import os import sys import site import sysconfig import textwrap from io import StringIO from packaging.dist import Distribution from packaging.errors import (UnknownFileError, CompileError, PackagingPlatformError) from packaging.command.build_ext import build_ext from packaging.compiler.extension import Extension from test.script_helper import assert_python_ok from packaging.tests import support, unittest, verbose class BuildExtTestCase(support.TempdirManager, support.LoggingCatcher, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Create a simple test environment # Note that we're making changes to sys.path super(BuildExtTestCase, self).setUp() self.tmp_dir = self.mkdtemp() self.old_user_base = site.USER_BASE site.USER_BASE = self.mkdtemp() def tearDown(self): # Get everything back to normal if sys.version > "2.6": site.USER_BASE = self.old_user_base super(BuildExtTestCase, self).tearDown() def test_build_ext(self): support.copy_xxmodule_c(self.tmp_dir) xx_c = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, 'xxmodule.c') xx_ext = Extension('xx', [xx_c]) dist = Distribution({'name': 'xx', 'ext_modules': [xx_ext]}) dist.package_dir = self.tmp_dir cmd = build_ext(dist) support.fixup_build_ext(cmd) cmd.build_lib = self.tmp_dir cmd.build_temp = self.tmp_dir old_stdout = sys.stdout if not verbose: # silence compiler output sys.stdout = StringIO() try: cmd.ensure_finalized() finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout code = """if 1: import sys sys.path.insert(0, %r) import xx for attr in ('error', 'foo', 'new', 'roj'): assert hasattr(xx, attr) assert, 5) == 7 assert, 15) == 28 assert is None doc = 'This is a template module just for instruction.' assert xx.__doc__ == doc assert isinstance(xx.Null(), xx.Null) assert isinstance(xx.Str(), xx.Str)""" code = code % self.tmp_dir assert_python_ok('-c', code) def test_solaris_enable_shared(self): dist = Distribution({'name': 'xx'}) cmd = build_ext(dist) old = sys.platform sys.platform = 'sunos' # fooling finalize_options from sysconfig import _CONFIG_VARS old_var = _CONFIG_VARS.get('Py_ENABLE_SHARED') _CONFIG_VARS['Py_ENABLE_SHARED'] = 1 try: cmd.ensure_finalized() finally: sys.platform = old if old_var is None: del _CONFIG_VARS['Py_ENABLE_SHARED'] else: _CONFIG_VARS['Py_ENABLE_SHARED'] = old_var # make sure we get some library dirs under solaris self.assertGreater(len(cmd.library_dirs), 0) @unittest.skipIf(sys.version < '2.6', 'requires Python 2.6 or higher') def test_user_site(self): dist = Distribution({'name': 'xx'}) cmd = build_ext(dist) # making sure the user option is there options = [name for name, short, label in cmd.user_options] self.assertIn('user', options) # setting a value cmd.user = True # setting user based lib and include lib = os.path.join(site.USER_BASE, 'lib') incl = os.path.join(site.USER_BASE, 'include') os.mkdir(lib) os.mkdir(incl) # let's run finalize cmd.ensure_finalized() # see if include_dirs and library_dirs # were set self.assertIn(lib, cmd.library_dirs) self.assertIn(lib, cmd.rpath) self.assertIn(incl, cmd.include_dirs) def test_optional_extension(self): # this extension will fail, but let's ignore this failure # with the optional argument. modules = [Extension('foo', ['xxx'], optional=False)] dist = Distribution({'name': 'xx', 'ext_modules': modules}) cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() self.assertRaises((UnknownFileError, CompileError), # should raise an error modules = [Extension('foo', ['xxx'], optional=True)] dist = Distribution({'name': 'xx', 'ext_modules': modules}) cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() # should pass def test_finalize_options(self): # Make sure Python's include directories (for Python.h, pyconfig.h, # etc.) are in the include search path. modules = [Extension('foo', ['xxx'], optional=False)] dist = Distribution({'name': 'xx', 'ext_modules': modules}) cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.finalize_options() py_include = sysconfig.get_path('include') self.assertIn(py_include, cmd.include_dirs) plat_py_include = sysconfig.get_path('platinclude') self.assertIn(plat_py_include, cmd.include_dirs) # make sure cmd.libraries is turned into a list # if it's a string cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.libraries = 'my_lib' cmd.finalize_options() self.assertEqual(cmd.libraries, ['my_lib']) # make sure cmd.library_dirs is turned into a list # if it's a string cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.library_dirs = 'my_lib_dir' cmd.finalize_options() self.assertIn('my_lib_dir', cmd.library_dirs) # make sure rpath is turned into a list # if it's a list of os.pathsep's paths cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.rpath = os.pathsep.join(['one', 'two']) cmd.finalize_options() self.assertEqual(cmd.rpath, ['one', 'two']) # XXX more tests to perform for win32 # make sure define is turned into 2-tuples # strings if they are ','-separated strings cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.define = 'one,two' cmd.finalize_options() self.assertEqual(cmd.define, [('one', '1'), ('two', '1')]) # make sure undef is turned into a list of # strings if they are ','-separated strings cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.undef = 'one,two' cmd.finalize_options() self.assertEqual(cmd.undef, ['one', 'two']) # make sure swig_opts is turned into a list cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.swig_opts = None cmd.finalize_options() self.assertEqual(cmd.swig_opts, []) cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.swig_opts = '1 2' cmd.finalize_options() self.assertEqual(cmd.swig_opts, ['1', '2']) def test_get_source_files(self): modules = [Extension('foo', ['xxx'], optional=False)] dist = Distribution({'name': 'xx', 'ext_modules': modules}) cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() self.assertEqual(cmd.get_source_files(), ['xxx']) def test_compiler_option(self): # cmd.compiler is an option and # should not be overriden by a compiler instance # when the command is run dist = Distribution() cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.compiler = 'unix' cmd.ensure_finalized() self.assertEqual(cmd.compiler, 'unix') def test_get_outputs(self): tmp_dir = self.mkdtemp() c_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'foo.c') self.write_file(c_file, 'void PyInit_foo(void) {}\n') ext = Extension('foo', [c_file], optional=False) dist = Distribution({'name': 'xx', 'ext_modules': [ext]}) cmd = build_ext(dist) support.fixup_build_ext(cmd) cmd.ensure_finalized() self.assertEqual(len(cmd.get_outputs()), 1) cmd.build_lib = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, 'build') cmd.build_temp = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, 'tempt') # issue #5977 : distutils build_ext.get_outputs # returns wrong result with --inplace other_tmp_dir = os.path.realpath(self.mkdtemp()) old_wd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(other_tmp_dir) try: cmd.inplace = True so_file = cmd.get_outputs()[0] finally: os.chdir(old_wd) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(so_file)) so_ext = sysconfig.get_config_var('SO') self.assertTrue(so_file.endswith(so_ext)) so_dir = os.path.dirname(so_file) self.assertEqual(so_dir, other_tmp_dir) cmd.inplace = False so_file = cmd.get_outputs()[0] self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(so_file)) self.assertTrue(so_file.endswith(so_ext)) so_dir = os.path.dirname(so_file) self.assertEqual(so_dir, cmd.build_lib) # inplace = False, cmd.package = 'bar' build_py = cmd.get_finalized_command('build_py') build_py.package_dir = 'bar' path = cmd.get_ext_fullpath('foo') # checking that the last directory is the build_dir path = os.path.split(path)[0] self.assertEqual(path, cmd.build_lib) # inplace = True, cmd.package = 'bar' cmd.inplace = True other_tmp_dir = os.path.realpath(self.mkdtemp()) old_wd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(other_tmp_dir) try: path = cmd.get_ext_fullpath('foo') finally: os.chdir(old_wd) # checking that the last directory is bar path = os.path.split(path)[0] lastdir = os.path.split(path)[-1] self.assertEqual(lastdir, 'bar') def test_ext_fullpath(self): ext = sysconfig.get_config_vars()['SO'] # building lxml.etree inplace #etree_c = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, 'lxml.etree.c') #etree_ext = Extension('lxml.etree', [etree_c]) #dist = Distribution({'name': 'lxml', 