"""IDLE Configuration Dialog: support user customization of IDLE by GUI Customize font faces, sizes, and colorization attributes. Set indentation defaults. Customize keybindings. Colorization and keybindings can be saved as user defined sets. Select startup options including shell/editor and default window size. Define additional help sources. Note that tab width in IDLE is currently fixed at eight due to Tk issues. Refer to comments in EditorWindow autoindent code for details. """ import re from tkinter import (Toplevel, Listbox, Canvas, StringVar, BooleanVar, IntVar, TRUE, FALSE, TOP, BOTTOM, RIGHT, LEFT, SOLID, GROOVE, NONE, BOTH, X, Y, W, E, EW, NS, NSEW, NW, HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, ANCHOR, ACTIVE, END, TclError) from tkinter.ttk import (Frame, LabelFrame, Button, Checkbutton, Entry, Label, OptionMenu, Notebook, Radiobutton, Scrollbar, Style, Spinbox, Combobox) from tkinter import colorchooser import tkinter.font as tkfont from tkinter import messagebox from idlelib.config import idleConf, ConfigChanges from idlelib.config_key import GetKeysWindow from idlelib.dynoption import DynOptionMenu from idlelib import macosx from idlelib.query import SectionName, HelpSource from idlelib.textview import view_text from idlelib.autocomplete import AutoComplete from idlelib.codecontext import CodeContext from idlelib.parenmatch import ParenMatch from idlelib.format import FormatParagraph from idlelib.squeezer import Squeezer from idlelib.textview import ScrollableTextFrame changes = ConfigChanges() # Reload changed options in the following classes. reloadables = (AutoComplete, CodeContext, ParenMatch, FormatParagraph, Squeezer) class ConfigDialog(Toplevel): """Config dialog for IDLE. """ def __init__(self, parent, title='', *, _htest=False, _utest=False): """Show the tabbed dialog for user configuration. Args: parent - parent of this dialog title - string which is the title of this popup dialog _htest - bool, change box location when running htest _utest - bool, don't wait_window when running unittest Note: Focus set on font page fontlist. Methods: create_widgets cancel: Bound to DELETE_WINDOW protocol. """ Toplevel.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent if _htest: parent.instance_dict = {} if not _utest: self.withdraw() self.title(title or 'IDLE Preferences') x = parent.winfo_rootx() + 20 y = parent.winfo_rooty() + (30 if not _htest else 150) self.geometry(f'+{x}+{y}') # Each theme element key is its display name. # The first value of the tuple is the sample area tag name. # The second value is the display name list sort index. self.create_widgets() self.resizable(height=FALSE, width=FALSE) self.transient(parent) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cancel) self.fontpage.fontlist.focus_set() # XXX Decide whether to keep or delete these key bindings. # Key bindings for this dialog. # self.bind('', self.Cancel) #dismiss dialog, no save # self.bind('', self.Apply) #apply changes, save # self.bind('', self.Help) #context help # Attach callbacks after loading config to avoid calling them. tracers.attach() if not _utest: self.grab_set() self.wm_deiconify() self.wait_window() def create_widgets(self): """Create and place widgets for tabbed dialog. Widgets Bound to self: frame: encloses all other widgets note: Notebook highpage: HighPage fontpage: FontPage keyspage: KeysPage winpage: WinPage shedpage: ShedPage extpage: ExtPage Methods: create_action_buttons load_configs: Load pages except for extensions. activate_config_changes: Tell editors to reload. """ self.frame = frame = Frame(self, padding="5px") self.frame.grid(sticky="nwes") self.note = note = Notebook(frame) self.extpage = ExtPage(note) self.highpage = HighPage(note, self.extpage) self.fontpage = FontPage(note, self.highpage) self.keyspage = KeysPage(note, self.extpage) self.winpage = WinPage(note) self.shedpage = ShedPage(note) note.add(self.fontpage, text=' Fonts ') note.add(self.highpage, text='Highlights') note.add(self.keyspage, text=' Keys ') note.add(self.winpage, text=' Windows ') note.add(self.shedpage, text=' Shell/Ed ') note.add(self.extpage, text='Extensions') note.enable_traversal() note.pack(side=TOP, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH) self.create_action_buttons().pack(side=BOTTOM) def create_action_buttons(self): """Return frame of action buttons for dialog. Methods: ok apply cancel help Widget Structure: outer: Frame buttons: Frame (no assignment): Button (ok) (no assignment): Button (apply) (no assignment): Button (cancel) (no assignment): Button (help) (no assignment): Frame """ if macosx.isAquaTk(): # Changing the default padding on OSX results in unreadable # text in the buttons. padding_args = {} else: padding_args = {'padding': (6, 3)} outer = Frame(self.frame, padding=2) buttons_frame = Frame(outer, padding=2) self.buttons = {} for txt, cmd in ( ('Ok', self.ok), ('Apply', self.apply), ('Cancel', self.cancel), ('Help', self.help)): self.buttons[txt] = Button(buttons_frame, text=txt, command=cmd, takefocus=FALSE, **padding_args) self.buttons[txt].pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) # Add space above buttons. Frame(outer, height=2, borderwidth=0).pack(side=TOP) buttons_frame.pack(side=BOTTOM) return outer def ok(self): """Apply config changes, then dismiss dialog.""" self.apply() self.destroy() def apply(self): """Apply config changes and leave dialog open.""" self.deactivate_current_config() changes.save_all() self.extpage.save_all_changed_extensions() self.activate_config_changes() def cancel(self): """Dismiss config dialog. Methods: destroy: inherited """ changes.clear() self.destroy() def destroy(self): global font_sample_text font_sample_text = self.fontpage.font_sample.get('1.0', 'end') self.grab_release() super().destroy() def help(self): """Create textview for config dialog help. Attributes accessed: note Methods: view_text: Method from textview module. """ page = self.note.tab(self.note.select(), option='text').strip() view_text(self, title='Help for IDLE preferences', contents=help_common+help_pages.get(page, '')) def deactivate_current_config(self): """Remove current key bindings. Iterate over window instances defined in parent and remove the keybindings. """ # Before a config is saved, some cleanup of current # config must be done - remove the previous keybindings. win_instances = self.parent.instance_dict.keys() for instance in win_instances: instance.RemoveKeybindings() def activate_config_changes(self): """Apply configuration changes to current windows. Dynamically update the current parent window instances with some of the configuration changes. """ win_instances = self.parent.instance_dict.keys() for instance in win_instances: instance.ResetColorizer() instance.ResetFont() instance.set_notabs_indentwidth() instance.ApplyKeybindings() instance.reset_help_menu_entries() instance.update_cursor_blink() for klass in reloadables: klass.reload() # class TabPage(Frame): # A template for Page classes. # def __init__(self, master): # super().__init__(master) # self.create_page_tab() # self.load_tab_cfg() # def create_page_tab(self): # # Define tk vars and register var and callback with tracers. # # Create subframes and widgets. # # Pack widgets. # def load_tab_cfg(self): # # Initialize widgets with data from idleConf. # def var_changed_var_name(): # # For each tk var that needs other than default callback. # def other_methods(): # # Define tab-specific behavior. font_sample_text = ( '\n' 'AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj\n1234567890#:+=(){}[]\n' '\u00a2\u00a3\u00a5\u00a7\u00a9\u00ab\u00ae\u00b6\u00bd\u011e' '\u00c0\u00c1\u00c2\u00c3\u00c4\u00c5\u00c7\u00d0\u00d8\u00df\n' '\n\n' '\u0250\u0255\u0258\u025e\u025f\u0264\u026b\u026e\u0270\u0277' '\u027b\u0281\u0283\u0286\u028e\u029e\u02a2\u02ab\u02ad\u02af\n' '\u0391\u03b1\u0392\u03b2\u0393\u03b3\u0394\u03b4\u0395\u03b5' '\u0396\u03b6\u0397\u03b7\u0398\u03b8\u0399\u03b9\u039a\u03ba\n' '\u0411\u0431\u0414\u0434\u0416\u0436\u041f\u043f\u0424\u0444' '\u0427\u0447\u042a\u044a\u042d\u044d\u0460\u0464\u046c\u04dc\n' '\n\n' '\u05d0\u05d1\u05d2\u05d3\u05d4\u05d5\u05d6\u05d7\u05d8\u05d9' '\u05da\u05db\u05dc\u05dd\u05de\u05df\u05e0\u05e1\u05e2\u05e3\n' '\u0627\u0628\u062c\u062f\u0647\u0648\u0632\u062d\u0637\u064a' '\u0660\u0661\u0662\u0663\u0664\u0665\u0666\u0667\u0668\u0669\n' '\n\n' '\u0966\u0967\u0968\u0969\u096a\u096b\u096c\u096d\u096e\u096f' '\u0905\u0906\u0907\u0908\u0909\u090a\u090f\u0910\u0913\u0914\n' '\u0be6\u0be7\u0be8\u0be9\u0bea\u0beb\u0bec\u0bed\u0bee\u0bef' '\u0b85\u0b87\u0b89\u0b8e\n' '\n\n' '\u3007\u4e00\u4e8c\u4e09\u56db\u4e94\u516d\u4e03\u516b\u4e5d\n' '\u6c49\u5b57\u6f22\u5b57\u4eba\u6728\u706b\u571f\u91d1\u6c34\n' '\uac00\ub0d0\ub354\ub824\ubaa8\ubd64\uc218\uc720\uc988\uce58\n' '\u3042\u3044\u3046\u3048\u304a\u30a2\u30a4\u30a6\u30a8\u30aa\n' ) class FontPage(Frame): def __init__(self, master, highpage): super().__init__(master) self.highlight_sample = highpage.highlight_sample self.create_page_font() self.load_font_cfg() def create_page_font(self): """Return frame of widgets for Font tab. Fonts: Enable users to provisionally change font face, size, or boldness and to see the consequence of proposed choices. Each action set 3 options in changes structuree and changes the corresponding aspect of the font sample on this page and highlight sample on highlight page. Function load_font_cfg initializes font vars and widgets from idleConf entries and tk. Fontlist: mouse button 1 click or up or down key invoke on_fontlist_select(), which sets var font_name. Sizelist: clicking the menubutton opens the dropdown menu. A mouse button 1 click or return key sets var font_size. Bold_toggle: clicking the box toggles var font_bold. Changing any of the font vars invokes var_changed_font, which adds all 3 font options to changes and calls set_samples. Set_samples applies a new font constructed from the font vars to font_sample and to highlight_sample on the highlight page. Widgets for FontPage(Frame): (*) widgets bound to self frame_font: LabelFrame frame_font_name: Frame font_name_title: Label (*)fontlist: ListBox - font_name scroll_font: Scrollbar frame_font_param: Frame font_size_title: Label (*)sizelist: DynOptionMenu - font_size (*)bold_toggle: Checkbutton - font_bold frame_sample: LabelFrame (*)font_sample: Label """ self.font_name = tracers.add(StringVar(self), self.var_changed_font) self.font_size = tracers.add(StringVar(self), self.var_changed_font) self.font_bold = tracers.add(BooleanVar(self), self.var_changed_font) # Define frames and widgets. frame_font = LabelFrame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Shell/Editor Font ') frame_sample = LabelFrame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Font Sample (Editable) ') # frame_font. frame_font_name = Frame(frame_font) frame_font_param = Frame(frame_font) font_name_title = Label( frame_font_name, justify=LEFT, text='Font Face :') self.fontlist = Listbox(frame_font_name, height=15, takefocus=True, exportselection=FALSE) self.fontlist.bind('', self.on_fontlist_select) self.fontlist.bind('', self.on_fontlist_select) self.fontlist.bind('', self.on_fontlist_select) scroll_font = Scrollbar(frame_font_name) scroll_font.config(command=self.fontlist.yview) self.fontlist.config(yscrollcommand=scroll_font.set) font_size_title = Label(frame_font_param, text='Size :') self.sizelist = DynOptionMenu(frame_font_param, self.font_size, None) self.bold_toggle = Checkbutton( frame_font_param, variable=self.font_bold, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, text='Bold') # frame_sample. font_sample_frame = ScrollableTextFrame(frame_sample) self.font_sample = font_sample_frame.text self.font_sample.config(wrap=NONE, width=1, height=1) self.font_sample.insert(END, font_sample_text) # Grid and pack widgets: self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(2, weight=1) frame_font.