""" Common tests shared by test_unicode, test_userstring and test_bytes. """ import unittest, string, sys, struct from test import support from test.support import import_helper from collections import UserList import random class Sequence: def __init__(self, seq='wxyz'): self.seq = seq def __len__(self): return len(self.seq) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.seq[i] class BaseTest: # These tests are for buffers of values (bytes) and not # specific to character interpretation, used for bytes objects # and various string implementations # The type to be tested # Change in subclasses to change the behaviour of fixtype() type2test = None # Whether the "contained items" of the container are integers in # range(0, 256) (i.e. bytes, bytearray) or strings of length 1 # (str) contains_bytes = False # All tests pass their arguments to the testing methods # as str objects. fixtype() can be used to propagate # these arguments to the appropriate type def fixtype(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, str): return self.__class__.type2test(obj) elif isinstance(obj, list): return [self.fixtype(x) for x in obj] elif isinstance(obj, tuple): return tuple([self.fixtype(x) for x in obj]) elif isinstance(obj, dict): return dict([ (self.fixtype(key), self.fixtype(value)) for (key, value) in obj.items() ]) else: return obj def test_fixtype(self): self.assertIs(type(self.fixtype("123")), self.type2test) # check that obj.method(*args) returns result def checkequal(self, result, obj, methodname, *args, **kwargs): result = self.fixtype(result) obj = self.fixtype(obj) args = self.fixtype(args) kwargs = {k: self.fixtype(v) for k,v in kwargs.items()} realresult = getattr(obj, methodname)(*args, **kwargs) self.assertEqual( result, realresult ) # if the original is returned make sure that # this doesn't happen with subclasses if obj is realresult: try: class subtype(self.__class__.type2test): pass except TypeError: pass # Skip this if we can't subclass else: obj = subtype(obj) realresult = getattr(obj, methodname)(*args) self.assertIsNot(obj, realresult) # check that obj.method(*args) raises exc def checkraises(self, exc, obj, methodname, *args, expected_msg=None): obj = self.fixtype(obj) args = self.fixtype(args) with self.assertRaises(exc) as cm: getattr(obj, methodname)(*args) self.assertNotEqual(str(cm.exception), '') if expected_msg is not None: self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected_msg) # call obj.method(*args) without any checks def checkcall(self, obj, methodname, *args): obj = self.fixtype(obj) args = self.fixtype(args) getattr(obj, methodname)(*args) def test_count(self): self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', 'a') self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'b') self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', 'a') self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'b') self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', 'a') self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'b') self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'b') self.checkequal(2, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 1) self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 10) self.checkequal(1, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', -1) self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', -10) self.checkequal(1, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 0, 1) self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 0, 10) self.checkequal(2, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 0, -1) self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', 'a', 0, -10) self.checkequal(3, 'aaa', 'count', '', 1) self.checkequal(1, 'aaa', 'count', '', 3) self.checkequal(0, 'aaa', 'count', '', 10) self.checkequal(2, 'aaa', 'count', '', -1) self.checkequal(4, 'aaa', 'count', '', -10) self.checkequal(1, '', 'count', '') self.checkequal(0, '', 'count', '', 1, 1) self.checkequal(0, '', 'count', '', sys.maxsize, 0) self.checkequal(0, '', 'count', 'xx') self.checkequal(0, '', 'count', 'xx', 1, 1) self.checkequal(0, '', 'count', 'xx', sys.maxsize, 0) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'count') if self.contains_bytes: self.checkequal(0, 'hello', 'count', 42) else: self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'count', 42) # For a variety of combinations, # verify that str.count() matches an equivalent function # replacing all occurrences and then differencing the string lengths charset = ['', 'a', 'b'] digits = 7 base = len(charset) teststrings = set() for i in range(base ** digits): entry = [] for j in range(digits): i, m = divmod(i, base) entry.append(charset[m]) teststrings.add(''.join(entry)) teststrings = [self.fixtype(ts) for ts in teststrings] for i in teststrings: n = len(i) for j in teststrings: r1 = i.count(j) if j: r2, rem = divmod(n - len(i.replace(j, self.fixtype(''))), len(j)) else: r2, rem = len(i)+1, 0 if rem or r1 != r2: self.assertEqual(rem, 0, '%s != 0 for %s' % (rem, i)) self.assertEqual(r1, r2, '%s != %s for %s' % (r1, r2, i)) def test_count_keyword(self): self.assertEqual('aa'.replace('a', 'b', 0), 'aa'.replace('a', 'b', count=0)) self.assertEqual('aa'.replace('a', 'b', 1), 'aa'.replace('a', 'b', count=1)) self.assertEqual('aa'.replace('a', 'b', 2), 'aa'.replace('a', 'b', count=2)) self.assertEqual('aa'.replace('a', 'b', 3), 'aa'.replace('a', 'b', count=3)) def test_find(self): self.checkequal(0, 'abcdefghiabc', 'find', 'abc') self.checkequal(9, 'abcdefghiabc', 'find', 'abc', 1) self.checkequal(-1, 'abcdefghiabc', 'find', 'def', 4) self.checkequal(0, 'abc', 'find', '', 0) self.checkequal(3, 'abc', 'find', '', 3) self.checkequal(-1, 'abc', 'find', '', 4) # to check the ability to pass None as defaults self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'find', 'a') self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'find', 'a', 4) self.checkequal(-1, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'find', 'a', 4, 6) self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'find', 'a', 4, None) self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'find', 'a', None, 6) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'find') if self.contains_bytes: self.checkequal(-1, 'hello', 'find', 42) else: self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'find', 42) self.checkequal(0, '', 'find', '') self.checkequal(-1, '', 'find', '', 1, 1) self.checkequal(-1, '', 'find', '', sys.maxsize, 0) self.checkequal(-1, '', 'find', 'xx') self.checkequal(-1, '', 'find', 'xx', 1, 1) self.checkequal(-1, '', 'find', 'xx', sys.maxsize, 0) # issue 7458 self.checkequal(-1, 'ab', 'find', 'xxx', sys.maxsize + 1, 0) # For a variety of combinations, # verify that str.find() matches __contains__ # and that the found substring is really at that location charset = ['', 'a', 'b', 'c'] digits = 5 base = len(charset) teststrings = set() for i in range(base ** digits): entry = [] for j in range(digits): i, m = divmod(i, base) entry.append(charset[m]) teststrings.add(''.join(entry)) teststrings = [self.fixtype(ts) for ts in teststrings] for i in teststrings: for j in teststrings: loc = i.find(j) r1 = (loc != -1) r2 = j in i self.assertEqual(r1, r2) if loc != -1: self.assertEqual(i[loc:loc+len(j)], j) def test_rfind(self): self.checkequal(9, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rfind', 'abc') self.checkequal(12, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rfind', '') self.checkequal(0, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rfind', 'abcd') self.checkequal(-1, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rfind', 'abcz') self.checkequal(3, 'abc', 'rfind', '', 0) self.checkequal(3, 'abc', 'rfind', '', 3) self.checkequal(-1, 'abc', 'rfind', '', 4) # to check the ability to pass None as defaults self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rfind', 'a') self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rfind', 'a', 4) self.checkequal(-1, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rfind', 'a', 4, 6) self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rfind', 'a', 4, None) self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rfind', 'a', None, 6) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'rfind') if self.contains_bytes: self.checkequal(-1, 'hello', 'rfind', 42) else: self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'rfind', 42) # For a variety of combinations, # verify that str.rfind() matches __contains__ # and that the found substring is really at that location charset = ['', 'a', 'b', 'c'] digits = 5 base = len(charset) teststrings = set() for i in range(base ** digits): entry = [] for j in range(digits): i, m = divmod(i, base) entry.append(charset[m]) teststrings.add(''.join(entry)) teststrings = [self.fixtype(ts) for ts in teststrings] for i in teststrings: for j in teststrings: loc = i.rfind(j) r1 = (loc != -1) r2 = j in i self.assertEqual(r1, r2) if loc != -1: self.assertEqual(i[loc:loc+len(j)], j) # issue 7458 self.checkequal(-1, 'ab', 'rfind', 'xxx', sys.maxsize + 1, 0) # issue #15534 self.checkequal(0, '<......\u043c...', "rfind", "<") def test_index(self): self.checkequal(0, 'abcdefghiabc', 'index', '') self.checkequal(3, 'abcdefghiabc', 'index', 'def') self.checkequal(0, 'abcdefghiabc', 'index', 'abc') self.checkequal(9, 'abcdefghiabc', 'index', 'abc', 1) self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghiabc', 'index', 'hib') self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghiab', 'index', 'abc', 1) self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghi', 'index', 'ghi', 8) self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghi', 'index', 'ghi', -1) # to check the ability to pass None as defaults self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'index', 'a') self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'index', 'a', 4) self.checkraises(ValueError, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'index', 'a', 4, 6) self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'index', 'a', 