# Copyright (c) 2004 Python Software Foundation. # All rights reserved. # Written by Eric Price # and Facundo Batista # and Raymond Hettinger # and Aahz (aahz at pobox.com) # and Tim Peters """ These are the test cases for the Decimal module. There are two groups of tests, Arithmetic and Behaviour. The former test the Decimal arithmetic using the tests provided by Mike Cowlishaw. The latter test the pythonic behaviour according to PEP 327. Cowlishaw's tests can be downloaded from: http://speleotrove.com/decimal/dectest.zip This test module can be called from command line with one parameter (Arithmetic or Behaviour) to test each part, or without parameter to test both parts. If you're working through IDLE, you can import this test module and call test() with the corresponding argument. """ import math import os, sys import operator import warnings import pickle, copy import unittest import numbers import locale from test.support import (is_resource_enabled, requires_IEEE_754, requires_docstrings, requires_legacy_unicode_capi, check_sanitizer, check_disallow_instantiation) from test.support import (TestFailed, run_with_locale, cpython_only, darwin_malloc_err_warning, is_emscripten) from test.support.import_helper import import_fresh_module from test.support import threading_helper from test.support import warnings_helper import random import inspect import threading if sys.platform == 'darwin': darwin_malloc_err_warning('test_decimal') C = import_fresh_module('decimal', fresh=['_decimal']) P = import_fresh_module('decimal', blocked=['_decimal']) import decimal as orig_sys_decimal # fractions module must import the correct decimal module. cfractions = import_fresh_module('fractions', fresh=['fractions']) sys.modules['decimal'] = P pfractions = import_fresh_module('fractions', fresh=['fractions']) sys.modules['decimal'] = C fractions = {C:cfractions, P:pfractions} sys.modules['decimal'] = orig_sys_decimal requires_cdecimal = unittest.skipUnless(C, "test requires C version") # Useful Test Constant Signals = { C: tuple(C.getcontext().flags.keys()) if C else None, P: tuple(P.getcontext().flags.keys()) } # Signals ordered with respect to precedence: when an operation # produces multiple signals, signals occurring later in the list # should be handled before those occurring earlier in the list. OrderedSignals = { C: [C.Clamped, C.Rounded, C.Inexact, C.Subnormal, C.Underflow, C.Overflow, C.DivisionByZero, C.InvalidOperation, C.FloatOperation] if C else None, P: [P.Clamped, P.Rounded, P.Inexact, P.Subnormal, P.Underflow, P.Overflow, P.DivisionByZero, P.InvalidOperation, P.FloatOperation] } def assert_signals(cls, context, attr, expected): d = getattr(context, attr) cls.assertTrue(all(d[s] if s in expected else not d[s] for s in d)) ROUND_UP = P.ROUND_UP ROUND_DOWN = P.ROUND_DOWN ROUND_CEILING = P.ROUND_CEILING ROUND_FLOOR = P.ROUND_FLOOR ROUND_HALF_UP = P.ROUND_HALF_UP ROUND_HALF_DOWN = P.ROUND_HALF_DOWN ROUND_HALF_EVEN = P.ROUND_HALF_EVEN ROUND_05UP = P.ROUND_05UP RoundingModes = [ ROUND_UP, ROUND_DOWN, ROUND_CEILING, ROUND_FLOOR, ROUND_HALF_UP, ROUND_HALF_DOWN, ROUND_HALF_EVEN, ROUND_05UP ] # Tests are built around these assumed context defaults. # test() restores the original context. ORIGINAL_CONTEXT = { C: C.getcontext().copy() if C else None, P: P.getcontext().copy() } def init(m): if not m: return DefaultTestContext = m.Context( prec=9, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN, traps=dict.fromkeys(Signals[m], 0) ) m.setcontext(DefaultTestContext) TESTDATADIR = 'decimaltestdata' if __name__ == '__main__': file = sys.argv[0] else: file = __file__ testdir = os.path.dirname(file) or os.curdir directory = testdir + os.sep + TESTDATADIR + os.sep skip_expected = not os.path.isdir(directory) # Make sure it actually raises errors when not expected and caught in flags # Slower, since it runs some things several times. EXTENDEDERRORTEST = False # Test extra functionality in the C version (-DEXTRA_FUNCTIONALITY). EXTRA_FUNCTIONALITY = True if hasattr(C, 'DecClamped') else False requires_extra_functionality = unittest.skipUnless( EXTRA_FUNCTIONALITY, "test requires build with -DEXTRA_FUNCTIONALITY") skip_if_extra_functionality = unittest.skipIf( EXTRA_FUNCTIONALITY, "test requires regular build") class IBMTestCases: """Class which tests the Decimal class against the IBM test cases.""" def setUp(self): self.context = self.decimal.Context() self.readcontext = self.decimal.Context() self.ignore_list = ['#'] # List of individual .decTest test ids that correspond to tests that # we're skipping for one reason or another. self.skipped_test_ids = set([ # Skip implementation-specific scaleb tests. 'scbx164', 'scbx165', # For some operations (currently exp, ln, log10, power), the decNumber # reference implementation imposes additional restrictions on the context # and operands. These restrictions are not part of the specification; # however, the effect of these restrictions does show up in some of the # testcases. We skip testcases that violate these restrictions, since # Decimal behaves differently from decNumber for these testcases so these # testcases would otherwise fail. 'expx901', 'expx902', 'expx903', 'expx905', 'lnx901', 'lnx902', 'lnx903', 'lnx905', 'logx901', 'logx902', 'logx903', 'logx905', 'powx1183', 'powx1184', 'powx4001', 'powx4002', 'powx4003', 'powx4005', 'powx4008', 'powx4010', 'powx4012', 'powx4014', ]) if self.decimal == C: # status has additional Subnormal, Underflow self.skipped_test_ids.add('pwsx803') self.skipped_test_ids.add('pwsx805') # Correct rounding (skipped for decNumber, too) self.skipped_test_ids.add('powx4302') self.skipped_test_ids.add('powx4303') self.skipped_test_ids.add('powx4342') self.skipped_test_ids.add('powx4343') # http://bugs.python.org/issue7049 self.skipped_test_ids.add('pwmx325') self.skipped_test_ids.add('pwmx326') # Map test directives to setter functions. self.ChangeDict = {'precision' : self.change_precision, 'rounding' : self.change_rounding_method, 'maxexponent' : self.change_max_exponent, 'minexponent' : self.change_min_exponent, 'clamp' : self.change_clamp} # Name adapter to be able to change the Decimal and Context # interface without changing the test files from Cowlishaw. self.NameAdapter = {'and':'logical_and', 'apply':'_apply', 'class':'number_class', 'comparesig':'compare_signal', 'comparetotal':'compare_total', 'comparetotmag':'compare_total_mag', 'copy':'copy_decimal', 'copyabs':'copy_abs', 'copynegate':'copy_negate', 'copysign':'copy_sign', 'divideint':'divide_int', 'invert':'logical_invert', 'iscanonical':'is_canonical', 'isfinite':'is_finite', 'isinfinite':'is_infinite', 'isnan':'is_nan', 'isnormal':'is_normal', 'isqnan':'is_qnan', 'issigned':'is_signed', 'issnan':'is_snan', 'issubnormal':'is_subnormal', 'iszero':'is_zero', 'maxmag':'max_mag', 'minmag':'min_mag', 'nextminus':'next_minus', 'nextplus':'next_plus', 'nexttoward':'next_toward', 'or':'logical_or', 'reduce':'normalize', 'remaindernear':'remainder_near', 'samequantum':'same_quantum', 'squareroot':'sqrt', 'toeng':'to_eng_string', 'tointegral':'to_integral_value', 'tointegralx':'to_integral_exact', 'tosci':'to_sci_string', 'xor':'logical_xor'} # Map test-case names to roundings. self.RoundingDict = {'ceiling' : ROUND_CEILING, 'down' : ROUND_DOWN, 'floor' : ROUND_FLOOR, 'half_down' : ROUND_HALF_DOWN, 'half_even' : ROUND_HALF_EVEN, 'half_up' : ROUND_HALF_UP, 'up' : ROUND_UP, '05up' : ROUND_05UP} # Map the test cases' error names to the actual errors. self.ErrorNames = {'clamped' : self.decimal.Clamped, 'conversion_syntax' : self.decimal.InvalidOperation, 'division_by_zero' : self.decimal.DivisionByZero, 'division_impossible' : self.decimal.InvalidOperation, 'division_undefined' : self.decimal.InvalidOperation, 'inexact' : self.decimal.Inexact, 'invalid_context' : self.decimal.InvalidOperation, 'invalid_operation' : self.decimal.InvalidOperation, 'overflow' : self.decimal.Overflow, 'rounded' : self.decimal.Rounded, 'subnormal' : self.decimal.Subnormal, 'underflow' : self.decimal.Underflow} # The following functions return True/False rather than a # Decimal instance. self.LogicalFunctions = ('is_canonical', 'is_finite', 'is_infinite', 'is_nan', 'is_normal', 'is_qnan', 'is_signed', 'is_snan', 'is_subnormal', 'is_zero', 'same_quantum') def read_unlimited(self, v, context): """Work around the limitations of the 32-bit _decimal version. The guaranteed maximum values for prec, Emax etc. are 425000000, but higher values usually work, except for rare corner cases. In particular, all of the IBM tests pass with maximum values of 1070000000.""" if self.decimal == C and self.decimal.MAX_EMAX == 425000000: self.readcontext._unsafe_setprec(1070000000) self.readcontext._unsafe_setemax(1070000000) self.readcontext._unsafe_setemin(-1070000000) return self.readcontext.create_decimal(v) else: return self.decimal.Decimal(v, context) def eval_file(self, file): global skip_expected if skip_expected: raise unittest.SkipTest with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: line = line.replace('\r\n', '').replace('\n', '') #print line try: t = self.eval_line(line) except self.decimal.DecimalException as exception: #Exception raised where there shouldn't have been one. self.fail('Exception "'+exception.__class__.__name__ + '" raised on line '+line) def eval_line(self, s): if s.find(' -> ') >= 0 and s[:2] != '--' and not s.startswith(' --'): s = (s.split('->')[0] + '->' + s.split('->')[1].split('--')[0]).strip() else: s = s.split('--')[0].strip() for ignore in self.ignore_list: if s.find(ignore) >= 0: #print s.split()[0], 'NotImplemented--', ignore return if not s: return elif ':' in s: return self.eval_directive(s) else: return self.eval_equation(s) def eval_directive(self, s): funct, value = (x.strip().lower() for x in s.split(':')) if funct == 'rounding': value = self.RoundingDict[value] else: try: value = int(value) except ValueError: pass funct = self.ChangeDict.get(funct, (lambda *args: None)) funct(value) def eval_equation(self, s): if not TEST_ALL and random.random() < 0.90: return self.context.clear_flags() try: Sides = s.split('->') L = Sides[0].strip().split() id = L[0] if DEBUG: print("Test ", id, end=" ") funct = L[1].lower() valstemp = L[2:] L = Sides[1].strip().split() ans = L[0] exceptions = L[1:] except (TypeError, AttributeError, IndexError): raise self.decimal.InvalidOperation def FixQuotes(val): val = val.replace("''", 'SingleQuote').replace('""', 'DoubleQuote') val = val.replace("'", '').replace('"', '') val = val.replace('SingleQuote', "'").replace('DoubleQuote', '"') return val if id in self.skipped_test_ids: return fname = self.NameAdapter.get(funct, funct) if fname == 'rescale': return funct = getattr(self.context, fname) vals = [] conglomerate = '' quote = 0 theirexceptions = [self.ErrorNames[x.lower()] for x in exceptions] for exception in Signals[self.decimal]: self.context.traps[exception] = 1 #Catch these bugs... for exception in theirexceptions: self.context.traps[exception] = 0 for i, val in enumerate(valstemp): if val.count("'") % 2 == 1: quote = 1 - quote if quote: conglomerate = conglomerate + ' ' + val continue else: val = conglomerate + val conglomerate = '' v = FixQuotes(val) if fname in ('to_sci_string', 'to_eng_string'): if EXTENDEDERRORTEST: for error in theirexceptions: self.context.traps[error] = 1 try: funct(self.context.create_decimal(v)) except error: pass except Signals[self.decimal] as e: self.fail("Raised %s in %s when %s disabled" % \ (e, s, error)) else: self.fail("Did not raise %s in %s" % (error, s)) self.context.traps[error] = 0 v = self.context.create_decimal(v) else: v = self.read_unlimited(v, self.context) vals.append(v) ans = FixQuotes(ans) if EXTENDEDERRORTEST and fname not in ('to_sci_string', 'to_eng_string'): for error in theirexceptions: self.context.traps[error] = 1 try: funct(*vals) except error: pass except Signals[self.decimal] as e: self.fail("Raised %s in %s when %s disabled" % \ (e, s, error)) else: self.fail("Did not raise %s in %s" % (error, s)) self.context.traps[error] = 0 # as above, but add traps cumulatively, to check precedence ordered_errors = [e for e in OrderedSignals[self.decimal] if e in theirexceptions] for error in ordered_errors: self.context.traps[error] = 1 try: funct(*vals) except error: pass except Signals[self.decimal] as e: self.fail("Raised %s in %s; expected %s" % (type(e), s, error)) else: self.fail("Did not raise %s in %s" % (error, s)) # reset traps for error in ordered_errors: self.context.traps[error] = 0 if DEBUG: print("--", self.context) try: result = str(funct(*vals)) if fname in self.LogicalFunctions: result = str(int(eval(result))) # 'True', 'False' -> '1', '0' except Signals[self.decimal] as error: self.fail("Raised %s in %s" % (error, s)) except: #Catch any error long enough to state the test case. print("ERROR:", s) raise myexceptions = self.getexceptions() myexceptions.sort(key=repr) theirexceptions.sort(key=repr) self.assertEqual(result, ans, 'Incorrect answer for ' + s + ' -- got ' + result) self.assertEqual(myexceptions, theirexceptions, 'Incorrect flags set in ' + s + ' -- got ' + str(myexceptions)) def getexceptions(self): return [e for e in Signals[self.decimal] if self.context.flags[e]] def change_precision(self, prec): if self.decimal == C and self.decimal.MAX_PREC == 425000000: self.context._unsafe_setprec(prec) else: self.context.prec = prec def change_rounding_method(self, rounding): self.context.rounding = rounding def change_min_exponent(self, exp): if self.decimal == C and self.decimal.MAX_PREC == 425000000: self.context._unsafe_setemin(exp) else: self.context.Emin = exp def change_max_exponent(self, exp): if self.decimal == C and self.decimal.MAX_PREC == 425000000: self.context._unsafe_setemax(exp) else: self.context.Emax = exp def change_clamp(self, clamp): self.context.clamp = clamp # The following classes test the behaviour of Decimal according to PEP 327 class ExplicitConstructionTest: '''Unit tests for Explicit Construction cases of Decimal.''' def test_explicit_empty(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertEqual(Decimal(), Decimal("0")) def test_explicit_from_None(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal, None) def test_explicit_from_int(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal #positive d = Decimal(45) self.assertEqual(str(d), '45') #very large positive d = Decimal(500000123) self.assertEqual(str(d), '500000123') #negative d = Decimal(-45) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-45') #zero d = Decimal(0) self.assertEqual(str(d), '0') # single word longs for n in range(0, 32): for sign in (-1, 1): for x in range(-5, 5): i = sign * (2**n + x) d = Decimal(i) self.assertEqual(str(d), str(i)) def test_explicit_from_string(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext #empty self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('')), 'NaN') #int self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('45')), '45') #float self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('45.34')), '45.34') #engineer notation self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('45e2')), '4.5E+3') #just not a number self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('ugly')), 'NaN') #leading and trailing whitespace permitted self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('1.3E4 \n')), '1.3E+4') self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(' -7.89')), '-7.89') self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(" 3.45679 ")), '3.45679') # underscores self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('1_3.3e4_0')), '1.33E+41') self.assertEqual(str(Decimal('1_0_0_0')), '1000') # unicode whitespace for lead in ["", ' ', '\u00a0', '\u205f']: for trail in ["", ' ', '\u00a0', '\u205f']: self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(lead + '9.311E+28' + trail)), '9.311E+28') with localcontext() as c: c.traps[InvalidOperation] = True # Invalid string self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, "xyz") # Two arguments max self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal, "1234", "x", "y") # space within the numeric part self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, "1\u00a02\u00a03") self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, "\u00a01\u00a02\u00a0") # unicode whitespace self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, "\u00a0") self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, "\u00a0\u00a0") # embedded NUL self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, "12\u00003") # underscores don't prevent errors self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, "1_2_\u00003") @cpython_only @requires_legacy_unicode_capi @warnings_helper.ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning) def test_from_legacy_strings(self): import _testcapi Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal context = self.decimal.Context() s = _testcapi.unicode_legacy_string('9.999999') self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(s)), '9.999999') self.assertEqual(str(context.create_decimal(s)), '9.999999') def test_explicit_from_tuples(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal #zero d = Decimal( (0, (0,), 0) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '0') #int d = Decimal( (1, (4, 5), 0) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-45') #float d = Decimal( (0, (4, 5, 3, 4), -2) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '45.34') #weird d = Decimal( (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-4.34913534E-17') #inf d = Decimal( (0, (), "F") ) self.assertEqual(str(d), 'Infinity') #wrong number of items self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1)) ) #bad sign self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (8, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1), 2) ) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (0., (4, 3, 4, 9, 1), 2) ) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (Decimal(1), (4, 3, 4, 9, 1), 2)) #bad exp self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1), 'wrong!') ) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1), 0.) ) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1), '1') ) #bad coefficients self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, "xyz", 2) ) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, 3, 4, None, 1), 2) ) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, -3, 4, 9, 1), 2) ) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, 10, 4, 9, 1), 2) ) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal, (1, (4, 3, 4, 'a', 1), 2) ) def test_explicit_from_list(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d = Decimal([0, [0], 0]) self.assertEqual(str(d), '0') d = Decimal([1, [4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4], -25]) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-4.34913534E-17') d = Decimal([1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25]) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-4.34913534E-17') d = Decimal((1, [4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4], -25)) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-4.34913534E-17') def test_explicit_from_bool(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertIs(bool(Decimal(0)), False) self.assertIs(bool(Decimal(1)), True) self.assertEqual(Decimal(False), Decimal(0)) self.assertEqual(Decimal(True), Decimal(1)) def test_explicit_from_Decimal(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal #positive d = Decimal(45) e = Decimal(d) self.assertEqual(str(e), '45') #very large positive d = Decimal(500000123) e = Decimal(d) self.assertEqual(str(e), '500000123') #negative d = Decimal(-45) e = Decimal(d) self.assertEqual(str(e), '-45') #zero d = Decimal(0) e = Decimal(d) self.assertEqual(str(e), '0') @requires_IEEE_754 def test_explicit_from_float(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal r = Decimal(0.1) self.assertEqual(type(r), Decimal) self.assertEqual(str(r), '0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625') self.assertTrue(Decimal(float('nan')).is_qnan()) self.assertTrue(Decimal(float('inf')).is_infinite()) self.assertTrue(Decimal(float('-inf')).is_infinite()) self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(float('nan'))), str(Decimal('NaN'))) self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(float('inf'))), str(Decimal('Infinity'))) self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(float('-inf'))), str(Decimal('-Infinity'))) self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(float('-0.0'))), str(Decimal('-0'))) for i in range(200): x = random.expovariate(0.01) * (random.random() * 2.0 - 1.0) self.assertEqual(x, float(Decimal(x))) # roundtrip def test_explicit_context_create_decimal(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation Rounded = self.decimal.Rounded nc = copy.copy(self.decimal.getcontext()) nc.prec = 3 # empty d = Decimal() self.assertEqual(str(d), '0') d = nc.create_decimal() self.assertEqual(str(d), '0') # from None self.assertRaises(TypeError, nc.create_decimal, None) # from int d = nc.create_decimal(456) self.assertIsInstance(d, Decimal) self.assertEqual(nc.create_decimal(45678), nc.create_decimal('457E+2')) # from string d = Decimal('456789') self.assertEqual(str(d), '456789') d = nc.create_decimal('456789') self.assertEqual(str(d), '4.57E+5') # leading and trailing whitespace should result in a NaN; # spaces are already checked in Cowlishaw's test-suite, so # here we just check that a trailing newline results in a NaN self.assertEqual(str(nc.create_decimal('3.14\n')), 'NaN') # from tuples d = Decimal( (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-4.34913534E-17') d = nc.create_decimal( (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25) ) self.assertEqual(str(d), '-4.35E-17') # from Decimal prevdec = Decimal(500000123) d = Decimal(prevdec) self.assertEqual(str(d), '500000123') d = nc.create_decimal(prevdec) self.assertEqual(str(d), '5.00E+8') # more integers nc.prec = 28 nc.traps[InvalidOperation] = True for v in [-2**63-1, -2**63, -2**31-1, -2**31, 0, 2**31-1, 2**31, 2**63-1, 2**63]: d = nc.create_decimal(v) self.assertTrue(isinstance(d, Decimal)) self.assertEqual(int(d), v) nc.prec = 3 nc.traps[Rounded] = True self.assertRaises(Rounded, nc.create_decimal, 1234) # from string nc.prec = 28 self.assertEqual(str(nc.create_decimal('0E-017')), '0E-17') self.assertEqual(str(nc.create_decimal('45')), '45') self.assertEqual(str(nc.create_decimal('-Inf')), '-Infinity') self.assertEqual(str(nc.create_decimal('NaN123')), 'NaN123') # invalid arguments self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, nc.create_decimal, "xyz") self.assertRaises(ValueError, nc.create_decimal, (1, "xyz", -25)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, nc.create_decimal, "1234", "5678") # no whitespace and underscore stripping is done with this method self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, nc.create_decimal, " 1234") self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, nc.create_decimal, "12_34") # too many NaN payload digits nc.prec = 3 self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, nc.create_decimal, 'NaN12345') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, nc.create_decimal, Decimal('NaN12345')) nc.traps[InvalidOperation] = False self.assertEqual(str(nc.create_decimal('NaN12345')), 'NaN') self.assertTrue(nc.flags[InvalidOperation]) nc.flags[InvalidOperation] = False self.assertEqual(str(nc.create_decimal(Decimal('NaN12345'))), 'NaN') self.assertTrue(nc.flags[InvalidOperation]) def test_explicit_context_create_from_float(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal nc = self.decimal.Context() r = nc.create_decimal(0.1) self.assertEqual(type(r), Decimal) self.assertEqual(str(r), '0.1000000000000000055511151231') self.assertTrue(nc.create_decimal(float('nan')).is_qnan()) self.assertTrue(nc.create_decimal(float('inf')).is_infinite()) self.assertTrue(nc.create_decimal(float('-inf')).is_infinite()) self.assertEqual(str(nc.create_decimal(float('nan'))), str(nc.create_decimal('NaN'))) self.assertEqual(str(nc.create_decimal(float('inf'))), str(nc.create_decimal('Infinity'))) self.assertEqual(str(nc.create_decimal(float('-inf'))), str(nc.create_decimal('-Infinity'))) self.assertEqual(str(nc.create_decimal(float('-0.0'))), str(nc.create_decimal('-0'))) nc.prec = 100 for i in range(200): x = random.expovariate(0.01) * (random.random() * 2.0 - 1.0) self.assertEqual(x, float(nc.create_decimal(x))) # roundtrip def test_unicode_digits(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal test_values = { '\uff11': '1', '\u0660.