"Test codecontext, coverage 100%" from idlelib import codecontext import unittest import unittest.mock from test.support import requires from tkinter import NSEW, Tk, Frame, Text, TclError from unittest import mock import re from idlelib import config usercfg = codecontext.idleConf.userCfg testcfg = { 'main': config.IdleUserConfParser(''), 'highlight': config.IdleUserConfParser(''), 'keys': config.IdleUserConfParser(''), 'extensions': config.IdleUserConfParser(''), } code_sample = """\ class C1: # Class comment. def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b def compare(self): if a > b: return a elif a < b: return b else: return None """ class DummyEditwin: def __init__(self, root, frame, text): self.root = root self.top = root self.text_frame = frame self.text = text self.label = '' def getlineno(self, index): return int(float(self.text.index(index))) def update_menu_label(self, **kwargs): self.label = kwargs['label'] class CodeContextTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): requires('gui') root = cls.root = Tk() root.withdraw() frame = cls.frame = Frame(root) text = cls.text = Text(frame) text.insert('1.0', code_sample) # Need to pack for creation of code context text widget. frame.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=1) text.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=NSEW) cls.editor = DummyEditwin(root, frame, text) codecontext.idleConf.userCfg = testcfg @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): codecontext.idleConf.userCfg = usercfg cls.editor.text.delete('1.0', 'end') del cls.editor, cls.frame, cls.text cls.root.update_idletasks() cls.root.destroy() del cls.root def setUp(self): self.text.yview(0) self.text['font'] = 'TkFixedFont' self.cc = codecontext.CodeContext(self.editor) self.highlight_cfg = {"background": '#abcdef', "foreground": '#123456'} orig_idleConf_GetHighlight = codecontext.idleConf.GetHighlight def mock_idleconf_GetHighlight(theme, element): if element == 'context': return self.highlight_cfg return orig_idleConf_GetHighlight(theme, element) GetHighlight_patcher = unittest.mock.patch.object( codecontext.idleConf, 'GetHighlight', mock_idleconf_GetHighlight) GetHighlight_patcher.start() self.addCleanup(GetHighlight_patcher.stop) self.font_override = 'TkFixedFont' def mock_idleconf_GetFont(root, configType, section): return self.font_override GetFont_patcher = unittest.mock.patch.object( codecontext.idleConf, 'GetFont', mock_idleconf_GetFont) GetFont_patcher.start() self.addCleanup(GetFont_patcher.stop) def tearDown(self): if self.cc.context: self.cc.context.destroy() # Explicitly call __del__ to remove scheduled scripts. self.cc.__del__() del self.cc.context, self.cc def test_init(self): eq = self.assertEqual ed = self.editor cc = self.cc eq(cc.editwin, ed) eq(cc.text, ed.text) eq(cc.text['font'], ed.text['font']) self.assertIsNone(cc.context) eq(cc.info, [(0, -1, '', False)]) eq(cc.topvisible, 1) self.assertIsNone(self.cc.t1) def test_del(self): self.cc.__del__() def test_del_with_timer(self): timer = self.cc.t1 = self.text.after(10000, lambda: None) self.cc.__del__() with self.assertRaises(TclError) as cm: self.root.tk.call('after', 'info', timer) self.assertIn("doesn't exist", str(cm.exception)) def test_reload(self): codecontext.CodeContext.reload() self.assertEqual(self.cc.context_depth, 15) def test_toggle_code_context_event(self): eq = self.assertEqual cc = self.cc toggle = cc.toggle_code_context_event # Make sure code context is off. if cc.context: toggle() # Toggle on. toggle() self.assertIsNotNone(cc.context) eq(cc.context['font'], self.text['font']) eq(cc.context['fg'], self.highlight_cfg['foreground']) eq(cc.context['bg'], self.highlight_cfg['background']) eq(cc.context.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), '') eq(cc.editwin.label, 'Hide Code Context') eq(self.root.tk.call('after', 'info', self.cc.t1)[1], 'timer') # Toggle off. toggle() self.assertIsNone(cc.context) eq(cc.editwin.label, 'Show Code Context') self.assertIsNone(self.cc.t1) # Scroll down and toggle back on. line11_context = '\n'.join(x[2] for x in cc.get_context(11)[0]) cc.text.yview(11) toggle() eq(cc.context.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), line11_context) # Toggle off and on again. toggle() toggle() eq(cc.context.