"""Tests for distutils.command.upload.""" import os import unittest import http.client as httpclient from test.support import run_unittest from distutils.command.upload import upload from distutils.core import Distribution from distutils.tests.test_config import PYPIRC, PyPIRCCommandTestCase PYPIRC_LONG_PASSWORD = """\ [distutils] index-servers = server1 server2 [server1] username:me password:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [server2] username:meagain password: secret realm:acme repository:http://another.pypi/ """ PYPIRC_NOPASSWORD = """\ [distutils] index-servers = server1 [server1] username:me """ class Response(object): def __init__(self, status=200, reason='OK'): self.status = status self.reason = reason class FakeConnection(object): def __init__(self): self.requests = [] self.headers = [] self.body = '' def __call__(self, netloc): return self def connect(self): pass endheaders = connect def putrequest(self, method, url): self.requests.append((method, url)) def putheader(self, name, value): self.headers.append((name, value)) def send(self, body): self.body = body def getresponse(self): return Response() class uploadTestCase(PyPIRCCommandTestCase): def setUp(self): super(uploadTestCase, self).setUp() if hasattr(httpclient, 'HTTPSConnection'): self.addCleanup(setattr, httpclient, 'HTTPSConnection', httpclient.HTTPSConnection) else: self.addCleanup(delattr, httpclient, 'HTTPSConnection') self.conn = httpclient.HTTPSConnection = FakeConnection() def test_finalize_options(self): # new format self.write_file(self.rc, PYPIRC) dist = Distribution() cmd = upload(dist) cmd.finalize_options() for attr, waited in (('username', 'me'), ('password', 'secret'), ('realm', 'pypi'), ('repository', 'https://pypi.python.org/pypi')): self.assertEqual(getattr(cmd, attr), waited) def test_saved_password(self): # file with no password self.write_file(self.rc, PYPIRC_NOPASSWORD) # make sure it passes dist = Distribution() cmd = upload(dist) cmd.finalize_options() self.assertEqual(cmd.password, None) # make sure we get it as well, if another command # initialized it at the dist level dist.password = 'xxx' cmd = upload(dist) cmd.finalize_options() self.assertEqual(cmd.password, 'xxx') def test_upload(self): tmp = self.mkdtemp() path = os.path.join(tmp, 'xxx') self.write_file(path) command, pyversion, filename = 'xxx', '2.6', path dist_files = [(command, pyversion, filename)] self.write_file(self.rc, PYPIRC_LONG_PASSWORD) # lets run it pkg_dir, dist = self.create_dist(dist_files=dist_files) cmd = upload(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.run() # what did we send ? headers = dict(self.conn.headers) self.assertEqual(headers['Content-length'], '2087') self.assertTrue(headers['Content-type'].startswith('multipart/form-data')) self.assertFalse('\n' in headers['Authorization']) self.assertEqual(self.conn.requests, [('POST', '/pypi')]) self.assertTrue((b'xxx') in self.conn.body) def test_suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(uploadTestCase) if __name__ == "__main__": run_unittest(test_suite())