\u0660\u0663\u0667\u0662e-\u0663' : '0.0000372', '-nan\u0c68\u0c6a\u0c66\u0c66' : '-NaN2400', } for input, expected in test_values.items(): self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(input)), expected) @requires_cdecimal class CExplicitConstructionTest(ExplicitConstructionTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyExplicitConstructionTest(ExplicitConstructionTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P class ImplicitConstructionTest: '''Unit tests for Implicit Construction cases of Decimal.''' def test_implicit_from_None(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval, 'Decimal(5) + None', locals()) def test_implicit_from_int(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal #normal self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(5) + 45), '50') #exceeding precision self.assertEqual(Decimal(5) + 123456789000, Decimal(123456789000)) def test_implicit_from_string(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval, 'Decimal(5) + "3"', locals()) def test_implicit_from_float(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval, 'Decimal(5) + 2.2', locals()) def test_implicit_from_Decimal(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertEqual(Decimal(5) + Decimal(45), Decimal(50)) def test_rop(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal # Allow other classes to be trained to interact with Decimals class E: def __divmod__(self, other): return 'divmod ' + str(other) def __rdivmod__(self, other): return str(other) + ' rdivmod' def __lt__(self, other): return 'lt ' + str(other) def __gt__(self, other): return 'gt ' + str(other) def __le__(self, other): return 'le ' + str(other) def __ge__(self, other): return 'ge ' + str(other) def __eq__(self, other): return 'eq ' + str(other) def __ne__(self, other): return 'ne ' + str(other) self.assertEqual(divmod(E(), Decimal(10)), 'divmod 10') self.assertEqual(divmod(Decimal(10), E()), '10 rdivmod') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) < E()'), 'gt 10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) > E()'), 'lt 10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) <= E()'), 'ge 10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) >= E()'), 'le 10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) == E()'), 'eq 10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10) != E()'), 'ne 10') # insert operator methods and then exercise them oplist = [ ('+', '__add__', '__radd__'), ('-', '__sub__', '__rsub__'), ('*', '__mul__', '__rmul__'), ('/', '__truediv__', '__rtruediv__'), ('%', '__mod__', '__rmod__'), ('//', '__floordiv__', '__rfloordiv__'), ('**', '__pow__', '__rpow__') ] for sym, lop, rop in oplist: setattr(E, lop, lambda self, other: 'str' + lop + str(other)) setattr(E, rop, lambda self, other: str(other) + rop + 'str') self.assertEqual(eval('E()' + sym + 'Decimal(10)'), 'str' + lop + '10') self.assertEqual(eval('Decimal(10)' + sym + 'E()'), '10' + rop + 'str') @requires_cdecimal class CImplicitConstructionTest(ImplicitConstructionTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyImplicitConstructionTest(ImplicitConstructionTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P class FormatTest: '''Unit tests for the format function.''' def test_formatting(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal # triples giving a format, a Decimal, and the expected result test_values = [ ('e', '0E-15', '0e-15'), ('e', '2.3E-15', '2.3e-15'), ('e', '2.30E+2', '2.30e+2'), # preserve significant zeros ('e', '2.30000E-15', '2.30000e-15'), ('e', '1.23456789123456789e40', '1.23456789123456789e+40'), ('e', '1.5', '1.5e+0'), ('e', '0.15', '1.5e-1'), ('e', '0.015', '1.5e-2'), ('e', '0.0000000000015', '1.5e-12'), ('e', '15.0', '1.50e+1'), ('e', '-15', '-1.5e+1'), ('e', '0', '0e+0'), ('e', '0E1', '0e+1'), ('e', '0.0', '0e-1'), ('e', '0.00', '0e-2'), ('.6e', '0E-15', '0.000000e-9'), ('.6e', '0', '0.000000e+6'), ('.6e', '9.999999', '9.999999e+0'), ('.6e', '9.9999999', '1.000000e+1'), ('.6e', '-1.23e5', '-1.230000e+5'), ('.6e', '1.23456789e-3', '1.234568e-3'), ('f', '0', '0'), ('f', '0.0', '0.0'), ('f', '0E-2', '0.00'), ('f', '0.00E-8', '0.0000000000'), ('f', '0E1', '0'), # loses exponent information ('f', '3.2E1', '32'), ('f', '3.2E2', '320'), ('f', '3.20E2', '320'), ('f', '3.200E2', '320.0'), ('f', '3.2E-6', '0.0000032'), ('.6f', '0E-15', '0.000000'), # all zeros treated equally ('.6f', '0E1', '0.000000'), ('.6f', '0', '0.000000'), ('.0f', '0', '0'), # no decimal point ('.0f', '0e-2', '0'), ('.0f', '3.14159265', '3'), ('.1f', '3.14159265', '3.1'), ('.4f', '3.14159265', '3.1416'), ('.6f', '3.14159265', '3.141593'), ('.7f', '3.14159265', '3.1415926'), # round-half-even! ('.8f', '3.14159265', '3.14159265'), ('.9f', '3.14159265', '3.141592650'), ('g', '0', '0'), ('g', '0.0', '0.0'), ('g', '0E1', '0e+1'), ('G', '0E1', '0E+1'), ('g', '0E-5', '0.00000'), ('g', '0E-6', '0.000000'), ('g', '0E-7', '0e-7'), ('g', '-0E2', '-0e+2'), ('.0g', '3.14159265', '3'), # 0 sig fig -> 1 sig fig ('.0n', '3.14159265', '3'), # same for 'n' ('.1g', '3.14159265', '3'), ('.2g', '3.14159265', '3.1'), ('.5g', '3.14159265', '3.1416'), ('.7g', '3.14159265', '3.141593'), ('.8g', '3.14159265', '3.1415926'), # round-half-even! ('.9g', '3.14159265', '3.14159265'), ('.10g', '3.14159265', '3.14159265'), # don't pad ('%', '0E1', '0%'), ('%', '0E0', '0%'), ('%', '0E-1', '0%'), ('%', '0E-2', '0%'), ('%', '0E-3', '0.0%'), ('%', '0E-4', '0.00%'), ('.3%', '0', '0.000%'), # all zeros treated equally ('.3%', '0E10', '0.000%'), ('.3%', '0E-10', '0.000%'), ('.3%', '2.34', '234.000%'), ('.3%', '1.234567', '123.457%'), ('.0%', '1.23', '123%'), ('e', 'NaN', 'NaN'), ('f', '-NaN123', '-NaN123'), ('+g', 'NaN456', '+NaN456'), ('.3e', 'Inf', 'Infinity'), ('.16f', '-Inf', '-Infinity'), ('.0g', '-sNaN', '-sNaN'), ('', '1.00', '1.00'), # test alignment and padding ('6', '123', ' 123'), ('<6', '123', '123 '), ('>6', '123', ' 123'), ('^6', '123', ' 123 '), ('=+6', '123', '+ 123'), ('#<10', 'NaN', 'NaN#######'), ('#<10', '-4.3', '-4.3######'), ('#<+10', '0.0130', '+0.0130###'), ('#< 10', '0.0130', ' 0.0130###'), ('@>10', '-Inf', '@-Infinity'), ('#>5', '-Inf', '-Infinity'), ('?^5', '123', '?123?'), ('%^6', '123', '%123%%'), (' ^6', '-45.6', '-45.6 '), ('/=10', '-45.6', '-/////45.6'), ('/=+10', '45.6', '+/////45.6'), ('/= 10', '45.6', ' /////45.6'), ('\x00=10', '-inf', '-\x00Infinity'), ('\x00^16', '-inf', '\x00\x00\x00-Infinity\x00\x00\x00\x00'), ('\x00>10', '1.2345', '\x00\x00\x00\x001.2345'), ('\x00<10', '1.2345', '1.2345\x00\x00\x00\x00'), # thousands separator (',', '1234567', '1,234,567'), (',', '123456', '123,456'), (',', '12345', '12,345'), (',', '1234', '1,234'), (',', '123', '123'), (',', '12', '12'), (',', '1', '1'), (',', '0', '0'), (',', '-1234567', '-1,234,567'), (',', '-123456', '-123,456'), ('7,', '123456', '123,456'), ('8,', '123456', ' 123,456'), ('08,', '123456', '0,123,456'), # special case: extra 0 needed ('+08,', '123456', '+123,456'), # but not if there's a sign (' 08,', '123456', ' 123,456'), ('08,', '-123456', '-123,456'), ('+09,', '123456', '+0,123,456'), # ... with fractional part... ('07,', '1234.56', '1,234.56'), ('08,', '1234.56', '1,234.56'), ('09,', '1234.56', '01,234.56'), ('010,', '1234.56', '001,234.56'), ('011,', '1234.56', '0,001,234.56'), ('012,', '1234.56', '0,001,234.56'), ('08,.1f', '1234.5', '01,234.5'), # no thousands separators in fraction part (',', '1.23456789', '1.23456789'), (',%', '123.456789', '12,345.6789%'), (',e', '123456', '1.23456e+5'), (',E', '123456', '1.23456E+5'), # negative zero: default behavior ('.1f', '-0', '-0.0'), ('.1f', '-.0', '-0.0'), ('.1f', '-.01', '-0.0'), # negative zero: z option ('z.1f', '0.', '0.0'), ('z6.1f', '0.', ' 0.0'), ('z6.1f', '-1.', ' -1.0'), ('z.1f', '-0.', '0.0'), ('z.1f', '.01', '0.0'), ('z.1f', '-.01', '0.0'), ('z.2f', '0.', '0.00'), ('z.2f', '-0.', '0.00'), ('z.2f', '.001', '0.00'), ('z.2f', '-.001', '0.00'), ('z.1e', '0.', '0.0e+1'), ('z.1e', '-0.', '0.0e+1'), ('z.1E', '0.', '0.0E+1'), ('z.1E', '-0.', '0.0E+1'), ('z.2e', '-0.001', '-1.00e-3'), # tests for mishandled rounding ('z.2g', '-0.001', '-0.001'), ('z.2%', '-0.001', '-0.10%'), ('zf', '-0.0000', '0.0000'), # non-normalized form is preserved ('z.1f', '-00000.000001', '0.0'), ('z.1f', '-00000.', '0.0'), ('z.1f', '-.0000000000', '0.0'), ('z.2f', '-00000.000001', '0.00'), ('z.2f', '-00000.', '0.00'), ('z.2f', '-.0000000000', '0.00'), ('z.1f', '.09', '0.1'), ('z.1f', '-.09', '-0.1'), (' z.0f', '-0.', ' 0'), ('+z.0f', '-0.', '+0'), ('-z.0f', '-0.', '0'), (' z.0f', '-1.', '-1'), ('+z.0f', '-1.', '-1'), ('-z.0f', '-1.', '-1'), ('z>6.1f', '-0.', 'zz-0.0'), ('z>z6.1f', '-0.', 'zzz0.0'), ('x>z6.1f', '-0.', 'xxx0.0'), ('🖤>z6.1f', '-0.', '🖤🖤🖤0.0'), # multi-byte fill char # issue 6850 ('a=-7.0', '0.12345', 'aaaa0.1'), # issue 22090 ('<^+15.20%', 'inf', '<<+Infinity%<<<'), ('\x07>,%', 'sNaN1234567', 'sNaN1234567%'), ('=10.10%', 'NaN123', ' NaN123%'), ] for fmt, d, result in test_values: self.assertEqual(format(Decimal(d), fmt), result) # bytes format argument self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal(1).__format__, b'-020') def test_negative_zero_format_directed_rounding(self): with self.decimal.localcontext() as ctx: ctx.rounding = ROUND_CEILING self.assertEqual(format(self.decimal.Decimal('-0.001'), 'z.2f'), '0.00') def test_negative_zero_bad_format(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, self.decimal.Decimal('1.23'), 'fz') def test_n_format(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal try: from locale import CHAR_MAX except ImportError: self.skipTest('locale.CHAR_MAX not available') def make_grouping(lst): return ''.join([chr(x) for x in lst]) if self.decimal == C else lst def get_fmt(x, override=None, fmt='n'): if self.decimal == C: return Decimal(x).__format__(fmt, override) else: return Decimal(x).__format__(fmt, _localeconv=override) # Set up some localeconv-like dictionaries en_US = { 'decimal_point' : '.', 'grouping' : make_grouping([3, 3, 0]), 'thousands_sep' : ',' } fr_FR = { 'decimal_point' : ',', 'grouping' : make_grouping([CHAR_MAX]), 'thousands_sep' : '' } ru_RU = { 'decimal_point' : ',', 'grouping': make_grouping([3, 3, 0]), 'thousands_sep' : ' ' } crazy = { 'decimal_point' : '&', 'grouping': make_grouping([1, 4, 2, CHAR_MAX]), 'thousands_sep' : '-' } dotsep_wide = { 'decimal_point' : b'\xc2\xbf'.decode('utf-8'), 'grouping': make_grouping([3, 3, 0]), 'thousands_sep' : b'\xc2\xb4'.decode('utf-8') } self.assertEqual(get_fmt(Decimal('12.7'), en_US), '12.7') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(Decimal('12.7'), fr_FR), '12,7') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(Decimal('12.7'), ru_RU), '12,7') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(Decimal('12.7'), crazy), '1-2&7') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, en_US), '123,456,789') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, fr_FR), '123456789') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, ru_RU), '123 456 789') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(1234567890123, crazy), '123456-78-9012-3') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, en_US, '.6n'), '1.23457e+8') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, fr_FR, '.6n'), '1,23457e+8') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, ru_RU, '.6n'), '1,23457e+8') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456789, crazy, '.6n'), '1&23457e+8') # zero padding self.assertEqual(get_fmt(1234, fr_FR, '03n'), '1234') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(1234, fr_FR, '04n'), '1234') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(1234, fr_FR, '05n'), '01234') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(1234, fr_FR, '06n'), '001234') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(12345, en_US, '05n'), '12,345') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(12345, en_US, '06n'), '12,345') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(12345, en_US, '07n'), '012,345') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(12345, en_US, '08n'), '0,012,345') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(12345, en_US, '09n'), '0,012,345') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(12345, en_US, '010n'), '00,012,345') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456, crazy, '06n'), '1-2345-6') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456, crazy, '07n'), '1-2345-6') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456, crazy, '08n'), '1-2345-6') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456, crazy, '09n'), '01-2345-6') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456, crazy, '010n'), '0-01-2345-6') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456, crazy, '011n'), '0-01-2345-6') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456, crazy, '012n'), '00-01-2345-6') self.assertEqual(get_fmt(123456, crazy, '013n'), '000-01-2345-6') # wide char separator and decimal point self.assertEqual(get_fmt(Decimal('-1.5'), dotsep_wide, '020n'), '-0\u00b4000\u00b4000\u00b4000\u00b4001\u00bf5') @run_with_locale('LC_ALL', 'ps_AF') def test_wide_char_separator_decimal_point(self): # locale with wide char separator and decimal point Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal decimal_point = locale.localeconv()['decimal_point'] thousands_sep = locale.localeconv()['thousands_sep'] if decimal_point != '\u066b': self.skipTest('inappropriate decimal point separator ' '({!a} not {!a})'.format(decimal_point, '\u066b')) if thousands_sep != '\u066c': self.skipTest('inappropriate thousands separator ' '({!a} not {!a})'.format(thousands_sep, '\u066c')) self.assertEqual(format(Decimal('100000000.123'), 'n'), '100\u066c000\u066c000\u066b123') def test_decimal_from_float_argument_type(self): class A(self.decimal.Decimal): def __init__(self, a): self.a_type = type(a) a = A.from_float(42.5) self.assertEqual(self.decimal.Decimal, a.a_type) a = A.from_float(42) self.assertEqual(self.decimal.Decimal, a.a_type) @requires_cdecimal class CFormatTest(FormatTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyFormatTest(FormatTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P class ArithmeticOperatorsTest: '''Unit tests for all arithmetic operators, binary and unary.''' def test_addition(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d1 = Decimal('-11.1') d2 = Decimal('22.2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1+d2, Decimal('11.1')) self.assertEqual(d2+d1, Decimal('11.1')) #with other type, left c = d1 + 5 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-6.1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 5 + d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-6.1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 += d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('11.1')) #inline with other type d1 += 5 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('16.1')) def test_subtraction(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d1 = Decimal('-11.1') d2 = Decimal('22.2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1-d2, Decimal('-33.3')) self.assertEqual(d2-d1, Decimal('33.3')) #with other type, left c = d1 - 5 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-16.1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 5 - d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('16.1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 -= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-33.3')) #inline with other type d1 -= 5 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-38.3')) def test_multiplication(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d1 = Decimal('-5') d2 = Decimal('3') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1*d2, Decimal('-15')) self.assertEqual(d2*d1, Decimal('-15')) #with other type, left c = d1 * 5 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-25')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 5 * d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-25')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 *= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-15')) #inline with other type d1 *= 5 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-75')) def test_division(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d1 = Decimal('-5') d2 = Decimal('2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1/d2, Decimal('-2.5')) self.assertEqual(d2/d1, Decimal('-0.4')) #with other type, left c = d1 / 4 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-1.25')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 4 / d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('-0.8')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 /= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-2.5')) #inline with other type d1 /= 4 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('-0.625')) def test_floor_division(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d1 = Decimal('5') d2 = Decimal('2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1//d2, Decimal('2')) self.assertEqual(d2//d1, Decimal('0')) #with other type, left c = d1 // 4 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 7 // d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 //= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('2')) #inline with other type d1 //= 2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('1')) def test_powering(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d1 = Decimal('5') d2 = Decimal('2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1**d2, Decimal('25')) self.assertEqual(d2**d1, Decimal('32')) #with other type, left c = d1 ** 4 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('625')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 7 ** d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('16807')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 **= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('25')) #inline with other type d1 **= 4 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('390625')) def test_module(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d1 = Decimal('5') d2 = Decimal('2') #two Decimals self.assertEqual(d1%d2, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(d2%d1, Decimal('2')) #with other type, left c = d1 % 4 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #with other type, right c = 7 % d1 self.assertEqual(c, Decimal('2')) self.assertEqual(type(c), type(d1)) #inline with decimal d1 %= d2 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('1')) #inline with other type d1 %= 4 self.assertEqual(d1, Decimal('1')) def test_floor_div_module(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d1 = Decimal('5') d2 = Decimal('2') #two Decimals (p, q) = divmod(d1, d2) self.assertEqual(p, Decimal('2')) self.assertEqual(q, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(type(p), type(d1)) self.assertEqual(type(q), type(d1)) #with other type, left (p, q) = divmod(d1, 4) self.assertEqual(p, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(q, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(type(p), type(d1)) self.assertEqual(type(q), type(d1)) #with other type, right (p, q) = divmod(7, d1) self.assertEqual(p, Decimal('1')) self.assertEqual(q, Decimal('2')) self.assertEqual(type(p), type(d1)) self.assertEqual(type(q), type(d1)) def test_unary_operators(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertEqual(+Decimal(45), Decimal(+45)) # + self.assertEqual(-Decimal(45), Decimal(-45)) # - self.assertEqual(abs(Decimal(45)), abs(Decimal(-45))) # abs def test_nan_comparisons(self): # comparisons involving signaling nans signal InvalidOperation # order comparisons (<, <=, >, >=) involving only quiet nans # also signal InvalidOperation # equality comparisons (==, !