4, None) self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'index', 'a', None, 6) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'index') if self.contains_bytes: self.checkraises(ValueError, 'hello', 'index', 42) else: self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'index', 42) def test_rindex(self): self.checkequal(12, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rindex', '') self.checkequal(3, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rindex', 'def') self.checkequal(9, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rindex', 'abc') self.checkequal(0, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rindex', 'abc', 0, -1) self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghiabc', 'rindex', 'hib') self.checkraises(ValueError, 'defghiabc', 'rindex', 'def', 1) self.checkraises(ValueError, 'defghiabc', 'rindex', 'abc', 0, -1) self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghi', 'rindex', 'ghi', 0, 8) self.checkraises(ValueError, 'abcdefghi', 'rindex', 'ghi', 0, -1) # to check the ability to pass None as defaults self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rindex', 'a') self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rindex', 'a', 4) self.checkraises(ValueError, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rindex', 'a', 4, 6) self.checkequal(12, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rindex', 'a', 4, None) self.checkequal( 2, 'rrarrrrrrrrra', 'rindex', 'a', None, 6) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'rindex') if self.contains_bytes: self.checkraises(ValueError, 'hello', 'rindex', 42) else: self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'rindex', 42) def test_find_periodic_pattern(self): """Cover the special path for periodic patterns.""" def reference_find(p, s): for i in range(len(s)): if s.startswith(p, i): return i if p == '' and s == '': return 0 return -1 def check_pattern(rr): choices = random.choices p0 = ''.join(choices('abcde', k=rr(10))) * rr(10, 20) p = p0[:len(p0) - rr(10)] # pop off some characters left = ''.join(choices('abcdef', k=rr(2000))) right = ''.join(choices('abcdef', k=rr(2000))) text = left + p + right with self.subTest(p=p, text=text): self.checkequal(reference_find(p, text), text, 'find', p) rr = random.randrange for _ in range(1000): check_pattern(rr) # Test that empty string always work: check_pattern(lambda *args: 0) def test_find_many_lengths(self): haystack_repeats = [a * 10**e for e in range(6) for a in (1,2,5)] haystacks = [(n, self.fixtype("abcab"*n + "da")) for n in haystack_repeats] needle_repeats = [a * 10**e for e in range(6) for a in (1, 3)] needles = [(m, self.fixtype("abcab"*m + "da")) for m in needle_repeats] for n, haystack1 in haystacks: haystack2 = haystack1[:-1] for m, needle in needles: answer1 = 5 * (n - m) if m <= n else -1 self.assertEqual(haystack1.find(needle), answer1, msg=(n,m)) self.assertEqual(haystack2.find(needle), -1, msg=(n,m)) def test_adaptive_find(self): # This would be very slow for the naive algorithm, # but str.find() should be O(n + m). for N in 1000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000: A, B = 'a' * N, 'b' * N haystack = A + A + B + A + A needle = A + B + B + A self.checkequal(-1, haystack, 'find', needle) self.checkequal(0, haystack, 'count', needle) self.checkequal(len(haystack), haystack + needle, 'find', needle) self.checkequal(1, haystack + needle, 'count', needle) def test_find_with_memory(self): # Test the "Skip with memory" path in the two-way algorithm. for N in 1000, 3000, 10_000, 30_000: needle = 'ab' * N haystack = ('ab'*(N-1) + 'b') * 2 self.checkequal(-1, haystack, 'find', needle) self.checkequal(0, haystack, 'count', needle) self.checkequal(len(haystack), haystack + needle, 'find', needle) self.checkequal(1, haystack + needle, 'count', needle) def test_find_shift_table_overflow(self): """When the table of 8-bit shifts overflows.""" N = 2**8 + 100 # first check the periodic case # here, the shift for 'b' is N + 1. pattern1 = 'a' * N + 'b' + 'a' * N text1 = 'babbaa' * N + pattern1 self.checkequal(len(text1)-len(pattern1), text1, 'find', pattern1) # now check the non-periodic case # here, the shift for 'd' is 3*(N+1)+1 pattern2 = 'ddd' + 'abc' * N + "eee" text2 = pattern2[:-1] + "ddeede" * 2 * N + pattern2 + "de" * N self.checkequal(len(text2) - N*len("de") - len(pattern2), text2, 'find', pattern2) def test_lower(self): self.checkequal('hello', 'HeLLo', 'lower') self.checkequal('hello', 'hello', 'lower') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'lower', 42) def test_upper(self): self.checkequal('HELLO', 'HeLLo', 'upper') self.checkequal('HELLO', 'HELLO', 'upper') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'upper', 42) def test_expandtabs(self): self.checkequal('abc\rab def\ng hi', 'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi', 'expandtabs') self.checkequal('abc\rab def\ng hi', 'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi', 'expandtabs', 8) self.checkequal('abc\rab def\ng hi', 'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi', 