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5) frame_sample.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=3, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='nsew') # frame_font. frame_font_name.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=X) frame_font_param.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=X) font_name_title.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) self.fontlist.pack(side=LEFT, expand=TRUE, fill=X) scroll_font.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) font_size_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W) self.sizelist.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W) self.bold_toggle.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=20) # frame_sample. font_sample_frame.pack(expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH) def load_font_cfg(self): """Load current configuration settings for the font options. Retrieve current font with idleConf.GetFont and font families from tk. Setup fontlist and set font_name. Setup sizelist, which sets font_size. Set font_bold. Call set_samples. """ configured_font = idleConf.GetFont(self, 'main', 'EditorWindow') font_name = configured_font[0].lower() font_size = configured_font[1] font_bold = configured_font[2]=='bold' # Set sorted no-duplicate editor font selection list and font_name. fonts = sorted(set(tkfont.families(self))) for font in fonts: self.fontlist.insert(END, font) self.font_name.set(font_name) lc_fonts = [s.lower() for s in fonts] try: current_font_index = lc_fonts.index(font_name) self.fontlist.see(current_font_index) self.fontlist.select_set(current_font_index) self.fontlist.select_anchor(current_font_index) self.fontlist.activate(current_font_index) except ValueError: pass # Set font size dropdown. self.sizelist.SetMenu(('7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22', '25', '29', '34', '40'), font_size) # Set font weight. self.font_bold.set(font_bold) self.set_samples() def var_changed_font(self, *params): """Store changes to font attributes. When one font attribute changes, save them all, as they are not independent from each other. In particular, when we are overriding the default font, we need to write out everything. """ value = self.font_name.get() changes.add_option('main', 'EditorWindow', 'font', value) value = self.font_size.get() changes.add_option('main', 'EditorWindow', 'font-size', value) value = self.font_bold.get() changes.add_option('main', 'EditorWindow', 'font-bold', value) self.set_samples() def on_fontlist_select(self, event): """Handle selecting a font from the list. Event can result from either mouse click or Up or Down key. Set font_name and example displays to selection. """ font = self.fontlist.get( ACTIVE if event.type.name == 'KeyRelease' else ANCHOR) self.font_name.set(font.lower()) def set_samples(self, event=None): """Update update both screen samples with the font settings. Called on font initialization and change events. Accesses font_name, font_size, and font_bold Variables. Updates font_sample and highlight page highlight_sample. """ font_name = self.font_name.get() font_weight = tkfont.BOLD if self.font_bold.get() else tkfont.NORMAL new_font = (font_name, self.font_size.get(), font_weight) self.font_sample['font'] = new_font self.highlight_sample['font'] = new_font class HighPage(Frame): def __init__(self, master, extpage): super().__init__(master) self.extpage = extpage self.cd = master.winfo_toplevel() self.style = Style(master) self.create_page_highlight() self.load_theme_cfg() def create_page_highlight(self): """Return frame of widgets for Highlights tab. Enable users to provisionally change foreground and background colors applied to textual tags. Color mappings are stored in complete listings called themes. Built-in themes in idlelib/config-highlight.def are fixed as far as the dialog is concerned. Any theme can be used as the base for a new custom theme, stored in .idlerc/config-highlight.cfg. Function load_theme_cfg() initializes tk variables and theme lists and calls paint_theme_sample() and set_highlight_target() for the current theme. Radiobuttons builtin_theme_on and custom_theme_on toggle var theme_source, which controls if the current set of colors are from a builtin or custom theme. DynOptionMenus builtinlist and customlist contain lists of the builtin and custom themes, respectively, and the current item from each list is stored in vars builtin_name and custom_name. Function paint_theme_sample() applies the colors from the theme to the tags in text widget highlight_sample and then invokes set_color_sample(). Function set_highlight_target() sets the state of the radiobuttons fg_on and bg_on based on the tag and it also invokes set_color_sample(). Function set_color_sample() sets the background color for the frame holding the color selector. This provides a larger visual of the color for the current tag and plane (foreground/background). Note: set_color_sample() is called from many places and is often called more than once when a change is made. It is invoked when foreground or background is selected (radiobuttons), from paint_theme_sample() (theme is changed or load_cfg is called), and from set_highlight_target() (target tag is changed or load_cfg called). Button delete_custom invokes delete_custom() to delete a custom theme from idleConf.userCfg['highlight'] and changes. Button save_custom invokes save_as_new_theme() which calls get_new_theme_name() and create_new() to save a custom theme and its colors to idleConf.userCfg['highlight']. Radiobuttons fg_on and bg_on toggle var fg_bg_toggle to control if the current selected color for a tag is for the foreground or background. DynOptionMenu targetlist contains a readable description of the tags applied to Python source within IDLE. Selecting one of the tags from this list populates highlight_target, which has a callback function set_highlight_target(). Text widget highlight_sample displays a block of text (which is mock Python code) in which is embedded the defined tags and reflects the color attributes of the current theme and changes for those tags. Mouse button 1 allows for selection of a tag and updates highlight_target with that tag value. Note: The font in highlight_sample is set through the config in the fonts tab. In other words, a tag can be selected either from targetlist or by clicking on the sample text within highlight_sample. The plane (foreground/background) is selected via the radiobutton. Together, these two (tag and plane) control what color is shown in set_color_sample() for the current theme. Button set_color invokes get_color() which displays a ColorChooser to change the color for the selected tag/plane. If a new color is picked, it will be saved to changes and the highlight_sample and frame background will be updated. Tk Variables: color: Color of selected target. builtin_name: Menu variable for built-in theme. custom_name: Menu variable for custom theme. fg_bg_toggle: Toggle for foreground/background color. Note: this has no callback. theme_source: Selector for built-in or custom theme. highlight_target: Menu variable for the highlight tag target. Instance Data Attributes: theme_elements: Dictionary of tags for text highlighting. The key is the display name and the value is a tuple of (tag name, display sort order). Methods [attachment]: load_theme_cfg: Load current highlight colors. get_color: Invoke colorchooser [button_set_color]. set_color_sample_binding: Call set_color_sample [fg_bg_toggle]. set_highlight_target: set fg_bg_toggle, set_color_sample(). set_color_sample: Set frame background to target. on_new_color_set: Set new color and add option. paint_theme_sample: Recolor sample. get_new_theme_name: Get from popup. create_new: Combine theme with changes and save. save_as_new_theme: Save [button_save_custom]. set_theme_type: Command for [theme_source]. delete_custom: Activate default [button_delete_custom]. save_new: Save to userCfg['theme'] (is function). Widgets of highlights page frame: (*) widgets bound to self frame_custom: LabelFrame (*)highlight_sample: Text (*)frame_color_set: Frame (*)button_set_color: Button (*)targetlist: DynOptionMenu - highlight_target frame_fg_bg_toggle: Frame (*)fg_on: Radiobutton - fg_bg_toggle (*)bg_on: Radiobutton - fg_bg_toggle (*)button_save_custom: Button frame_theme: LabelFrame theme_type_title: Label (*)builtin_theme_on: Radiobutton - theme_source (*)custom_theme_on: Radiobutton - theme_source (*)builtinlist: DynOptionMenu - builtin_name (*)customlist: DynOptionMenu - custom_name (*)button_delete_custom: Button (*)theme_message: Label """ self.theme_elements = { 'Normal Code or Text': ('normal', '00'), 'Code Context': ('context', '01'), 'Python Keywords': ('keyword', '02'), 'Python Definitions': ('definition', '03'), 'Python Builtins': ('builtin', '04'), 'Python Comments': ('comment', '05'), 'Python Strings': ('string', '06'), 'Selected Text': ('hilite', '07'), 'Found Text': ('hit', '08'), 'Cursor': ('cursor', '09'), 'Editor Breakpoint': ('break', '10'), 'Shell Prompt': ('console', '11'), 'Error Text': ('error', '12'), 'Shell User Output': ('stdout', '13'), 'Shell User Exception': ('stderr', '14'), 'Line Number': ('linenumber', '16'), } self.builtin_name = tracers.add( StringVar(self), self.var_changed_builtin_name) self.custom_name = tracers.add( StringVar(self), self.var_changed_custom_name) self.fg_bg_toggle = BooleanVar(self) self.color = tracers.add( StringVar(self), self.var_changed_color) self.theme_source = tracers.add( BooleanVar(self), self.var_changed_theme_source) self.highlight_target = tracers.add( StringVar(self), self.var_changed_highlight_target) # Create widgets: # body frame and section frames. frame_custom = LabelFrame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Custom Highlighting ') frame_theme = LabelFrame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Highlighting Theme ') # frame_custom. sample_frame = ScrollableTextFrame( frame_custom, relief=SOLID, borderwidth=1) text = self.highlight_sample = sample_frame.text text.configure( font=('courier', 12, ''), cursor='hand2', width=1, height=1, takefocus=FALSE, highlightthickness=0, wrap=NONE) # Prevent perhaps invisible selection of word or slice. text.bind('', lambda e: 'break') text.bind('', lambda e: 'break') string_tags=( ('# Click selects item.', 'comment'), ('\n', 'normal'), ('code context section', 'context'), ('\n', 'normal'), ('| cursor', 'cursor'), ('\n', 'normal'), ('def', 'keyword'), (' ', 'normal'), ('func', 'definition'), ('(param):\n ', 'normal'), ('"Return None."', 'string'), ('\n var0 = ', 'normal'), ("'string'", 'string'), ('\n var1 = ', 'normal'), ("'selected'", 'hilite'), ('\n var2 = ', 'normal'), ("'found'", 'hit'), ('\n var3 = ', 'normal'), ('list', 'builtin'), ('(', 'normal'), ('None', 'keyword'), (')\n', 'normal'), (' breakpoint("line")', 'break'), ('\n\n', 'normal'), ('>>>', 'console'), (' 3.14**2\n', 'normal'), ('9.8596', 'stdout'), ('\n', 'normal'), ('>>>', 'console'), (' pri ', 'normal'), ('n', 'error'), ('t(\n', 'normal'), ('SyntaxError', 'stderr'), ('\n', 'normal')) for string, tag in string_tags: text.insert(END, string, tag) n_lines = len(text.get('1.0', END).splitlines()) for lineno in range(1, n_lines): text.insert(f'{lineno}.0', f'{lineno:{len(str(n_lines))}d} ', 'linenumber') for element in self.theme_elements: def tem(event, elem=element): # event.widget.winfo_top_level().highlight_target.set(elem) self.highlight_target.set(elem) text.tag_bind( self.theme_elements[element][0], '', tem) text['state'] = 'disabled' self.style.configure('frame_color_set.TFrame', borderwidth=1, relief='solid') self.frame_color_set = Frame(frame_custom, style='frame_color_set.TFrame') frame_fg_bg_toggle = Frame(frame_custom) self.button_set_color = Button( self.frame_color_set, text='Choose Color for :', command=self.get_color) self.targetlist = DynOptionMenu( self.frame_color_set, self.highlight_target, None, highlightthickness=0) #, command=self.set_highlight_targetBinding self.fg_on = Radiobutton( frame_fg_bg_toggle, variable=self.fg_bg_toggle, value=1, text='Foreground', command=self.set_color_sample_binding) self.bg_on = Radiobutton( frame_fg_bg_toggle, variable=self.fg_bg_toggle, value=0, text='Background', command=self.set_color_sample_binding) self.fg_bg_toggle.set(1) self.button_save_custom = Button( frame_custom, text='Save as New Custom Theme', command=self.save_as_new_theme) # frame_theme. theme_type_title = Label(frame_theme, text='Select : ') self.builtin_theme_on = Radiobutton( frame_theme, variable=self.theme_source, value=1, command=self.set_theme_type, text='a Built-in Theme') self.custom_theme_on = Radiobutton( frame_theme, variable=self.theme_source, value=0, command=self.set_theme_type, text='a Custom Theme') self.builtinlist = DynOptionMenu( frame_theme, self.builtin_name, None, command=None) self.customlist = DynOptionMenu( frame_theme, self.custom_name, None, command=None) self.button_delete_custom = Button( frame_theme, text='Delete Custom Theme', command=self.delete_custom) self.theme_message = Label(frame_theme, borderwidth=2) # Pack widgets: # body. frame_custom.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH) frame_theme.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=X) # frame_custom. self.frame_color_set.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=X) frame_fg_bg_toggle.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0) sample_frame.pack( side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH) self.button_set_color.pack(side=TOP, expand=TRUE, fill=X, padx=8, pady=4) self.targetlist.pack(side=TOP, expand=TRUE, fill=X, padx=8, pady=3) self.fg_on.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=E) self.bg_on.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=W) self.button_save_custom.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, padx=5, pady=5) # frame_theme. theme_type_title.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.builtin_theme_on.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, padx=5) self.custom_theme_on.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=2) self.builtinlist.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, padx=5, pady=5) self.customlist.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.button_delete_custom.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, padx=5, pady=5) self.theme_message.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, pady=5) def load_theme_cfg(self): """Load current configuration settings for the theme options. Based on the theme_source toggle, the theme is set as either builtin or custom and the initial widget values reflect the current settings from idleConf. Attributes updated: theme_source: Set from idleConf. builtinlist: List of default themes from idleConf. customlist: List of custom themes from idleConf. custom_theme_on: Disabled if there are no custom themes. custom_theme: Message with additional information. targetlist: Create menu from self.theme_elements. Methods: set_theme_type paint_theme_sample set_highlight_target """ # Set current theme type radiobutton. self.theme_source.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'main', 'Theme', 'default', type='bool', default=1)) # Set current theme. current_option = idleConf.CurrentTheme() # Load available theme option menus. if self.theme_source.get(): # Default theme selected. item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('default', 'highlight') item_list.sort() self.builtinlist.SetMenu(item_list, current_option) item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight') item_list.sort() if not item_list: self.custom_theme_on.state(('disabled',)) self.custom_name.set('- no custom themes -') else: self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, item_list[0]) else: # User theme selected. item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight') item_list.sort() self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, current_option) item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('default', 'highlight') item_list.sort() self.builtinlist.SetMenu(item_list, item_list[0]) self.set_theme_type() # Load theme element option menu. theme_names = list(self.theme_elements.keys()) theme_names.sort(key=lambda x: self.theme_elements[x][1]) self.targetlist.SetMenu(theme_names, theme_names[0]) self.paint_theme_sample() self.set_highlight_target() def var_changed_builtin_name(self, *params): """Process new builtin theme selection. Add the changed theme's name to the changed_items and recreate the sample with the values from the selected theme. """ old_themes = ('IDLE Classic', 'IDLE New') value = self.builtin_name.get() if value not in old_themes: if idleConf.GetOption('main', 'Theme', 'name') not in old_themes: changes.add_option('main', 'Theme', 'name', old_themes[0]) changes.add_option('main', 'Theme', 'name2', value) self.theme_message['text'] = 'New theme, see Help' else: changes.add_option('main', 'Theme', 'name', value) changes.add_option('main', 'Theme', 'name2', '') self.theme_message['text'] = '' self.paint_theme_sample() def var_changed_custom_name(self, *params): """Process new custom theme selection. If a new custom theme is selected, add the name to the changed_items and apply the theme to the sample. """ value = self.custom_name.get() if value != '- no custom themes -': changes.add_option('main', 'Theme', 'name', value) self.paint_theme_sample() def var_changed_theme_source(self, *params): """Process toggle between builtin and custom theme. Update the default toggle value and apply the newly selected theme type. """ value = self.theme_source.get() changes.add_option('main', 'Theme', 'default', value) if value: self.var_changed_builtin_name() else: self.var_changed_custom_name() def var_changed_color(self, *params): "Process change to color choice." self.on_new_color_set() def var_changed_highlight_target(self, *params): "Process selection of new target tag for highlighting." self.set_highlight_target() def set_theme_type(self): """Set available screen options based on builtin or custom theme. Attributes accessed: theme_source Attributes updated: builtinlist customlist button_delete_custom custom_theme_on Called from: handler for builtin_theme_on and custom_theme_on delete_custom create_new load_theme_cfg """ if self.theme_source.get(): self.builtinlist['state'] = 'normal' self.customlist['state'] = 'disabled' self.button_delete_custom.state(('disabled',)) else: self.builtinlist['state'] = 'disabled' self.custom_theme_on.state(('!disabled',)) self.customlist['state'] = 'normal' self.button_delete_custom.state(('!disabled',)) def get_color(self): """Handle button to select a new color for the target tag. If a new color is selected while using a builtin theme, a name must be supplied to create a custom theme. Attributes accessed: highlight_target frame_color_set theme_source Attributes updated: color Methods: get_new_theme_name create_new """ target = self.highlight_target.get() prev_color = self.style.lookup(self.frame_color_set['style'], 'background') rgbTuplet, color_string = colorchooser.askcolor( parent=self, title='Pick new color for : '+target, initialcolor=prev_color) if color_string and (color_string != prev_color): # User didn't cancel and they chose a new color. if self.theme_source.get(): # Current theme is a built-in. message = ('Your changes will be saved as a new Custom Theme. ' 'Enter a name for your new Custom Theme below.') new_theme = self.get_new_theme_name(message) if not new_theme: # User cancelled custom theme creation. return else: # Create new custom theme based on previously active theme. self.create_new(new_theme) self.color.set(color_string) else: # Current theme is user defined. self.color.set(color_string) def on_new_color_set(self): "Display sample of new color selection on the dialog." new_color = self.color.get() self.style.configure('frame_color_set.TFrame', background=new_color) plane = 'foreground' if self.fg_bg_toggle.get() else 'background' sample_element = self.theme_elements[self.highlight_target.get()][0] self.highlight_sample.tag_config(sample_element, **{plane: new_color}) theme = self.custom_name.get() theme_element = sample_element + '-' + plane changes.add_option('highlight', theme, theme_element, new_color) def get_new_theme_name(self, message): "Return name of new theme from query popup." used_names = (idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight') + idleConf.GetSectionList('default', 'highlight')) new_theme = SectionName( self, 'New Custom Theme', message, used_names).result return new_theme def save_as_new_theme(self): """Prompt for new theme name and create