=) involving only quiet nans # don't signal, but return False or True respectively. Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext n = Decimal('NaN') s = Decimal('sNaN') i = Decimal('Inf') f = Decimal('2') qnan_pairs = (n, n), (n, i), (i, n), (n, f), (f, n) snan_pairs = (s, n), (n, s), (s, i), (i, s), (s, f), (f, s), (s, s) order_ops = operator.lt, operator.le, operator.gt, operator.ge equality_ops = operator.eq, operator.ne # results when InvalidOperation is not trapped with localcontext() as ctx: ctx.traps[InvalidOperation] = 0 for x, y in qnan_pairs + snan_pairs: for op in order_ops + equality_ops: got = op(x, y) expected = True if op is operator.ne else False self.assertIs(expected, got, "expected {0!r} for operator.{1}({2!r}, {3!r}); " "got {4!r}".format( expected, op.__name__, x, y, got)) # repeat the above, but this time trap the InvalidOperation with localcontext() as ctx: ctx.traps[InvalidOperation] = 1 for x, y in qnan_pairs: for op in equality_ops: got = op(x, y) expected = True if op is operator.ne else False self.assertIs(expected, got, "expected {0!r} for " "operator.{1}({2!r}, {3!r}); " "got {4!r}".format( expected, op.__name__, x, y, got)) for x, y in snan_pairs: for op in equality_ops: self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, operator.eq, x, y) self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, operator.ne, x, y) for x, y in qnan_pairs + snan_pairs: for op in order_ops: self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, op, x, y) def test_copy_sign(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d = Decimal(1).copy_sign(Decimal(-2)) self.assertEqual(Decimal(1).copy_sign(-2), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal(1).copy_sign, '-2') @requires_cdecimal class CArithmeticOperatorsTest(ArithmeticOperatorsTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyArithmeticOperatorsTest(ArithmeticOperatorsTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P # The following are two functions used to test threading in the next class def thfunc1(cls): Decimal = cls.decimal.Decimal InvalidOperation = cls.decimal.InvalidOperation DivisionByZero = cls.decimal.DivisionByZero Overflow = cls.decimal.Overflow Underflow = cls.decimal.Underflow Inexact = cls.decimal.Inexact getcontext = cls.decimal.getcontext localcontext = cls.decimal.localcontext d1 = Decimal(1) d3 = Decimal(3) test1 = d1/d3 cls.finish1.set() cls.synchro.wait() test2 = d1/d3 with localcontext() as c2: cls.assertTrue(c2.flags[Inexact]) cls.assertRaises(DivisionByZero, c2.divide, d1, 0) cls.assertTrue(c2.flags[DivisionByZero]) with localcontext() as c3: cls.assertTrue(c3.flags[Inexact]) cls.assertTrue(c3.flags[DivisionByZero]) cls.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, c3.compare, d1, Decimal('sNaN')) cls.assertTrue(c3.flags[InvalidOperation]) del c3 cls.assertFalse(c2.flags[InvalidOperation]) del c2 cls.assertEqual(test1, Decimal('0.333333333333333333333333')) cls.assertEqual(test2, Decimal('0.333333333333333333333333')) c1 = getcontext() cls.assertTrue(c1.flags[Inexact]) for sig in Overflow, Underflow, DivisionByZero, InvalidOperation: cls.assertFalse(c1.flags[sig]) def thfunc2(cls): Decimal = cls.decimal.Decimal InvalidOperation = cls.decimal.InvalidOperation DivisionByZero = cls.decimal.DivisionByZero Overflow = cls.decimal.Overflow Underflow = cls.decimal.Underflow Inexact = cls.decimal.Inexact getcontext = cls.decimal.getcontext localcontext = cls.decimal.localcontext d1 = Decimal(1) d3 = Decimal(3) test1 = d1/d3 thiscontext = getcontext() thiscontext.prec = 18 test2 = d1/d3 with localcontext() as c2: cls.assertTrue(c2.flags[Inexact]) cls.assertRaises(Overflow, c2.multiply, Decimal('1e425000000'), 999) cls.assertTrue(c2.flags[Overflow]) with localcontext(thiscontext) as c3: cls.assertTrue(c3.flags[Inexact]) cls.assertFalse(c3.flags[Overflow]) c3.traps[Underflow] = True cls.assertRaises(Underflow, c3.divide, Decimal('1e-425000000'), 999) cls.assertTrue(c3.flags[Underflow]) del c3 cls.assertFalse(c2.flags[Underflow]) cls.assertFalse(c2.traps[Underflow]) del c2 cls.synchro.set() cls.finish2.set() cls.assertEqual(test1, Decimal('0.333333333333333333333333')) cls.assertEqual(test2, Decimal('0.333333333333333333')) cls.assertFalse(thiscontext.traps[Underflow]) cls.assertTrue(thiscontext.flags[Inexact]) for sig in Overflow, Underflow, DivisionByZero, InvalidOperation: cls.assertFalse(thiscontext.flags[sig]) @threading_helper.requires_working_threading() class ThreadingTest: '''Unit tests for thread local contexts in Decimal.''' # Take care executing this test from IDLE, there's an issue in threading # that hangs IDLE and I couldn't find it def test_threading(self): DefaultContext = self.decimal.DefaultContext if self.decimal == C and not self.decimal.HAVE_THREADS: self.skipTest("compiled without threading") # Test the "threading isolation" of a Context. Also test changing # the DefaultContext, which acts as a template for the thread-local # contexts. save_prec = DefaultContext.prec save_emax = DefaultContext.Emax save_emin = DefaultContext.Emin DefaultContext.prec = 24 DefaultContext.Emax = 425000000 DefaultContext.Emin = -425000000 self.synchro = threading.Event() self.finish1 = threading.Event() self.finish2 = threading.Event() th1 = threading.Thread(target=thfunc1, args=(self,)) th2 = threading.Thread(target=thfunc2, args=(self,)) th1.start() th2.start() self.finish1.wait() self.finish2.wait() for sig in Signals[self.decimal]: self.assertFalse(DefaultContext.flags[sig]) th1.join() th2.join() DefaultContext.prec = save_prec DefaultContext.Emax = save_emax DefaultContext.Emin = save_emin @requires_cdecimal class CThreadingTest(ThreadingTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyThreadingTest(ThreadingTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P class UsabilityTest: '''Unit tests for Usability cases of Decimal.''' def test_comparison_operators(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal da = Decimal('23.42') db = Decimal('23.42') dc = Decimal('45') #two Decimals self.assertGreater(dc, da) self.assertGreaterEqual(dc, da) self.assertLess(da, dc) self.assertLessEqual(da, dc) self.assertEqual(da, db) self.assertNotEqual(da, dc) self.assertLessEqual(da, db) self.assertGreaterEqual(da, db) #a Decimal and an int self.assertGreater(dc, 23) self.assertLess(23, dc) self.assertEqual(dc, 45) #a Decimal and uncomparable self.assertNotEqual(da, 'ugly') self.assertNotEqual(da, 32.7) self.assertNotEqual(da, object()) self.assertNotEqual(da, object) # sortable a = list(map(Decimal, range(100))) b = a[:] random.shuffle(a) a.sort() self.assertEqual(a, b) def test_decimal_float_comparison(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal da = Decimal('0.25') db = Decimal('3.0') self.assertLess(da, 3.0) self.assertLessEqual(da, 3.0) self.assertGreater(db, 0.25) self.assertGreaterEqual(db, 0.25) self.assertNotEqual(da, 1.5) self.assertEqual(da, 0.25) self.assertGreater(3.0, da) self.assertGreaterEqual(3.0, da) self.assertLess(0.25, db) self.assertLessEqual(0.25, db) self.assertNotEqual(0.25, db) self.assertEqual(3.0, db) self.assertNotEqual(0.1, Decimal('0.1')) def test_decimal_complex_comparison(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal da = Decimal('0.25') db = Decimal('3.0') self.assertNotEqual(da, (1.5+0j)) self.assertNotEqual((1.5+0j), da) self.assertEqual(da, (0.25+0j)) self.assertEqual((0.25+0j), da) self.assertEqual((3.0+0j), db) self.assertEqual(db, (3.0+0j)) self.assertNotEqual(db, (3.0+1j)) self.assertNotEqual((3.0+1j), db) self.assertIs(db.__lt__(3.0+0j), NotImplemented) self.assertIs(db.__le__(3.0+0j), NotImplemented) self.assertIs(db.__gt__(3.0+0j), NotImplemented) self.assertIs(db.__le__(3.0+0j), NotImplemented) def test_decimal_fraction_comparison(self): D = self.decimal.Decimal F = fractions[self.decimal].Fraction Context = self.decimal.Context localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation emax = C.MAX_EMAX if C else 999999999 emin = C.MIN_EMIN if C else -999999999 etiny = C.MIN_ETINY if C else -1999999997 c = Context(Emax=emax, Emin=emin) with localcontext(c): c.prec = emax self.assertLess(D(0), F(1,9999999999999999999999999999999999999)) self.assertLess(F(-1,9999999999999999999999999999999999999), D(0)) self.assertLess(F(0,1), D("1e" + str(etiny))) self.assertLess(D("-1e" + str(etiny)), F(0,1)) self.assertLess(F(0,9999999999999999999999999), D("1e" + str(etiny))) self.assertLess(D("-1e" + str(etiny)), F(0,9999999999999999999999999)) self.assertEqual(D("0.1"), F(1,10)) self.assertEqual(F(1,10), D("0.1")) c.prec = 300 self.assertNotEqual(D(1)/3, F(1,3)) self.assertNotEqual(F(1,3), D(1)/3) self.assertLessEqual(F(120984237, 9999999999), D("9e" + str(emax))) self.assertGreaterEqual(D("9e" + str(emax)), F(120984237, 9999999999)) self.assertGreater(D('inf'), F(99999999999,123)) self.assertGreater(D('inf'), F(-99999999999,123)) self.assertLess(D('-inf'), F(99999999999,123)) self.assertLess(D('-inf'), F(-99999999999,123)) self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, D('nan').__gt__, F(-9,123)) self.assertIs(NotImplemented, F(-9,123).__lt__(D('nan'))) self.assertNotEqual(D('nan'), F(-9,123)) self.assertNotEqual(F(-9,123), D('nan')) def test_copy_and_deepcopy_methods(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d = Decimal('43.24') c = copy.copy(d) self.assertEqual(id(c), id(d)) dc = copy.deepcopy(d) self.assertEqual(id(dc), id(d)) def test_hash_method(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext def hashit(d): a = hash(d) b = d.__hash__() self.assertEqual(a, b) return a #just that it's hashable hashit(Decimal(23)) hashit(Decimal('Infinity')) hashit(Decimal('-Infinity')) hashit(Decimal('nan123')) hashit(Decimal('-NaN')) test_values = [Decimal(sign*(2**m + n)) for m in [0, 14, 15, 16, 17, 30, 31, 32, 33, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66] for n in range(-10, 10) for sign in [-1, 1]] test_values.extend([ Decimal("-1"), # ==> -2 Decimal("-0"), # zeros Decimal("0.00"), Decimal("-0.000"), Decimal("0E10"), Decimal("-0E12"), Decimal("10.0"), # negative exponent Decimal("-23.00000"), Decimal("1230E100"), # positive exponent Decimal("-4.5678E50"), # a value for which hash(n) != hash(n % (2**64-1)) # in Python pre-2.6 Decimal(2**64 + 2**32 - 1), # selection of values which fail with the old (before # version 2.6) long.__hash__ Decimal("1.634E100"), Decimal("90.697E100"), Decimal("188.83E100"), Decimal("1652.9E100"), Decimal("56531E100"), ]) # check that hash(d) == hash(int(d)) for integral values for value in test_values: self.assertEqual(hashit(value), hash(int(value))) # check that the hashes of a Decimal float match when they # represent exactly the same values test_strings = ['inf', '-Inf', '0.0', '-.0e1', '34.0', '2.5', '112390.625', '-0.515625'] for s in test_strings: f = float(s) d = Decimal(s) self.assertEqual(hashit(d), hash(f)) with localcontext() as c: # check that the value of the hash doesn't depend on the # current context (issue #1757) x = Decimal("123456789.1") c.prec = 6 h1 = hashit(x) c.prec = 10 h2 = hashit(x) c.prec = 16 h3 = hashit(x) self.assertEqual(h1, h2) self.assertEqual(h1, h3) c.prec = 10000 x = 1100 ** 1248 self.assertEqual(hashit(Decimal(x)), hashit(x)) def test_hash_method_nan(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, Decimal('sNaN')) value = Decimal('NaN') self.assertEqual(hash(value), object.__hash__(value)) class H: def __hash__(self): return 42 class D(Decimal, H): pass value = D('NaN') self.assertEqual(hash(value), object.__hash__(value)) def test_min_and_max_methods(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d1 = Decimal('15.32') d2 = Decimal('28.5') l1 = 15 l2 = 28 #between Decimals self.assertIs(min(d1,d2), d1) self.assertIs(min(d2,d1), d1) self.assertIs(max(d1,d2), d2) self.assertIs(max(d2,d1), d2) #between Decimal and int self.assertIs(min(d1,l2), d1) self.assertIs(min(l2,d1), d1) self.assertIs(max(l1,d2), d2) self.assertIs(max(d2,l1), d2) def test_as_nonzero(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal #as false self.assertFalse(Decimal(0)) #as true self.assertTrue(Decimal('0.372')) def test_tostring_methods(self): #Test str and repr methods. Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d = Decimal('15.32') self.assertEqual(str(d), '15.32') # str self.assertEqual(repr(d), "Decimal('15.32')") # repr def test_tonum_methods(self): #Test float and int methods. Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal d1 = Decimal('66') d2 = Decimal('15.32') #int self.assertEqual(int(d1), 66) self.assertEqual(int(d2), 15) #float self.assertEqual(float(d1), 66) self.assertEqual(float(d2), 15.32) #floor test_pairs = [ ('123.00', 123), ('3.2', 3), ('3.54', 3), ('3.899', 3), ('-2.3', -3), ('-11.0', -11), ('0.0', 0), ('-0E3', 0), ('89891211712379812736.1', 89891211712379812736), ] for d, i in test_pairs: self.assertEqual(math.floor(Decimal(d)), i) self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.floor, Decimal('-NaN')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.floor, Decimal('sNaN')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.floor, Decimal('NaN123')) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.floor, Decimal('Inf')) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.floor, Decimal('-Inf')) #ceiling test_pairs = [ ('123.00', 123), ('3.2', 4), ('3.54', 4), ('3.899', 4), ('-2.3', -2), ('-11.0', -11), ('0.0', 0), ('-0E3', 0), ('89891211712379812736.1', 89891211712379812737), ] for d, i in test_pairs: self.assertEqual(math.ceil(Decimal(d)), i) self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.ceil, Decimal('-NaN')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.ceil, Decimal('sNaN')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.ceil, Decimal('NaN123')) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.ceil, Decimal('Inf')) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.ceil, Decimal('-Inf')) #round, single argument test_pairs = [ ('123.00', 123), ('3.2', 3), ('3.54', 4), ('3.899', 4), ('-2.3', -2), ('-11.0', -11), ('0.0', 0), ('-0E3', 0), ('-3.5', -4), ('-2.5', -2), ('-1.5', -2), ('-0.5', 0), ('0.5', 0), ('1.5', 2), ('2.5', 2), ('3.5', 4), ] for d, i in test_pairs: self.assertEqual(round(Decimal(d)), i) self.assertRaises(ValueError, round, Decimal('-NaN')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, round, Decimal('sNaN')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, round, Decimal('NaN123')) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, round, Decimal('Inf')) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, round, Decimal('-Inf')) #round, two arguments; this is essentially equivalent #to quantize, which is already extensively tested test_triples = [ ('123.456', -4, '0E+4'), ('123.456', -3, '0E+3'), ('123.456', -2, '1E+2'), ('123.456', -1, '1.2E+2'), ('123.456', 0, '123'), ('123.456', 1, '123.5'), ('123.456', 2, '123.46'), ('123.456', 3, '123.456'), ('123.456', 4, '123.4560'), ('123.455', 2, '123.46'), ('123.445', 2, '123.44'), ('Inf', 4, 'NaN'), ('-Inf', -23, 'NaN'), ('sNaN314', 3, 'NaN314'), ] for d, n, r in test_triples: self.assertEqual(str(round(Decimal(d), n)), r) def test_nan_to_float(self): # Test conversions of decimal NANs to float. # See http://bugs.python.org/issue15544 Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal for s in ('nan', 'nan1234', '-nan', '-nan2468'): f = float(Decimal(s)) self.assertTrue(math.isnan(f)) sign = math.copysign(1.0, f) self.assertEqual(sign, -1.0 if s.startswith('-') else 1.0) def test_snan_to_float(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal for s in ('snan', '-snan', 'snan1357', '-snan1234'): d = Decimal(s) self.assertRaises(ValueError, float, d) def test_eval_round_trip(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal #with zero d = Decimal( (0, (0,), 0) ) self.assertEqual(d, eval(repr(d))) #int d = Decimal( (1, (4, 5), 0) ) self.assertEqual(d, eval(repr(d))) #float d = Decimal( (0, (4, 5, 3, 4), -2) ) self.assertEqual(d, eval(repr(d))) #weird d = Decimal( (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25) ) self.assertEqual(d, eval(repr(d))) def test_as_tuple(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal #with zero d = Decimal(0) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (0, (0,), 0) ) #int d = Decimal(-45) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (1, (4, 5), 0) ) #complicated string d = Decimal("-4.34913534E-17") self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25) ) # The '0' coefficient is implementation specific to decimal.py. # It has no meaning in the C-version and is ignored there. d = Decimal("Infinity") self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (0, (0,), 'F') ) #leading zeros in coefficient should be stripped d = Decimal( (0, (0, 0, 4, 0, 5, 3, 4), -2) ) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (0, (4, 0, 5, 3, 4), -2) ) d = Decimal( (1, (0, 0, 0), 37) ) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (1, (0,), 37)) d = Decimal( (1, (), 37) ) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (1, (0,), 37)) #leading zeros in NaN diagnostic info should be stripped d = Decimal( (0, (0, 0, 4, 0, 5, 3, 4), 'n') ) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (0, (4, 0, 5, 3, 4), 'n') ) d = Decimal( (1, (0, 0, 0), 'N') ) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (1, (), 'N') ) d = Decimal( (1, (), 'n') ) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (1, (), 'n') ) # For infinities, decimal.py has always silently accepted any # coefficient tuple. d = Decimal( (0, (0,), 'F') ) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (0, (0,), 'F')) d = Decimal( (0, (4, 5, 3, 4), 'F') ) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (0, (0,), 'F')) d = Decimal( (1, (0, 2, 7, 1), 'F') ) self.assertEqual(d.as_tuple(), (1, (0,), 'F')) def test_as_integer_ratio(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal # exceptional cases self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Decimal.as_integer_ratio, Decimal('inf')) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Decimal.as_integer_ratio, Decimal('-inf')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal.as_integer_ratio, Decimal('-nan')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal.as_integer_ratio, Decimal('snan123')) for exp in range(-4, 2): for coeff in range(1000): for sign in '+', '-': d = Decimal('%s%dE%d' % (sign, coeff, exp)) pq = d.as_integer_ratio() p, q = pq # check return type self.assertIsInstance(pq, tuple) self.assertIsInstance(p, int) self.assertIsInstance(q, int) # check normalization: q should be positive; # p should be relatively prime to q. self.assertGreater(q, 0) self.assertEqual(math.gcd(p, q), 1) # check that p/q actually gives the correct value self.assertEqual(Decimal(p) / Decimal(q), d) def test_subclassing(self): # Different behaviours when subclassing Decimal Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal class MyDecimal(Decimal): y = None d1 = MyDecimal(1) d2 = MyDecimal(2) d = d1 + d2 self.assertIs(type(d), Decimal) d = d1.max(d2) self.assertIs(type(d), Decimal) d = copy.copy(d1) self.assertIs(type(d), MyDecimal) self.assertEqual(d, d1) d = copy.deepcopy(d1) self.assertIs(type(d), MyDecimal) self.assertEqual(d, d1) # Decimal(Decimal) d = Decimal('1.0') x = Decimal(d) self.assertIs(type(x), Decimal) self.assertEqual(x, d) # MyDecimal(Decimal) m = MyDecimal(d) self.assertIs(type(m), MyDecimal) self.assertEqual(m, d) self.assertIs(m.y, None) # Decimal(MyDecimal) x = Decimal(m) self.assertIs(type(x), Decimal) self.assertEqual(x, d) # MyDecimal(MyDecimal) m.y = 9 x = MyDecimal(m) self.assertIs(type(x), MyDecimal) self.assertEqual(x, d) self.assertIs(x.y, None) def test_implicit_context(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal getcontext = self.decimal.getcontext # Check results when context given implicitly. (Issue 2478) c = getcontext() self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(0).sqrt()), str(c.sqrt(Decimal(0)))) def test_none_args(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation DivisionByZero = self.decimal.DivisionByZero Overflow = self.decimal.Overflow Underflow = self.decimal.Underflow Subnormal = self.decimal.Subnormal Inexact = self.decimal.Inexact Rounded = self.decimal.Rounded Clamped = self.decimal.Clamped with localcontext(Context()) as c: c.prec = 7 c.Emax = 999 c.Emin = -999 x = Decimal("111") y = Decimal("1e9999") z = Decimal("1e-9999") ##### Unary functions c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(str(x.exp(context=None)), '1.609487E+48') self.assertTrue(c.flags[Inexact]) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Rounded]) c.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(Overflow, y.exp, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Overflow]) self.assertIs(z.is_normal(context=None), False) self.assertIs(z.is_subnormal(context=None), True) c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(str(x.ln(context=None)), '4.709530') self.assertTrue(c.flags[Inexact]) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Rounded]) c.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal(-1).ln, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(str(x.log10(context=None)), '2.045323') self.assertTrue(c.flags[Inexact]) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Rounded]) c.