#! /usr/bin/env python """Test script for the dbm.open function based on testdumbdbm.py""" import os import unittest import dbm import glob import test.support _fname = test.support.TESTFN # # Iterates over every database module supported by dbm currently available, # setting dbm to use each in turn, and yielding that module # def dbm_iterator(): old_default = dbm._defaultmod for module in dbm._modules.values(): dbm._defaultmod = module yield module dbm._defaultmod = old_default # # Clean up all scratch databases we might have created during testing # def delete_files(): # we don't know the precise name the underlying database uses # so we use glob to locate all names for f in glob.glob(_fname + "*"): test.support.unlink(f) class AnyDBMTestCase(unittest.TestCase): _dict = {'0': b'', 'a': b'Python:', 'b': b'Programming', 'c': b'the', 'd': b'way', 'f': b'Guido', 'g': b'intended', } def __init__(self, *args): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args) def test_anydbm_creation(self): f = dbm.open(_fname, 'c') self.assertEqual(list(f.keys()), []) for key in self._dict: f[key.encode("ascii")] = self._dict[key] self.read_helper(f) f.close() def test_anydbm_modification(self): self.init_db() f = dbm.open(_fname, 'c') self._dict['g'] = f[b'g'] = b"indented" self.read_helper(f) f.close() def test_anydbm_read(self): self.init_db() f = dbm.open(_fname, 'r') self.read_helper(f) f.close() def test_anydbm_keys(self): self.init_db() f = dbm.open(_fname, 'r') keys = self.keys_helper(f) f.close() def test_anydbm_access(self): self.init_db() f = dbm.open(_fname, 'r') key = "a".encode("ascii") assert(key in f) assert(f[key] == b"Python:") f.close() def read_helper(self, f): keys = self.keys_helper(f) for key in self._dict: self.assertEqual(self._dict[key], f[key.encode("ascii")]) def init_db(self): f = dbm.open(_fname, 'n') for k in self._dict: f[k.encode("ascii")] = self._dict[k] f.close() def keys_helper(self, f): keys = sorted(k.decode("ascii") for k in f.keys()) dkeys = sorted(self._dict.keys()) self.assertEqual(keys, dkeys) return keys def tearDown(self): delete_files() def setUp(self): delete_files() class WhichDBTestCase(unittest.TestCase): # Actual test methods are added to namespace after class definition. def __init__(self, *args): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args) def test_whichdb(self): for module in dbm_iterator(): # Check whether whichdb correctly guesses module name # for databases opened with "module" module. # Try with empty files first name = module.__name__ if name == 'dbm.dumb': continue # whichdb can't support dbm.dumb test.support.unlink(_fname) f = module.open(_fname, 'c') f.close() self.assertEqual(name, dbm.whichdb(_fname)) # Now add a key f = module.open(_fname, 'w') f[b"1"] = b"1" # and test that we can find it self.assertTrue(b"1" in f) # and read it self.assertTrue(f[b"1"] == b"1") f.close() self.assertEqual(name, dbm.whichdb(_fname)) def tearDown(self): delete_files() def setUp(self): delete_files() def test_main(): try: for module in dbm_iterator(): test.support.run_unittest(AnyDBMTestCase, WhichDBTestCase) finally: delete_files() if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()