'expandtabs', 4) self.checkequal('abc\r\nab def\ng hi', 'abc\r\nab\tdef\ng\thi', 'expandtabs') self.checkequal('abc\r\nab def\ng hi', 'abc\r\nab\tdef\ng\thi', 'expandtabs', 8) self.checkequal('abc\r\nab def\ng hi', 'abc\r\nab\tdef\ng\thi', 'expandtabs', 4) self.checkequal('abc\r\nab\r\ndef\ng\r\nhi', 'abc\r\nab\r\ndef\ng\r\nhi', 'expandtabs', 4) # check keyword args self.checkequal('abc\rab def\ng hi', 'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi', 'expandtabs', tabsize=8) self.checkequal('abc\rab def\ng hi', 'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi', 'expandtabs', tabsize=4) self.checkequal(' a\n b', ' \ta\n\tb', 'expandtabs', 1) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'expandtabs', 42, 42) # This test is only valid when sizeof(int) == sizeof(void*) == 4. if sys.maxsize < (1 << 32) and struct.calcsize('P') == 4: self.checkraises(OverflowError, '\ta\n\tb', 'expandtabs', sys.maxsize) def test_split(self): # by a char self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', '|') self.checkequal(['a|b|c|d'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', '|', 0) self.checkequal(['a', 'b|c|d'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', '|', 1) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c|d'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', '|', 2) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', '|', 3) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', '|', 4) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', '|', sys.maxsize-2) self.checkequal(['a|b|c|d'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', '|', 0) self.checkequal(['a', '', 'b||c||d'], 'a||b||c||d', 'split', '|', 2) self.checkequal(['abcd'], 'abcd', 'split', '|') self.checkequal([''], '', 'split', '|') self.checkequal(['endcase ', ''], 'endcase |', 'split', '|') self.checkequal(['', ' startcase'], '| startcase', 'split', '|') self.checkequal(['', 'bothcase', ''], '|bothcase|', 'split', '|') self.checkequal(['a', '', 'b\x00c\x00d'], 'a\x00\x00b\x00c\x00d', 'split', '\x00', 2) self.checkequal(['a']*20, ('a|'*20)[:-1], 'split', '|') self.checkequal(['a']*15 +['a|a|a|a|a'], ('a|'*20)[:-1], 'split', '|', 15) # by string self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a//b//c//d', 'split', '//') self.checkequal(['a', 'b//c//d'], 'a//b//c//d', 'split', '//', 1) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c//d'], 'a//b//c//d', 'split', '//', 2) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a//b//c//d', 'split', '//', 3) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a//b//c//d', 'split', '//', 4) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a//b//c//d', 'split', '//', sys.maxsize-10) self.checkequal(['a//b//c//d'], 'a//b//c//d', 'split', '//', 0) self.checkequal(['a', '', 'b////c////d'], 'a////b////c////d', 'split', '//', 2) self.checkequal(['endcase ', ''], 'endcase test', 'split', 'test') self.checkequal(['', ' begincase'], 'test begincase', 'split', 'test') self.checkequal(['', ' bothcase ', ''], 'test bothcase test', 'split', 'test') self.checkequal(['a', 'bc'], 'abbbc', 'split', 'bb') self.checkequal(['', ''], 'aaa', 'split', 'aaa') self.checkequal(['aaa'], 'aaa', 'split', 'aaa', 0) self.checkequal(['ab', 'ab'], 'abbaab', 'split', 'ba') self.checkequal(['aaaa'], 'aaaa', 'split', 'aab') self.checkequal([''], '', 'split', 'aaa') self.checkequal(['aa'], 'aa', 'split', 'aaa') self.checkequal(['A', 'bobb'], 'Abbobbbobb', 'split', 'bbobb') self.checkequal(['A', 'B', ''], 'AbbobbBbbobb', 'split', 'bbobb') self.checkequal(['a']*20, ('aBLAH'*20)[:-4], 'split', 'BLAH') self.checkequal(['a']*20, ('aBLAH'*20)[:-4], 'split', 'BLAH', 19) self.checkequal(['a']*18 + ['aBLAHa'], ('aBLAH'*20)[:-4], 'split', 'BLAH', 18) # with keyword args self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', sep='|') self.checkequal(['a', 'b|c|d'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', '|', maxsplit=1) self.checkequal(['a', 'b|c|d'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', sep='|', maxsplit=1) self.checkequal(['a', 'b|c|d'], 'a|b|c|d', 'split', maxsplit=1, sep='|') self.checkequal(['a', 'b c d'], 'a b c d', 'split', maxsplit=1) # argument type self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'split', 42, 42, 42) # null case self.checkraises(ValueError, 'hello', 'split', '') self.checkraises(ValueError, 'hello', 'split', '', 0) def test_rsplit(self): # without arg self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit') self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit') self.checkequal([], '', 'rsplit') # by a char self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'rsplit', '|') self.checkequal(['a|b|c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'rsplit', '|', 1) self.checkequal(['a|b', 'c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'rsplit', '|', 2) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'rsplit', '|', 3) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'rsplit', '|', 4) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'rsplit', '|', sys.maxsize-100) self.checkequal(['a|b|c|d'], 'a|b|c|d', 'rsplit', '|', 0) self.checkequal(['a||b||c', '', 'd'], 'a||b||c||d', 'rsplit', '|', 2) self.checkequal(['abcd'], 'abcd', 'rsplit', '|') self.checkequal([''], '', 'rsplit', '|') self.checkequal(['', ' begincase'], '| begincase', 'rsplit', '|') self.checkequal(['endcase ', ''], 'endcase |', 'rsplit', '|') self.checkequal(['', 'bothcase', ''], '|bothcase|', 'rsplit', '|') self.checkequal(['a\x00\x00b', 'c', 'd'], 'a\x00\x00b\x00c\x00d', 'rsplit', '\x00', 2) self.checkequal(['a']*20, ('a|'*20)[:-1], 'rsplit', '|') self.checkequal(['a|a|a|a|a']+['a']*15, ('a|'*20)[:-1], 'rsplit', '|', 15) # by string self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a//b//c//d', 'rsplit', '//') self.checkequal(['a//b//c', 'd'], 'a//b//c//d', 'rsplit', '//', 1) self.checkequal(['a//b', 'c', 'd'], 'a//b//c//d', 'rsplit', '//', 2) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a//b//c//d', 'rsplit', '//', 3) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a//b//c//d', 'rsplit', '//', 4) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a//b//c//d', 'rsplit', '//', sys.maxsize-5) self.checkequal(['a//b//c//d'], 'a//b//c//d', 'rsplit', '//', 0) self.checkequal(['a////b////c', '', 'd'], 'a////b////c////d', 'rsplit', '//', 2) self.checkequal(['', ' begincase'], 'test begincase', 'rsplit', 'test') self.checkequal(['endcase ', ''], 'endcase test', 'rsplit', 'test') self.checkequal(['', ' bothcase ', ''], 'test bothcase test', 'rsplit', 'test') self.checkequal(['ab', 'c'], 'abbbc', 'rsplit', 'bb') self.checkequal(['', ''], 'aaa', 'rsplit', 'aaa') self.checkequal(['aaa'], 'aaa', 'rsplit', 'aaa', 0) self.checkequal(['ab', 'ab'], 'abbaab', 'rsplit', 'ba') self.checkequal(['aaaa'], 'aaaa', 'rsplit', 'aab') self.checkequal([''], '', 'rsplit', 'aaa') self.checkequal(['aa'], 'aa', 'rsplit', 'aaa') self.checkequal(['bbob', 'A'], 'bbobbbobbA', 'rsplit', 'bbobb') self.checkequal(['', 'B', 'A'], 'bbobbBbbobbA', 'rsplit', 'bbobb') self.checkequal(['a']*20, ('aBLAH'*20)[:-4], 'rsplit', 'BLAH') self.checkequal(['a']*20, ('aBLAH'*20)[:-4], 'rsplit', 'BLAH', 19) self.checkequal(['aBLAHa'] + ['a']*18, ('aBLAH'*20)[:-4], 'rsplit', 'BLAH', 18) # with keyword args self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'rsplit', sep='|') self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit', sep=None) self.checkequal(['a b c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit', sep=None, maxsplit=1) self.checkequal(['a|b|c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'rsplit', '|', maxsplit=1) self.checkequal(['a|b|c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'rsplit', sep='|', maxsplit=1) self.checkequal(['a|b|c', 'd'], 'a|b|c|d', 'rsplit', maxsplit=1, sep='|') self.checkequal(['a b c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit', maxsplit=1) # argument type self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'rsplit', 42, 42, 42) # null case self.checkraises(ValueError, 'hello', 'rsplit', '') self.checkraises(ValueError, 'hello', 'rsplit', '', 0) def test_replace(self): EQ = self.checkequal # Operations on the empty string EQ("", "", "replace", "", "") EQ("A", "", "replace", "", "A") EQ("", "", "replace", "A", "") EQ("", "", "replace", "A", "A") EQ("", "", "replace", "", "", 100) EQ("A", "", "replace", "", "A", 100) EQ("", "", "replace", "", "", sys.maxsize) # interleave (from=="", 'to' gets inserted everywhere) EQ("A", "A", "replace", "", "") EQ("*A*", "A", "replace", "", "*") EQ("*1A*1", "A", "replace", "", "*1") EQ("*-#A*-#", "A", "replace", "", "*-#") EQ("*-A*-A*-", "AA", "replace", "", "*-") EQ("*-A*-A*-", "AA", "replace", "", "*-", -1) EQ("*-A*-A*-", "AA", "replace", "", "*-", sys.maxsize) EQ("*-A*-A*-", "AA", "replace", "", "*-", 4) EQ("*-A*-A*-", "AA", "replace", "", "*-", 3) EQ("*-A*-A", "AA", "replace", "", "*-", 2) EQ("*-AA", "AA", "replace", "", "*-", 1) EQ("AA", "AA", "replace", "", "*-", 0) # single character deletion (from=="A", to=="") EQ("", "A", "replace", "A", "") EQ("", "AAA", "replace", "A", "") EQ("", "AAA", "replace", "A", "", -1) EQ("", "AAA", "replace", "A", "", sys.maxsize) EQ("", "AAA", "replace", "A", "", 4) EQ("", "AAA", "replace", "A", "", 3) EQ("A", "AAA", "replace", "A", "", 2) EQ("AA", "AAA", "replace", "A", "", 1) EQ("AAA", "AAA", "replace", "A", "", 0) EQ("", "AAAAAAAAAA", "replace", "A", "") EQ("BCD", "ABACADA", "replace", "A", "") EQ("BCD", "ABACADA", "replace", "A", "", -1) EQ("BCD", "ABACADA", "replace", "A", "", sys.maxsize) EQ("BCD", "ABACADA", "replace", "A", "", 5) EQ("BCD", "ABACADA", "replace", "A", "", 4) EQ("BCDA", "ABACADA", "replace", "A", "", 3) EQ("BCADA", "ABACADA", "replace", "A", "", 2) EQ("BACADA", "ABACADA", "replace", "A", "", 1) EQ("ABACADA", "ABACADA", "replace", "A", "", 0) EQ("BCD", "ABCAD", "replace", "A", "") EQ("BCD", "ABCADAA", "replace", "A", "") EQ("BCD", "BCD", "replace", "A", "") EQ("*************", "*************", "replace", "A", "") EQ("^A^", "^"+"A"*1000+"^", "replace", "A", "", 999) # substring deletion (from=="the", to=="") EQ("", "the", "replace", "the", "") EQ("ater", "theater", "replace", "the", "") EQ("", "thethe", "replace", "the", "") EQ("", "thethethethe", "replace", "the", "") EQ("aaaa", "theatheatheathea", "replace", "the", "") EQ("that", "that", "replace", "the", "") EQ("thaet", "thaet", "replace", "the", "") EQ("here and re", "here and there", "replace", "the", "") EQ("here and re and re", "here and there and there", "replace", "the", "", sys.maxsize) EQ("here and re and re", "here and there and there", "replace", "the", "", -1) EQ("here and re and re", "here and there and there", "replace", "the", "", 3) EQ("here and re and re", "here and there and there", "replace", "the", "", 2) EQ("here and re and there", "here and there and there", "replace", "the", "", 1) EQ("here and there and there", "here and there and there", "replace", "the", "", 0) EQ("here and re and re", "here and there and there", "replace", "the", "") EQ("abc", "abc", "replace", "the", "") EQ("abcdefg", "abcdefg", "replace", "the", "") # substring deletion (from=="bob", to=="") EQ("bob", "bbobob", "replace", "bob", "") EQ("bobXbob", "bbobobXbbobob", "replace", "bob", "") EQ("aaaaaaa", "aaaaaaabob", "replace", "bob", "") EQ("aaaaaaa", "aaaaaaa", "replace", "bob", "") # single character replace in place (len(from)==len(to)==1) EQ("Who goes there?", "Who goes there?", "replace", "o", "o") EQ("WhO gOes there?", "Who goes there?", "replace", "o", "O") EQ("WhO gOes there?", "Who goes there?", "replace", "o", "O", sys.maxsize) EQ("WhO gOes there?", "Who goes there?", "replace", "o", "O", -1) EQ("WhO gOes there?", "Who goes there?", "replace", "o", "O", 3) EQ("WhO gOes there?", "Who goes there?", "replace", "o", "O", 2) EQ("WhO goes there?", "Who goes there?", "replace", "o", "O", 1) EQ("Who goes there?", "Who goes there?", "replace", "o", "O", 0) EQ("Who goes there?", "Who goes there?", "replace", "a", "q") EQ("who goes there?", "Who goes there?", "replace", "W", "w") EQ("wwho goes there?ww", "WWho goes there?WW", "replace", "W", "w") EQ("Who goes there!", "Who goes there?", "replace", "?", "!") EQ("Who goes there!!", "Who goes there??", "replace", "?", "!") EQ("Who goes there?", "Who goes there?", "replace", ".", "!") # substring replace in place (len(from)==len(to) > 1) EQ("Th** ** a t**sue", "This is a tissue", "replace", "is", "**") EQ("Th** ** a t**sue", "This is a tissue", "replace", "is", "**", sys.maxsize) EQ("Th** ** a t**sue", "This is a tissue", "replace", "is", "**", -1) EQ("Th** ** a t**sue", "This is a tissue", "replace", "is", "**", 4) EQ("Th** ** a t**sue", "This is a tissue", "replace", "is", "**", 3) EQ("Th** ** a tissue", "This is a tissue", "replace", "is", "**", 2) EQ("Th** is a tissue", "This is a tissue", "replace", "is", "**", 1) EQ("This is a tissue", "This is a tissue", "replace", "is", "**", 0) EQ("cobob", "bobob", "replace", "bob", "cob") EQ("cobobXcobocob", "bobobXbobobob", "replace", "bob", "cob") EQ("bobob", "bobob", "replace", "bot", "bot") # replace single character (len(from)==1, len(to)>1) EQ("ReyKKjaviKK", "Reykjavik", "replace", "k", "KK") EQ("ReyKKjaviKK", "Reykjavik", "replace", "k", "KK", -1) EQ("ReyKKjaviKK", "Reykjavik", "replace", "k", "KK", sys.maxsize) EQ("ReyKKjaviKK", "Reykjavik", "replace", "k", "KK", 2) EQ("ReyKKjavik", "Reykjavik", "replace", "k", "KK", 1) EQ("Reykjavik", "Reykjavik", "replace", "k", "KK", 0) EQ("A----B----C----", "A.B.C.", "replace", ".", "----") # issue #15534 EQ('...\u043c......<', '...\u043c......<', "replace", "<", "<") EQ("Reykjavik", "Reykjavik", "replace", "q", "KK") # replace substring (len(from)>1, len(to)!=len(from)) EQ("ham, ham, eggs and ham", "spam, spam, eggs and spam", "replace", "spam", "ham") EQ("ham, ham, eggs and ham", "spam, spam, eggs and spam", "replace", "spam", "ham", sys.maxsize) EQ("ham, ham, eggs and ham", "spam, spam, eggs and spam", "replace", "spam", "ham", -1) EQ("ham, ham, eggs and ham", "spam, spam, eggs and spam", "replace", "spam", "ham", 4) EQ("ham, ham, eggs and ham", "spam, spam, eggs and spam", "replace", "spam", "ham", 3) EQ("ham, ham, eggs and spam", "spam, spam, eggs and spam", "replace", "spam", "ham", 2) EQ("ham, spam, eggs and spam", "spam, spam, eggs and spam", "replace", "spam", "ham", 1) EQ("spam, spam, eggs and spam", "spam, spam, eggs and spam", "replace", "spam", "ham", 0) EQ("bobob", "bobobob", "replace", "bobob", "bob") EQ("bobobXbobob", "bobobobXbobobob", "replace", "bobob", "bob") EQ("BOBOBOB", "BOBOBOB", "replace", "bob", "bobby") self.checkequal('one@two!three!', 'one!two!three!', 'replace', '!', '@', 1) self.checkequal('onetwothree', 'one!two!three!', 'replace', '!', '') self.checkequal('one@two@three!', 'one!two!three!', 'replace', '!', '@', 2) self.checkequal('one@two@three@', 'one!two!three!', 'replace', '!', '@', 3) self.checkequal('one@two@three@', 'one!two!three!', 'replace', '!', '@', 4) self.checkequal('one!two!three!', 'one!two!three!', 'replace', '!', '@', 0) self.checkequal('one@two@three@', 'one!two!three!', 'replace', '!', '@') self.checkequal('one!two!three!', 