not provided then the filename of the module corresponding to "frozenid" is used. Angle brackets around a frozenid (e.g. '") indicate it is a package. This also means it must be an actual module (i.e. "pyfile" cannot have been provided). Such values can have patterns to expand submodules: - also freeze all direct submodules - also freeze the full submodule tree As with "frozenid", angle brackets around "modname" indicate it is a package. However, in this case "pyfile" should not have been provided and patterns in "modname" are not supported. Also, if "modname" has brackets then "frozenid" should not, and "pyfile" should have been provided.. """ frozenid, _, remainder = spec.partition(':') modname, _, pyfile = remainder.partition('=') frozenid = frozenid.strip() modname = modname.strip() pyfile = pyfile.strip() submodules = None if modname.startswith('<') and modname.endswith('>'): assert check_modname(frozenid), spec modname = modname[1:-1] assert check_modname(modname), spec if frozenid in knownids: pass elif pyfile: assert not os.path.isdir(pyfile), spec else: pyfile = _resolve_module(frozenid, ispkg=False) ispkg = True elif pyfile: assert check_modname(frozenid), spec assert not knownids or frozenid not in knownids, spec assert check_modname(modname), spec assert not os.path.isdir(pyfile), spec ispkg = False elif knownids and frozenid in knownids: assert check_modname(frozenid), spec assert check_modname(modname), spec ispkg = False else: assert not modname or check_modname(modname), spec resolved = iter(resolve_modules(frozenid)) frozenid, pyfile, ispkg = next(resolved) if not modname: modname = frozenid if ispkg: pkgid = frozenid pkgname = modname pkgfiles = {pyfile: pkgid} def iter_subs(): for frozenid, pyfile, ispkg in resolved: if pkgname: modname = frozenid.replace(pkgid, pkgname, 1) else: modname = frozenid if pyfile: if pyfile in pkgfiles: frozenid = pkgfiles[pyfile] pyfile = None elif ispkg: pkgfiles[pyfile] = frozenid yield frozenid, pyfile, modname, ispkg, section submodules = iter_subs() info = (frozenid, pyfile or None, modname, ispkg, section) return info, submodules ####################################### # frozen source files class FrozenSource(namedtuple('FrozenSource', 'id pyfile frozenfile deepfreezefile')): @classmethod def from_id(cls, frozenid, pyfile=None): if not pyfile: pyfile = os.path.join(STDLIB_DIR, *frozenid.split('.')) + '.py' #assert os.path.exists(pyfile), (frozenid, pyfile) frozenfile = resolve_frozen_file(frozenid, FROZEN_MODULES_DIR) deepfreezefile = resolve_frozen_file(frozenid, DEEPFROZEN_MODULES_DIR) return cls(frozenid, pyfile, frozenfile, deepfreezefile) @property def frozenid(self): return self.id @property def modname(self): if self.pyfile.startswith(STDLIB_DIR): return self.id return None @property def symbol(self): # This matches what we do in Programs/_freeze_module.c: name = self.frozenid.replace('.', '_') return '_Py_M__' + name @property def ispkg(self): if not self.pyfile: return False elif self.frozenid.endswith('.__init__'): return False else: return os.path.basename(self.pyfile) == '__init__.py' @property def isbootstrap(self): return self.id in BOOTSTRAP def resolve_frozen_file(frozenid, destdir): """Return the filename corresponding to the given frozen ID. For stdlib modules the ID will always be the full name of the source module. """ if not isinstance(frozenid, str): try: frozenid = frozenid.frozenid except AttributeError: raise ValueError(f'unsupported frozenid {frozenid!r}') # We use a consistent naming convention for all frozen modules. frozenfile = f'{frozenid}.h' if not destdir: return frozenfile return os.path.join(destdir, frozenfile) ####################################### # frozen modules class FrozenModule(namedtuple('FrozenModule', 'name ispkg section source')): def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.source, name) @property def modname(self): return self.name @property def orig(self): return self.source.modname @property def isalias(self): orig = self.source.modname if not orig: return True return self.name != orig def summarize(self): source = self.source.modname if source: source = f'<{source}>' else: source = relpath_for_posix_display(self.pyfile, ROOT_DIR) return { 'module': self.name, 'ispkg': self.ispkg, 'source': source, 'frozen': os.path.basename(self.frozenfile), 'checksum': _get_checksum(self.frozenfile), } def _iter_sources(modules): seen = set() for mod in modules: if mod.source not in seen: yield mod.source seen.add(mod.source) ####################################### # generic helpers def _get_checksum(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as infile: contents = infile.read() m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(contents) return m.hexdigest() def resolve_modules(modname, pyfile=None): if modname.startswith('<') and modname.endswith('>'): if pyfile: assert os.path.isdir(pyfile) or os.path.basename(pyfile) == '__init__.py', pyfile ispkg = True modname = modname[1:-1] rawname = modname # For now, we only expect match patterns at the end of the name. _modname, sep, match = modname.rpartition('.') if sep: if _modname.endswith('.**'): modname = _modname[:-3] match = f'**.{match}' elif match and not match.isidentifier(): modname = _modname # Otherwise it's a plain name so we leave it alone. else: match = None else: ispkg = False rawname = modname match = None if not check_modname(modname): raise ValueError(f'not a valid module name ({rawname})') if not pyfile: pyfile = _resolve_module(modname, ispkg=ispkg) elif os.path.isdir(pyfile): pyfile = _resolve_module(modname, pyfile, ispkg) yield modname, pyfile, ispkg if match: pkgdir = os.path.dirname(pyfile) yield from iter_submodules(modname, pkgdir, match) def check_modname(modname): return all(n.isidentifier() for n in modname.split('.')) def iter_submodules(pkgname, pkgdir=None, match='*'): if not pkgdir: pkgdir = os.path.join(STDLIB_DIR, *pkgname.split('.')) if not match: match = '**.*' match_modname = _resolve_modname_matcher(match, pkgdir) def _iter_submodules(pkgname, pkgdir): for entry in sorted(os.scandir(pkgdir), key=lambda e: e.name): matched, recursive = match_modname(entry.name) if not matched: continue modname = f'{pkgname}.{entry.name}' if modname.endswith('.py'): yield modname[:-3], entry.path, False elif entry.is_dir(): pyfile = os.path.join(entry.path, '__init__.py') # We ignore namespace packages. if os.path.exists(pyfile): yield modname, pyfile, True if recursive: yield from _iter_submodules(modname, entry.path) return _iter_submodules(pkgname, pkgdir) def _resolve_modname_matcher(match, rootdir=None): if isinstance(match, str): if match.startswith('**.'): recursive = True pat = match[3:] assert match else: recursive = False pat = match if pat == '*': def match_modname(modname): return True, recursive else: raise NotImplementedError(match) elif callable(match): match_modname = match(rootdir) else: raise ValueError(f'unsupported matcher {match!r}') return match_modname def _resolve_module(modname, pathentry=STDLIB_DIR, ispkg=False): assert pathentry, pathentry pathentry = os.path.normpath(pathentry) assert os.path.isabs(pathentry) if ispkg: return