the theme. Methods: get_new_theme_name create_new """ new_theme_name = self.get_new_theme_name('New Theme Name:') if new_theme_name: self.create_new(new_theme_name) def create_new(self, new_theme_name): """Create a new custom theme with the given name. Create the new theme based on the previously active theme with the current changes applied. Once it is saved, then activate the new theme. Attributes accessed: builtin_name custom_name Attributes updated: customlist theme_source Method: save_new set_theme_type """ if self.theme_source.get(): theme_type = 'default' theme_name = self.builtin_name.get() else: theme_type = 'user' theme_name = self.custom_name.get() new_theme = idleConf.GetThemeDict(theme_type, theme_name) # Apply any of the old theme's unsaved changes to the new theme. if theme_name in changes['highlight']: theme_changes = changes['highlight'][theme_name] for element in theme_changes: new_theme[element] = theme_changes[element] # Save the new theme. self.save_new(new_theme_name, new_theme) # Change GUI over to the new theme. custom_theme_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight') custom_theme_list.sort() self.customlist.SetMenu(custom_theme_list, new_theme_name) self.theme_source.set(0) self.set_theme_type() def set_highlight_target(self): """Set fg/bg toggle and color based on highlight tag target. Instance variables accessed: highlight_target Attributes updated: fg_on bg_on fg_bg_toggle Methods: set_color_sample Called from: var_changed_highlight_target load_theme_cfg """ if self.highlight_target.get() == 'Cursor': # bg not possible self.fg_on.state(('disabled',)) self.bg_on.state(('disabled',)) self.fg_bg_toggle.set(1) else: # Both fg and bg can be set. self.fg_on.state(('!disabled',)) self.bg_on.state(('!disabled',)) self.fg_bg_toggle.set(1) self.set_color_sample() def set_color_sample_binding(self, *args): """Change color sample based on foreground/background toggle. Methods: set_color_sample """ self.set_color_sample() def set_color_sample(self): """Set the color of the frame background to reflect the selected target. Instance variables accessed: theme_elements highlight_target fg_bg_toggle highlight_sample Attributes updated: frame_color_set """ # Set the color sample area. tag = self.theme_elements[self.highlight_target.get()][0] plane = 'foreground' if self.fg_bg_toggle.get() else 'background' color = self.highlight_sample.tag_cget(tag, plane) self.style.configure('frame_color_set.TFrame', background=color) def paint_theme_sample(self): """Apply the theme colors to each element tag in the sample text. Instance attributes accessed: theme_elements theme_source builtin_name custom_name Attributes updated: highlight_sample: Set the tag elements to the theme. Methods: set_color_sample Called from: var_changed_builtin_name var_changed_custom_name load_theme_cfg """ if self.theme_source.get(): # Default theme theme = self.builtin_name.get() else: # User theme theme = self.custom_name.get() for element_title in self.theme_elements: element = self.theme_elements[element_title][0] colors = idleConf.GetHighlight(theme, element) if element == 'cursor': # Cursor sample needs special painting. colors['background'] = idleConf.GetHighlight( theme, 'normal')['background'] # Handle any unsaved changes to this theme. if theme in changes['highlight']: theme_dict = changes['highlight'][theme] if element + '-foreground' in theme_dict: colors['foreground'] = theme_dict[element + '-foreground'] if element + '-background' in theme_dict: colors['background'] = theme_dict[element + '-background'] self.highlight_sample.tag_config(element, **colors) self.set_color_sample() def save_new(self, theme_name, theme): """Save a newly created theme to idleConf. theme_name - string, the name of the new theme theme - dictionary containing the new theme """ idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].AddSection(theme_name) for element in theme: value = theme[element] idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].SetOption(theme_name, element, value) def askyesno(self, *args, **kwargs): # Make testing easier. Could change implementation. return messagebox.askyesno(*args, **kwargs) def delete_custom(self): """Handle event to delete custom theme. The current theme is deactivated and the default theme is activated. The custom theme is permanently removed from the config file. Attributes accessed: custom_name Attributes updated: custom_theme_on customlist theme_source builtin_name Methods: deactivate_current_config save_all_changed_extensions activate_config_changes set_theme_type """ theme_name = self.custom_name.get() delmsg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the theme %r ?' if not self.askyesno( 'Delete Theme', delmsg % theme_name, parent=self): return self.cd.deactivate_current_config() # Remove theme from changes, config, and file. changes.delete_section('highlight', theme_name) # Reload user theme list. item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'highlight') item_list.sort() if not item_list: self.custom_theme_on.state(('disabled',)) self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, '- no custom themes -') else: self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, item_list[0]) # Revert to default theme. self.theme_source.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Theme', 'default')) self.builtin_name.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Theme', 'name')) # User can't back out of these changes, they must be applied now. changes.save_all() self.extpage.save_all_changed_extensions() self.cd.activate_config_changes() self.set_theme_type() class KeysPage(Frame): def __init__(self, master, extpage): super().__init__(master) self.extpage = extpage self.cd = master.winfo_toplevel() self.create_page_keys() self.load_key_cfg() def create_page_keys(self): """Return frame of widgets for Keys tab. Enable users to provisionally change both individual and sets of keybindings (shortcut keys). Except for features implemented as extensions, keybindings are stored in complete sets called keysets. Built-in keysets in idlelib/config-keys.def are fixed as far as the dialog is concerned. Any keyset can be used as the base for a new custom keyset, stored in .idlerc/config-keys.cfg. Function load_key_cfg() initializes tk variables and keyset lists and calls load_keys_list for the current keyset. Radiobuttons builtin_keyset_on and custom_keyset_on toggle var keyset_source, which controls if the current set of keybindings are from a builtin or custom keyset. DynOptionMenus builtinlist and customlist contain lists of the builtin and custom keysets, respectively, and the current item from each list is stored in vars builtin_name and custom_name. Button delete_custom_keys invokes delete_custom_keys() to delete a custom keyset from idleConf.userCfg['keys'] and changes. Button save_custom_keys invokes save_as_new_key_set() which calls get_new_keys_name() and create_new_key_set() to save a custom keyset and its keybindings to idleConf.userCfg['keys']. Listbox bindingslist contains all of the keybindings for the selected keyset. The keybindings are loaded in load_keys_list() and are pairs of (event, [keys]) where keys can be a list of one or more key combinations to bind to the same event. Mouse button 1 click invokes on_bindingslist_select(), which allows button_new_keys to be clicked. So, an item is selected in listbindings, which activates button_new_keys, and clicking button_new_keys calls function get_new_keys(). Function get_new_keys() gets the key mappings from the current keyset for the binding event item that was selected. The function then displays another dialog, GetKeysDialog, with the selected binding event and current keys and allows new key sequences to be entered for that binding event. If the keys aren't changed, nothing happens. If the keys are changed and the keyset is a builtin, function get_new_keys_name() will be called for input of a custom keyset name. If no name is given, then the change to the keybinding will abort and no updates will be made. If a custom name is entered in the prompt or if the current keyset was already custom (and thus didn't require a prompt), then idleConf.userCfg['keys'] is updated in function create_new_key_set() with the change to the event binding. The item listing in bindingslist is updated with the new keys. Var keybinding is also set which invokes the callback function, var_changed_keybinding, to add the change to the 'keys' or 'extensions' changes tracker based on the binding type. Tk Variables: keybinding: Action/key bindings. Methods: load_keys_list: Reload active set. create_new_key_set: Combine active keyset and changes. set_keys_type: Command for keyset_source. save_new_key_set: Save to idleConf.userCfg['keys'] (is function). deactivate_current_config: Remove keys bindings in editors. Widgets for KeysPage(frame): (*) widgets bound to self frame_key_sets: LabelFrame frames[0]: Frame (*)builtin_keyset_on: Radiobutton - var keyset_source (*)custom_keyset_on: Radiobutton - var keyset_source (*)builtinlist: DynOptionMenu - var builtin_name, func keybinding_selected (*)customlist: DynOptionMenu - var custom_name, func keybinding_selected (*)keys_message: Label frames[1]: Frame (*)button_delete_custom_keys: Button - delete_custom_keys (*)button_save_custom_keys: Button - save_as_new_key_set frame_custom: LabelFrame frame_target: Frame target_title: Label scroll_target_y: Scrollbar scroll_target_x: Scrollbar (*)bindingslist: ListBox - on_bindingslist_select (*)button_new_keys: Button - get_new_keys & ..._name """ self.builtin_name = tracers.add( StringVar(self), self.var_changed_builtin_name) self.custom_name = tracers.add( StringVar(self), self.var_changed_custom_name) self.keyset_source = tracers.add( BooleanVar(self), self.var_changed_keyset_source) self.keybinding = tracers.add( StringVar(self), self.var_changed_keybinding) # Create widgets: # body and section frames. frame_custom = LabelFrame( self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Custom Key Bindings ') frame_key_sets = LabelFrame( self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Key Set ') # frame_custom. frame_target = Frame(frame_custom) target_title = Label(frame_target, text='Action - Key(s)') scroll_target_y = Scrollbar(frame_target) scroll_target_x = Scrollbar(frame_target, orient=HORIZONTAL) self.bindingslist = Listbox( frame_target, takefocus=FALSE, exportselection=FALSE) self.bindingslist.bind('', self.on_bindingslist_select) scroll_target_y['command'] = self.bindingslist.yview scroll_target_x['command'] = self.bindingslist.xview self.bindingslist['yscrollcommand'] = scroll_target_y.set self.bindingslist['xscrollcommand'] = scroll_target_x.set self.button_new_keys = Button( frame_custom, text='Get New Keys for Selection', command=self.get_new_keys, state='disabled') # frame_key_sets. frames = [Frame(frame_key_sets, padding=2, borderwidth=0) for i in range(2)] self.builtin_keyset_on = Radiobutton( frames[0], variable=self.keyset_source, value=1, command=self.set_keys_type, text='Use a Built-in Key Set') self.custom_keyset_on = Radiobutton( frames[0], variable=self.keyset_source, value=0, command=self.set_keys_type, text='Use a Custom Key Set') self.builtinlist = DynOptionMenu( frames[0], self.builtin_name, None, command=None) self.customlist = DynOptionMenu( frames[0], self.custom_name, None, command=None) self.button_delete_custom_keys = Button( frames[1], text='Delete Custom Key Set', command=self.delete_custom_keys) self.button_save_custom_keys = Button( frames[1], text='Save as New Custom Key Set', command=self.save_as_new_key_set) self.keys_message = Label(frames[0], borderwidth=2) # Pack widgets: # body. frame_custom.pack(side=BOTTOM, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH) frame_key_sets.pack(side=BOTTOM, padx=5, pady=5, fill=BOTH) # frame_custom. self.button_new_keys.