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal(-1).log10, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(str(x.logb(context=None)), '2') self.assertRaises(DivisionByZero, Decimal(0).logb, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[DivisionByZero]) c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(str(x.logical_invert(context=None)), '1111000') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, y.logical_invert, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(str(y.next_minus(context=None)), '9.999999E+999') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal('sNaN').next_minus, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(str(y.next_plus(context=None)), 'Infinity') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal('sNaN').next_plus, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(str(z.normalize(context=None)), '0') self.assertRaises(Overflow, y.normalize, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Overflow]) self.assertEqual(str(z.number_class(context=None)), '+Subnormal') c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(str(z.sqrt(context=None)), '0E-1005') self.assertTrue(c.flags[Clamped]) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Inexact]) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Rounded]) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Subnormal]) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Underflow]) c.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(Overflow, y.sqrt, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Overflow]) c.capitals = 0 self.assertEqual(str(z.to_eng_string(context=None)), '1e-9999') c.capitals = 1 ##### Binary functions c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.compare(Decimal('Nan891287828'), context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, 'NaN1287828') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.compare, Decimal('sNaN'), context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.compare_signal(8224, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '-1') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.compare_signal, Decimal('NaN'), context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.logical_and(101, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '101') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.logical_and, 123, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.logical_or(101, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '111') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.logical_or, 123, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.logical_xor(101, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '10') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.logical_xor, 123, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.max(101, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '111') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.max, Decimal('sNaN'), context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.max_mag(101, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '111') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.max_mag, Decimal('sNaN'), context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.min(101, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '101') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.min, Decimal('sNaN'), context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.min_mag(101, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '101') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.min_mag, Decimal('sNaN'), context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.remainder_near(101, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '10') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, y.remainder_near, 101, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.rotate(2, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '11100') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.rotate, 101, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.scaleb(7, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '1.11E+9') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.scaleb, 10000, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.shift(2, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '11100') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, x.shift, 10000, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) ##### Ternary functions c.clear_flags() ans = str(x.fma(2, 3, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '225') self.assertRaises(Overflow, x.fma, Decimal('1e9999'), 3, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Overflow]) ##### Special cases c.rounding = ROUND_HALF_EVEN ans = str(Decimal('1.5').to_integral(rounding=None, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '2') c.rounding = ROUND_DOWN ans = str(Decimal('1.5').to_integral(rounding=None, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '1') ans = str(Decimal('1.5').to_integral(rounding=ROUND_UP, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '2') c.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal('sNaN').to_integral, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.rounding = ROUND_HALF_EVEN ans = str(Decimal('1.5').to_integral_value(rounding=None, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '2') c.rounding = ROUND_DOWN ans = str(Decimal('1.5').to_integral_value(rounding=None, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '1') ans = str(Decimal('1.5').to_integral_value(rounding=ROUND_UP, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '2') c.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal('sNaN').to_integral_value, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.rounding = ROUND_HALF_EVEN ans = str(Decimal('1.5').to_integral_exact(rounding=None, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '2') c.rounding = ROUND_DOWN ans = str(Decimal('1.5').to_integral_exact(rounding=None, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '1') ans = str(Decimal('1.5').to_integral_exact(rounding=ROUND_UP, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '2') c.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal('sNaN').to_integral_exact, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.rounding = ROUND_UP ans = str(Decimal('1.50001').quantize(exp=Decimal('1e-3'), rounding=None, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '1.501') c.rounding = ROUND_DOWN ans = str(Decimal('1.50001').quantize(exp=Decimal('1e-3'), rounding=None, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '1.500') ans = str(Decimal('1.50001').quantize(exp=Decimal('1e-3'), rounding=ROUND_UP, context=None)) self.assertEqual(ans, '1.501') c.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, y.quantize, Decimal('1e-10'), rounding=ROUND_UP, context=None) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) with localcontext(Context()) as context: context.prec = 7 context.Emax = 999 context.Emin = -999 with localcontext(ctx=None) as c: self.assertEqual(c.prec, 7) self.assertEqual(c.Emax, 999) self.assertEqual(c.Emin, -999) def test_conversions_from_int(self): # Check that methods taking a second Decimal argument will # always accept an integer in place of a Decimal. Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertEqual(Decimal(4).compare(3), Decimal(4).compare(Decimal(3))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(4).compare_signal(3), Decimal(4).compare_signal(Decimal(3))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(4).compare_total(3), Decimal(4).compare_total(Decimal(3))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(4).compare_total_mag(3), Decimal(4).compare_total_mag(Decimal(3))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(10101).logical_and(1001), Decimal(10101).logical_and(Decimal(1001))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(10101).logical_or(1001), Decimal(10101).logical_or(Decimal(1001))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(10101).logical_xor(1001), Decimal(10101).logical_xor(Decimal(1001))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(567).max(123), Decimal(567).max(Decimal(123))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(567).max_mag(123), Decimal(567).max_mag(Decimal(123))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(567).min(123), Decimal(567).min(Decimal(123))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(567).min_mag(123), Decimal(567).min_mag(Decimal(123))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(567).next_toward(123), Decimal(567).next_toward(Decimal(123))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(1234).quantize(100), Decimal(1234).quantize(Decimal(100))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(768).remainder_near(1234), Decimal(768).remainder_near(Decimal(1234))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(123).rotate(1), Decimal(123).rotate(Decimal(1))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(1234).same_quantum(1000), Decimal(1234).same_quantum(Decimal(1000))) self.assertEqual(Decimal('9.123').scaleb(-100), Decimal('9.123').scaleb(Decimal(-100))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(456).shift(-1), Decimal(456).shift(Decimal(-1))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(-12).fma(Decimal(45), 67), Decimal(-12).fma(Decimal(45), Decimal(67))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(-12).fma(45, 67), Decimal(-12).fma(Decimal(45), Decimal(67))) self.assertEqual(Decimal(-12).fma(45, Decimal(67)), Decimal(-12).fma(Decimal(45), Decimal(67))) @requires_cdecimal class CUsabilityTest(UsabilityTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyUsabilityTest(UsabilityTest, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P def setUp(self): super().setUp() self._previous_int_limit = sys.get_int_max_str_digits() sys.set_int_max_str_digits(7000) def tearDown(self): sys.set_int_max_str_digits(self._previous_int_limit) super().tearDown() class PythonAPItests: def test_abc(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertTrue(issubclass(Decimal, numbers.Number)) self.assertFalse(issubclass(Decimal, numbers.Real)) self.assertIsInstance(Decimal(0), numbers.Number) self.assertNotIsInstance(Decimal(0), numbers.Real) def test_pickle(self): for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal savedecimal = sys.modules['decimal'] # Round trip sys.modules['decimal'] = self.decimal d = Decimal('-3.141590000') p = pickle.dumps(d, proto) e = pickle.loads(p) self.assertEqual(d, e) if C: # Test interchangeability x = C.Decimal('-3.123e81723') y = P.Decimal('-3.123e81723') sys.modules['decimal'] = C sx = pickle.dumps(x, proto) sys.modules['decimal'] = P r = pickle.loads(sx) self.assertIsInstance(r, P.Decimal) self.assertEqual(r, y) sys.modules['decimal'] = P sy = pickle.dumps(y, proto) sys.modules['decimal'] = C r = pickle.loads(sy) self.assertIsInstance(r, C.Decimal) self.assertEqual(r, x) x = C.Decimal('-3.123e81723').as_tuple() y = P.Decimal('-3.123e81723').as_tuple() sys.modules['decimal'] = C sx = pickle.dumps(x, proto) sys.modules['decimal'] = P r = pickle.loads(sx) self.assertIsInstance(r, P.DecimalTuple) self.assertEqual(r, y) sys.modules['decimal'] = P sy = pickle.dumps(y, proto) sys.modules['decimal'] = C r = pickle.loads(sy) self.assertIsInstance(r, C.DecimalTuple) self.assertEqual(r, x) sys.modules['decimal'] = savedecimal def test_int(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal for x in range(-250, 250): s = '%0.2f' % (x / 100.0) # should work the same as for floats self.assertEqual(int(Decimal(s)), int(float(s))) # should work the same as to_integral in the ROUND_DOWN mode d = Decimal(s) r = d.to_integral(ROUND_DOWN) self.assertEqual(Decimal(int(d)), r) self.assertRaises(ValueError, int, Decimal('-nan')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, int, Decimal('snan')) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, int, Decimal('inf')) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, int, Decimal('-inf')) @cpython_only def test_small_ints(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal # bpo-46361 for x in range(-5, 257): self.assertIs(int(Decimal(x)), x) def test_trunc(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal for x in range(-250, 250): s = '%0.2f' % (x / 100.0) # should work the same as for floats self.assertEqual(int(Decimal(s)), int(float(s))) # should work the same as to_integral in the ROUND_DOWN mode d = Decimal(s) r = d.to_integral(ROUND_DOWN) self.assertEqual(Decimal(math.trunc(d)), r) def test_from_float(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal class MyDecimal(Decimal): def __init__(self, _): self.x = 'y' self.assertTrue(issubclass(MyDecimal, Decimal)) r = MyDecimal.from_float(0.1) self.assertEqual(type(r), MyDecimal) self.assertEqual(str(r), '0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625') self.assertEqual(r.x, 'y') bigint = 12345678901234567890123456789 self.assertEqual(MyDecimal.from_float(bigint), MyDecimal(bigint)) self.assertTrue(MyDecimal.from_float(float('nan')).is_qnan()) self.assertTrue(MyDecimal.from_float(float('inf')).is_infinite()) self.assertTrue(MyDecimal.from_float(float('-inf')).is_infinite()) self.assertEqual(str(MyDecimal.from_float(float('nan'))), str(Decimal('NaN'))) self.assertEqual(str(MyDecimal.from_float(float('inf'))), str(Decimal('Infinity'))) self.assertEqual(str(MyDecimal.from_float(float('-inf'))), str(Decimal('-Infinity'))) self.assertRaises(TypeError, MyDecimal.from_float, 'abc') for i in range(200): x = random.expovariate(0.01) * (random.random() * 2.0 - 1.0) self.assertEqual(x, float(MyDecimal.from_float(x))) # roundtrip def test_create_decimal_from_float(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context Inexact = self.decimal.Inexact context = Context(prec=5, rounding=ROUND_DOWN) self.assertEqual( context.create_decimal_from_float(math.pi), Decimal('3.1415') ) context = Context(prec=5, rounding=ROUND_UP) self.assertEqual( context.create_decimal_from_float(math.pi), Decimal('3.1416') ) context = Context(prec=5, traps=[Inexact]) self.assertRaises( Inexact, context.create_decimal_from_float, math.pi ) self.assertEqual(repr(context.create_decimal_from_float(-0.0)), "Decimal('-0')") self.assertEqual(repr(context.create_decimal_from_float(1.0)), "Decimal('1')") self.assertEqual(repr(context.create_decimal_from_float(10)), "Decimal('10')") def test_quantize(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation c = Context(Emax=99999, Emin=-99999) self.assertEqual( Decimal('7.335').quantize(Decimal('.01')), Decimal('7.34') ) self.assertEqual( Decimal('7.335').quantize(Decimal('.01'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN), Decimal('7.33') ) self.assertRaises( InvalidOperation, Decimal("10e99999").quantize, Decimal('1e100000'), context=c ) c = Context() d = Decimal("0.871831e800") x = d.quantize(context=c, exp=Decimal("1e797"), rounding=ROUND_DOWN) self.assertEqual(x, Decimal('8.71E+799')) def test_complex(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal x = Decimal("9.8182731e181273") self.assertEqual(x.real, x) self.assertEqual(x.imag, 0) self.assertEqual(x.conjugate(), x) x = Decimal("1") self.assertEqual(complex(x), complex(float(1))) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, x, 'real', 100) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, x, 'imag', 100) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, x, 'conjugate', 100) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, x, '__complex__', 100) def test_named_parameters(self): D = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation Overflow = self.decimal.Overflow xc = Context() xc.prec = 1 xc.Emax = 1 xc.Emin = -1 with localcontext() as c: c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(D(9, xc), 9) self.assertEqual(D(9, context=xc), 9) self.assertEqual(D(context=xc, value=9), 9) self.assertEqual(D(context=xc), 0) xc.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, D, "xyz", context=xc) self.assertTrue(xc.flags[InvalidOperation]) self.assertFalse(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) xc.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(D(2).exp(context=xc), 7) self.assertRaises(Overflow, D(8).exp, context=xc) self.assertTrue(xc.flags[Overflow]) self.assertFalse(c.flags[Overflow]) xc.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(D(2).ln(context=xc), D('0.7')) self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, D(-1).ln, context=xc) self.assertTrue(xc.flags[InvalidOperation]) self.assertFalse(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) self.assertEqual(D(0).log10(context=xc), D('-inf')) self.assertEqual(D(-1).next_minus(context=xc), -2) self.assertEqual(D(-1).next_plus(context=xc), D('-0.9')) self.assertEqual(D("9.73").normalize(context=xc), D('1E+1')) self.assertEqual(D("9999").to_integral(context=xc), 9999) self.assertEqual(D("-2000").to_integral_exact(context=xc), -2000) self.assertEqual(D("123").to_integral_value(context=xc), 123) self.assertEqual(D("0.0625").sqrt(context=xc), D('0.2')) self.assertEqual(D("0.0625").compare(context=xc, other=3), -1) xc.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, D("0").compare_signal, D('nan'), context=xc) self.assertTrue(xc.flags[InvalidOperation]) self.assertFalse(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) self.assertEqual(D("0.01").max(D('0.0101'), context=xc), D('0.0')) self.assertEqual(D("0.01").max(D('0.0101'), context=xc), D('0.0')) self.assertEqual(D("0.2").max_mag(D('-0.3'), context=xc), D('-0.3')) self.assertEqual(D("0.02").min(D('-0.03'), context=xc), D('-0.0')) self.assertEqual(D("0.02").min_mag(D('-0.03'), context=xc), D('0.0')) self.assertEqual(D("0.2").next_toward(D('-1'), context=xc), D('0.1')) xc.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, D("0.2").quantize, D('1e10'), context=xc) self.assertTrue(xc.flags[InvalidOperation]) self.assertFalse(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) self.assertEqual(D("9.99").remainder_near(D('1.5'), context=xc), D('-0.5')) self.assertEqual(D("9.9").fma(third=D('0.9'), context=xc, other=7), D('7E+1')) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).is_canonical, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).is_finite, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).is_infinite, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).is_nan, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).is_qnan, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).is_snan, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).is_signed, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).is_zero, context=xc) self.assertFalse(D("0.01").is_normal(context=xc)) self.assertTrue(D("0.01").is_subnormal(context=xc)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).adjusted, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).conjugate, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).radix, context=xc) self.assertEqual(D(-111).logb(context=xc), 2) self.assertEqual(D(0).logical_invert(context=xc), 1) self.assertEqual(D('0.01').number_class(context=xc), '+Subnormal') self.assertEqual(D('0.21').to_eng_string(context=xc), '0.21') self.assertEqual(D('11').logical_and(D('10'), context=xc), 0) self.assertEqual(D('11').logical_or(D('10'), context=xc), 1) self.assertEqual(D('01').logical_xor(D('10'), context=xc), 1) self.assertEqual(D('23').rotate(1, context=xc), 3) self.assertEqual(D('23').rotate(1, context=xc), 3) xc.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(Overflow, D('23').scaleb, 1, context=xc) self.assertTrue(xc.flags[Overflow]) self.assertFalse(c.flags[Overflow]) self.assertEqual(D('23').shift(-1, context=xc), 0) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D.from_float, 1.1, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(0).as_tuple, context=xc) self.assertEqual(D(1).canonical(), 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D("-1").copy_abs, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D("-1").copy_negate, context=xc) self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).canonical, context="x") self.assertRaises(TypeError, D(1).canonical, xyz="x") def test_exception_hierarchy(self): decimal = self.decimal DecimalException = decimal.DecimalException InvalidOperation = decimal.InvalidOperation FloatOperation = decimal.FloatOperation DivisionByZero = decimal.DivisionByZero Overflow = decimal.Overflow Underflow = decimal.Underflow Subnormal = decimal.Subnormal Inexact = decimal.Inexact Rounded = decimal.Rounded Clamped = decimal.Clamped self.assertTrue(issubclass(DecimalException, ArithmeticError)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(InvalidOperation, DecimalException)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(FloatOperation, DecimalException)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(FloatOperation, TypeError)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(DivisionByZero, DecimalException)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(DivisionByZero, ZeroDivisionError)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(Overflow, Rounded)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(Overflow, Inexact)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(Overflow, DecimalException)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(Underflow, Inexact)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(Underflow, Rounded)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(Underflow, Subnormal)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(Underflow, DecimalException)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(Subnormal, DecimalException)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(Inexact, DecimalException)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(Rounded, DecimalException)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(Clamped, DecimalException)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(decimal.ConversionSyntax, InvalidOperation)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(decimal.DivisionImpossible, InvalidOperation)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(decimal.DivisionUndefined, InvalidOperation)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(decimal.DivisionUndefined, ZeroDivisionError)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(decimal.InvalidContext, InvalidOperation)) @requires_cdecimal class CPythonAPItests(PythonAPItests, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyPythonAPItests(PythonAPItests, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P class ContextAPItests: def test_none_args(self): Context = self.decimal.Context InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation DivisionByZero = self.decimal.DivisionByZero Overflow = self.decimal.Overflow c1 = Context() c2 = Context(prec=None, rounding=None, Emax=None, Emin=None, capitals=None, clamp=None, flags=None, traps=None) for c in [c1, c2]: self.assertEqual(c.prec, 28) self.assertEqual(c.rounding, ROUND_HALF_EVEN) self.assertEqual(c.Emax, 999999) self.assertEqual(c.Emin, -999999) self.assertEqual(c.capitals, 1) self.assertEqual(c.clamp, 0) assert_signals(self, c, 'flags', []) assert_signals(self, c, 'traps', [InvalidOperation, DivisionByZero, Overflow]) @cpython_only @requires_legacy_unicode_capi @warnings_helper.ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning) def test_from_legacy_strings(self): import _testcapi c = self.decimal.Context() for rnd in RoundingModes: c.rounding = _testcapi.unicode_legacy_string(rnd) self.assertEqual(c.rounding, rnd) s = _testcapi.unicode_legacy_string('') self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, 'rounding', s) s = _testcapi.unicode_legacy_string('ROUND_\x00UP') self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, 'rounding', s) def test_pickle(self): for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1): Context = self.decimal.Context savedecimal = sys.modules['decimal'] # Round trip sys.modules['decimal'] = self.decimal c = Context() e = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(c, proto)) self.assertEqual(c.prec, e.prec) self.assertEqual(c.Emin, e.Emin) self.assertEqual(c.Emax, e.Emax) self.assertEqual(c.rounding, e.rounding) self.assertEqual(c.capitals, e.capitals) self.assertEqual(c.clamp, e.clamp) self.assertEqual(c.flags, e.flags) self.assertEqual(c.traps, e.traps) # Test interchangeability combinations = [(C, P), (P, C)] if C else [(P, P)] for dumper, loader in combinations: for ri, _ in enumerate(RoundingModes): for fi, _ in enumerate(OrderedSignals[dumper]): for ti, _ in enumerate(OrderedSignals[dumper]): prec = random.randrange(1, 100) emin = random.randrange(-100, 0) emax = random.randrange(1, 100) caps = random.randrange(2) clamp = random.randrange(2) # One module dumps sys.modules['decimal'] = dumper c = dumper.Context( prec=prec, Emin=emin, Emax=emax, rounding=RoundingModes[ri], capitals=caps, clamp=clamp, flags=OrderedSignals[dumper][:fi], traps=OrderedSignals[dumper][:ti] ) s = pickle.dumps(c, proto) # The other module loads sys.modules['decimal'] = loader d = pickle.loads(s) self.assertIsInstance(d, loader.Context) self.assertEqual(d.prec, prec) self.assertEqual(d.Emin, emin) self.assertEqual(d.Emax, emax) self.assertEqual(d.rounding, RoundingModes[ri]) self.assertEqual(d.capitals, caps) self.assertEqual(d.clamp, clamp) assert_signals(self, d, 'flags', OrderedSignals[loader][:fi]) assert_signals(self, d, 'traps', OrderedSignals[loader][:ti]) sys.modules['decimal'] = savedecimal def test_equality_with_other_types(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertIn(Decimal(10), ['a', 1.0, Decimal(10), (1,2), {}]) self.assertNotIn(Decimal(10), ['a', 1.0, (1,2), {}]) def test_copy(self): # All copies should be deep Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.copy() self.assertNotEqual(id(c), id(d)) self.assertNotEqual(id(c.flags), id(d.flags)) self.assertNotEqual(id(c.traps), id(d.traps)) k1 = set(c.flags.keys()) k2 = set(d.flags.keys()) self.assertEqual(k1, k2) self.assertEqual(c.flags, d.flags) def test__clamp(self): # In Python 3.2, the private attribute `_clamp` was made # public (issue 8540), with the old `_clamp` becoming a # property wrapping `clamp`. For the duration of Python 3.2 # only, the attribute should be gettable/settable via both # `clamp` and `_clamp`; in Python 3.3, `_clamp` should be # removed. Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, c, '_clamp') def test_abs(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.abs(Decimal(-1)) self.assertEqual(c.abs(-1), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.abs, '-1') def test_add(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.add(Decimal(1), Decimal(1)) self.assertEqual(c.add(1, 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.add(Decimal(1), 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.add(1, Decimal(1)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.add, '1', 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.add, 1, '1') def test_compare(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.compare(Decimal(1), Decimal(1)) self.assertEqual(c.compare(1, 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.compare(Decimal(1), 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.compare(1, Decimal(1)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.compare, '1', 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.compare, 1, '1') def test_compare_signal(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.compare_signal(Decimal(1), Decimal(1)) self.assertEqual(c.compare_signal(1, 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.compare_signal(Decimal(1), 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.compare_signal(1, Decimal(1)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.compare_signal, '1', 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.compare_signal, 1, '1') def test_compare_total(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.compare_total(Decimal(1), Decimal(1)) self.assertEqual(c.compare_total(1, 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.compare_total(Decimal(1), 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.compare_total(1, Decimal(1)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.compare_total, '1', 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.compare_total, 1, '1') def test_compare_total_mag(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.compare_total_mag(Decimal(1), Decimal(1)) self.assertEqual(c.compare_total_mag(1, 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.compare_total_mag(Decimal(1), 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.compare_total_mag(1, Decimal(1)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.compare_total_mag, '1', 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.compare_total_mag, 1, '1') def test_copy_abs(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.copy_abs(Decimal(-1)) self.assertEqual(c.copy_abs(-1), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.copy_abs, '-1') def test_copy_decimal(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.copy_decimal(Decimal(-1)) self.assertEqual(c.copy_decimal(-1), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.copy_decimal, '-1') def test_copy_negate(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.copy_negate(Decimal(-1)) self.assertEqual(c.copy_negate(-1), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.copy_negate, '-1') def test_copy_sign(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.copy_sign(Decimal(1), Decimal(-2)) self.assertEqual(c.copy_sign(1, -2), d) self.assertEqual(c.copy_sign(Decimal(1), -2), d) self.assertEqual(c.copy_sign(1, Decimal(-2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.copy_sign, '1', -2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.copy_sign, 1, '-2') def test_divide(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.divide(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.divide(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.divide(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.divide(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.divide, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.divide, 1, '2') def test_divide_int(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.divide_int(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.divide_int(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.divide_int(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.divide_int(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.divide_int, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.divide_int, 1, '2') def test_divmod(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.divmod(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.divmod(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.divmod(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.divmod(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.divmod, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.divmod, 1, '2') def test_exp(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.exp(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.exp(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.exp, '10') def test_fma(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.fma(Decimal(2), Decimal(3), Decimal(4)) self.assertEqual(c.fma(2, 3, 4), d) self.assertEqual(c.fma(Decimal(2), 3, 4), d) self.assertEqual(c.fma(2, Decimal(3), 4), d) self.assertEqual(c.fma(2, 3, Decimal(4)), d) self.assertEqual(c.fma(Decimal(2), Decimal(3), 4), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.fma, '2', 3, 4) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.fma, 2, '3', 4) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.fma, 2, 3, '4') # Issue 12079 for Context.fma ... self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.fma, Decimal('Infinity'), Decimal(0), "not a decimal") self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.fma, Decimal(1), Decimal('snan'), 1.222) # ... and for Decimal.fma. self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal('Infinity').fma, Decimal(0), "not a decimal") self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal(1).fma, Decimal('snan'), 1.222) def test_is_finite(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.is_finite(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.is_finite(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.is_finite, '10') def test_is_infinite(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.is_infinite(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.is_infinite(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.is_infinite, '10') def test_is_nan(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.is_nan(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.is_nan(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.is_nan, '10') def test_is_normal(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.is_normal(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.is_normal(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.is_normal, '10') def test_is_qnan(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.is_qnan(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.is_qnan(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.is_qnan, '10') def test_is_signed(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.is_signed(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.is_signed(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.is_signed, '10') def test_is_snan(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.is_snan(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.is_snan(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.is_snan, '10') def test_is_subnormal(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.is_subnormal(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.is_subnormal(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.is_subnormal, '10') def test_is_zero(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.is_zero(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.is_zero(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.is_zero, '10') def test_ln(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.ln(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.ln(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.ln, '10') def test_log10(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.log10(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.log10(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.log10, '10') def test_logb(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.logb(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.logb(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.logb, '10') def test_logical_and(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.logical_and(Decimal(1), Decimal(1)) self.assertEqual(c.logical_and(1, 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.logical_and(Decimal(1), 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.logical_and(1, Decimal(1)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.logical_and, '1', 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.logical_and, 1, '1') def test_logical_invert(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.logical_invert(Decimal(1000)) self.assertEqual(c.logical_invert(1000), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.logical_invert, '1000') def test_logical_or(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.logical_or(Decimal(1), Decimal(1)) self.assertEqual(c.logical_or(1, 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.logical_or(Decimal(1), 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.logical_or(1, Decimal(1)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.logical_or, '1', 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.logical_or, 1, '1') def test_logical_xor(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.logical_xor(Decimal(1), Decimal(1)) self.assertEqual(c.logical_xor(1, 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.logical_xor(Decimal(1), 1), d) self.assertEqual(c.logical_xor(1, Decimal(1)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.logical_xor, '1', 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.logical_xor, 1, '1') def test_max(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.max(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.max(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.max(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.max(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.max, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.max, 1, '2') def test_max_mag(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.max_mag(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.max_mag(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.max_mag(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.max_mag(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.max_mag, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.max_mag, 1, '2') def test_min(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.min(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.min(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.min(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.min(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.min, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.min, 1, '2') def test_min_mag(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.min_mag(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.min_mag(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.min_mag(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.min_mag(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.min_mag, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.min_mag, 1, '2') def test_minus(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.minus(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.minus(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.minus, '10') def test_multiply(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.multiply(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.multiply(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.multiply(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.multiply(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.multiply, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.multiply, 1, '2') def test_next_minus(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.next_minus(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.next_minus(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.next_minus, '10') def test_next_plus(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.next_plus(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.next_plus(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.next_plus, '10') def test_next_toward(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.next_toward(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.next_toward(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.next_toward(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.next_toward(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.next_toward, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.next_toward, 1, '2') def test_normalize(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.normalize(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.normalize(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.normalize, '10') def test_number_class(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() self.assertEqual(c.number_class(123), c.number_class(Decimal(123))) self.assertEqual(c.number_class(0), c.number_class(Decimal(0))) self.assertEqual(c.number_class(-45), c.number_class(Decimal(-45))) def test_plus(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.plus(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.plus(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.plus, '10') def test_power(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.power(Decimal(1), Decimal(4)) self.assertEqual(c.power(1, 4), d) self.assertEqual(c.power(Decimal(1), 4), d) self.assertEqual(c.power(1, Decimal(4)), d) self.assertEqual(c.power(Decimal(1), Decimal(4)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.power, '1', 4) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.power, 1, '4') self.assertEqual(c.power(modulo=5, b=8, a=2), 1) def test_quantize(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.quantize(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.quantize(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.quantize(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.quantize(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.quantize, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.quantize, 1, '2') def test_remainder(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.remainder(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.remainder(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.remainder(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.remainder(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.remainder, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.remainder, 1, '2') def test_remainder_near(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.remainder_near(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.remainder_near(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.remainder_near(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.remainder_near(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.remainder_near, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.remainder_near, 1, '2') def test_rotate(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.rotate(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.rotate(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.rotate(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.rotate(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.rotate, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.rotate, 1, '2') def test_sqrt(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.sqrt(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.sqrt(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.sqrt, '10') def test_same_quantum(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.same_quantum(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.same_quantum(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.same_quantum(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.same_quantum(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.same_quantum, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.same_quantum, 1, '2') def test_scaleb(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.scaleb(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.scaleb(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.scaleb(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.scaleb(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.scaleb, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.scaleb, 1, '2') def test_shift(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.shift(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.shift(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.shift(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.shift(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.shift, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.shift, 1, '2') def test_subtract(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.subtract(Decimal(1), Decimal(2)) self.assertEqual(c.subtract(1, 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.subtract(Decimal(1), 2), d) self.assertEqual(c.subtract(1, Decimal(2)), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.subtract, '1', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.subtract, 