'one!two!three!', 'replace', 'x', '@') self.checkequal('one!two!three!', 'one!two!three!', 'replace', 'x', '@', 2) self.checkequal('-a-b-c-', 'abc', 'replace', '', '-') self.checkequal('-a-b-c', 'abc', 'replace', '', '-', 3) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', 'replace', '', '-', 0) self.checkequal('', '', 'replace', '', '') self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', 'replace', 'ab', '--', 0) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', 'replace', 'xy', '--') # Next three for SF bug 422088: [OSF1 alpha] string.replace(); died with # MemoryError due to empty result (platform malloc issue when requesting # 0 bytes). self.checkequal('', '123', 'replace', '123', '') self.checkequal('', '123123', 'replace', '123', '') self.checkequal('x', '123x123', 'replace', '123', '') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'replace') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'replace', 42) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'replace', 42, 'h') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'replace', 'h', 42) def test_replace_uses_two_way_maxcount(self): # Test that maxcount works in _two_way_count in fastsearch.h A, B = "A"*1000, "B"*1000 AABAA = A + A + B + A + A ABBA = A + B + B + A self.checkequal(AABAA + ABBA, AABAA + ABBA, 'replace', ABBA, "ccc", 0) self.checkequal(AABAA + "ccc", AABAA + ABBA, 'replace', ABBA, "ccc", 1) self.checkequal(AABAA + "ccc", AABAA + ABBA, 'replace', ABBA, "ccc", 2) @unittest.skipIf(sys.maxsize > (1 << 32) or struct.calcsize('P') != 4, 'only applies to 32-bit platforms') def test_replace_overflow(self): # Check for overflow checking on 32 bit machines A2_16 = "A" * (2**16) self.checkraises(OverflowError, A2_16, "replace", "", A2_16) self.checkraises(OverflowError, A2_16, "replace", "A", A2_16) self.checkraises(OverflowError, A2_16, "replace", "AA", A2_16+A2_16) def test_removeprefix(self): self.checkequal('am', 'spam', 'removeprefix', 'sp') self.checkequal('spamspam', 'spamspamspam', 'removeprefix', 'spam') self.checkequal('spam', 'spam', 'removeprefix', 'python') self.checkequal('spam', 'spam', 'removeprefix', 'spider') self.checkequal('spam', 'spam', 'removeprefix', 'spam and eggs') self.checkequal('', '', 'removeprefix', '') self.checkequal('', '', 'removeprefix', 'abcde') self.checkequal('abcde', 'abcde', 'removeprefix', '') self.checkequal('', 'abcde', 'removeprefix', 'abcde') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'removeprefix') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'removeprefix', 42) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'removeprefix', 42, 'h') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'removeprefix', 'h', 42) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'removeprefix', ("he", "l")) def test_removesuffix(self): self.checkequal('sp', 'spam', 'removesuffix', 'am') self.checkequal('spamspam', 'spamspamspam', 'removesuffix', 'spam') self.checkequal('spam', 'spam', 'removesuffix', 'python') self.checkequal('spam', 'spam', 'removesuffix', 'blam') self.checkequal('spam', 'spam', 'removesuffix', 'eggs and spam') self.checkequal('', '', 'removesuffix', '') self.checkequal('', '', 'removesuffix', 'abcde') self.checkequal('abcde', 'abcde', 'removesuffix', '') self.checkequal('', 'abcde', 'removesuffix', 'abcde') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'removesuffix') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'removesuffix', 42) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'removesuffix', 42, 'h') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'removesuffix', 'h', 42) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'removesuffix', ("lo", "l")) def test_capitalize(self): self.checkequal(' hello ', ' hello ', 'capitalize') self.checkequal('Hello ', 'Hello ','capitalize') self.checkequal('Hello ', 'hello ','capitalize') self.checkequal('Aaaa', 'aaaa', 'capitalize') self.checkequal('Aaaa', 'AaAa', 'capitalize') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'capitalize', 42) def test_additional_split(self): self.checkequal(['this', 'is', 'the', 'split', 'function'], 'this is the split function', 'split') # by whitespace self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d ', 'split') self.checkequal(['a', 'b c d'], 'a b c d', 'split', None, 1) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c d'], 'a b c d', 'split', None, 2) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'split', None, 3) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'split', None, 4) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'split', None, sys.maxsize-1) self.checkequal(['a b c d'], 'a b c d', 'split', None, 0) self.checkequal(['a b c d'], ' a b c d', 'split', None, 0) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c d'], 'a b c d', 'split', None, 2) self.checkequal([], ' ', 'split') self.checkequal(['a'], ' a ', 'split') self.checkequal(['a', 'b'], ' a b ', 'split') self.checkequal(['a', 'b '], ' a b ', 'split', None, 1) self.checkequal(['a b c '], ' a b c ', 