.. _distutils-index: ############################################## Distributing Python Modules (Legacy version) ############################################## :Authors: Greg Ward, Anthony Baxter :Email: distutils-sig@python.org .. seealso:: :ref:`distributing-index` The up to date module distribution documentations .. note:: The entire ``distutils`` package has been deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.12. This documentation is retained as a reference only, and will be removed with the package. See the :ref:`What's New ` entry for more information. .. include:: ./_setuptools_disclaimer.rst .. note:: This guide only covers the basic tools for building and distributing extensions that are provided as part of this version of Python. Third party tools offer easier to use and more secure alternatives. Refer to the `quick recommendations section `__ in the Python Packaging User Guide for more information. This document describes the Python Distribution Utilities ("Distutils") from the module developer's point of view, describing the underlying capabilities that ``setuptools`` builds on to allow Python developers to make Python modules and extensions readily available to a wider audience. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: introduction.rst setupscript.rst configfile.rst sourcedist.rst builtdist.rst examples.rst extending.rst commandref.rst apiref.rst