1, '2') def test_to_eng_string(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.to_eng_string(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.to_eng_string(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.to_eng_string, '10') def test_to_sci_string(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.to_sci_string(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.to_sci_string(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.to_sci_string, '10') def test_to_integral_exact(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.to_integral_exact(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.to_integral_exact(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.to_integral_exact, '10') def test_to_integral_value(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() d = c.to_integral_value(Decimal(10)) self.assertEqual(c.to_integral_value(10), d) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.to_integral_value, '10') self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.to_integral_value, 10, 'x') @requires_cdecimal class CContextAPItests(ContextAPItests, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyContextAPItests(ContextAPItests, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P class ContextWithStatement: # Can't do these as docstrings until Python 2.6 # as doctest can't handle __future__ statements def test_localcontext(self): # Use a copy of the current context in the block getcontext = self.decimal.getcontext localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext orig_ctx = getcontext() with localcontext() as enter_ctx: set_ctx = getcontext() final_ctx = getcontext() self.assertIs(orig_ctx, final_ctx, 'did not restore context correctly') self.assertIsNot(orig_ctx, set_ctx, 'did not copy the context') self.assertIs(set_ctx, enter_ctx, '__enter__ returned wrong context') def test_localcontextarg(self): # Use a copy of the supplied context in the block Context = self.decimal.Context getcontext = self.decimal.getcontext localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext orig_ctx = getcontext() new_ctx = Context(prec=42) with localcontext(new_ctx) as enter_ctx: set_ctx = getcontext() final_ctx = getcontext() self.assertIs(orig_ctx, final_ctx, 'did not restore context correctly') self.assertEqual(set_ctx.prec, new_ctx.prec, 'did not set correct context') self.assertIsNot(new_ctx, set_ctx, 'did not copy the context') self.assertIs(set_ctx, enter_ctx, '__enter__ returned wrong context') def test_localcontext_kwargs(self): with self.decimal.localcontext( prec=10, rounding=ROUND_HALF_DOWN, Emin=-20, Emax=20, capitals=0, clamp=1 ) as ctx: self.assertEqual(ctx.prec, 10) self.assertEqual(ctx.rounding, self.decimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN) self.assertEqual(ctx.Emin, -20) self.assertEqual(ctx.Emax, 20) self.assertEqual(ctx.capitals, 0) self.assertEqual(ctx.clamp, 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.decimal.localcontext, precision=10) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.decimal.localcontext, Emin=1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.decimal.localcontext, Emax=-1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.decimal.localcontext, capitals=2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.decimal.localcontext, clamp=2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.decimal.localcontext, rounding="") self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.decimal.localcontext, rounding=1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.decimal.localcontext, flags="") self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.decimal.localcontext, traps="") self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.decimal.localcontext, Emin="") self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.decimal.localcontext, Emax="") def test_local_context_kwargs_does_not_overwrite_existing_argument(self): ctx = self.decimal.getcontext() orig_prec = ctx.prec with self.decimal.localcontext(prec=10) as ctx2: self.assertEqual(ctx2.prec, 10) self.assertEqual(ctx.prec, orig_prec) with self.decimal.localcontext(prec=20) as ctx2: self.assertEqual(ctx2.prec, 20) self.assertEqual(ctx.prec, orig_prec) def test_nested_with_statements(self): # Use a copy of the supplied context in the block Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context getcontext = self.decimal.getcontext localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext Clamped = self.decimal.Clamped Overflow = self.decimal.Overflow orig_ctx = getcontext() orig_ctx.clear_flags() new_ctx = Context(Emax=384) with localcontext() as c1: self.assertEqual(c1.flags, orig_ctx.flags) self.assertEqual(c1.traps, orig_ctx.traps) c1.traps[Clamped] = True c1.Emin = -383 self.assertNotEqual(orig_ctx.Emin, -383) self.assertRaises(Clamped, c1.create_decimal, '0e-999') self.assertTrue(c1.flags[Clamped]) with localcontext(new_ctx) as c2: self.assertEqual(c2.flags, new_ctx.flags) self.assertEqual(c2.traps, new_ctx.traps) self.assertRaises(Overflow, c2.power, Decimal('3.4e200'), 2) self.assertFalse(c2.flags[Clamped]) self.assertTrue(c2.flags[Overflow]) del c2 self.assertFalse(c1.flags[Overflow]) del c1 self.assertNotEqual(orig_ctx.Emin, -383) self.assertFalse(orig_ctx.flags[Clamped]) self.assertFalse(orig_ctx.flags[Overflow]) self.assertFalse(new_ctx.flags[Clamped]) self.assertFalse(new_ctx.flags[Overflow]) def test_with_statements_gc1(self): localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext with localcontext() as c1: del c1 with localcontext() as c2: del c2 with localcontext() as c3: del c3 with localcontext() as c4: del c4 def test_with_statements_gc2(self): localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext with localcontext() as c1: with localcontext(c1) as c2: del c1 with localcontext(c2) as c3: del c2 with localcontext(c3) as c4: del c3 del c4 def test_with_statements_gc3(self): Context = self.decimal.Context localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext getcontext = self.decimal.getcontext setcontext = self.decimal.setcontext with localcontext() as c1: del c1 n1 = Context(prec=1) setcontext(n1) with localcontext(n1) as c2: del n1 self.assertEqual(c2.prec, 1) del c2 n2 = Context(prec=2) setcontext(n2) del n2 self.assertEqual(getcontext().prec, 2) n3 = Context(prec=3) setcontext(n3) self.assertEqual(getcontext().prec, 3) with localcontext(n3) as c3: del n3 self.assertEqual(c3.prec, 3) del c3 n4 = Context(prec=4) setcontext(n4) del n4 self.assertEqual(getcontext().prec, 4) with localcontext() as c4: self.assertEqual(c4.prec, 4) del c4 @requires_cdecimal class CContextWithStatement(ContextWithStatement, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyContextWithStatement(ContextWithStatement, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P class ContextFlags: def test_flags_irrelevant(self): # check that the result (numeric result + flags raised) of an # arithmetic operation doesn't depend on the current flags Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context Inexact = self.decimal.Inexact Rounded = self.decimal.Rounded Underflow = self.decimal.Underflow Clamped = self.decimal.Clamped Subnormal = self.decimal.Subnormal def raise_error(context, flag): if self.decimal == C: context.flags[flag] = True if context.traps[flag]: raise flag else: context._raise_error(flag) context = Context(prec=9, Emin = -425000000, Emax = 425000000, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN, traps=[], flags=[]) # operations that raise various flags, in the form (function, arglist) operations = [ (context._apply, [Decimal("100E-425000010")]), (context.sqrt, [Decimal(2)]), (context.add, [Decimal("1.23456789"), Decimal("9.87654321")]), (context.multiply, [Decimal("1.23456789"), Decimal("9.87654321")]), (context.subtract, [Decimal("1.23456789"), Decimal("9.87654321")]), ] # try various flags individually, then a whole lot at once flagsets = [[Inexact], [Rounded], [Underflow], [Clamped], [Subnormal], [Inexact, Rounded, Underflow, Clamped, Subnormal]] for fn, args in operations: # find answer and flags raised using a clean context context.clear_flags() ans = fn(*args) flags = [k for k, v in context.flags.items() if v] for extra_flags in flagsets: # set flags, before calling operation context.clear_flags() for flag in extra_flags: raise_error(context, flag) new_ans = fn(*args) # flags that we expect to be set after the operation expected_flags = list(flags) for flag in extra_flags: if flag not in expected_flags: expected_flags.append(flag) expected_flags.sort(key=id) # flags we actually got new_flags = [k for k,v in context.flags.items() if v] new_flags.sort(key=id) self.assertEqual(ans, new_ans, "operation produces different answers depending on flags set: " + "expected %s, got %s." % (ans, new_ans)) self.assertEqual(new_flags, expected_flags, "operation raises different flags depending on flags set: " + "expected %s, got %s" % (expected_flags, new_flags)) def test_flag_comparisons(self): Context = self.decimal.Context Inexact = self.decimal.Inexact Rounded = self.decimal.Rounded c = Context() # Valid SignalDict self.assertNotEqual(c.flags, c.traps) self.assertNotEqual(c.traps, c.flags) c.flags = c.traps self.assertEqual(c.flags, c.traps) self.assertEqual(c.traps, c.flags) c.flags[Rounded] = True c.traps = c.flags self.assertEqual(c.flags, c.traps) self.assertEqual(c.traps, c.flags) d = {} d.update(c.flags) self.assertEqual(d, c.flags) self.assertEqual(c.flags, d) d[Inexact] = True self.assertNotEqual(d, c.flags) self.assertNotEqual(c.flags, d) # Invalid SignalDict d = {Inexact:False} self.assertNotEqual(d, c.flags) self.assertNotEqual(c.flags, d) d = ["xyz"] self.assertNotEqual(d, c.flags) self.assertNotEqual(c.flags, d) @requires_IEEE_754 def test_float_operation(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal FloatOperation = self.decimal.FloatOperation localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext with localcontext() as c: ##### trap is off by default self.assertFalse(c.traps[FloatOperation]) # implicit conversion sets the flag c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(Decimal(7.5), 7.5) self.assertTrue(c.flags[FloatOperation]) c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(c.create_decimal(7.5), 7.5) self.assertTrue(c.flags[FloatOperation]) # explicit conversion does not set the flag c.clear_flags() x = Decimal.from_float(7.5) self.assertFalse(c.flags[FloatOperation]) # comparison sets the flag self.assertEqual(x, 7.5) self.assertTrue(c.flags[FloatOperation]) c.clear_flags() x = c.create_decimal_from_float(7.5) self.assertFalse(c.flags[FloatOperation]) self.assertEqual(x, 7.5) self.assertTrue(c.flags[FloatOperation]) ##### set the trap c.traps[FloatOperation] = True # implicit conversion raises c.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(FloatOperation, Decimal, 7.5) self.assertTrue(c.flags[FloatOperation]) c.clear_flags() self.assertRaises(FloatOperation, c.create_decimal, 7.5) self.assertTrue(c.flags[FloatOperation]) # explicit conversion is silent c.clear_flags() x = Decimal.from_float(7.5) self.assertFalse(c.flags[FloatOperation]) c.clear_flags() x = c.create_decimal_from_float(7.5) self.assertFalse(c.flags[FloatOperation]) def test_float_comparison(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context FloatOperation = self.decimal.FloatOperation localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext def assert_attr(a, b, attr, context, signal=None): context.clear_flags() f = getattr(a, attr) if signal == FloatOperation: self.assertRaises(signal, f, b) else: self.assertIs(f(b), True) self.assertTrue(context.flags[FloatOperation]) small_d = Decimal('0.25') big_d = Decimal('3.0') small_f = 0.25 big_f = 3.0 zero_d = Decimal('0.0') neg_zero_d = Decimal('-0.0') zero_f = 0.0 neg_zero_f = -0.0 inf_d = Decimal('Infinity') neg_inf_d = Decimal('-Infinity') inf_f = float('inf') neg_inf_f = float('-inf') def doit(c, signal=None): # Order for attr in '__lt__', '__le__': assert_attr(small_d, big_f, attr, c, signal) for attr in '__gt__', '__ge__': assert_attr(big_d, small_f, attr, c, signal) # Equality assert_attr(small_d, small_f, '__eq__', c, None) assert_attr(neg_zero_d, neg_zero_f, '__eq__', c, None) assert_attr(neg_zero_d, zero_f, '__eq__', c, None) assert_attr(zero_d, neg_zero_f, '__eq__', c, None) assert_attr(zero_d, zero_f, '__eq__', c, None) assert_attr(neg_inf_d, neg_inf_f, '__eq__', c, None) assert_attr(inf_d, inf_f, '__eq__', c, None) # Inequality assert_attr(small_d, big_f, '__ne__', c, None) assert_attr(Decimal('0.1'), 0.1, '__ne__', c, None) assert_attr(neg_inf_d, inf_f, '__ne__', c, None) assert_attr(inf_d, neg_inf_f, '__ne__', c, None) assert_attr(Decimal('NaN'), float('nan'), '__ne__', c, None) def test_containers(c, signal=None): c.clear_flags() s = set([100.0, Decimal('100.0')]) self.assertEqual(len(s), 1) self.assertTrue(c.flags[FloatOperation]) c.clear_flags() if signal: self.assertRaises(signal, sorted, [1.0, Decimal('10.0')]) else: s = sorted([10.0, Decimal('10.0')]) self.assertTrue(c.flags[FloatOperation]) c.clear_flags() b = 10.0 in [Decimal('10.0'), 1.0] self.assertTrue(c.flags[FloatOperation]) c.clear_flags() b = 10.0 in {Decimal('10.0'):'a', 1.0:'b'} self.assertTrue(c.flags[FloatOperation]) nc = Context() with localcontext(nc) as c: self.assertFalse(c.traps[FloatOperation]) doit(c, signal=None) test_containers(c, signal=None) c.traps[FloatOperation] = True doit(c, signal=FloatOperation) test_containers(c, signal=FloatOperation) def test_float_operation_default(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal Context = self.decimal.Context Inexact = self.decimal.Inexact FloatOperation= self.decimal.FloatOperation context = Context() self.assertFalse(context.flags[FloatOperation]) self.assertFalse(context.traps[FloatOperation]) context.clear_traps() context.traps[Inexact] = True context.traps[FloatOperation] = True self.assertTrue(context.traps[FloatOperation]) self.assertTrue(context.traps[Inexact]) @requires_cdecimal class CContextFlags(ContextFlags, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyContextFlags(ContextFlags, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P class SpecialContexts: """Test the context templates.""" def test_context_templates(self): BasicContext = self.decimal.BasicContext ExtendedContext = self.decimal.ExtendedContext getcontext = self.decimal.getcontext setcontext = self.decimal.setcontext InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation DivisionByZero = self.decimal.DivisionByZero Overflow = self.decimal.Overflow Underflow = self.decimal.Underflow Clamped = self.decimal.Clamped assert_signals(self, BasicContext, 'traps', [InvalidOperation, DivisionByZero, Overflow, Underflow, Clamped] ) savecontext = getcontext().copy() basic_context_prec = BasicContext.prec extended_context_prec = ExtendedContext.prec ex = None try: BasicContext.prec = ExtendedContext.prec = 441 for template in BasicContext, ExtendedContext: setcontext(template) c = getcontext() self.assertIsNot(c, template) self.assertEqual(c.prec, 441) except Exception as e: ex = e.__class__ finally: BasicContext.prec = basic_context_prec ExtendedContext.prec = extended_context_prec setcontext(savecontext) if ex: raise ex def test_default_context(self): DefaultContext = self.decimal.DefaultContext BasicContext = self.decimal.BasicContext ExtendedContext = self.decimal.ExtendedContext getcontext = self.decimal.getcontext setcontext = self.decimal.setcontext InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation DivisionByZero = self.decimal.DivisionByZero Overflow = self.decimal.Overflow self.assertEqual(BasicContext.prec, 9) self.assertEqual(ExtendedContext.prec, 9) assert_signals(self, DefaultContext, 'traps', [InvalidOperation, DivisionByZero, Overflow] ) savecontext = getcontext().copy() default_context_prec = DefaultContext.prec ex = None try: c = getcontext() saveprec = c.prec DefaultContext.prec = 961 c = getcontext() self.assertEqual(c.prec, saveprec) setcontext(DefaultContext) c = getcontext() self.assertIsNot(c, DefaultContext) self.assertEqual(c.prec, 961) except Exception as e: ex = e.__class__ finally: DefaultContext.prec = default_context_prec setcontext(savecontext) if ex: raise ex @requires_cdecimal class CSpecialContexts(SpecialContexts, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PySpecialContexts(SpecialContexts, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P class ContextInputValidation: def test_invalid_context(self): Context = self.decimal.Context DefaultContext = self.decimal.DefaultContext c = DefaultContext.copy() # prec, Emax for attr in ['prec', 'Emax']: setattr(c, attr, 999999) self.assertEqual(getattr(c, attr), 999999) self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, attr, -1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, attr, 'xyz') # Emin setattr(c, 'Emin', -999999) self.assertEqual(getattr(c, 'Emin'), -999999) self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, 'Emin', 1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, 'Emin', (1,2,3)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, 'rounding', -1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, 'rounding', 9) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, 'rounding', 1.0) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, 'rounding', 'xyz') # capitals, clamp for attr in ['capitals', 'clamp']: self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, attr, -1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, attr, 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, attr, [1,2,3]) # Invalid attribute self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, c, 'emax', 100) # Invalid signal dict self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, 'flags', []) self.assertRaises(KeyError, setattr, c, 'flags', {}) self.assertRaises(KeyError, setattr, c, 'traps', {'InvalidOperation':0}) # Attributes cannot be deleted for attr in ['prec', 'Emax', 'Emin', 'rounding', 'capitals', 'clamp', 'flags', 'traps']: self.assertRaises(AttributeError, c.__delattr__, attr) # Invalid attributes self.assertRaises(TypeError, getattr, c, 9) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, 9) # Invalid values in constructor self.assertRaises(TypeError, Context, rounding=999999) self.assertRaises(TypeError, Context, rounding='xyz') self.assertRaises(ValueError, Context, clamp=2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Context, capitals=-1) self.assertRaises(KeyError, Context, flags=["P"]) self.assertRaises(KeyError, Context, traps=["Q"]) # Type error in conversion self.assertRaises(TypeError, Context, flags=(0,1)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, Context, traps=(1,0)) @requires_cdecimal class CContextInputValidation(ContextInputValidation, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyContextInputValidation(ContextInputValidation, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P class ContextSubclassing: def test_context_subclassing(self): decimal = self.decimal Decimal = decimal.Decimal Context = decimal.Context Clamped = decimal.Clamped DivisionByZero = decimal.DivisionByZero Inexact = decimal.Inexact Overflow = decimal.Overflow Rounded = decimal.Rounded Subnormal = decimal.Subnormal Underflow = decimal.Underflow InvalidOperation = decimal.InvalidOperation class MyContext(Context): def __init__(self, prec=None, rounding=None, Emin=None, Emax=None, capitals=None, clamp=None, flags=None, traps=None): Context.__init__(self) if prec is not None: self.prec = prec if rounding is not None: self.rounding = rounding if Emin is not None: self.Emin = Emin if Emax is not None: self.Emax = Emax if capitals is not None: self.capitals = capitals if clamp is not None: self.clamp = clamp if flags is not None: if isinstance(flags, list): flags = {v:(v in flags) for v in OrderedSignals[decimal] + flags} self.flags = flags if traps is not None: if isinstance(traps, list): traps = {v:(v in traps) for v in OrderedSignals[decimal] + traps} self.traps = traps c = Context() d = MyContext() for attr in ('prec', 'rounding', 'Emin', 'Emax', 'capitals', 'clamp', 'flags', 'traps'): self.assertEqual(getattr(c, attr), getattr(d, attr)) # prec self.assertRaises(ValueError, MyContext, **{'prec':-1}) c = MyContext(prec=1) self.assertEqual(c.prec, 1) self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, c.quantize, Decimal('9e2'), 0) # rounding self.assertRaises(TypeError, MyContext, **{'rounding':'XYZ'}) c = MyContext(rounding=ROUND_DOWN, prec=1) self.assertEqual(c.rounding, ROUND_DOWN) self.assertEqual(c.plus(Decimal('9.9')), 9) # Emin self.assertRaises(ValueError, MyContext, **{'Emin':5}) c = MyContext(Emin=-1, prec=1) self.assertEqual(c.Emin, -1) x = c.add(Decimal('1e-99'), Decimal('2.234e-2000')) self.assertEqual(x, Decimal('0.0')) for signal in (Inexact, Underflow, Subnormal, Rounded, Clamped): self.assertTrue(c.flags[signal]) # Emax self.assertRaises(ValueError, MyContext, **{'Emax':-1}) c = MyContext(Emax=1, prec=1) self.assertEqual(c.Emax, 1) self.assertRaises(Overflow, c.add, Decimal('1e99'), Decimal('2.234e2000')) if self.decimal == C: for signal in (Inexact, Overflow, Rounded): self.assertTrue(c.flags[signal]) # capitals self.assertRaises(ValueError, MyContext, **{'capitals':-1}) c = MyContext(capitals=0) self.assertEqual(c.capitals, 0) x = c.create_decimal('1E222') self.assertEqual(c.to_sci_string(x), '1e+222') # clamp self.assertRaises(ValueError, MyContext, **{'clamp':2}) c = MyContext(clamp=1, Emax=99) self.assertEqual(c.clamp, 1) x = c.plus(Decimal('1e99')) self.assertEqual(str(x), '1.000000000000000000000000000E+99') # flags self.assertRaises(TypeError, MyContext, **{'flags':'XYZ'}) c = MyContext(flags=[Rounded, DivisionByZero]) for signal in (Rounded, DivisionByZero): self.assertTrue(c.flags[signal]) c.clear_flags() for signal in OrderedSignals[decimal]: self.assertFalse(c.flags[signal]) # traps self.assertRaises(TypeError, MyContext, **{'traps':'XYZ'}) c = MyContext(traps=[Rounded, DivisionByZero]) for signal in (Rounded, DivisionByZero): self.assertTrue(c.traps[signal]) c.clear_traps() for signal in OrderedSignals[decimal]: self.assertFalse(c.traps[signal]) @requires_cdecimal class CContextSubclassing(ContextSubclassing, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyContextSubclassing(ContextSubclassing, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P @skip_if_extra_functionality @requires_cdecimal class CheckAttributes(unittest.TestCase): def test_module_attributes(self): # Architecture dependent context limits self.assertEqual(C.MAX_PREC, P.MAX_PREC) self.assertEqual(C.MAX_EMAX, P.MAX_EMAX) self.assertEqual(C.MIN_EMIN, P.MIN_EMIN) self.assertEqual(C.MIN_ETINY, P.MIN_ETINY) self.assertTrue(C.HAVE_THREADS is True or C.HAVE_THREADS is False) self.assertTrue(P.HAVE_THREADS is True or P.HAVE_THREADS is False) self.assertEqual(C.