os.path.join(pathentry, *modname.split('.'), '__init__.py') return os.path.join(pathentry, *modname.split('.')) + '.py' ####################################### # regenerating dependent files def find_marker(lines, marker, file): for pos, line in enumerate(lines): if marker in line: return pos raise Exception(f"Can't find {marker!r} in file {file}") def replace_block(lines, start_marker, end_marker, replacements, file): start_pos = find_marker(lines, start_marker, file) end_pos = find_marker(lines, end_marker, file) if end_pos <= start_pos: raise Exception(f"End marker {end_marker!r} " f"occurs before start marker {start_marker!r} " f"in file {file}") replacements = [line.rstrip() + '\n' for line in replacements] return lines[:start_pos + 1] + replacements + lines[end_pos:] def regen_frozen(modules, frozen_modules: bool): headerlines = [] parentdir = os.path.dirname(FROZEN_FILE) if frozen_modules: for src in _iter_sources(modules): # Adding a comment to separate sections here doesn't add much, # so we don't. header = relpath_for_posix_display(src.frozenfile, parentdir) headerlines.append(f'#include "{header}"') externlines = [] bootstraplines = [] stdliblines = [] testlines = [] aliaslines = [] indent = ' ' lastsection = None for mod in modules: if mod.isbootstrap: lines = bootstraplines elif mod.section == TESTS_SECTION: lines = testlines else: lines = stdliblines if mod.section != lastsection: if lastsection is not None: lines.append('') lines.append(f'/* {mod.section} */') lastsection = mod.section # Also add a extern declaration for the corresponding # deepfreeze-generated function. orig_name = mod.source.id code_name = orig_name.replace(".", "_") get_code_name = "_Py_get_%s_toplevel" % code_name externlines.append("extern PyObject *%s(void);" % get_code_name) symbol = mod.symbol pkg = 'true' if mod.ispkg else 'false' if not frozen_modules: line = ('{"%s", NULL, 0, %s, GET_CODE(%s)},' ) % (mod.name, pkg, code_name) else: line = ('{"%s", %s, (int)sizeof(%s), %s, GET_CODE(%s)},' ) % (mod.name, symbol, symbol, pkg, code_name) lines.append(line) if mod.isalias: if not mod.orig: entry = '{"%s", NULL},' % (mod.name,) elif mod.source.ispkg: entry = '{"%s", "<%s"},' % (mod.name, mod.orig) else: entry = '{"%s", "%s"},' % (mod.name, mod.orig) aliaslines.append(indent + entry) for lines in (bootstraplines, stdliblines, testlines): # TODO: Is this necessary any more? if lines and not lines[0]: del lines[0] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line: lines[i] = indent + line print(f'# Updating {os.path.relpath(FROZEN_FILE)}') with updating_file_with_tmpfile(FROZEN_FILE) as (infile, outfile): lines = infile.readlines() # TODO: Use more obvious markers, e.g. # $START GENERATED FOOBAR$ / $END GENERATED FOOBAR$ lines = replace_block( lines, "/* Includes for frozen modules: */", "/* End includes */", headerlines, FROZEN_FILE, ) lines = replace_block( lines, "/* Start extern declarations */", "/* End extern declarations */", externlines, FROZEN_FILE, ) lines = replace_block( lines, "static const struct _frozen bootstrap_modules[] =", "/* bootstrap sentinel */", bootstraplines, FROZEN_FILE, ) lines = replace_block( lines, "static const struct _frozen stdlib_modules[] =", "/* stdlib sentinel */", stdliblines, FROZEN_FILE, ) lines = replace_block( lines, "static const struct _frozen test_modules[] =", "/* test sentinel */", testlines, FROZEN_FILE, ) lines = replace_block( lines, "const struct _module_alias aliases[] =", "/* aliases sentinel */", aliaslines, FROZEN_FILE, ) outfile.writelines(lines) def regen_makefile(modules): pyfiles = [] frozenfiles = [] rules = [''] deepfreezerules = ["Python/deepfreeze/deepfreeze.c: $(DEEPFREEZE_DEPS)", "\t$(PYTHON_FOR_FREEZE) $(srcdir)/Tools/build/deepfreeze.py \\"] for src in _iter_sources(modules): frozen_header = relpath_for_posix_display(src.frozenfile, ROOT_DIR) frozenfiles.append(f'\t\t{frozen_header} \\') pyfile = relpath_for_posix_display(src.pyfile, ROOT_DIR) pyfiles.append(f'\t\t{pyfile} \\') if src.isbootstrap: freezecmd = '$(FREEZE_MODULE_BOOTSTRAP)' freezedep = '$(FREEZE_MODULE_BOOTSTRAP_DEPS)' else: freezecmd = '$(FREEZE_MODULE)' freezedep = '$(FREEZE_MODULE_DEPS)' freeze = (f'{freezecmd} {src.frozenid} ' f'$(srcdir)/{pyfile} {frozen_header}') rules.extend([ f'{frozen_header}: {pyfile} {freezedep}', f'\t{freeze}', '', ]) deepfreezerules.append(f"\t{frozen_header}:{src.frozenid} \\") deepfreezerules.append('\t-o Python/deepfreeze/deepfreeze.c') pyfiles[-1] = pyfiles[-1].rstrip(" \\") frozenfiles[-1] = frozenfiles[-1].rstrip(" \\") print(f'# Updating {os.path.relpath(MAKEFILE)}') with updating_file_with_tmpfile(MAKEFILE) as (infile, outfile): lines = infile.readlines() lines = replace_block( lines, "FROZEN_FILES_IN =", "# End FROZEN_FILES_IN", pyfiles, MAKEFILE, ) lines = replace_block( lines, "FROZEN_FILES_OUT =", "# End FROZEN_FILES_OUT", frozenfiles, MAKEFILE, ) lines = replace_block( lines, "# BEGIN: freezing modules", "# END: freezing modules", rules, MAKEFILE, ) lines = replace_block( lines, "# BEGIN: deepfreeze modules", "# END: deepfreeze modules", deepfreezerules, MAKEFILE, ) outfile.writelines(lines) def regen_pcbuild(modules): projlines = [] filterlines = [] corelines = [] deepfreezerules = ['\t') projlines.append(f' {src.frozenid}') projlines.append(f' $(IntDir){intfile}') projlines.append(f' $(PySourcePath){header}') projlines.append(f' ') filterlines.append(f' ') filterlines.append(' Python Files') filterlines.append(' ') deepfreezerules.append(f'\t\t "$(PySourcePath){header}:{src.frozenid}" ^') deepfreezerules.append('\t\t "-o" "$(PySourcePath)Python\\deepfreeze\\deepfreeze.c"\'/>' ) corelines.append(f' ') print(f'# Updating {os.path.relpath(PCBUILD_PROJECT)}') with updating_file_with_tmpfile(PCBUILD_PROJECT) as (infile, outfile): lines = infile.readlines() lines = replace_block( lines, '', '', projlines, PCBUILD_PROJECT, ) outfile.writelines(lines) with updating_file_with_tmpfile(PCBUILD_PROJECT) as (infile, outfile): lines = infile.readlines() lines = replace_block( lines, '', '', deepfreezerules, PCBUILD_PROJECT, ) outfile.writelines(lines) print(f'# Updating {os.path.relpath(PCBUILD_FILTERS)}') with updating_file_with_tmpfile(PCBUILD_FILTERS) as (infile, outfile): lines = infile.readlines() lines = replace_block( lines, '', '', filterlines, PCBUILD_FILTERS, ) outfile.writelines(lines) print(f'# Updating {os.path.relpath(PCBUILD_PYTHONCORE)}') with updating_file_with_tmpfile(PCBUILD_PYTHONCORE) as (infile, outfile): lines = infile.readlines() lines = replace_block( lines, '', '', corelines, PCBUILD_FILTERS, ) outfile.writelines(lines) ####################################### # the script parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--frozen-modules", action="store_true", help="Use both frozen and deepfrozen modules. (default: uses only deepfrozen modules)") def main(): args = parser.parse_args() frozen_modules: bool = args.frozen_modules # Expand the raw specs, preserving order. modules = list(parse_frozen_specs()) # Regen build-related files. regen_makefile(modules) regen_pcbuild(modules) regen_frozen(modules, frozen_modules) if __name__ == '__main__': main()