#!/usr/local/bin/python -O """ A Python Benchmark Suite """ # # Note: Please keep this module compatible to Python 1.5.2. # # Tests may include features in later Python versions, but these # should then be embedded in try-except clauses in the configuration # module Setup.py. # # pybench Copyright __copyright__ = """\ Copyright (c), 1997-2006, Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal@lemburg.com) Copyright (c), 2000-2006, eGenix.com Software GmbH (info@egenix.com) All Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation or portions thereof, including modifications, that you make. THE AUTHOR MARC-ANDRE LEMBURG DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE ! """ # Version number __version__ = '1.3' # # NOTE: Use xrange for all test loops unless you want to face # a 20MB process ! # # All tests should have rounds set to values so that a run() # takes between 20-50 seconds. This is to get fairly good # clock() values. You can use option -w to speedup the tests # by a fixed integer factor (the "warp factor"). # import sys,time,operator from CommandLine import * try: import cPickle pickle = cPickle except ImportError: import pickle ### Test baseclass class Test: """ All test must have this class as baseclass. It provides the necessary interface to the benchmark machinery. The tests must set .rounds to a value high enough to let the test run between 20-50 seconds. This is needed because clock()-timing only gives rather inaccurate values (on Linux, for example, it is accurate to a few hundreths of a second). If you don't want to wait that long, use a warp factor larger than 1. It is also important to set the .operations variable to a value representing the number of "virtual operations" done per call of .run(). If you change a test in some way, don't forget to increase it's version number. """ ### Instance variables that each test should override # Version number of the test as float (x.yy); this is important # for comparisons of benchmark runs - tests with unequal version # number will not get compared. version = 1.0 # The number of abstract operations done in each round of the # test. An operation is the basic unit of what you want to # measure. The benchmark will output the amount of run-time per # operation. Note that in order to raise the measured timings # significantly above noise level, it is often required to repeat # sets of operations more than once per test round. The measured # overhead per test round should be less than 1 second. operations = 1 # Number of rounds to execute per test run. This should be # adjusted to a figure that results in a test run-time of between # 20-50 seconds. rounds = 100000 ### Internal variables # Mark this class as implementing a test is_a_test = 1 # Misc. internal variables last_timing = (0,0,0) # last timing (real,run,calibration) warp = 1 # warp factor this test uses cruns = 20 # number of calibration runs overhead = None # list of calibration timings def __init__(self,warp=1): if warp > 1: self.rounds = self.rounds / warp self.warp = warp self.times = [] self.overhead = [] # We want these to be in the instance dict, so that pickle # saves them self.version = self.version self.operations = self.operations self.rounds = self.rounds def run(self): """ Run the test in two phases: first calibrate, then do the actual test. Be careful to keep the calibration timing low w/r to the test timing. """ test = self.test calibrate = self.calibrate clock = time.clock cruns = self.cruns # first calibrate offset = 0.0 for i in range(cruns): t = clock() calibrate() t = clock() - t offset = offset + t offset = offset / cruns # now the real thing t = clock() test() t = clock() - t self.last_timing = (t-offset,t,offset) self.times.append(t-offset) def calibrate(self): """ Calibrate the test. This method should execute everything that is needed to setup and run the test - except for the actual operations that you intend to measure. pybench uses this method to measure the test implementation overhead. """ return def test(self): """ Run the test. The test needs to run self.rounds executing self.operations number of operations each. """ # do some tests return def stat(self): """ Returns two value: average time per run and average per operation. """ runs = len(self.times) if runs == 0: return 0,0 totaltime = reduce(operator.add,self.times,0.0) avg = totaltime / float(runs) op_avg = totaltime / float(runs * self.rounds * self.operations) if self.overhead: totaloverhead = reduce(operator.add,self.overhead,0.0) ov_avg = totaloverhead / float(runs) else: # use self.last_timing - not too accurate ov_avg = self.last_timing[2] return avg,op_avg,ov_avg ### Load Setup # This has to be done after the definition of the Test class, since # the Setup module will import subclasses using this class. import Setup ### Benchmark base class class Benchmark: name = '?' # Name of the benchmark rounds = 1 # Number of rounds to run warp = 1 # Warp factor roundtime = 0 # Average round time version = None # Benchmark version number (see __init__) # as float x.yy starttime = None # Benchmark start time def __init__(self): self.tests = {} self.version = 0.31 def load_tests(self,setupmod,warp=1): self.warp = warp tests = self.tests print 'Searching for tests...' setupmod.__dict__.values() for c in setupmod.__dict__.values(): if hasattr(c,'is_a_test') and c.__name__ != 'Test': tests[c.