'ext_modules': [etree_ext]}) dist = Distribution() cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.inplace = True cmd.distribution.package_dir = 'src' cmd.distribution.packages = ['lxml', 'lxml.html'] curdir = os.getcwd() wanted = os.path.join(curdir, 'src', 'lxml', 'etree' + ext) path = cmd.get_ext_fullpath('lxml.etree') self.assertEqual(wanted, path) # building lxml.etree not inplace cmd.inplace = False cmd.build_lib = os.path.join(curdir, 'tmpdir') wanted = os.path.join(curdir, 'tmpdir', 'lxml', 'etree' + ext) path = cmd.get_ext_fullpath('lxml.etree') self.assertEqual(wanted, path) # building twisted.runner.portmap not inplace build_py = cmd.get_finalized_command('build_py') build_py.package_dir = None cmd.distribution.packages = ['twisted', 'twisted.runner.portmap'] path = cmd.get_ext_fullpath('twisted.runner.portmap') wanted = os.path.join(curdir, 'tmpdir', 'twisted', 'runner', 'portmap' + ext) self.assertEqual(wanted, path) # building twisted.runner.portmap inplace cmd.inplace = True path = cmd.get_ext_fullpath('twisted.runner.portmap') wanted = os.path.join(curdir, 'twisted', 'runner', 'portmap' + ext) self.assertEqual(wanted, path) @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == 'darwin', 'test only relevant for Mac OS X') def test_deployment_target_default(self): # Issue 9516: Test that, in the absence of the environment variable, # an extension module is compiled with the same deployment target as # the interpreter. self._try_compile_deployment_target('==', None) @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == 'darwin', 'test only relevant for Mac OS X') def test_deployment_target_too_low(self): # Issue 9516: Test that an extension module is not allowed to be # compiled with a deployment target less than that of the interpreter. self.assertRaises(PackagingPlatformError, self._try_compile_deployment_target, '>', '10.1') @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == 'darwin', 'test only relevant for Mac OS X') def test_deployment_target_higher_ok(self): # Issue 9516: Test that an extension module can be compiled with a # deployment target higher than that of the interpreter: the ext # module may depend on some newer OS feature. deptarget = sysconfig.get_config_var('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET') if deptarget: # increment the minor version number (i.e. 10.6 -> 10.7) deptarget = [int(x) for x in deptarget.split('.')] deptarget[-1] += 1 deptarget = '.'.join(str(i) for i in deptarget) self._try_compile_deployment_target('<', deptarget) def _try_compile_deployment_target(self, operator, target): orig_environ = os.environ os.environ = orig_environ.copy() self.addCleanup(setattr, os, 'environ', orig_environ) if target is None: if os.environ.get('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'): del os.environ['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] else: os.environ['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = target deptarget_c = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, 'deptargetmodule.c') with open(deptarget_c, 'w') as fp: fp.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ #include int dummy; #if TARGET %s MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED #else #error "Unexpected target" #endif ''' % operator)) # get the deployment target that the interpreter was built with target = sysconfig.get_config_var('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET') target = tuple(map(int, target.split('.'))) target = '%02d%01d0' % target deptarget_ext = Extension( 'deptarget', [deptarget_c], extra_compile_args=['-DTARGET=%s' % (target,)], ) dist = Distribution({ 'name': 'deptarget', 'ext_modules': [deptarget_ext], }) dist.package_dir = self.tmp_dir cmd = build_ext(dist) cmd.build_lib = self.tmp_dir cmd.build_temp = self.tmp_dir try: old_stdout = sys.stdout if not verbose: # silence compiler output sys.stdout = StringIO() try: cmd.ensure_finalized() finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout except CompileError:"Wrong deployment target during compilation") def test_suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(BuildExtTestCase) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')