import doctest import textwrap import unittest doctests = """ ########### Tests borrowed from or inspired by ############ Test simple loop with conditional >>> sum([i*i for i in range(100) if i&1 == 1]) 166650 Test simple nesting >>> [(i,j) for i in range(3) for j in range(4)] [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)] Test nesting with the inner expression dependent on the outer >>> [(i,j) for i in range(4) for j in range(i)] [(1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1), (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2)] Test the idiom for temporary variable assignment in comprehensions. >>> [j*j for i in range(4) for j in [i+1]] [1, 4, 9, 16] >>> [j*k for i in range(4) for j in [i+1] for k in [j+1]] [2, 6, 12, 20] >>> [j*k for i in range(4) for j, k in [(i+1, i+2)]] [2, 6, 12, 20] Not assignment >>> [i*i for i in [*range(4)]] [0, 1, 4, 9] >>> [i*i for i in (*range(4),)] [0, 1, 4, 9] Make sure the induction variable is not exposed >>> i = 20 >>> sum([i*i for i in range(100)]) 328350 >>> i 20 Verify that syntax error's are raised for listcomps used as lvalues >>> [y for y in (1,2)] = 10 # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: ... >>> [y for y in (1,2)] += 10 # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... SyntaxError: ... ########### Tests borrowed from or inspired by ############ Make a nested list comprehension that acts like range() >>> def frange(n): ... return [i for i in range(n)] >>> frange(10) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Same again, only as a lambda expression instead of a function definition >>> lrange = lambda n: [i for i in range(n)] >>> lrange(10) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Generators can call other generators: >>> def grange(n): ... for x in [i for i in range(n)]: ... yield x >>> list(grange(5)) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] Make sure that None is a valid return value >>> [None for i in range(10)] [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None] """ class ListComprehensionTest(unittest.TestCase): def _check_in_scopes(self, code, outputs=None, ns=None, scopes=None, raises=()): code = textwrap.dedent(code) scopes = scopes or ["module", "class", "function"] for scope in scopes: with self.subTest(scope=scope): if scope == "class": newcode = textwrap.dedent(""" class _C: {code} """).format(code=textwrap.indent(code, " ")) def get_output(moddict, name): return getattr(moddict["_C"], name) elif scope == "function": newcode = textwrap.dedent(""" def _f(): {code} return locals() _out = _f() """).format(code=textwrap.indent(code, " ")) def get_output(moddict, name): return moddict["_out"][name] else: newcode = code def get_output(moddict, name): return moddict[name] newns = ns.copy() if ns else {} try: exec(newcode, newns) except raises as e: # We care about e.g. NameError vs UnboundLocalError self.assertIs(type(e), raises) else: for k, v in (outputs or {}).items(): self.assertEqual(get_output(newns, k), v) def test_lambdas_with_iteration_var_as_default(self): code = """ items = [(lambda i=i: i) for i in range(5)] y = [x() for x in items] """ outputs = {"y": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_lambdas_with_free_var(self): code = """ items = [(lambda: i) for i in range(5)] y = [x() for x in items] """ outputs = {"y": [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_class_scope_free_var_with_class_cell(self): class C: def method(self): super() return __class__ items = [(lambda: i) for i in range(5)] y = [x() for x in items] self.assertEqual(C.y, [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]) self.assertIs(C().method(), C) def test_inner_cell_shadows_outer(self): code = """ items = [(lambda: i) for i in range(5)] i = 20 y = [x() for x in items] """ outputs = {"y": [4, 4, 4, 4, 4], "i": 20} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_inner_cell_shadows_outer_no_store(self): code = """ def f(x): return [lambda: x for x in range(x)], x fns, x = f(2) y = [fn() for fn in fns] """ outputs = {"y": [1, 1], "x": 2} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_closure_can_jump_over_comp_scope(self): code = """ items = [(lambda: y) for i in range(5)] y = 2 z = [x() for x in items] """ outputs = {"z": [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, scopes=["module", "function"]) def test_cell_inner_free_outer(self): code = """ def f(): return [lambda: x for x in (x, [1])[1]] x = ... y = [fn() for fn in f()] """ outputs = {"y": [1]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, scopes=["module", "function"]) def test_free_inner_cell_outer(self): code = """ g = 2 def f(): return g y = [g for x in [1]] """ outputs = {"y": [2]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, scopes=["module", "function"]) self._check_in_scopes(code, scopes=["class"], raises=NameError) def test_inner_cell_shadows_outer_redefined(self): code = """ y = 10 items = [(lambda: y) for y in range(5)] x = y y = 20 out = [z() for z in items] """ outputs = {"x": 10, "out": [4, 4, 4, 4, 4]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_shadows_outer_cell(self): code = """ def inner(): return g [g for g in range(5)] x = inner() """ outputs = {"x": -1} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, ns={"g": -1}) def test_explicit_global(self): code = """ global g x = g g = 2 items = [g for g in [1]] y = g """ outputs = {"x": 1, "y": 2, "items": [1]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, ns={"g": 1}) def test_explicit_global_2(self): code = """ global g x = g g = 2 items = [g for x in [1]] y = g """ outputs = {"x": 1, "y": 2, "items": [2]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, ns={"g": 1}) def test_explicit_global_3(self): code = """ global g fns = [lambda: g for g in [2]] items = [fn() for fn in fns] """ outputs = {"items": [2]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, ns={"g": 1}) def test_assignment_expression(self): code = """ x = -1 items = [(x:=y) for y in range(3)] """ outputs = {"x": 2} # assignment expression in comprehension is disallowed in class scope self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, scopes=["module", "function"]) def test_free_var_in_comp_child(self): code = """ lst = range(3) funcs = [lambda: x for x in lst] inc = [x + 1 for x in lst] [x for x in inc] x = funcs[0]() """ outputs = {"x": 2} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_shadow_with_free_and_local(self): code = """ lst = range(3) x = -1 funcs = [lambda: x for x in lst] items = [x + 1 for x in lst] """ outputs = {"x": -1} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_shadow_comp_iterable_name(self): code = """ x = [1] y = [x for x in x] """ outputs = {"x": [1]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_nested_free(self): code = """ x = 1 def g(): [x for x in range(3)] return x g() """ outputs = {"x": 1} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, scopes=["module", "function"]) def test_introspecting_frame_locals(self): code = """ import sys [i for i in range(2)] i = 20 sys._getframe().f_locals """ outputs = {"i": 20} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_nested(self): code = """ l = [2, 3] y = [[x ** 2 for x in range(x)] for x in l] """ outputs = {"y": [[0, 1], [0, 1, 4]]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_nested_2(self): code = """ l = [1, 2, 3] x = 3 y = [x for [x ** x for x in range(x)][x - 1] in l] """ outputs = {"y": [3, 3, 3]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, scopes=["module", "function"]) self._check_in_scopes(code, scopes=["class"], raises=NameError) def test_nested_3(self): code = """ l = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)] y = [x for (x, [x ** x for x in range(x)][x - 1]) in l] """ outputs = {"y": [1, 3, 5]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_nested_4(self): code = """ items = [([lambda: x for x in range(2)], lambda: x) for x in range(3)] out = [([fn() for fn in fns], fn()) for fns, fn in items] """ outputs = {"out": [([1, 1], 2), ([1, 1], 2), ([1, 1], 2)]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_nameerror(self): code = """ [x for x in [1]] x """ self._check_in_scopes(code, raises=NameError) def test_dunder_name(self): code = """ y = [__x for __x in [1]] """ outputs = {"y": [1]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs) def test_unbound_local_after_comprehension(self): def f(): if False: x = 0 [x for x in [1]] return x with self.assertRaises(UnboundLocalError): f() def test_unbound_local_inside_comprehension(self): def f(): l = [None] return [1 for (l[0], l) in [[1, 2]]] with self.assertRaises(UnboundLocalError): f() def test_global_outside_cellvar_inside_plus_freevar(self): code = """ a = 1 def f(): func, = [(lambda: b) for b in [a]] return b, func() x = f() """ self._check_in_scopes( code, {"x": (2, 1)}, ns={"b": 2}, scopes=["function", "module"]) # inside a class, the `a = 1` assignment is not visible