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X, padx=5, pady=5) frame_target.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH) # frame_target. frame_target.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) frame_target.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) target_title.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W) self.bindingslist.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=NSEW) scroll_target_y.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=NS) scroll_target_x.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=EW) # frame_key_sets. self.builtin_keyset_on.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W+NS) self.custom_keyset_on.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W+NS) self.builtinlist.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=NSEW) self.customlist.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=NSEW) self.keys_message.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=NSEW, padx=5, pady=5) self.button_delete_custom_keys.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=True, padx=2) self.button_save_custom_keys.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=True, padx=2) frames[0].pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=True) frames[1].pack(side=TOP, fill=X, expand=True, pady=2) def load_key_cfg(self): "Load current configuration settings for the keybinding options." # Set current keys type radiobutton. self.keyset_source.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'main', 'Keys', 'default', type='bool', default=1)) # Set current keys. current_option = idleConf.CurrentKeys() # Load available keyset option menus. if self.keyset_source.get(): # Default theme selected. item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('default', 'keys') item_list.sort() self.builtinlist.SetMenu(item_list, current_option) item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'keys') item_list.sort() if not item_list: self.custom_keyset_on.state(('disabled',)) self.custom_name.set('- no custom keys -') else: self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, item_list[0]) else: # User key set selected. item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'keys') item_list.sort() self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, current_option) item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('default', 'keys') item_list.sort() self.builtinlist.SetMenu(item_list, idleConf.default_keys()) self.set_keys_type() # Load keyset element list. keyset_name = idleConf.CurrentKeys() self.load_keys_list(keyset_name) def var_changed_builtin_name(self, *params): "Process selection of builtin key set." old_keys = ( 'IDLE Classic Windows', 'IDLE Classic Unix', 'IDLE Classic Mac', 'IDLE Classic OSX', ) value = self.builtin_name.get() if value not in old_keys: if idleConf.GetOption('main', 'Keys', 'name') not in old_keys: changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'name', old_keys[0]) changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'name2', value) self.keys_message['text'] = 'New key set, see Help' else: changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'name', value) changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'name2', '') self.keys_message['text'] = '' self.load_keys_list(value) def var_changed_custom_name(self, *params): "Process selection of custom key set." value = self.custom_name.get() if value != '- no custom keys -': changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'name', value) self.load_keys_list(value) def var_changed_keyset_source(self, *params): "Process toggle between builtin key set and custom key set." value = self.keyset_source.get() changes.add_option('main', 'Keys', 'default', value) if value: self.var_changed_builtin_name() else: self.var_changed_custom_name() def var_changed_keybinding(self, *params): "Store change to a keybinding." value = self.keybinding.get() key_set = self.custom_name.get() event = self.bindingslist.get(ANCHOR).split()[0] if idleConf.IsCoreBinding(event): changes.add_option('keys', key_set, event, value) else: # Event is an extension binding. ext_name = idleConf.GetExtnNameForEvent(event) ext_keybind_section = ext_name + '_cfgBindings' changes.add_option('extensions', ext_keybind_section, event, value) def set_keys_type(self): "Set available screen options based on builtin or custom key set." if self.keyset_source.get(): self.builtinlist['state'] = 'normal' self.customlist['state'] = 'disabled' self.button_delete_custom_keys.state(('disabled',)) else: self.builtinlist['state'] = 'disabled' self.custom_keyset_on.state(('!disabled',)) self.customlist['state'] = 'normal' self.button_delete_custom_keys.state(('!disabled',)) def get_new_keys(self): """Handle event to change key binding for selected line. A selection of a key/binding in the list of current bindings pops up a dialog to enter a new binding. If the current key set is builtin and a binding has changed, then a name for a custom key set needs to be entered for the change to be applied. """ list_index = self.bindingslist.index(ANCHOR) binding = self.bindingslist.get(list_index) bind_name = binding.split()[0] if self.keyset_source.get(): current_key_set_name = self.builtin_name.get() else: current_key_set_name = self.custom_name.get() current_bindings = idleConf.GetCurrentKeySet() if current_key_set_name in changes['keys']: # unsaved changes key_set_changes = changes['keys'][current_key_set_name] for event in key_set_changes: current_bindings[event] = key_set_changes[event].split() current_key_sequences = list(current_bindings.values()) new_keys = GetKeysWindow(self, 'Get New Keys', bind_name, current_key_sequences).result if new_keys: if self.keyset_source.get(): # Current key set is a built-in. message = ('Your changes will be saved as a new Custom Key Set.' ' Enter a name for your new Custom Key Set below.') new_keyset = self.get_new_keys_name(message) if not new_keyset: # User cancelled custom key set creation. self.bindingslist.select_set(list_index) self.bindingslist.select_anchor(list_index) return else: # Create new custom key set based on previously active key set. self.create_new_key_set(new_keyset) self.bindingslist.delete(list_index) self.bindingslist.insert(list_index, bind_name+' - '+new_keys) self.bindingslist.select_set(list_index) self.bindingslist.select_anchor(list_index) self.keybinding.set(new_keys) else: self.bindingslist.select_set(list_index) self.bindingslist.select_anchor(list_index) def get_new_keys_name(self, message): "Return new key set name from query popup." used_names = (idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'keys') + idleConf.GetSectionList('default', 'keys')) new_keyset = SectionName( self, 'New Custom Key Set', message, used_names).result return new_keyset def save_as_new_key_set(self): "Prompt for name of new key set and save changes using that name." new_keys_name = self.get_new_keys_name('New Key Set Name:') if new_keys_name: self.create_new_key_set(new_keys_name) def on_bindingslist_select(self, event): "Activate button to assign new keys to selected action." self.button_new_keys.state(('!disabled',)) def create_new_key_set(self, new_key_set_name): """Create a new custom key set with the given name. Copy the bindings/keys from the previously active keyset to the new keyset and activate the new custom keyset. """ if self.keyset_source.get(): prev_key_set_name = self.builtin_name.get() else: prev_key_set_name = self.custom_name.get() prev_keys = idleConf.GetCoreKeys(prev_key_set_name) new_keys = {} for event in prev_keys: # Add key set to changed items. event_name = event[2:-2] # Trim off the angle brackets. binding = ' '.join(prev_keys[event]) new_keys[event_name] = binding # Handle any unsaved changes to prev key set. if prev_key_set_name in changes['keys']: key_set_changes = changes['keys'][prev_key_set_name] for event in key_set_changes: new_keys[event] = key_set_changes[event] # Save the new key set. self.save_new_key_set(new_key_set_name, new_keys) # Change GUI over to the new key set. custom_key_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'keys') custom_key_list.sort() self.customlist.SetMenu(custom_key_list, new_key_set_name) self.keyset_source.set(0) self.set_keys_type() def load_keys_list(self, keyset_name): """Reload the list of action/key binding pairs for the active key set. An action/key binding can be selected to change the key binding. """ reselect = False if self.bindingslist.curselection(): reselect = True list_index = self.bindingslist.index(ANCHOR) keyset = idleConf.GetKeySet(keyset_name) bind_names = list(keyset.keys()) bind_names.sort() self.bindingslist.delete(0, END) for bind_name in bind_names: key = ' '.join(keyset[bind_name]) bind_name = bind_name[2:-2] # Trim off the angle brackets. if keyset_name in changes['keys']: # Handle any unsaved changes to this key set. if bind_name in changes['keys'][keyset_name]: key = changes['keys'][keyset_name][bind_name] self.bindingslist.insert(END, bind_name+' - '+key) if reselect: self.bindingslist.see(list_index) self.bindingslist.select_set(list_index) self.bindingslist.select_anchor(list_index) @staticmethod def save_new_key_set(keyset_name, keyset): """Save a newly created core key set. Add keyset to idleConf.userCfg['keys'], not to disk. If the keyset doesn't exist, it is created. The binding/keys are taken from the keyset argument. keyset_name - string, the name of the new key set keyset - dictionary containing the new keybindings """ idleConf.userCfg['keys'].AddSection(keyset_name) for event in keyset: value = keyset[event] idleConf.userCfg['keys'].SetOption(keyset_name, event, value) def askyesno(self, *args, **kwargs): # Make testing easier. Could change implementation. return messagebox.askyesno(*args, **kwargs) def delete_custom_keys(self): """Handle event to delete a custom key set. Applying the delete deactivates the current configuration and reverts to the default. The custom key set is permanently deleted from the config file. """ keyset_name = self.custom_name.get() delmsg = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the key set %r ?' if not self.askyesno( 'Delete Key Set', delmsg % keyset_name, parent=self): return self.cd.deactivate_current_config() # Remove key set from changes, config, and file. changes.delete_section('keys', keyset_name) # Reload user key set list. item_list = idleConf.GetSectionList('user', 'keys') item_list.sort() if not item_list: self.custom_keyset_on.state(('disabled',)) self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, '- no custom keys -') else: self.customlist.SetMenu(item_list, item_list[0]) # Revert to default key set. self.keyset_source.