import aiff import al import sys import time def main(): v = 1 c = al.newconfig() nchannels = c.getchannels() nsampframes = 0 # ??? sampwidth = c.getwidth() samprate = 0.0 # unknown filename = sys.argv[1] f = open(filename, 'r') type, totalsize = aiff.read_chunk_header(f) if type <> 'FORM': raise aiff.Error, 'FORM chunk expected at start of file' aiff.read_form_chunk(f) while 1: try: type, size = aiff.read_chunk_header(f) except EOFError: break if v: print 'header:', `type`, size if type == 'COMM': nchannels, nsampframes, sampwidth, samprate = \ aiff.read_comm_chunk(f) if v: print nchannels, nsampframes, sampwidth, samprate elif type == 'SSND': offset, blocksize = aiff.read_ssnd_chunk(f) if v: print offset, blocksize data = if size%2: void = p = makeport(nchannels, sampwidth, samprate) play(p, data, offset, blocksize) elif type in aiff.skiplist: aiff.skip_chunk(f, size) else: raise aiff.Error, 'bad chunk type ' + type def makeport(nchannels, sampwidth, samprate): c = al.newconfig() c.setchannels(nchannels) c.setwidth(sampwidth/8) # can't set the rate... p = al.openport('', 'w', c) return p def play(p, data, offset, blocksize): data = data[offset:] p.writesamps(data) while p.getfilled() > 0: time.millisleep(10) main()