@echo off goto :Run :Usage echo. echo Before running prepare_libffi.bat echo LIBFFI_SOURCE environment variable must be set to the location of echo of python-source-deps clone of libffi branch echo VCVARSALL must be set to location of vcvarsall.bat echo cygwin must be installed (see below) echo SH environment variable must be set to the location of sh.exe echo. echo Tested with cygwin-x86 from https://www.cygwin.com/install.html echo Select http://mirrors.kernel.org as the download site echo Include the following cygwin packages in cygwin configuration: echo make, autoconf, automake, libtool, dejagnu echo. echo NOTE: dejagnu is only required for running tests. echo set LIBFFI_TEST=1 to run tests (optional) echo. echo Based on https://github.com/libffi/libffi/blob/master/.appveyor.yml echo. echo. echo.Available flags: echo. -x64 build for x64 echo. -x86 build for x86 echo. -? this help echo. --install-cygwin install cygwin to c:\cygwin exit /b 127 :Run set BUILD_X64= set BUILD_X86= set INSTALL_CYGWIN= :CheckOpts if "%1"=="" goto :CheckOptsDone if /I "%1"=="-x64" (set BUILD_X64=1) & shift & goto :CheckOpts if /I "%1"=="-x86" (set BUILD_X86=1) & shift & goto :CheckOpts if /I "%1"=="-?" goto :Usage if /I "%1"=="--install-cygwin" (set INSTALL_CYGWIN=1) & shift & goto :CheckOpts goto :Usage :CheckOptsDone if NOT DEFINED BUILD_X64 if NOT DEFINED BUILD_X86 if NOT DEFINED BUILD_ARM32 ( set BUILD_X64=1 set BUILD_X86=1 ) if "%INSTALL_CYGWIN%"=="1" call :InstallCygwin setlocal if NOT DEFINED SH if exist c:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe set SH=c:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe if NOT DEFINED VCVARSALL ( if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" ( set VCVARSALL="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" ) ) if ^%VCVARSALL:~0,1% NEQ ^" SET VCVARSALL="%VCVARSALL%" if NOT DEFINED LIBFFI_SOURCE echo.&&echo ERROR LIBFFI_SOURCE environment variable not set && goto :Usage if NOT DEFINED SH echo ERROR SH environment variable not set && goto :Usage if not exist %SH% echo ERROR %SH% does not exist && goto :Usage if not exist %LIBFFI_SOURCE% echo ERROR %LIBFFI_SOURCE% does not exist && goto :Usage set OLDPWD=%LIBFFI_SOURCE% pushd %LIBFFI_SOURCE% %SH% --login -lc "cygcheck -dc cygwin" set GET_MSVCC=%SH% -lc "cd $OLDPWD; export MSVCC=`/usr/bin/find $PWD -name msvcc.sh`; echo ${MSVCC};" FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`%GET_MSVCC%`) do @set MSVCC=%%i echo. echo VCVARSALL : %VCVARSALL% echo SH : %SH% echo LIBFFI_SOURCE: %LIBFFI_SOURCE% echo MSVCC : %MSVCC% echo. if not exist Makefile.in (%SH% -lc "(cd $LIBFFI_SOURCE; ./autogen.sh;)") call :BuildOne x86 i686-pc-cygwin i686-pc-cygwin call :BuildOne x64 x86_64-w64-cygwin x86_64-w64-cygwin popd endlocal exit /b 0 REM all done REM this subroutine is called once for each architecture :BuildOne setlocal REM Initialize variables set VCVARS_PLATFORM=%1 set BUILD=%2 set HOST=%3 set ASSEMBLER= set SRC_ARCHITECTURE=x86 if NOT DEFINED VCVARS_PLATFORM echo ERROR bad VCVARS_PLATFORM&&exit /b 123 if /I "%VCVARS_PLATFORM%" EQU "x64" ( set ARCH=amd64 set ARTIFACTS=%LIBFFI_SOURCE%\x86_64-w64-cygwin set ASSEMBLER=-m64 set SRC_ARCHITECTURE=x86 ) if /I "%VCVARS_PLATFORM%" EQU "x86" ( set ARCH=win32 set ARTIFACTS=%LIBFFI_SOURCE%\i686-pc-cygwin set ASSEMBLER= set SRC_ARCHITECTURE=x86 ) if NOT DEFINED LIBFFI_OUT set LIBFFI_OUT=%~dp0\..\externals\libffi set _LIBFFI_OUT=%LIBFFI_OUT%\%ARCH% echo get VS build environment call %VCVARSALL% %VCVARS_PLATFORM% echo clean %_LIBFFI_OUT% if exist %_LIBFFI_OUT% (rd %_LIBFFI_OUT% /s/q) echo Configure the build to generate fficonfig.h and ffi.h %SH% -lc "(cd $OLDPWD; ./configure CC='%MSVCC% %ASSEMBLER%' CXX='%MSVCC% %ASSEMBLER%' LD='link' CPP='cl -nologo -EP' CXXCPP='cl -nologo -EP' CPPFLAGS='-DFFI_BUILDING_DLL' NM='dumpbin -symbols' STRIP=':' --build=$BUILD --host=$HOST;)" echo Building libffi %SH% -lc "(cd $OLDPWD; export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH; cp src/%SRC_ARCHITECTURE%/ffitarget.h include; make; find .;)" REM Tests are not needed to produce artifacts if "%LIBFFI_TEST%" EQU "1" ( echo "Running tests..." %SH% -lc "(cd $OLDPWD; export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH; cp `find $PWD -name 'libffi-?.dll'` $HOST/testsuite/; make check; cat `find ./ -name libffi.log`)" ) else ( echo "Not running tests" ) echo copying files to %_LIBFFI_OUT% if not exist %_LIBFFI_OUT%\include (md %_LIBFFI_OUT%\include) copy %ARTIFACTS%\.libs\libffi-7.dll %_LIBFFI_OUT% copy %ARTIFACTS%\.libs\libffi-7.lib %_LIBFFI_OUT% copy %ARTIFACTS%\fficonfig.h %_LIBFFI_OUT%\include copy %ARTIFACTS%\include\*.h %_LIBFFI_OUT%\include endlocal exit /b :InstallCygwin setlocal if NOT DEFINED CYG_ROOT (set CYG_ROOT=c:/cygwin) if NOT DEFINED CYG_CACHE (set CYG_CACHE=C:/cygwin/var/cache/setup) if NOT DEFINED CYG_MIRROR (set CYG_MIRROR=http://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin/) powershell -c "md $env:CYG_ROOT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue" powershell -c "$setup = $env:CYG_ROOT+'/setup.exe'; if (!(Test-Path $setup)){invoke-webrequest https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe -outfile $setup} %CYG_ROOT%/setup.exe -qnNdO -R "%CYG_ROOT%" -s "%CYG_MIRROR%" -l "%CYG_CACHE%" -P make -P autoconf -P automake -P libtool -P dejagnu endlocal exit /b