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'] .Get('Keys', 'default')) self.builtin_name.set(idleConf.defaultCfg['main'].Get('Keys', 'name') or idleConf.default_keys()) # User can't back out of these changes, they must be applied now. changes.save_all() self.extpage.save_all_changed_extensions() self.cd.activate_config_changes() self.set_keys_type() class WinPage(Frame): def __init__(self, master): super().__init__(master) self.init_validators() self.create_page_windows() self.load_windows_cfg() def init_validators(self): digits_or_empty_re = re.compile(r'[0-9]*') def is_digits_or_empty(s): "Return 's is blank or contains only digits'" return digits_or_empty_re.fullmatch(s) is not None self.digits_only = (self.register(is_digits_or_empty), '%P',) def create_page_windows(self): """Return frame of widgets for Windows tab. Enable users to provisionally change general window options. Function load_windows_cfg initializes tk variable idleConf. Radiobuttons startup_shell_on and startup_editor_on set var startup_edit. Entry boxes win_width_int and win_height_int set var win_width and win_height. Setting var_name invokes the default callback that adds option to changes. Widgets for WinPage(Frame): > vars, bound to self frame_window: LabelFrame frame_run: Frame startup_title: Label startup_editor_on: Radiobutton > startup_edit startup_shell_on: Radiobutton > startup_edit frame_win_size: Frame win_size_title: Label win_width_title: Label win_width_int: Entry > win_width win_height_title: Label win_height_int: Entry > win_height frame_cursor: Frame indent_title: Label indent_chooser: Spinbox > indent_spaces blink_on: Checkbutton > cursor_blink frame_autocomplete: Frame auto_wait_title: Label auto_wait_int: Entry > autocomplete_wait frame_paren1: Frame paren_style_title: Label paren_style_type: OptionMenu > paren_style frame_paren2: Frame paren_time_title: Label paren_flash_time: Entry > flash_delay bell_on: Checkbutton > paren_bell frame_format: Frame format_width_title: Label format_width_int: Entry > format_width """ # Integer values need StringVar because int('') raises. self.startup_edit = tracers.add( IntVar(self), ('main', 'General', 'editor-on-startup')) self.win_width = tracers.add( StringVar(self), ('main', 'EditorWindow', 'width')) self.win_height = tracers.add( StringVar(self), ('main', 'EditorWindow', 'height')) self.indent_spaces = tracers.add( StringVar(self), ('main', 'Indent', 'num-spaces')) self.cursor_blink = tracers.add( BooleanVar(self), ('main', 'EditorWindow', 'cursor-blink')) self.autocomplete_wait = tracers.add( StringVar(self), ('extensions', 'AutoComplete', 'popupwait')) self.paren_style = tracers.add( StringVar(self), ('extensions', 'ParenMatch', 'style')) self.flash_delay = tracers.add( StringVar(self), ('extensions', 'ParenMatch', 'flash-delay')) self.paren_bell = tracers.add( BooleanVar(self), ('extensions', 'ParenMatch', 'bell')) self.format_width = tracers.add( StringVar(self), ('extensions', 'FormatParagraph', 'max-width')) # Create widgets: frame_window = LabelFrame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Window Preferences') frame_run = Frame(frame_window, borderwidth=0) startup_title = Label(frame_run, text='At Startup') self.startup_editor_on = Radiobutton( frame_run, variable=self.startup_edit, value=1, text="Open Edit Window") self.startup_shell_on = Radiobutton( frame_run, variable=self.startup_edit, value=0, text='Open Shell Window') frame_win_size = Frame(frame_window, borderwidth=0) win_size_title = Label( frame_win_size, text='Initial Window Size (in characters)') win_width_title = Label(frame_win_size, text='Width') self.win_width_int = Entry( frame_win_size, textvariable=self.win_width, width=3, validatecommand=self.digits_only, validate='key', ) win_height_title = Label(frame_win_size, text='Height') self.win_height_int = Entry( frame_win_size, textvariable=self.win_height, width=3, validatecommand=self.digits_only, validate='key', ) frame_cursor = Frame(frame_window, borderwidth=0) indent_title = Label(frame_cursor, text='Indent spaces (4 is standard)') try: self.indent_chooser = Spinbox( frame_cursor, textvariable=self.indent_spaces, from_=1, to=10, width=2, validatecommand=self.digits_only, validate='key') except TclError: self.indent_chooser = Combobox( frame_cursor, textvariable=self.indent_spaces, state="readonly", values=list(range(1,11)), width=3) cursor_blink_title = Label(frame_cursor, text='Cursor Blink') self.cursor_blink_bool = Checkbutton(frame_cursor, text="Cursor blink", variable=self.cursor_blink) frame_autocomplete = Frame(frame_window, borderwidth=0,) auto_wait_title = Label(frame_autocomplete, text='Completions Popup Wait (milliseconds)') self.auto_wait_int = Entry( frame_autocomplete, textvariable=self.autocomplete_wait, width=6, validatecommand=self.digits_only, validate='key') frame_paren1 = Frame(frame_window, borderwidth=0) paren_style_title = Label(frame_paren1, text='Paren Match Style') self.paren_style_type = OptionMenu( frame_paren1, self.paren_style, 'expression', "opener","parens","expression") frame_paren2 = Frame(frame_window, borderwidth=0) paren_time_title = Label( frame_paren2, text='Time Match Displayed (milliseconds)\n' '(0 is until next input)') self.paren_flash_time = Entry( frame_paren2, textvariable=self.flash_delay, width=6, validatecommand=self.digits_only, validate='key') self.bell_on = Checkbutton( frame_paren2, text="Bell on Mismatch", variable=self.paren_bell) frame_format = Frame(frame_window, borderwidth=0) format_width_title = Label(frame_format, text='Format Paragraph Max Width') self.format_width_int = Entry( frame_format, textvariable=self.format_width, width=4, validatecommand=self.digits_only, validate='key', ) # Pack widgets: frame_window.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH) # frame_run. frame_run.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X) startup_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.startup_shell_on.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.startup_editor_on.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) # frame_win_size. frame_win_size.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X) win_size_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.win_height_int.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, padx=10, pady=5) win_height_title.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, pady=5) self.win_width_int.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, padx=10, pady=5) win_width_title.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, pady=5) # frame_cursor. frame_cursor.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X) indent_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5) self.indent_chooser.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=10) self.cursor_blink_bool.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, padx=15, pady=5) # frame_autocomplete. frame_autocomplete.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X) auto_wait_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.auto_wait_int.pack(side=TOP, padx=10, pady=5) # frame_paren. frame_paren1.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X) paren_style_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.paren_style_type.pack(side=TOP, padx=10, pady=5) frame_paren2.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X) paren_time_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5) self.bell_on.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, padx=15, pady=5) self.paren_flash_time.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, padx=15, pady=5) # frame_format. frame_format.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X) format_width_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.format_width_int.pack(side=TOP, padx=10, pady=5) def load_windows_cfg(self): # Set variables for all windows. self.startup_edit.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'main', 'General', 'editor-on-startup', type='bool')) self.win_width.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'main', 'EditorWindow', 'width', type='int')) self.win_height.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'main', 'EditorWindow', 'height', type='int')) self.indent_spaces.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'main', 'Indent', 'num-spaces', type='int')) self.cursor_blink.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'main', 'EditorWindow', 'cursor-blink', type='bool')) self.autocomplete_wait.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'extensions', 'AutoComplete', 'popupwait', type='int')) self.paren_style.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'extensions', 'ParenMatch', 'style')) self.flash_delay.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'extensions', 'ParenMatch', 'flash-delay', type='int')) self.paren_bell.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'extensions', 'ParenMatch', 'bell')) self.format_width.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'extensions', 'FormatParagraph', 'max-width', type='int')) class ShedPage(Frame): def __init__(self, master): super().