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), line11_context) def test_get_context(self): eq = self.assertEqual gc = self.cc.get_context # stopline must be greater than 0. with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): gc(1, stopline=0) eq(gc(3), ([(2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class')], 0)) # Don't return comment. eq(gc(4), ([(2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class')], 0)) # Two indentation levels and no comment. eq(gc(5), ([(2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class'), (4, 4, ' def __init__(self, a, b):', 'def')], 0)) # Only one 'def' is returned, not both at the same indent level. eq(gc(10), ([(2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class'), (7, 4, ' def compare(self):', 'def'), (8, 8, ' if a > b:', 'if')], 0)) # With 'elif', also show the 'if' even though it's at the same level. eq(gc(11), ([(2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class'), (7, 4, ' def compare(self):', 'def'), (8, 8, ' if a > b:', 'if'), (10, 8, ' elif a < b:', 'elif')], 0)) # Set stop_line to not go back to first line in source code. # Return includes stop_line. eq(gc(11, stopline=2), ([(2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class'), (7, 4, ' def compare(self):', 'def'), (8, 8, ' if a > b:', 'if'), (10, 8, ' elif a < b:', 'elif')], 0)) eq(gc(11, stopline=3), ([(7, 4, ' def compare(self):', 'def'), (8, 8, ' if a > b:', 'if'), (10, 8, ' elif a < b:', 'elif')], 4)) eq(gc(11, stopline=8), ([(8, 8, ' if a > b:', 'if'), (10, 8, ' elif a < b:', 'elif')], 8)) # Set stop_indent to test indent level to stop at. eq(gc(11, stopindent=4), ([(7, 4, ' def compare(self):', 'def'), (8, 8, ' if a > b:', 'if'), (10, 8, ' elif a < b:', 'elif')], 4)) # Check that the 'if' is included. eq(gc(11, stopindent=8), ([(8, 8, ' if a > b:', 'if'), (10, 8, ' elif a < b:', 'elif')], 8)) def test_update_code_context(self): eq = self.assertEqual cc = self.cc # Ensure code context is active. if not cc.context: cc.toggle_code_context_event() # Invoke update_code_context without scrolling - nothing happens. self.assertIsNone(cc.update_code_context()) eq(cc.info, [(0, -1, '', False)]) eq(cc.topvisible, 1) # Scroll down to line 1. cc.text.yview(1) cc.update_code_context() eq(cc.info, [(0, -1, '', False)]) eq(cc.topvisible, 2) eq(cc.context.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), '') # Scroll down to line 2. cc.text.yview(2) cc.update_code_context() eq(cc.info, [(0, -1, '', False), (2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class')]) eq(cc.topvisible, 3) eq(cc.context.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), 'class C1:') # Scroll down to line 3. Since it's a comment, nothing changes. cc.text.yview(3) cc.update_code_context() eq(cc.info, [(0, -1, '', False), (2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class')]) eq(cc.topvisible, 4) eq(cc.context.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), 'class C1:') # Scroll down to line 4. cc.text.yview(4) cc.update_code_context() eq(cc.info, [(0, -1, '', False), (2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class'), (4, 4, ' def __init__(self, a, b):', 'def')]) eq(cc.topvisible, 5) eq(cc.context.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), 'class C1:\n' ' def __init__(self, a, b):') # Scroll down to line 11. Last 'def' is removed. cc.text.yview(11) cc.update_code_context() eq(cc.info, [(0, -1, '', False), (2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class'), (7, 4, ' def compare(self):', 'def'), (8, 8, ' if a > b:', 'if'), (10, 8, ' elif a < b:', 'elif')]) eq(cc.topvisible, 12) eq(cc.context.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), 'class C1:\n' ' def compare(self):\n' ' if a > b:\n' ' elif a < b:') # No scroll. No update, even though context_depth changed. cc.update_code_context() cc.context_depth = 1 eq(cc.info, [(0, -1, '', False), (2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class'), (7, 4, ' def compare(self):', 'def'), (8, 8, ' if a > b:', 'if'), (10, 8, ' elif a < b:', 'elif')]) eq(cc.topvisible, 12) eq(cc.context.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), 'class C1:\n' ' def compare(self):\n' ' if a > b:\n' ' elif a < b:') # Scroll up. cc.text.yview(5) cc.update_code_context() eq(cc.info, [(0, -1, '', False), (2, 0, 'class C1:', 'class'), (4, 4, ' def __init__(self, a, b):', 'def')]) eq(cc.topvisible, 6) # context_depth is 1. eq(cc.context.