#! /usr/local/python # backface # # draw a cube that can run with backface() turned on or off. # cube is moved when LEFTMOUSE is pressed and mouse itself is moved. from gl import * from DEVICE import * from GL import * CUBE_SIZE = 200.0 CUBE_OBJ = 1 def main () : # x = 0 y = 0 moveit = 0 # initialize() # while (1) : # while (qtest()) : dev, val = qread() # if dev == ESCKEY : backface(0) return # elif dev == REDRAW : reshapeviewport() drawcube(x,y) # elif dev == LEFTMOUSE : # # LEFTMOUSE down moveit = val # elif dev == BKEY : backface(1) drawcube(x,y) # elif dev == FKEY : backface(0) drawcube(x,y) # if moveit : x = getvaluator(MOUSEX) y = getvaluator(MOUSEY) drawcube(x,y) def initialize () : foreground () keepaspect (1, 1) gid = winopen('backface') winset(gid) winconstraints() # doublebuffer() gconfig() shademodel(FLAT) # ortho(-1024.0, 1024.0, -1024.0, 1024.0, -1024.0, 1024.0) # qdevice(ESCKEY) qdevice(REDRAW) qdevice(LEFTMOUSE) qdevice(BKEY) qdevice(FKEY) qenter(REDRAW,gid) # backface(1) # # define a cube def cube () : # # front face pushmatrix() translate(0.0,0.0,CUBE_SIZE) color(RED) rectf(-CUBE_SIZE,-CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE) popmatrix() # # right face pushmatrix() translate(CUBE_SIZE, 0.0, 0.0) rotate(900, 'y') color(GREEN) rectf(-CUBE_SIZE,-CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE) popmatrix() # # back face pushmatrix() translate(0.0, 0.0, -CUBE_SIZE) rotate(1800, 'y') color(BLUE) rectf(-CUBE_SIZE,-CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE) popmatrix() # # left face pushmatrix() translate(-CUBE_SIZE, 0.0, 0.0) rotate(-900, 'y') color(CYAN) rectf(-CUBE_SIZE,-CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE) popmatrix() # # top face pushmatrix() translate(0.0, CUBE_SIZE, 0.0) rotate(-900, 'x') color(MAGENTA) rectf(-CUBE_SIZE,-CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE) popmatrix() # # bottom face pushmatrix() translate(0.0, -CUBE_SIZE, 0.0) rotate(900, 'x') color(YELLOW) rectf(-CUBE_SIZE,-CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE,CUBE_SIZE) popmatrix() def drawcube(x,y) : # pushmatrix() rotate(2*x, 'x') rotate(2*y, 'y') color(BLACK) clear() cube() popmatrix() swapbuffers() main ()