__init__(master) self.init_validators() self.create_page_shed() self.load_shelled_cfg() def init_validators(self): digits_or_empty_re = re.compile(r'[0-9]*') def is_digits_or_empty(s): "Return 's is blank or contains only digits'" return digits_or_empty_re.fullmatch(s) is not None self.digits_only = (self.register(is_digits_or_empty), '%P',) def create_page_shed(self): """Return frame of widgets for Shell/Ed tab. Enable users to provisionally change shell and editor options. Function load_shed_cfg initializes tk variables using idleConf. Entry box auto_squeeze_min_lines_int sets auto_squeeze_min_lines_int. Setting var_name invokes the default callback that adds option to changes. Widgets for ShedPage(Frame): (*) widgets bound to self frame_shell: LabelFrame frame_auto_squeeze_min_lines: Frame auto_squeeze_min_lines_title: Label (*)auto_squeeze_min_lines_int: Entry - auto_squeeze_min_lines frame_editor: LabelFrame frame_save: Frame run_save_title: Label (*)save_ask_on: Radiobutton - autosave (*)save_auto_on: Radiobutton - autosave frame_format: Frame format_width_title: Label (*)format_width_int: Entry - format_width frame_line_numbers_default: Frame line_numbers_default_title: Label (*)line_numbers_default_bool: Checkbutton - line_numbers_default frame_context: Frame context_title: Label (*)context_int: Entry - context_lines """ # Integer values need StringVar because int('') raises. self.auto_squeeze_min_lines = tracers.add( StringVar(self), ('main', 'PyShell', 'auto-squeeze-min-lines')) self.autosave = tracers.add( IntVar(self), ('main', 'General', 'autosave')) self.line_numbers_default = tracers.add( BooleanVar(self), ('main', 'EditorWindow', 'line-numbers-default')) self.context_lines = tracers.add( StringVar(self), ('extensions', 'CodeContext', 'maxlines')) # Create widgets: frame_shell = LabelFrame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Shell Preferences') frame_editor = LabelFrame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Editor Preferences') # Frame_shell. frame_auto_squeeze_min_lines = Frame(frame_shell, borderwidth=0) auto_squeeze_min_lines_title = Label(frame_auto_squeeze_min_lines, text='Auto-Squeeze Min. Lines:') self.auto_squeeze_min_lines_int = Entry( frame_auto_squeeze_min_lines, width=4, textvariable=self.auto_squeeze_min_lines, validatecommand=self.digits_only, validate='key', ) # Frame_editor. frame_save = Frame(frame_editor, borderwidth=0) run_save_title = Label(frame_save, text='At Start of Run (F5) ') self.save_ask_on = Radiobutton( frame_save, variable=self.autosave, value=0, text="Prompt to Save") self.save_auto_on = Radiobutton( frame_save, variable=self.autosave, value=1, text='No Prompt') frame_line_numbers_default = Frame(frame_editor, borderwidth=0) line_numbers_default_title = Label( frame_line_numbers_default, text='Show line numbers in new windows') self.line_numbers_default_bool = Checkbutton( frame_line_numbers_default, variable=self.line_numbers_default, width=1) frame_context = Frame(frame_editor, borderwidth=0) context_title = Label(frame_context, text='Max Context Lines :') self.context_int = Entry( frame_context, textvariable=self.context_lines, width=3, validatecommand=self.digits_only, validate='key', ) # Pack widgets: frame_shell.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=BOTH) Label(self).pack() # Spacer -- better solution? frame_editor.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=BOTH) # frame_auto_squeeze_min_lines frame_auto_squeeze_min_lines.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X) auto_squeeze_min_lines_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.auto_squeeze_min_lines_int.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5) # frame_save. frame_save.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X) run_save_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.save_auto_on.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.save_ask_on.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) # frame_line_numbers_default. frame_line_numbers_default.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X) line_numbers_default_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.line_numbers_default_bool.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) # frame_context. frame_context.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=0, fill=X) context_title.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5) self.context_int.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5) def load_shelled_cfg(self): # Set variables for shell windows. self.auto_squeeze_min_lines.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'main', 'PyShell', 'auto-squeeze-min-lines', type='int')) # Set variables for editor windows. self.autosave.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'main', 'General', 'autosave', default=0, type='bool')) self.line_numbers_default.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'main', 'EditorWindow', 'line-numbers-default', type='bool')) self.context_lines.set(idleConf.GetOption( 'extensions', 'CodeContext', 'maxlines', type='int')) class ExtPage(Frame): def __init__(self, master): super().__init__(master) self.ext_defaultCfg = idleConf.defaultCfg['extensions'] self.ext_userCfg = idleConf.userCfg['extensions'] self.is_int = self.register(is_int) self.load_extensions() self.create_page_extensions() # Requires extension names. def create_page_extensions(self): """Configure IDLE feature extensions and help menu extensions. List the feature extensions and a configuration box for the selected extension. Help menu extensions are in a HelpFrame. This code reads the current configuration using idleConf, supplies a GUI interface to change the configuration values, and saves the changes using idleConf. Some changes may require restarting IDLE. This depends on each extension's implementation. All values are treated as text, and it is up to the user to supply reasonable values. The only exception to this are the 'enable*' options, which are boolean, and can be toggled with a True/False button. Methods: extension_selected: Handle selection from list. create_extension_frame: Hold widgets for one extension. set_extension_value: Set in userCfg['extensions']. save_all_changed_extensions: Call extension page Save(). """ self.extension_names = StringVar(self) frame_ext = LabelFrame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Feature Extensions ') self.frame_help = HelpFrame(self, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE, text=' Help Menu Extensions ') frame_ext.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) frame_ext.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self.extension_list = Listbox(frame_ext, listvariable=self.extension_names, selectmode='browse') self.extension_list.bind('<>', self.extension_selected) scroll = Scrollbar(frame_ext, command=self.extension_list.yview) self.extension_list.yscrollcommand=scroll.set self.details_frame = LabelFrame(frame_ext, width=250, height=250) self.extension_list.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='nws') scroll.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='ns') self.details_frame.grid(column=2, row=0, sticky='nsew', padx=[10, 0]) frame_ext.configure(padding=10) self.config_frame = {} self.current_extension = None self.outerframe = self # TEMPORARY self.tabbed_page_set = self.extension_list # TEMPORARY # Create the frame holding controls for each extension. ext_names = '' for ext_name in sorted(self.extensions): self.create_extension_frame(ext_name) ext_names = ext_names + '{' + ext_name + '} ' self.extension_names.set(ext_names) self.extension_list.selection_set(0) self.extension_selected(None) frame_ext.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew') Label(self).grid(row=1, column=0) # Spacer. Replace with config? self.frame_help.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='sew') def load_extensions(self): "Fill self.extensions with data from the default and user configs." self.extensions = {} for ext_name in idleConf.GetExtensions(active_only=False): # Former built-in extensions are already filtered out. self.extensions[ext_name] = [] for ext_name in self.extensions: opt_list = sorted(self.ext_defaultCfg.GetOptionList(ext_name)) # Bring 'enable' options to the beginning of the list. enables = [opt_name for opt_name in opt_list if opt_name.startswith('enable')] for opt_name in enables: opt_list.remove(opt_name) opt_list = enables + opt_list for opt_name in opt_list: def_str = self.ext_defaultCfg.Get( ext_name, opt_name, raw=True) try: def_obj = {'True':True, 'False':False}[def_str] opt_type = 'bool' except KeyError: try: def_obj = int(def_str) opt_type = 'int' except ValueError: def_obj = def_str opt_type = None try: value = self.ext_userCfg.Get( ext_name, opt_name, type=opt_type, raw=True, default=def_obj) except ValueError: # Need this until .Get fixed. value = def_obj # Bad values overwritten by entry. var = StringVar(self) var.set(str(value)) self.extensions[ext_name].append({'name': opt_name, 'type': opt_type, 'default': def_str, 'value': value, 'var': var, }) def extension_selected(self, event): "Handle selection of an extension from the list." newsel = self.extension_list.curselection() if newsel: newsel = self.extension_list.get(newsel) if newsel is None or newsel != self.current_extension: if self.current_extension: self.details_frame.config(text='') self.config_frame[self.current_extension].grid_forget() self.current_extension = None if newsel: self.details_frame.config(text=newsel) self.config_frame[newsel].grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='nsew') self.current_extension = newsel def create_extension_frame(self, ext_name): """Create a frame holding the widgets to configure one extension""" f = VerticalScrolledFrame(self.details_frame, height=250, width=250) self.config_frame[ext_name] = f entry_area = f.interior # Create an entry for each configuration option. for row, opt in enumerate(self.extensions[ext_name]): # Create a row with a label and entry/checkbutton. label = Label(entry_area, text=opt['name']) label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=NW) var = opt['var'] if opt['type'] == 'bool': Checkbutton(entry_area, variable=var, onvalue='True', offvalue='False', width=8 ).grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=W, padx=7) elif opt['type'] == 'int': Entry(entry_area, textvariable=var, validate='key', validatecommand=(self.is_int, '%P'), width=10 ).grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=NSEW, padx=7) else: # type == 'str' # Limit size to fit non-expanding space with larger font. Entry(entry_area, textvariable=var, width=15 ).grid(row=row, column=1, sticky=NSEW, padx=7) return def set_extension_value(self, section, opt): """Return True if the configuration was added or changed. If the value is the same as the default, then remove it from user config file. """ name = opt['name'] default = opt['default'] value = opt['var'].get().strip() or default opt['var'].set(value) # if self.defaultCfg.has_section(section): # Currently, always true; if not, indent to return. if (value == default): return self.ext_userCfg.RemoveOption(section, name) # Set the option. return self.ext_userCfg.SetOption(section, name, value) def save_all_changed_extensions(self): """Save configuration changes to the user config file. Attributes accessed: extensions Methods: set_extension_value """ has_changes = False for ext_name in self.extensions: options = self.extensions[ext_name] for opt in options: if self.set_extension_value(ext_name, opt): has_changes = True if has_changes: self.ext_userCfg.Save() class HelpFrame(LabelFrame): def __init__(self, master, **cfg): super().