__name__] = c(warp) l = tests.keys() l.sort() for t in l: print ' ',t print def run(self): tests = self.tests.items() tests.sort() clock = time.clock print 'Running %i round(s) of the suite: ' % self.rounds print self.starttime = time.time() roundtime = clock() for i in range(self.rounds): print ' Round %-25i real abs overhead' % (i+1) for j in range(len(tests)): name,t = tests[j] print '%30s:' % name, t.run() print ' %.3fr %.3fa %.3fo' % t.last_timing print ' ----------------------' print ' Average round time: %.3f seconds' % \ ((clock() - roundtime)/(i+1)) print self.roundtime = (clock() - roundtime) / self.rounds print def print_stat(self, compare_to=None, hidenoise=0): if not compare_to: print '%-30s per run per oper. overhead' % 'Tests:' print '-'*72 tests = self.tests.items() tests.sort() for name,t in tests: avg,op_avg,ov_avg = t.stat() print '%30s: %10.2f ms %7.2f us %7.2f ms' % \ (name,avg*1000.0,op_avg*1000000.0,ov_avg*1000.0) print '-'*72 print '%30s: %10.2f ms' % \ ('Average round time',self.roundtime * 1000.0) else: print '%-30s per run per oper. diff *)' % \ 'Tests:' print '-'*72 tests = self.tests.items() tests.sort() compatible = 1 for name,t in tests: avg,op_avg,ov_avg = t.stat() try: other = compare_to.tests[name] except KeyError: other = None if other and other.version == t.version and \ other.operations == t.operations: avg1,op_avg1,ov_avg1 = other.stat() qop_avg = (op_avg/op_avg1-1.0)*100.0 if hidenoise and abs(qop_avg) < 10: qop_avg = '' else: qop_avg = '%+7.2f%%' % qop_avg else: qavg,qop_avg = 'n/a', 'n/a' compatible = 0 print '%30s: %10.2f ms %7.2f us %8s' % \ (name,avg*1000.0,op_avg*1000000.0,qop_avg) print '-'*72 if compatible and compare_to.roundtime > 0 and \ compare_to.version == self.version: print '%30s: %10.2f ms %+7.2f%%' % \ ('Average round time',self.roundtime * 1000.0, ((self.roundtime*self.warp)/ (compare_to.roundtime*compare_to.warp)-1.0)*100.0) else: print '%30s: %10.2f ms n/a' % \ ('Average round time',self.roundtime * 1000.0) print print '*) measured against: %s (rounds=%i, warp=%i)' % \ (compare_to.name,compare_to.rounds,compare_to.warp) print def print_machine(): import platform print 'Machine Details:' print ' Platform ID: %s' % platform.platform() print ' Executable: %s' % sys.executable # There's a bug in Python 2.2b1+... if sys.version[:6] == '2.2b1+': return print ' Python: %s' % platform.python_version() print ' Compiler: %s' % platform.python_compiler() buildno, builddate = platform.python_build() print ' Build: %s (#%s)' % (builddate, buildno) class PyBenchCmdline(Application): header = ("PYBENCH - a benchmark test suite for Python " "interpreters/compilers.") version = __version__ options = [ArgumentOption('-n','number of rounds',Setup.Number_of_rounds), ArgumentOption('-f','save benchmark to file arg',''), ArgumentOption('-c','compare benchmark with the one in file arg',''), ArgumentOption('-s','show benchmark in file arg, then exit',''), SwitchOption('-S','show statistics of benchmarks',0), ArgumentOption('-w','set warp factor to arg',Setup.Warp_factor), SwitchOption('-d','hide noise in compares', 0), SwitchOption('--no-gc','disable garbage collection', 0), ] about = """\ The normal operation is to run the suite and display the results. Use -f to save them for later reuse or comparisms. Examples: python1.5 pybench.py -w 100 -f p15 python1.4 pybench.py -w 100 -f p14 python pybench.py -s p15 -c p14 """ copyright = __copyright__ def handle_S(self, value): """ Display one line stats for each benchmark file given on the command line. """ for benchmark in self.files: try: f = open(benchmark, 'rb') bench = pickle.load(f) f.close() except IOError: print '* Error opening/reading file %s' % repr(benchmark) else: print '%s,%-.2f,ms' % (benchmark, bench.roundtime*1000.0) return 0 def main(self): rounds = self.values['-n'] reportfile = self.values['-f'] show_bench = self.values['-s'] compare_to = self.values['-c'] hidenoise = self.values['-d'] warp = self.values['-w'] nogc = self.values['--no-gc'] # Switch off GC if nogc: try: import gc except ImportError: nogc = 0 else: if self.values['--no-gc']: gc.disable() print 'PYBENCH',__version__ print if not compare_to: print_machine() print if compare_to: try: f = open(compare_to,'rb') bench = pickle.load(f) bench.name = compare_to f.close() compare_to = bench except IOError: print '* Error opening/reading file',compare_to compare_to = None if show_bench: try: f = open(show_bench,'rb') bench = pickle.load(f) bench.name = show_bench f.close() print 'Benchmark: %s (rounds=%i, warp=%i)' % \ (bench.name,bench.rounds,bench.warp) print bench.print_stat(compare_to, hidenoise) except IOError: print '* Error opening/reading file',show_bench print return if reportfile: if nogc: print 'Benchmark: %s (rounds=%i, warp=%i, no GC)' % \ (reportfile,rounds,warp) else: print 'Benchmark: %s (rounds=%i, warp=%i)' % \ (reportfile,rounds,warp) print # Create benchmark object bench = Benchmark() bench.rounds = rounds bench.load_tests(Setup,warp) try: bench.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: print print '*** KeyboardInterrupt -- Aborting' print return bench.print_stat(compare_to) # ring bell sys.stderr.write('\007') if reportfile: try: f = open(reportfile,'wb') bench.name = reportfile pickle.dump(bench,f) f.close() except IOError: print '* Error opening/writing reportfile' if __name__ == '__main__': PyBenchCmdline()