"""TestCases for using the DB.join and DBCursor.join_item methods. """ import os import unittest from test_all import verbose try: # For Pythons w/distutils pybsddb from bsddb3 import db, dbshelve except ImportError: # For Python 2.3 from bsddb import db, dbshelve from test_all import get_new_environment_path, get_new_database_path try: from bsddb3 import test_support except ImportError: from test import test_support #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ProductIndex = [ ('apple', "Convenience Store"), ('blueberry', "Farmer's Market"), ('shotgun', "S-Mart"), # Aisle 12 ('pear', "Farmer's Market"), ('chainsaw', "S-Mart"), # "Shop smart. Shop S-Mart!" ('strawberry', "Farmer's Market"), ] ColorIndex = [ ('blue', "blueberry"), ('red', "apple"), ('red', "chainsaw"), ('red', "strawberry"), ('yellow', "peach"), ('yellow', "pear"), ('black', "shotgun"), ] class JoinTestCase(unittest.TestCase): keytype = '' def setUp(self): self.filename = self.__class__.__name__ + '.db' self.homeDir = get_new_environment_path() self.env = db.DBEnv() self.env.open(self.homeDir, db.DB_CREATE | db.DB_INIT_MPOOL | db.DB_INIT_LOCK ) def tearDown(self): self.env.close() test_support.rmtree(self.homeDir) def test01_join(self): if verbose: print '\n', '-=' * 30 print "Running %s.test01_join..." % \ self.__class__.__name__ # create and populate primary index priDB = db.DB(self.env) priDB.open(self.filename, "primary", db.DB_BTREE, db.DB_CREATE) map(lambda t, priDB=priDB: apply(priDB.put, t), ProductIndex) # create and populate secondary index secDB = db.DB(self.env) secDB.set_flags(db.DB_DUP | db.DB_DUPSORT) secDB.open(self.filename, "secondary", db.DB_BTREE, db.DB_CREATE) map(lambda t, secDB=secDB: apply(secDB.put, t), ColorIndex) sCursor = None jCursor = None try: # lets look up all of the red Products sCursor = secDB.cursor() # Don't do the .set() in an assert, or you can get a bogus failure # when running python -O tmp = sCursor.set('red') self.assert_(tmp) # FIXME: jCursor doesn't properly hold a reference to its # cursors, if they are closed before jcursor is used it # can cause a crash. jCursor = priDB.join([sCursor]) if jCursor.get(0) != ('apple', "Convenience Store"): self.fail("join cursor positioned wrong") if jCursor.join_item() != 'chainsaw': self.fail("DBCursor.join_item returned wrong item") if jCursor.get(0)[0] != 'strawberry': self.fail("join cursor returned wrong thing") if jCursor.get(0): # there were only three red items to return self.fail("join cursor returned too many items") finally: if jCursor: jCursor.close() if sCursor: sCursor.close() priDB.close() secDB.close() def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(JoinTestCase)) return suite