self._check_in_scopes(code, raises=NameError, scopes=["class"]) def test_cell_in_nested_comprehension(self): code = """ a = 1 def f(): (func, inner_b), = [[lambda: b for b in c] + [b] for c in [[a]]] return b, inner_b, func() x = f() """ self._check_in_scopes( code, {"x": (2, 2, 1)}, ns={"b": 2}, scopes=["function", "module"]) # inside a class, the `a = 1` assignment is not visible self._check_in_scopes(code, raises=NameError, scopes=["class"]) def test_name_error_in_class_scope(self): code = """ y = 1 [x + y for x in range(2)] """ self._check_in_scopes(code, raises=NameError, scopes=["class"]) def test_global_in_class_scope(self): code = """ y = 2 vals = [(x, y) for x in range(2)] """ outputs = {"vals": [(0, 1), (1, 1)]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, ns={"y": 1}, scopes=["class"]) def test_in_class_scope_inside_function_1(self): code = """ class C: y = 2 vals = [(x, y) for x in range(2)] vals = C.vals """ outputs = {"vals": [(0, 1), (1, 1)]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, ns={"y": 1}, scopes=["function"]) def test_in_class_scope_inside_function_2(self): code = """ y = 1 class C: y = 2 vals = [(x, y) for x in range(2)] vals = C.vals """ outputs = {"vals": [(0, 1), (1, 1)]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, scopes=["function"]) def test_in_class_scope_with_global(self): code = """ y = 1 class C: global y y = 2 # Ensure the listcomp uses the global, not the value in the # class namespace locals()['y'] = 3 vals = [(x, y) for x in range(2)] vals = C.vals """ outputs = {"vals": [(0, 2), (1, 2)]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, scopes=["module", "class"]) outputs = {"vals": [(0, 1), (1, 1)]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, scopes=["function"]) def test_in_class_scope_with_nonlocal(self): code = """ y = 1 class C: nonlocal y y = 2 # Ensure the listcomp uses the global, not the value in the # class namespace locals()['y'] = 3 vals = [(x, y) for x in range(2)] vals = C.vals """ outputs = {"vals": [(0, 2), (1, 2)]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, scopes=["function"]) def test_nested_has_free_var(self): code = """ items = [a for a in [1] if [a for _ in [0]]] """ outputs = {"items": [1]} self._check_in_scopes(code, outputs, scopes=["class"]) def test_nested_free_var_not_bound_in_outer_comp(self): code = """ z = 1 items = [a for a in [1] if [x for x in [1] if z]] """ self._check_in_scopes(code, {"items": [1]}, scopes=["module", "function"]) self._check_in_scopes(code, {"items": []}, ns={"z": 0}, scopes=["class"]) def test_nested_free_var_in_iter(self): code = """ items = [_C for _C in [1] for [0, 1][[x for x in [1] if _C][0]] in [2]] """ self._check_in_scopes(code, {"items": [1]}) def test_nested_free_var_in_expr(self): code = """ items = [(_C, [x for x in [1] if _C]) for _C in [0, 1]] """ self._check_in_scopes(code, {"items": [(0, []), (1, [1])]}) def test_nested_listcomp_in_lambda(self): code = """ f = [(z, lambda y: [(x, y, z) for x in [3]]) for z in [1]] (z, func), = f out = func(2) """ self._check_in_scopes(code, {"z": 1, "out": [(3, 2, 1)]}) def test_lambda_in_iter(self): code = """ (func, c), = [(a, b) for b in [1] for a in [lambda : a]] d = func() assert d is func # must use "a" in this scope e = a if False else None """ self._check_in_scopes(code, {"c": 1, "e": None}) def test_assign_to_comp_iter_var_in_outer_function(self): code = """ a = [1 for a in [0]] """ self._check_in_scopes(code, {"a": [1]}, scopes=["function"]) def test_no_leakage_to_locals(self): code = """ def b(): [a for b in [1] for _ in []] return b, locals() r, s = b() x = r is b y = list(s.keys()) """ self._check_in_scopes(code, {"x": True, "y": []}, scopes=["module"]) self._check_in_scopes(code, {"x": True, "y": ["b"]}, scopes=["function"]) self._check_in_scopes(code, raises=NameError, scopes=["class"]) def test_iter_var_available_in_locals(self): code = """ l = [1, 2] y = 0 items = [locals()["x"] for x in l] items2 = [vars()["x"] for x in l] items3 = [("x" in dir()) for x in l] items4 = [eval("x") for x in l] # x is available, and does not overwrite y [exec("y = x") for x in l] """ self._check_in_scopes( code, { "items": [1, 2], "items2": [1, 2], "items3": [True, True], "items4": [1, 2], "y": 0 } ) __test__ = {'doctests' : doctests} def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern): tests.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite()) return tests if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()