__init__(master, **cfg) self.create_frame_help() self.load_helplist() def create_frame_help(self): """Create LabelFrame for additional help menu sources. load_helplist loads list user_helplist with name, position pairs and copies names to listbox helplist. Clicking a name invokes help_source selected. Clicking button_helplist_name invokes helplist_item_name, which also changes user_helplist. These functions all call set_add_delete_state. All but load call update_help_changes to rewrite changes['main']['HelpFiles']. Widgets for HelpFrame(LabelFrame): (*) widgets bound to self frame_helplist: Frame (*)helplist: ListBox scroll_helplist: Scrollbar frame_buttons: Frame (*)button_helplist_edit (*)button_helplist_add (*)button_helplist_remove """ # self = frame_help in dialog (until ExtPage class). frame_helplist = Frame(self) self.helplist = Listbox( frame_helplist, height=5, takefocus=True, exportselection=FALSE) scroll_helplist = Scrollbar(frame_helplist) scroll_helplist['command'] = self.helplist.yview self.helplist['yscrollcommand'] = scroll_helplist.set self.helplist.bind('', self.help_source_selected) frame_buttons = Frame(self) self.button_helplist_edit = Button( frame_buttons, text='Edit', state='disabled', width=8, command=self.helplist_item_edit) self.button_helplist_add = Button( frame_buttons, text='Add', width=8, command=self.helplist_item_add) self.button_helplist_remove = Button( frame_buttons, text='Remove', state='disabled', width=8, command=self.helplist_item_remove) # Pack frame_help. frame_helplist.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH) self.helplist.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=E, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH) scroll_helplist.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=W, fill=Y) frame_buttons.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5, fill=Y) self.button_helplist_edit.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, pady=5) self.button_helplist_add.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) self.button_helplist_remove.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W, pady=5) def help_source_selected(self, event): "Handle event for selecting additional help." self.set_add_delete_state() def set_add_delete_state(self): "Toggle the state for the help list buttons based on list entries." if self.helplist.size() < 1: # No entries in list. self.button_helplist_edit.state(('disabled',)) self.button_helplist_remove.state(('disabled',)) else: # Some entries. if self.helplist.curselection(): # There currently is a selection. self.button_helplist_edit.state(('!disabled',)) self.button_helplist_remove.state(('!disabled',)) else: # There currently is not a selection. self.button_helplist_edit.state(('disabled',)) self.button_helplist_remove.state(('disabled',)) def helplist_item_add(self): """Handle add button for the help list. Query for name and location of new help sources and add them to the list. """ help_source = HelpSource(self, 'New Help Source').result if help_source: self.user_helplist.append(help_source) self.helplist.insert(END, help_source[0]) self.update_help_changes() def helplist_item_edit(self): """Handle edit button for the help list. Query with existing help source information and update config if the values are changed. """ item_index = self.helplist.index(ANCHOR) help_source = self.user_helplist[item_index] new_help_source = HelpSource( self, 'Edit Help Source', menuitem=help_source[0], filepath=help_source[1], ).result if new_help_source and new_help_source != help_source: self.user_helplist[item_index] = new_help_source self.helplist.delete(item_index) self.helplist.insert(item_index, new_help_source[0]) self.update_help_changes() self.set_add_delete_state() # Selected will be un-selected def helplist_item_remove(self): """Handle remove button for the help list. Delete the help list item from config. """ item_index = self.helplist.index(ANCHOR) del(self.user_helplist[item_index]) self.helplist.delete(item_index) self.update_help_changes() self.set_add_delete_state() def update_help_changes(self): "Clear and rebuild the HelpFiles section in changes" changes['main']['HelpFiles'] = {} for num in range(1, len(self.user_helplist) + 1): changes.add_option( 'main', 'HelpFiles', str(num), ';'.join(self.user_helplist[num-1][:2])) def load_helplist(self): # Set additional help sources. self.user_helplist = idleConf.GetAllExtraHelpSourcesList() self.helplist.delete(0, 'end') for help_item in self.user_helplist: self.helplist.insert(END, help_item[0]) self.set_add_delete_state() class VarTrace: """Maintain Tk variables trace state.""" def __init__(self): """Store Tk variables and callbacks. untraced: List of tuples (var, callback) that do not have the callback attached to the Tk var. traced: List of tuples (var, callback) where that callback has been attached to the var. """ self.untraced = [] self.traced = [] def clear(self): "Clear lists (for tests)." # Call after all tests in a module to avoid memory leaks. self.untraced.clear() self.traced.clear() def add(self, var, callback): """Add (var, callback) tuple to untraced list. Args: var: Tk variable instance. callback: Either function name to be used as a callback or a tuple with IdleConf config-type, section, and option names used in the default callback. Return: Tk variable instance. """ if isinstance(callback, tuple): callback = self.make_callback(var, callback) self.untraced.append((var, callback)) return var @staticmethod def make_callback(var, config): "Return default callback function to add values to changes instance." def default_callback(*params): "Add config values to changes instance." changes.add_option(*config, var.get()) return default_callback def attach(self): "Attach callback to all vars that are not traced." while self.untraced: var, callback = self.untraced.pop() var.trace_add('write', callback) self.traced.append((var, callback)) def detach(self): "Remove callback from traced vars." while self.traced: var, callback = self.traced.pop() var.trace_remove('write', var.trace_info()[0][1]) self.untraced.append((var, callback)) tracers = VarTrace() help_common = '''\ When you click either the Apply or Ok buttons, settings in this dialog that are different from IDLE's default are saved in a .idlerc directory in your home directory. Except as noted, these changes apply to all versions of IDLE installed on this machine. [Cancel] only cancels changes made since the last save. ''' help_pages = { 'Fonts/Tabs':''' Font sample: This shows what a selection of Basic Multilingual Plane unicode characters look like for the current font selection. If the selected font does not define a character, Tk attempts to find another font that does. Substitute glyphs depend on what is available on a particular system and will not necessarily have the same size as the font selected. Line contains 20 characters up to Devanagari, 14 for Tamil, and 10 for East Asia. Hebrew and Arabic letters should display right to left, starting with alef, \u05d0 and \u0627. Arabic digits display left to right. The Devanagari and Tamil lines start with digits. The East Asian lines are Chinese digits, Chinese Hanzi, Korean Hangul, and Japanese Hiragana and Katakana. You can edit the font sample. Changes remain until IDLE is closed. ''', 'Highlights': ''' Highlighting: The IDLE Dark color theme is new in October 2015. It can only be used with older IDLE releases if it is saved as a custom theme, with a different name. ''', 'Keys': ''' Keys: The IDLE Modern Unix key set is new in June 2016. It can only be used with older IDLE releases if it is saved as a custom key set, with a different name. ''', 'General': ''' General: AutoComplete: Popupwait is milliseconds to wait after key char, without cursor movement, before popping up completion box. Key char is '.' after identifier or a '/' (or '\\' on Windows) within a string. FormatParagraph: Max-width is max chars in lines after re-formatting. Use with paragraphs in both strings and comment blocks. ParenMatch: Style indicates what is highlighted when closer is entered: 'opener' - opener '({[' corresponding to closer; 'parens' - both chars; 'expression' (default) - also everything in between. Flash-delay is how long to highlight if cursor is not moved (0 means forever). CodeContext: Maxlines is the maximum number of code context lines to display when Code Context is turned on for an editor window. Shell Preferences: Auto-Squeeze Min. Lines is the minimum number of lines of output to automatically "squeeze". ''', 'Extensions': ''' ZzDummy: This extension is provided as an example for how to create and use an extension. Enable indicates whether the extension is active or not; likewise enable_editor and enable_shell indicate which windows it will be active on. For this extension, z-text is the text that will be inserted at or removed from the beginning of the lines of selected text, or the current line if no selection. ''', } def is_int(s): "Return 's is blank or represents an int'" if not s: return True try: int(s) return True except ValueError: return False class VerticalScrolledFrame(Frame): """A pure Tkinter vertically scrollable frame. * Use the 'interior' attribute to place widgets inside the scrollable frame * Construct and pack/place/grid normally * This frame only allows vertical scrolling """ def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw): Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw) # Create a canvas object and a vertical scrollbar for scrolling it. vscrollbar = Scrollbar(self, orient=VERTICAL) vscrollbar.pack(fill=Y, side=RIGHT, expand=FALSE) canvas = Canvas(self, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, yscrollcommand=vscrollbar.set, width=240) canvas.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=TRUE) vscrollbar.config(command=canvas.yview) # Reset the view. canvas.xview_moveto(0) canvas.yview_moveto(0) # Create a frame inside the canvas which will be scrolled with it. self.interior = interior = Frame(canvas) interior_id = canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=interior, anchor=NW) # Track changes to the canvas and frame width and sync them, # also updating the scrollbar. def _configure_interior(event): # Update the scrollbars to match the size of the inner frame. size = (interior.winfo_reqwidth(), interior.winfo_reqheight()) canvas.config(scrollregion="0 0 %s %s" % size) interior.bind('', _configure_interior) def _configure_canvas(event): if interior.winfo_reqwidth() != canvas.winfo_width(): # Update the inner frame's width to fill the canvas. canvas.itemconfigure(interior_id, width=canvas.winfo_width()) canvas.bind('', _configure_canvas) return if __name__ == '__main__': from unittest import main main('idlelib.idle_test.test_configdialog', verbosity=2, exit=False) from idlelib.idle_test.htest import run run(ConfigDialog)