__version__, P.__version__) self.assertEqual(dir(C), dir(P)) def test_context_attributes(self): x = [s for s in dir(C.Context()) if '__' in s or not s.startswith('_')] y = [s for s in dir(P.Context()) if '__' in s or not s.startswith('_')] self.assertEqual(set(x) - set(y), set()) def test_decimal_attributes(self): x = [s for s in dir(C.Decimal(9)) if '__' in s or not s.startswith('_')] y = [s for s in dir(C.Decimal(9)) if '__' in s or not s.startswith('_')] self.assertEqual(set(x) - set(y), set()) class Coverage: def test_adjusted(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal self.assertEqual(Decimal('1234e9999').adjusted(), 10002) # XXX raise? self.assertEqual(Decimal('nan').adjusted(), 0) self.assertEqual(Decimal('inf').adjusted(), 0) def test_canonical(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal getcontext = self.decimal.getcontext x = Decimal(9).canonical() self.assertEqual(x, 9) c = getcontext() x = c.canonical(Decimal(9)) self.assertEqual(x, 9) def test_context_repr(self): c = self.decimal.DefaultContext.copy() c.prec = 425000000 c.Emax = 425000000 c.Emin = -425000000 c.rounding = ROUND_HALF_DOWN c.capitals = 0 c.clamp = 1 for sig in OrderedSignals[self.decimal]: c.flags[sig] = False c.traps[sig] = False s = c.__repr__() t = "Context(prec=425000000, rounding=ROUND_HALF_DOWN, " \ "Emin=-425000000, Emax=425000000, capitals=0, clamp=1, " \ "flags=[], traps=[])" self.assertEqual(s, t) def test_implicit_context(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext with localcontext() as c: c.prec = 1 c.Emax = 1 c.Emin = -1 # abs self.assertEqual(abs(Decimal("-10")), 10) # add self.assertEqual(Decimal("7") + 1, 8) # divide self.assertEqual(Decimal("10") / 5, 2) # divide_int self.assertEqual(Decimal("10") // 7, 1) # fma self.assertEqual(Decimal("1.2").fma(Decimal("0.01"), 1), 1) self.assertIs(Decimal("NaN").fma(7, 1).is_nan(), True) # three arg power self.assertEqual(pow(Decimal(10), 2, 7), 2) # exp self.assertEqual(Decimal("1.01").exp(), 3) # is_normal self.assertIs(Decimal("0.01").is_normal(), False) # is_subnormal self.assertIs(Decimal("0.01").is_subnormal(), True) # ln self.assertEqual(Decimal("20").ln(), 3) # log10 self.assertEqual(Decimal("20").log10(), 1) # logb self.assertEqual(Decimal("580").logb(), 2) # logical_invert self.assertEqual(Decimal("10").logical_invert(), 1) # minus self.assertEqual(-Decimal("-10"), 10) # multiply self.assertEqual(Decimal("2") * 4, 8) # next_minus self.assertEqual(Decimal("10").next_minus(), 9) # next_plus self.assertEqual(Decimal("10").next_plus(), Decimal('2E+1')) # normalize self.assertEqual(Decimal("-10").normalize(), Decimal('-1E+1')) # number_class self.assertEqual(Decimal("10").number_class(), '+Normal') # plus self.assertEqual(+Decimal("-1"), -1) # remainder self.assertEqual(Decimal("10") % 7, 3) # subtract self.assertEqual(Decimal("10") - 7, 3) # to_integral_exact self.assertEqual(Decimal("1.12345").to_integral_exact(), 1) # Boolean functions self.assertTrue(Decimal("1").is_canonical()) self.assertTrue(Decimal("1").is_finite()) self.assertTrue(Decimal("1").is_finite()) self.assertTrue(Decimal("snan").is_snan()) self.assertTrue(Decimal("-1").is_signed()) self.assertTrue(Decimal("0").is_zero()) self.assertTrue(Decimal("0").is_zero()) # Copy with localcontext() as c: c.prec = 10000 x = 1228 ** 1523 y = -Decimal(x) z = y.copy_abs() self.assertEqual(z, x) z = y.copy_negate() self.assertEqual(z, x) z = y.copy_sign(Decimal(1)) self.assertEqual(z, x) def test_divmod(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation DivisionByZero = self.decimal.DivisionByZero with localcontext() as c: q, r = divmod(Decimal("10912837129"), 1001) self.assertEqual(q, Decimal('10901935')) self.assertEqual(r, Decimal('194')) q, r = divmod(Decimal("NaN"), 7) self.assertTrue(q.is_nan() and r.is_nan()) c.traps[InvalidOperation] = False q, r = divmod(Decimal("NaN"), 7) self.assertTrue(q.is_nan() and r.is_nan()) c.traps[InvalidOperation] = False c.clear_flags() q, r = divmod(Decimal("inf"), Decimal("inf")) self.assertTrue(q.is_nan() and r.is_nan()) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() q, r = divmod(Decimal("inf"), 101) self.assertTrue(q.is_infinite() and r.is_nan()) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() q, r = divmod(Decimal(0), 0) self.assertTrue(q.is_nan() and r.is_nan()) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.traps[DivisionByZero] = False c.clear_flags() q, r = divmod(Decimal(11), 0) self.assertTrue(q.is_infinite() and r.is_nan()) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation] and c.flags[DivisionByZero]) def test_power(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext Overflow = self.decimal.Overflow Rounded = self.decimal.Rounded with localcontext() as c: c.prec = 3 c.clear_flags() self.assertEqual(Decimal("1.0") ** 100, Decimal('1.00')) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Rounded]) c.prec = 1 c.Emax = 1 c.Emin = -1 c.clear_flags() c.traps[Overflow] = False self.assertEqual(Decimal(10000) ** Decimal("0.5"), Decimal('inf')) self.assertTrue(c.flags[Overflow]) def test_quantize(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext InvalidOperation = self.decimal.InvalidOperation with localcontext() as c: c.prec = 1 c.Emax = 1 c.Emin = -1 c.traps[InvalidOperation] = False x = Decimal(99).quantize(Decimal("1e1")) self.assertTrue(x.is_nan()) def test_radix(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal getcontext = self.decimal.getcontext c = getcontext() self.assertEqual(Decimal("1").radix(), 10) self.assertEqual(c.radix(), 10) def test_rop(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal for attr in ('__radd__', '__rsub__', '__rmul__', '__rtruediv__', '__rdivmod__', '__rmod__', '__rfloordiv__', '__rpow__'): self.assertIs(getattr(Decimal("1"), attr)("xyz"), NotImplemented) def test_round(self): # Python3 behavior: round() returns Decimal Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext with localcontext() as c: c.prec = 28 self.assertEqual(str(Decimal("9.99").__round__()), "10") self.assertEqual(str(Decimal("9.99e-5").__round__()), "0") self.assertEqual(str(Decimal("1.23456789").__round__(5)), "1.23457") self.assertEqual(str(Decimal("1.2345").__round__(10)), "1.2345000000") self.assertEqual(str(Decimal("1.2345").__round__(-10)), "0E+10") self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal("1.23").__round__, "5") self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal("1.23").__round__, 5, 8) def test_create_decimal(self): c = self.decimal.Context() self.assertRaises(ValueError, c.create_decimal, ["%"]) def test_int(self): Decimal = self.decimal.Decimal localcontext = self.decimal.localcontext with localcontext() as c: c.prec = 9999 x = Decimal(1221**1271) / 10**3923 self.assertEqual(int(x), 1) self.assertEqual(x.to_integral(), 2) def test_copy(self): Context = self.decimal.Context c = Context() c.prec = 10000 x = -(1172 ** 1712) y = c.copy_abs(x) self.assertEqual(y, -x) y = c.copy_negate(x) self.assertEqual(y, -x) y = c.copy_sign(x, 1) self.assertEqual(y, -x) @requires_cdecimal class CCoverage(Coverage, unittest.TestCase): decimal = C class PyCoverage(Coverage, unittest.TestCase): decimal = P def setUp(self): super().setUp() self._previous_int_limit = sys.get_int_max_str_digits() sys.set_int_max_str_digits(7000) def tearDown(self): sys.set_int_max_str_digits(self._previous_int_limit) super().tearDown() class PyFunctionality(unittest.TestCase): """Extra functionality in decimal.py""" def test_py_alternate_formatting(self): # triples giving a format, a Decimal, and the expected result Decimal = P.Decimal localcontext = P.localcontext test_values = [ # Issue 7094: Alternate formatting (specified by #) ('.0e', '1.0', '1e+0'), ('#.0e', '1.0', '1.e+0'), ('.0f', '1.0', '1'), ('#.0f', '1.0', '1.'), ('g', '1.1', '1.1'), ('#g', '1.1', '1.1'), ('.0g', '1', '1'), ('#.0g', '1', '1.'), ('.0%', '1.0', '100%'), ('#.0%', '1.0', '100.%'), ] for fmt, d, result in test_values: self.assertEqual(format(Decimal(d), fmt), result) class PyWhitebox(unittest.TestCase): """White box testing for decimal.py""" def test_py_exact_power(self): # Rarely exercised lines in _power_exact. Decimal = P.Decimal localcontext = P.localcontext with localcontext() as c: c.prec = 8 x = Decimal(2**16) ** Decimal("-0.5") self.assertEqual(x, Decimal('0.00390625')) x = Decimal(2**16) ** Decimal("-0.6") self.assertEqual(x, Decimal('0.0012885819')) x = Decimal("256e7") ** Decimal("-0.5") x = Decimal(152587890625) ** Decimal('-0.0625') self.assertEqual(x, Decimal("0.2")) x = Decimal("152587890625e7") ** Decimal('-0.0625') x = Decimal(5**2659) ** Decimal('-0.0625') c.prec = 1 x = Decimal("152587890625") ** Decimal('-0.5') c.prec = 201 x = Decimal(2**578) ** Decimal("-0.5") def test_py_immutability_operations(self): # Do operations and check that it didn't change internal objects. Decimal = P.Decimal DefaultContext = P.DefaultContext setcontext = P.setcontext c = DefaultContext.copy() c.traps = dict((s, 0) for s in OrderedSignals[P]) setcontext(c) d1 = Decimal('-25e55') b1 = Decimal('-25e55') d2 = Decimal('33e+33') b2 = Decimal('33e+33') def checkSameDec(operation, useOther=False): if useOther: eval("d1." + operation + "(d2)") self.assertEqual(d1._sign, b1._sign) self.assertEqual(d1._int, b1._int) self.assertEqual(d1._exp, b1._exp) self.assertEqual(d2._sign, b2._sign) self.assertEqual(d2._int, b2._int) self.assertEqual(d2._exp, b2._exp) else: eval("d1." + operation + "()") self.assertEqual(d1._sign, b1._sign) self.assertEqual(d1._int, b1._int) self.assertEqual(d1._exp, b1._exp) Decimal(d1) self.assertEqual(d1._sign, b1._sign) self.assertEqual(d1._int, b1._int) self.assertEqual(d1._exp, b1._exp) checkSameDec("__abs__") checkSameDec("__add__", True) checkSameDec("__divmod__", True) checkSameDec("__eq__", True) checkSameDec("__ne__", True) checkSameDec("__le__", True) checkSameDec("__lt__", True) checkSameDec("__ge__", True) checkSameDec("__gt__", True) checkSameDec("__float__") checkSameDec("__floordiv__", True) checkSameDec("__hash__") checkSameDec("__int__") checkSameDec("__trunc__") checkSameDec("__mod__", True) checkSameDec("__mul__", True) checkSameDec("__neg__") checkSameDec("__bool__") checkSameDec("__pos__") checkSameDec("__pow__", True) checkSameDec("__radd__", True) checkSameDec("__rdivmod__", True) checkSameDec("__repr__") checkSameDec("__rfloordiv__", True) checkSameDec("__rmod__", True) checkSameDec("__rmul__", True) checkSameDec("__rpow__", True) checkSameDec("__rsub__", True) checkSameDec("__str__") checkSameDec("__sub__", True) checkSameDec("__truediv__", True) checkSameDec("adjusted") checkSameDec("as_tuple") checkSameDec("compare", True) checkSameDec("max", True) checkSameDec("min", True) checkSameDec("normalize") checkSameDec("quantize", True) checkSameDec("remainder_near", True) checkSameDec("same_quantum", True) checkSameDec("sqrt") checkSameDec("to_eng_string") checkSameDec("to_integral") def test_py_decimal_id(self): Decimal = P.Decimal d = Decimal(45) e = Decimal(d) self.assertEqual(str(e), '45') self.assertNotEqual(id(d), id(e)) def test_py_rescale(self): # Coverage Decimal = P.Decimal localcontext = P.localcontext with localcontext() as c: x = Decimal("NaN")._rescale(3, ROUND_UP) self.assertTrue(x.is_nan()) def test_py__round(self): # Coverage Decimal = P.Decimal self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal("3.1234")._round, 0, ROUND_UP) class CFunctionality(unittest.TestCase): """Extra functionality in _decimal""" @requires_extra_functionality def test_c_ieee_context(self): # issue 8786: Add support for IEEE 754 contexts to decimal module. IEEEContext = C.IEEEContext DECIMAL32 = C.DECIMAL32 DECIMAL64 = C.DECIMAL64 DECIMAL128 = C.DECIMAL128 def assert_rest(self, context): self.assertEqual(context.clamp, 1) assert_signals(self, context, 'traps', []) assert_signals(self, context, 'flags', []) c = IEEEContext(DECIMAL32) self.assertEqual(c.prec, 7) self.assertEqual(c.Emax, 96) self.assertEqual(c.Emin, -95) assert_rest(self, c) c = IEEEContext(DECIMAL64) self.assertEqual(c.prec, 16) self.assertEqual(c.Emax, 384) self.assertEqual(c.Emin, -383) assert_rest(self, c) c = IEEEContext(DECIMAL128) self.assertEqual(c.prec, 34) self.assertEqual(c.Emax, 6144) self.assertEqual(c.Emin, -6143) assert_rest(self, c) # Invalid values self.assertRaises(OverflowError, IEEEContext, 2**63) self.assertRaises(ValueError, IEEEContext, -1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, IEEEContext, 1024) @requires_extra_functionality def test_c_context(self): Context = C.Context c = Context(flags=C.DecClamped, traps=C.DecRounded) self.assertEqual(c._flags, C.DecClamped) self.assertEqual(c._traps, C.DecRounded) @requires_extra_functionality def test_constants(self): # Condition flags cond = ( C.DecClamped, C.DecConversionSyntax, C.DecDivisionByZero, C.DecDivisionImpossible, C.DecDivisionUndefined, C.DecFpuError, C.DecInexact, C.DecInvalidContext, C.DecInvalidOperation, C.DecMallocError, C.DecFloatOperation, C.DecOverflow, C.DecRounded, C.DecSubnormal, C.DecUnderflow ) # IEEEContext self.assertEqual(C.DECIMAL32, 32) self.assertEqual(C.DECIMAL64, 64) self.assertEqual(C.DECIMAL128, 128) self.assertEqual(C.IEEE_CONTEXT_MAX_BITS, 512) # Conditions for i, v in enumerate(cond): self.assertEqual(v, 1< 425000000) c = Context() # SignalDict: input validation self.assertRaises(KeyError, c.flags.__setitem__, 801, 0) self.assertRaises(KeyError, c.traps.__setitem__, 801, 0) self.assertRaises(ValueError, c.flags.__delitem__, Overflow) self.assertRaises(ValueError, c.traps.__delitem__, InvalidOperation) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, 'flags', ['x']) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c,'traps', ['y']) self.assertRaises(KeyError, setattr, c, 'flags', {0:1}) self.assertRaises(KeyError, setattr, c, 'traps', {0:1}) # Test assignment from a signal dict with the correct length but # one invalid key. d = c.flags.copy() del d[FloatOperation] d["XYZ"] = 91283719 self.assertRaises(KeyError, setattr, c, 'flags', d) self.assertRaises(KeyError, setattr, c, 'traps', d) # Input corner cases int_max = 2**63-1 if HAVE_CONFIG_64 else 2**31-1 gt_max_emax = 10**18 if HAVE_CONFIG_64 else 10**9 # prec, Emax, Emin for attr in ['prec', 'Emax']: self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, attr, gt_max_emax) self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, 'Emin', -gt_max_emax) # prec, Emax, Emin in context constructor self.assertRaises(ValueError, Context, prec=gt_max_emax) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Context, Emax=gt_max_emax) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Context, Emin=-gt_max_emax) # Overflow in conversion self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Context, prec=int_max+1) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Context, Emax=int_max+1) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Context, Emin=-int_max-2) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Context, clamp=int_max+1) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Context, capitals=int_max+1) # OverflowError, general ValueError for attr in ('prec', 'Emin', 'Emax', 'capitals', 'clamp'): self.assertRaises(OverflowError, setattr, c, attr, int_max+1) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, setattr, c, attr, -int_max-2) if sys.platform != 'win32': self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, attr, int_max) self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, attr, -int_max-1) # OverflowError: _unsafe_setprec, _unsafe_setemin, _unsafe_setemax if C.MAX_PREC == 425000000: self.assertRaises(OverflowError, getattr(c, '_unsafe_setprec'), int_max+1) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, getattr(c, '_unsafe_setemax'), int_max+1) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, getattr(c, '_unsafe_setemin'), -int_max-2) # ValueError: _unsafe_setprec, _unsafe_setemin, _unsafe_setemax if C.MAX_PREC == 425000000: self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr(c, '_unsafe_setprec'), 0) self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr(c, '_unsafe_setprec'), 1070000001) self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr(c, '_unsafe_setemax'), -1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr(c, '_unsafe_setemax'), 1070000001) self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr(c, '_unsafe_setemin'), -1070000001) self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr(c, '_unsafe_setemin'), 1) # capitals, clamp for attr in ['capitals', 'clamp']: self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, attr, -1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, attr, 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, attr, [1,2,3]) if HAVE_CONFIG_64: self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, attr, 2**32) self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, attr, 2**32+1) # Invalid local context self.assertRaises(TypeError, exec, 'with localcontext("xyz"): pass', locals()) self.assertRaises(TypeError, exec, 'with localcontext(context=getcontext()): pass', locals()) # setcontext saved_context = getcontext() self.assertRaises(TypeError, setcontext, "xyz") setcontext(saved_context) def test_rounding_strings_interned(self): self.assertIs(C.ROUND_UP, P.ROUND_UP) self.assertIs(C.ROUND_DOWN, P.ROUND_DOWN) self.assertIs(C.ROUND_CEILING, P.ROUND_CEILING) self.assertIs(C.ROUND_FLOOR, P.ROUND_FLOOR) self.assertIs(C.ROUND_HALF_UP, P.ROUND_HALF_UP) self.assertIs(C.ROUND_HALF_DOWN, P.ROUND_HALF_DOWN) self.assertIs(C.ROUND_HALF_EVEN, P.ROUND_HALF_EVEN) self.assertIs(C.ROUND_05UP, P.ROUND_05UP) @requires_extra_functionality def test_c_context_errors_extra(self): Context = C.Context InvalidOperation = C.InvalidOperation Overflow = C.Overflow localcontext = C.localcontext getcontext = C.getcontext setcontext = C.setcontext HAVE_CONFIG_64 = (C.MAX_PREC > 425000000) c = Context() # Input corner cases int_max = 2**63-1 if HAVE_CONFIG_64 else 2**31-1 # OverflowError, general ValueError self.assertRaises(OverflowError, setattr, c, '_allcr', int_max+1) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, setattr, c, '_allcr', -int_max-2) if sys.platform != 'win32': self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, '_allcr', int_max) self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, '_allcr', -int_max-1) # OverflowError, general TypeError for attr in ('_flags', '_traps'): self.assertRaises(OverflowError, setattr, c, attr, int_max+1) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, setattr, c, attr, -int_max-2) if sys.platform != 'win32': self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, attr, int_max) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, attr, -int_max-1) # _allcr self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, '_allcr', -1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, '_allcr', 2) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, '_allcr', [1,2,3]) if HAVE_CONFIG_64: self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, '_allcr', 2**32) self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, c, '_allcr', 2**32+1) # _flags, _traps for attr in ['_flags', '_traps']: self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, attr, 999999) self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, c, attr, 'x') def test_c_valid_context(self): # These tests are for code coverage in _decimal. DefaultContext = C.DefaultContext Clamped = C.Clamped Underflow = C.Underflow Inexact = C.Inexact Rounded = C.Rounded Subnormal = C.Subnormal c = DefaultContext.copy() # Exercise all getters and setters c.prec = 34 c.rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP c.Emax = 3000 c.Emin = -3000 c.capitals = 1 c.clamp = 0 self.assertEqual(c.prec, 34) self.assertEqual(c.rounding, ROUND_HALF_UP) self.assertEqual(c.Emin, -3000) self.assertEqual(c.Emax, 3000) self.assertEqual(c.capitals, 1) self.assertEqual(c.clamp, 0) self.assertEqual(c.Etiny(), -3033) self.assertEqual(c.Etop(), 2967) # Exercise all unsafe setters if C.MAX_PREC == 425000000: c._unsafe_setprec(999999999) c._unsafe_setemax(999999999) c._unsafe_setemin(-999999999) self.assertEqual(c.prec, 999999999) self.assertEqual(c.Emax, 999999999) self.assertEqual(c.Emin, -999999999) @requires_extra_functionality def test_c_valid_context_extra(self): DefaultContext = C.DefaultContext c = DefaultContext.copy() self.assertEqual(c._allcr, 1) c._allcr = 0 self.assertEqual(c._allcr, 0) def test_c_round(self): # Restricted input. Decimal = C.Decimal InvalidOperation = C.InvalidOperation localcontext = C.localcontext MAX_EMAX = C.MAX_EMAX MIN_ETINY = C.MIN_ETINY int_max = 2**63-1 if C.MAX_PREC > 425000000 else 2**31-1 with localcontext() as c: c.traps[InvalidOperation] = True self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal("1.23").__round__, -int_max-1) self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal("1.23").__round__, int_max) self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal("1").