__all__ = ['deque', 'defaultdict', 'NamedTuple'] from _collections import deque, defaultdict from operator import itemgetter as _itemgetter import sys as _sys # For bootstrapping reasons, the collection ABCs are defined in _abcoll.py. # They should however be considered an integral part of collections.py. from _abcoll import * import _abcoll __all__ += _abcoll.__all__ def NamedTuple(typename, s): """Returns a new subclass of tuple with named fields. >>> Point = NamedTuple('Point', 'x y') >>> Point.__doc__ # docstring for the new class 'Point(x, y)' >>> p = Point(11, y=22) # instantiate with positional args or keywords >>> p[0] + p[1] # works just like the tuple (11, 22) 33 >>> x, y = p # unpacks just like a tuple >>> x, y (11, 22) >>> p.x + p.y # fields also accessable by name 33 >>> p # readable __repr__ with name=value style Point(x=11, y=22) """ field_names = s.split() if not ''.join([typename] + field_names).replace('_', '').isalnum(): raise ValueError('Type names and field names can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores') argtxt = ', '.join(field_names) reprtxt = ', '.join('%s=%%r' % name for name in field_names) template = '''class %(typename)s(tuple): '%(typename)s(%(argtxt)s)' __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, %(argtxt)s): return tuple.__new__(cls, (%(argtxt)s,)) def __repr__(self): return '%(typename)s(%(reprtxt)s)' %% self ''' % locals() for i, name in enumerate(field_names): template += '\n %s = property(itemgetter(%d))\n' % (name, i) m = dict(itemgetter=_itemgetter) exec(template, m) result = m[typename] if hasattr(_sys, '_getframe'): result.__module__ = _sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__'] return result if __name__ == '__main__': # verify that instances are pickable from cPickle import loads, dumps Point = NamedTuple('Point', 'x y') p = Point(x=10, y=20) assert p == loads(dumps(p)) import doctest TestResults = NamedTuple('TestResults', 'failed attempted') print(TestResults(*doctest.testmod()))