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), ' def __init__(self, a, b):') def test_jumptoline(self): eq = self.assertEqual cc = self.cc jump = cc.jumptoline if not cc.context: cc.toggle_code_context_event() # Empty context. cc.text.yview('2.0') cc.update_code_context() eq(cc.topvisible, 2) cc.context.mark_set('insert', '1.5') jump() eq(cc.topvisible, 1) # 4 lines of context showing. cc.text.yview('12.0') cc.update_code_context() eq(cc.topvisible, 12) cc.context.mark_set('insert', '3.0') jump() eq(cc.topvisible, 8) # More context lines than limit. cc.context_depth = 2 cc.text.yview('12.0') cc.update_code_context() eq(cc.topvisible, 12) cc.context.mark_set('insert', '1.0') jump() eq(cc.topvisible, 8) # Context selection stops jump. cc.text.yview('5.0') cc.update_code_context() cc.context.tag_add('sel', '1.0', '2.0') cc.context.mark_set('insert', '1.0') jump() # Without selection, to line 2. eq(cc.topvisible, 5) @mock.patch.object(codecontext.CodeContext, 'update_code_context') def test_timer_event(self, mock_update): # Ensure code context is not active. if self.cc.context: self.cc.toggle_code_context_event() self.cc.timer_event() mock_update.assert_not_called() # Activate code context. self.cc.toggle_code_context_event() self.cc.timer_event() mock_update.assert_called() def test_font(self): eq = self.assertEqual cc = self.cc orig_font = cc.text['font'] test_font = 'TkTextFont' self.assertNotEqual(orig_font, test_font) # Ensure code context is not active. if cc.context is not None: cc.toggle_code_context_event() self.font_override = test_font # Nothing breaks or changes with inactive code context. cc.update_font() # Activate code context, previous font change is immediately effective. cc.toggle_code_context_event() eq(cc.context['font'], test_font) # Call the font update, change is picked up. self.font_override = orig_font cc.update_font() eq(cc.context['font'], orig_font) def test_highlight_colors(self): eq = self.assertEqual cc = self.cc orig_colors = dict(self.highlight_cfg) test_colors = {'background': '#222222', 'foreground': '#ffff00'} def assert_colors_are_equal(colors): eq(cc.context['background'], colors['background']) eq(cc.context['foreground'], colors['foreground']) # Ensure code context is not active. if cc.context: cc.toggle_code_context_event() self.highlight_cfg = test_colors # Nothing breaks with inactive code context. cc.update_highlight_colors() # Activate code context, previous colors change is immediately effective. cc.toggle_code_context_event() assert_colors_are_equal(test_colors) # Call colors update with no change to the configured colors. cc.update_highlight_colors() assert_colors_are_equal(test_colors) # Call the colors update with code context active, change is picked up. self.highlight_cfg = orig_colors cc.update_highlight_colors() assert_colors_are_equal(orig_colors) class HelperFunctionText(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_spaces_firstword(self): get = codecontext.get_spaces_firstword test_lines = ( (' first word', (' ', 'first')), ('\tfirst word', ('\t', 'first')), (' \u19D4\u19D2: ', (' ', '\u19D4\u19D2')), ('no spaces', ('', 'no')), ('', ('', '')), ('# TEST COMMENT', ('', '')), (' (continuation)', (' ', '')) ) for line, expected_output in test_lines: self.assertEqual(get(line), expected_output) # Send the pattern in the call. self.assertEqual(get(' (continuation)', c=re.compile(r'^(\s*)([^\s]*)')), (' ', '(continuation)')) def test_get_line_info(self): eq = self.assertEqual gli = codecontext.get_line_info lines = code_sample.splitlines() # Line 1 is not a BLOCKOPENER. eq(gli(lines[0]), (codecontext.INFINITY, '', False)) # Line 2 is a BLOCKOPENER without an indent. eq(gli(lines[1]), (0, 'class C1:', 'class')) # Line 3 is not a BLOCKOPENER and does not return the indent level. eq(gli(lines[2]), (codecontext.INFINITY, ' # Class comment.', False)) # Line 4 is a BLOCKOPENER and is indented. eq(gli(lines[3]), (4, ' def __init__(self, a, b):', 'def')) # Line 8 is a different BLOCKOPENER and is indented. eq(gli(lines[7]), (8, ' if a > b:', 'if')) # Test tab. eq(gli('\tif a == b:'), (1, '\tif a == b:', 'if')) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2)