__round__, int(MAX_EMAX+1)) self.assertRaises(C.InvalidOperation, Decimal("1").__round__, -int(MIN_ETINY-1)) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Decimal("1.23").__round__, -int_max-2) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Decimal("1.23").__round__, int_max+1) def test_c_format(self): # Restricted input Decimal = C.Decimal HAVE_CONFIG_64 = (C.MAX_PREC > 425000000) self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal(1).__format__, "=10.10", [], 9) self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal(1).__format__, "=10.10", 9) self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal(1).__format__, []) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal(1).__format__, "<>=10.10") maxsize = 2**63-1 if HAVE_CONFIG_64 else 2**31-1 self.assertRaises(ValueError, Decimal("1.23456789").__format__, "=%d.1" % maxsize) def test_c_integral(self): Decimal = C.Decimal Inexact = C.Inexact localcontext = C.localcontext x = Decimal(10) self.assertEqual(x.to_integral(), 10) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral, '10') self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral, 10, 'x') self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral, 10) self.assertEqual(x.to_integral_value(), 10) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_value, '10') self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_value, 10, 'x') self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_value, 10) self.assertEqual(x.to_integral_exact(), 10) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_exact, '10') self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_exact, 10, 'x') self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_exact, 10) with localcontext() as c: x = Decimal("99999999999999999999999999.9").to_integral_value(ROUND_UP) self.assertEqual(x, Decimal('100000000000000000000000000')) x = Decimal("99999999999999999999999999.9").to_integral_exact(ROUND_UP) self.assertEqual(x, Decimal('100000000000000000000000000')) c.traps[Inexact] = True self.assertRaises(Inexact, Decimal("999.9").to_integral_exact, ROUND_UP) def test_c_funcs(self): # Invalid arguments Decimal = C.Decimal InvalidOperation = C.InvalidOperation DivisionByZero = C.DivisionByZero getcontext = C.getcontext localcontext = C.localcontext self.assertEqual(Decimal('9.99e10').to_eng_string(), '99.9E+9') self.assertRaises(TypeError, pow, Decimal(1), 2, "3") self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal(9).number_class, "x", "y") self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal(9).same_quantum, 3, "x", "y") self.assertRaises( TypeError, Decimal("1.23456789").quantize, Decimal('1e-100000'), [] ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, Decimal("1.23456789").quantize, Decimal('1e-100000'), getcontext() ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, Decimal("1.23456789").quantize, Decimal('1e-100000'), 10 ) self.assertRaises( TypeError, Decimal("1.23456789").quantize, Decimal('1e-100000'), ROUND_UP, 1000 ) with localcontext() as c: c.clear_traps() # Invalid arguments self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.copy_sign, Decimal(1), "x", "y") self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.canonical, 200) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.is_canonical, 200) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.divmod, 9, 8, "x", "y") self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.same_quantum, 9, 3, "x", "y") self.assertEqual(str(c.canonical(Decimal(200))), '200') self.assertEqual(c.radix(), 10) c.traps[DivisionByZero] = True self.assertRaises(DivisionByZero, Decimal(9).__divmod__, 0) self.assertRaises(DivisionByZero, c.divmod, 9, 0) self.assertTrue(c.flags[InvalidOperation]) c.clear_flags() c.traps[InvalidOperation] = True self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal(9).__divmod__, 0) self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, c.divmod, 9, 0) self.assertTrue(c.flags[DivisionByZero]) c.traps[InvalidOperation] = True c.prec = 2 self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, pow, Decimal(1000), 1, 501) def test_va_args_exceptions(self): Decimal = C.Decimal Context = C.Context x = Decimal("10001111111") for attr in ['exp', 'is_normal', 'is_subnormal', 'ln', 'log10', 'logb', 'logical_invert', 'next_minus', 'next_plus', 'normalize', 'number_class', 'sqrt', 'to_eng_string']: func = getattr(x, attr) self.assertRaises(TypeError, func, context="x") self.assertRaises(TypeError, func, "x", context=None) for attr in ['compare', 'compare_signal', 'logical_and', 'logical_or', 'max', 'max_mag', 'min', 'min_mag', 'remainder_near', 'rotate', 'scaleb', 'shift']: func = getattr(x, attr) self.assertRaises(TypeError, func, context="x") self.assertRaises(TypeError, func, "x", context=None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral, rounding=None, context=[]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral, rounding={}, context=[]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral, [], []) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_value, rounding=None, context=[]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_value, rounding={}, context=[]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_value, [], []) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_exact, rounding=None, context=[]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_exact, rounding={}, context=[]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.to_integral_exact, [], []) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.fma, 1, 2, context="x") self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.fma, 1, 2, "x", context=None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.quantize, 1, [], context=None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.quantize, 1, [], rounding=None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, x.quantize, 1, [], []) c = Context() self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.power, 1, 2, mod="x") self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.power, 1, "x", mod=None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.power, "x", 2, mod=None) @requires_extra_functionality def test_c_context_templates(self): self.assertEqual( C.BasicContext._traps, C.DecIEEEInvalidOperation|C.DecDivisionByZero|C.DecOverflow| C.DecUnderflow|C.DecClamped ) self.assertEqual( C.DefaultContext._traps, C.DecIEEEInvalidOperation|C.DecDivisionByZero|C.DecOverflow ) @requires_extra_functionality def test_c_signal_dict(self): # SignalDict coverage Context = C.Context DefaultContext = C.DefaultContext InvalidOperation = C.InvalidOperation FloatOperation = C.FloatOperation DivisionByZero = C.DivisionByZero Overflow = C.Overflow Subnormal = C.Subnormal Underflow = C.Underflow Rounded = C.Rounded Inexact = C.Inexact Clamped = C.Clamped DecClamped = C.DecClamped DecInvalidOperation = C.DecInvalidOperation DecIEEEInvalidOperation = C.DecIEEEInvalidOperation def assertIsExclusivelySet(signal, signal_dict): for sig in signal_dict: if sig == signal: self.assertTrue(signal_dict[sig]) else: self.assertFalse(signal_dict[sig]) c = DefaultContext.copy() # Signal dict methods self.assertTrue(Overflow in c.traps) c.clear_traps() for k in c.traps.keys(): c.traps[k] = True for v in c.traps.values(): self.assertTrue(v) c.clear_traps() for k, v in c.traps.items(): self.assertFalse(v) self.assertFalse(c.flags.get(Overflow)) self.assertIs(c.flags.get("x"), None) self.assertEqual(c.flags.get("x", "y"), "y") self.assertRaises(TypeError, c.flags.get, "x", "y", "z") self.assertEqual(len(c.flags), len(c.traps)) s = sys.getsizeof(c.flags) s = sys.getsizeof(c.traps) s = c.flags.__repr__() # Set flags/traps. c.clear_flags() c._flags = DecClamped self.assertTrue(c.flags[Clamped]) c.clear_traps() c._traps = DecInvalidOperation self.assertTrue(c.traps[InvalidOperation]) # Set flags/traps from dictionary. c.clear_flags() d = c.flags.copy() d[DivisionByZero] = True c.flags = d assertIsExclusivelySet(DivisionByZero, c.flags) c.clear_traps() d = c.traps.copy() d[Underflow] = True c.traps = d assertIsExclusivelySet(Underflow, c.traps) # Random constructors IntSignals = { Clamped: C.DecClamped, Rounded: C.DecRounded, Inexact: C.DecInexact, Subnormal: C.DecSubnormal, Underflow: C.DecUnderflow, Overflow: C.DecOverflow, DivisionByZero: C.DecDivisionByZero, FloatOperation: C.DecFloatOperation, InvalidOperation: C.DecIEEEInvalidOperation } IntCond = [ C.DecDivisionImpossible, C.DecDivisionUndefined, C.DecFpuError, C.DecInvalidContext, C.DecInvalidOperation, C.DecMallocError, C.DecConversionSyntax, ] lim = len(OrderedSignals[C]) for r in range(lim): for t in range(lim): for round in RoundingModes: flags = random.sample(OrderedSignals[C], r) traps = random.sample(OrderedSignals[C], t) prec = random.randrange(1, 10000) emin = random.randrange(-10000, 0) emax = random.randrange(0, 10000) clamp = random.randrange(0, 2) caps = random.randrange(0, 2) cr = random.randrange(0, 2) c = Context(prec=prec, rounding=round, Emin=emin, Emax=emax, capitals=caps, clamp=clamp, flags=list(flags), traps=list(traps)) self.assertEqual(c.prec, prec) self.assertEqual(c.rounding, round) self.assertEqual(c.Emin, emin) self.assertEqual(c.Emax, emax) self.assertEqual(c.capitals, caps) self.assertEqual(c.clamp, clamp) f = 0 for x in flags: f |= IntSignals[x] self.assertEqual(c._flags, f) f = 0 for x in traps: f |= IntSignals[x] self.assertEqual(c._traps, f) for cond in IntCond: c._flags = cond self.assertTrue(c._flags&DecIEEEInvalidOperation) assertIsExclusivelySet(InvalidOperation, c.flags) for cond in IntCond: c._traps = cond self.assertTrue(c._traps&DecIEEEInvalidOperation) assertIsExclusivelySet(InvalidOperation, c.traps) def test_invalid_override(self): Decimal = C.Decimal try: from locale import CHAR_MAX except ImportError: self.skipTest('locale.CHAR_MAX not available') def make_grouping(lst): return ''.join([chr(x) for x in lst]) def get_fmt(x, override=None, fmt='n'): return Decimal(x).__format__(fmt, override) invalid_grouping = { 'decimal_point' : ',', 'grouping' : make_grouping([255, 255, 0]), 'thousands_sep' : ',' } invalid_dot = { 'decimal_point' : 'xxxxx', 'grouping' : make_grouping([3, 3, 0]), 'thousands_sep' : ',' } invalid_sep = { 'decimal_point' : '.', 'grouping' : make_grouping([3, 3, 0]), 'thousands_sep' : 'yyyyy' } if CHAR_MAX == 127: # negative grouping in override self.assertRaises(ValueError, get_fmt, 12345, invalid_grouping, 'g') self.assertRaises(ValueError, get_fmt, 12345, invalid_dot, 'g') self.assertRaises(ValueError, get_fmt, 12345, invalid_sep, 'g') def test_exact_conversion(self): Decimal = C.Decimal localcontext = C.localcontext InvalidOperation = C.InvalidOperation with localcontext() as c: c.traps[InvalidOperation] = True # Clamped x = "0e%d" % sys.maxsize self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x) x = "0e%d" % (-sys.maxsize-1) self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x) # Overflow x = "1e%d" % sys.maxsize self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x) # Underflow x = "1e%d" % (-sys.maxsize-1) self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x) def test_from_tuple(self): Decimal = C.Decimal localcontext = C.localcontext InvalidOperation = C.InvalidOperation Overflow = C.Overflow Underflow = C.Underflow with localcontext() as c: c.prec = 9 c.traps[InvalidOperation] = True c.traps[Overflow] = True c.traps[Underflow] = True # SSIZE_MAX x = (1, (), sys.maxsize) self.assertEqual(str(c.create_decimal(x)), '-0E+999999') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x) x = (1, (0, 1, 2), sys.maxsize) self.assertRaises(Overflow, c.create_decimal, x) self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x) # SSIZE_MIN x = (1, (), -sys.maxsize-1) self.assertEqual(str(c.create_decimal(x)), '-0E-1000007') self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x) x = (1, (0, 1, 2), -sys.maxsize-1) self.assertRaises(Underflow, c.create_decimal, x) self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation, Decimal, x) # OverflowError x = (1, (), sys.maxsize+1) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, c.create_decimal, x) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Decimal, x) x = (1, (), -sys.maxsize-2) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, c.create_decimal, x) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, Decimal, x) # Specials x = (1, (), "N") self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(x)), '-sNaN') x = (1, (0,), "N") self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(x)), '-sNaN') x = (1, (0, 1), "N") self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(x)), '-sNaN1') def test_sizeof(self): Decimal = C.Decimal HAVE_CONFIG_64 = (C.MAX_PREC > 425000000) self.assertGreater(Decimal(0).__sizeof__(), 0) if HAVE_CONFIG_64: x = Decimal(10**(19*24)).__sizeof__() y = Decimal(10**(19*25)).__sizeof__() self.assertEqual(y, x+8) else: x = Decimal(10**(9*24)).__sizeof__() y = Decimal(10**(9*25)).__sizeof__() self.assertEqual(y, x+4) def test_internal_use_of_overridden_methods(self): Decimal = C.Decimal # Unsound subtyping class X(float): def as_integer_ratio(self): return 1 def __abs__(self): return self class Y(float): def __abs__(self): return [1]*200 class I(int): def bit_length(self): return [1]*200 class Z(float): def as_integer_ratio(self): return (I(1), I(1)) def __abs__(self): return self for cls in X, Y, Z: self.assertEqual(Decimal.from_float(cls(101.1)), Decimal.from_float(101.1)) # Issue 41540: @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform.startswith("aix"), "AIX: default ulimit: test is flaky because of extreme over-allocation") @unittest.skipIf(is_emscripten, "Test is unstable on Emscripten") @unittest.skipIf(check_sanitizer(address=True, memory=True), "ASAN/MSAN sanitizer defaults to crashing " "instead of returning NULL for malloc failure.") def test_maxcontext_exact_arith(self): # Make sure that exact operations do not raise MemoryError due # to huge intermediate values when the context precision is very # large. # The following functions fill the available precision and are # therefore not suitable for large precisions (by design of the # specification). MaxContextSkip = ['logical_invert', 'next_minus', 'next_plus', 'logical_and', 'logical_or', 'logical_xor', 'next_toward', 'rotate', 'shift'] Decimal = C.Decimal Context = C.Context localcontext = C.localcontext # Here only some functions that are likely candidates for triggering a # MemoryError are tested. deccheck.py has an exhaustive test. maxcontext = Context(prec=C.MAX_PREC, Emin=C.MIN_EMIN, Emax=C.MAX_EMAX) with localcontext(maxcontext): self.assertEqual(Decimal(0).exp(), 1) self.assertEqual(Decimal(1).ln(), 0) self.assertEqual(Decimal(1).log10(), 0) self.assertEqual(Decimal(10**2).log10(), 2) self.assertEqual(Decimal(10**223).log10(), 223) self.assertEqual(Decimal(10**19).logb(), 19) self.assertEqual(Decimal(4).sqrt(), 2) self.assertEqual(Decimal("40E9").sqrt(), Decimal('2.0E+5')) self.assertEqual(divmod(Decimal(10), 3), (3, 1)) self.assertEqual(Decimal(10) // 3, 3) self.assertEqual(Decimal(4) / 2, 2) self.assertEqual(Decimal(400) ** -1, Decimal('0.0025')) def test_c_immutable_types(self): SignalDict = type(C.Context().flags) SignalDictMixin = SignalDict.__bases__[0] ContextManager = type(C.localcontext()) types = ( SignalDictMixin, ContextManager, C.Decimal, C.Context, ) for tp in types: with self.subTest(tp=tp): with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "immutable"): tp.foo = 1 def test_c_disallow_instantiation(self): ContextManager = type(C.localcontext()) check_disallow_instantiation(self, ContextManager) @requires_docstrings @requires_cdecimal class SignatureTest(unittest.TestCase): """Function signatures""" def test_inspect_module(self): for attr in dir(P): if attr.startswith('_'): continue p_func = getattr(P, attr) c_func = getattr(C, attr) if (attr == 'Decimal' or attr == 'Context' or inspect.isfunction(p_func)): p_sig = inspect.signature(p_func) c_sig = inspect.signature(c_func) # parameter names: c_names = list(c_sig.parameters.keys()) p_names = [x for x in p_sig.parameters.keys() if not x.startswith('_')] self.assertEqual(c_names, p_names, msg="parameter name mismatch in %s" % p_func) c_kind = [x.kind for x in c_sig.parameters.values()] p_kind = [x[1].kind for x in p_sig.parameters.items() if not x[0].startswith('_')] # parameters: if attr != 'setcontext': self.assertEqual(c_kind, p_kind, msg="parameter kind mismatch in %s" % p_func) def test_inspect_types(self): POS = inspect._ParameterKind.POSITIONAL_ONLY POS_KWD = inspect._ParameterKind.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD # Type heuristic (type annotations would help!): pdict = {C: {'other': C.Decimal(1), 'third': C.Decimal(1), 'x': C.Decimal(1), 'y': C.Decimal(1), 'z': C.Decimal(1), 'a': C.Decimal(1), 'b': C.Decimal(1), 'c': C.Decimal(1), 'exp': C.Decimal(1), 'modulo': C.Decimal(1), 'num': "1", 'f': 1.0, 'rounding': C.ROUND_HALF_UP, 'context': C.getcontext()}, P: {'other': P.Decimal(1), 'third': P.Decimal(1), 'a': P.Decimal(1), 'b': P.Decimal(1), 'c': P.Decimal(1), 'exp': P.Decimal(1), 'modulo': P.Decimal(1), 'num': "1", 'f': 1.0, 'rounding': P.ROUND_HALF_UP, 'context': P.getcontext()}} def mkargs(module, sig): args = [] kwargs = {} for name, param in sig.parameters.items(): if name == 'self': continue if param.kind == POS: args.append(pdict[module][name]) elif param.kind == POS_KWD: kwargs[name] = pdict[module][name] else: raise TestFailed("unexpected parameter kind") return args, kwargs def tr(s): """The C Context docstrings use 'x' in order to prevent confusion with the article 'a' in the descriptions.""" if s == 'x': return 'a' if s == 'y': return 'b' if s == 'z': return 'c' return s def doit(ty): p_type = getattr(P, ty) c_type = getattr(C, ty) for attr in dir(p_type): if attr.startswith('_'): continue p_func = getattr(p_type, attr) c_func = getattr(c_type, attr) if inspect.isfunction(p_func): p_sig = inspect.signature(p_func) c_sig = inspect.signature(c_func) # parameter names: p_names = list(p_sig.parameters.keys()) c_names = [tr(x) for x in c_sig.parameters.keys()] self.assertEqual(c_names, p_names, msg="parameter name mismatch in %s" % p_func) p_kind = [x.kind for x in p_sig.parameters.values()] c_kind = [x.kind for x in c_sig.parameters.values()] # 'self' parameter: self.assertIs(p_kind[0], POS_KWD) self.assertIs(c_kind[0], POS) # remaining parameters: if ty == 'Decimal': self.assertEqual(c_kind[1:], p_kind[1:], msg="parameter kind mismatch in %s" % p_func) else: # Context methods are positional only in the C version. self.assertEqual(len(c_kind), len(p_kind), msg="parameter kind mismatch in %s" % p_func) # Run the function: args, kwds = mkargs(C, c_sig) try: getattr(c_type(9), attr)(*args, **kwds) except Exception: raise TestFailed("invalid signature for %s: %s %s" % (c_func, args, kwds)) args, kwds = mkargs(P, p_sig) try: getattr(p_type(9), attr)(*args, **kwds) except Exception: raise TestFailed("invalid signature for %s: %s %s" % (p_func, args, kwds)) doit('Decimal') doit('Context') def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern): if TODO_TESTS is not None: # Run only Arithmetic tests tests = loader.suiteClass() # Dynamically build custom test definition for each file in the test # directory and add the definitions to the DecimalTest class. This # procedure insures that new files do not get skipped. for filename in os.listdir(directory): if '.decTest' not in filename or filename.startswith("."): continue head, tail = filename.split('.') if TODO_TESTS is not None and head not in TODO_TESTS: continue tester = lambda self, f=filename: self.eval_file(directory + f) setattr(IBMTestCases, 'test_' + head, tester) del filename, head, tail, tester for prefix, mod in ('C', C), ('Py', P): if not mod: continue test_class = type(prefix + 'IBMTestCases', (IBMTestCases, unittest.TestCase), {'decimal': mod}) tests.addTest(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_class)) if TODO_TESTS is None: from doctest import DocTestSuite, IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL for mod in C, P: if not mod: continue def setUp(slf, mod=mod): sys.modules['decimal'] = mod def tearDown(slf): sys.modules['decimal'] = orig_sys_decimal optionflags = IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL if mod is C else 0 sys.modules['decimal'] = mod tests.addTest(DocTestSuite(mod, setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown, optionflags=optionflags)) sys.modules['decimal'] = orig_sys_decimal return tests def setUpModule(): init(C) init(P) global TEST_ALL TEST_ALL = ARITH if ARITH is not None else is_resource_enabled('decimal') def tearDownModule(): if C: C.setcontext(ORIGINAL_CONTEXT[C]) P.setcontext(ORIGINAL_CONTEXT[P]) if not C: warnings.warn('C tests skipped: no module named _decimal.', UserWarning) if not orig_sys_decimal is sys.modules['decimal']: raise TestFailed("Internal error: unbalanced number of changes to " "sys.modules['decimal'].") ARITH = None TEST_ALL = True TODO_TESTS = None DEBUG = False def test(arith=None, verbose=None, todo_tests=None, debug=None): """ Execute the tests. Runs all arithmetic tests if arith is True or if the "decimal" resource is enabled in regrtest.py """ global ARITH, TODO_TESTS, DEBUG ARITH = arith TODO_TESTS = todo_tests DEBUG = debug unittest.main(__name__, verbosity=2 if verbose else 1, exit=False, argv=[__name__]) if __name__ == '__main__': import optparse p = optparse.OptionParser("test_decimal.py [--debug] [{--skip | test1 [test2 [...]]}]") p.add_option('--debug', '-d', action='store_true', help='shows the test number and context before each test') p.add_option('--skip', '-s', action='store_true', help='skip over 90% of the arithmetic tests') (opt, args) = p.parse_args() if opt.skip: test(arith=False, verbose=True) elif args: test(arith=True, verbose=True, todo_tests=args, debug=opt.debug) else: test(arith=True, verbose=True)