#include #include #include #include /* This file creates the getbuildinfo2.c file, by invoking subwcrev.exe (if found). If this isn't a subversion checkout, or subwcrev isn't found, it copies ..\\Modules\\getbuildinfo.c instead. A file, getbuildinfo2.h is then updated to define SUBWCREV if it was a subversion checkout. getbuildinfo2.c is part of the pythoncore project with getbuildinfo2.h as a forced include. This helps VisualStudio refrain from unnecessary compiles much of the time. Currently, subwcrev.exe is found from the registry entries of TortoiseSVN. make_buildinfo.exe is called as a pre-build step for pythoncore. */ int make_buildinfo2() { struct _stat st; HKEY hTortoise; char command[500]; DWORD type, size; if (_stat(".svn", &st) < 0) return 0; /* Allow suppression of subwcrev.exe invocation if a no_subwcrev file is present. */ if (_stat("no_subwcrev", &st) == 0) return 0; if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\TortoiseSVN", &hTortoise) != ERROR_SUCCESS && RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\TortoiseSVN", &hTortoise) != ERROR_SUCCESS) /* Tortoise not installed */ return 0; command[0] = '"'; /* quote the path to the executable */ size = sizeof(command) - 1; if (RegQueryValueEx(hTortoise, "Directory", 0, &type, command+1, &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS || type != REG_SZ) /* Registry corrupted */ return 0; strcat_s(command, sizeof(command), "bin\\subwcrev.exe"); if (_stat(command+1, &st) < 0) /* subwcrev.exe not part of the release */ return 0; strcat_s(command, sizeof(command), "\" .. ..\\Modules\\getbuildinfo.c getbuildinfo2.c"); puts(command); fflush(stdout); if (system(command) < 0) return 0; return 1; } int main(int argc, char*argv[]) { char command[500] = ""; int svn; FILE *f; if (fopen_s(&f, "getbuildinfo2.h", "w")) return EXIT_FAILURE; /* Get getbuildinfo.c from svn as getbuildinfo2.c */ svn = make_buildinfo2(); if (svn) { puts("got getbuildinfo2.c from svn. Updating getbuildinfo2.h"); /* yes. make sure SUBWCREV is defined */ fprintf(f, "#define SUBWCREV\n"); } else { puts("didn't get getbuildinfo2.c from svn. Copying from Modules and clearing getbuildinfo2.h"); strcat_s(command, sizeof(command), "copy ..\\Modules\\getbuildinfo.c getbuildinfo2.c"); puts(command); fflush(stdout); if (system(command) < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; } fclose(f); return 0; }