'split', None, 0) self.checkequal(['a', 'b c '], ' a b c ', 'split', None, 1) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c '], ' a b c ', 'split', None, 2) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c'], ' a b c ', 'split', None, 3) self.checkequal(['a', 'b'], '\n\ta \t\r b \v ', 'split') aaa = ' a '*20 self.checkequal(['a']*20, aaa, 'split') self.checkequal(['a'] + [aaa[4:]], aaa, 'split', None, 1) self.checkequal(['a']*19 + ['a '], aaa, 'split', None, 19) for b in ('arf\tbarf', 'arf\nbarf', 'arf\rbarf', 'arf\fbarf', 'arf\vbarf'): self.checkequal(['arf', 'barf'], b, 'split') self.checkequal(['arf', 'barf'], b, 'split', None) self.checkequal(['arf', 'barf'], b, 'split', None, 2) def test_additional_rsplit(self): self.checkequal(['this', 'is', 'the', 'rsplit', 'function'], 'this is the rsplit function', 'rsplit') # by whitespace self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d ', 'rsplit') self.checkequal(['a b c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit', None, 1) self.checkequal(['a b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit', None, 2) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit', None, 3) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit', None, 4) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit', None, sys.maxsize-20) self.checkequal(['a b c d'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit', None, 0) self.checkequal(['a b c d'], 'a b c d ', 'rsplit', None, 0) self.checkequal(['a b', 'c', 'd'], 'a b c d', 'rsplit', None, 2) self.checkequal([], ' ', 'rsplit') self.checkequal(['a'], ' a ', 'rsplit') self.checkequal(['a', 'b'], ' a b ', 'rsplit') self.checkequal([' a', 'b'], ' a b ', 'rsplit', None, 1) self.checkequal([' a b c'], ' a b c ', 'rsplit', None, 0) self.checkequal([' a b','c'], ' a b c ', 'rsplit', None, 1) self.checkequal([' a', 'b', 'c'], ' a b c ', 'rsplit', None, 2) self.checkequal(['a', 'b', 'c'], ' a b c ', 'rsplit', None, 3) self.checkequal(['a', 'b'], '\n\ta \t\r b \v ', 'rsplit', None, 88) aaa = ' a '*20 self.checkequal(['a']*20, aaa, 'rsplit') self.checkequal([aaa[:-4]] + ['a'], aaa, 'rsplit', None, 1) self.checkequal([' a a'] + ['a']*18, aaa, 'rsplit', None, 18) for b in ('arf\tbarf', 'arf\nbarf', 'arf\rbarf', 'arf\fbarf', 'arf\vbarf'): self.checkequal(['arf', 'barf'], b, 'rsplit') self.checkequal(['arf', 'barf'], b, 'rsplit', None) self.checkequal(['arf', 'barf'], b, 'rsplit', None, 2) def test_strip_whitespace(self): self.checkequal('hello', ' hello ', 'strip') self.checkequal('hello ', ' hello ', 'lstrip') self.checkequal(' hello', ' hello ', 'rstrip') self.checkequal('hello', 'hello', 'strip') b = ' \t\n\r\f\vabc \t\n\r\f\v' self.checkequal('abc', b, 'strip') self.checkequal('abc \t\n\r\f\v', b, 'lstrip') self.checkequal(' \t\n\r\f\vabc', b, 'rstrip') # strip/lstrip/rstrip with None arg self.checkequal('hello', ' hello ', 'strip', None) self.checkequal('hello ', ' hello ', 'lstrip', None) self.checkequal(' hello', ' hello ', 'rstrip', None) self.checkequal('hello', 'hello', 'strip', None) def test_strip(self): # strip/lstrip/rstrip with str arg self.checkequal('hello', 'xyzzyhelloxyzzy', 'strip', 'xyz') self.checkequal('helloxyzzy', 'xyzzyhelloxyzzy', 'lstrip', 'xyz') self.checkequal('xyzzyhello', 'xyzzyhelloxyzzy', 'rstrip', 'xyz') self.checkequal('hello', 'hello', 'strip', 'xyz') self.checkequal('', 'mississippi', 'strip', 'mississippi') # only trim the start and end; does not strip internal characters self.checkequal('mississipp', 'mississippi', 'strip', 'i') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'strip', 42, 42) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'lstrip', 42, 42) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'rstrip', 42, 42) def test_ljust(self): self.checkequal('abc ', 'abc', 'ljust', 10) self.checkequal('abc ', 'abc', 'ljust', 6) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', 'ljust', 3) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', 'ljust', 2) self.checkequal('abc*******', 'abc', 'ljust', 10, '*') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', 'ljust') def test_rjust(self): self.checkequal(' abc', 'abc', 'rjust', 10) self.checkequal(' abc', 'abc', 'rjust', 6) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', 'rjust', 3) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', 'rjust', 2) self.checkequal('*******abc', 'abc', 'rjust', 10, '*') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', 'rjust') def test_center(self): self.checkequal(' abc ', 'abc', 'center', 10) self.checkequal(' abc ', 'abc', 'center', 6) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', 'center', 3) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', 'center', 2) self.checkequal('***abc****', 'abc', 'center', 10, '*') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', 'center') def test_swapcase(self): self.checkequal('hEllO CoMPuTErS', 'HeLLo cOmpUteRs', 'swapcase') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'swapcase', 42) def test_zfill(self): self.checkequal('123', '123', 'zfill', 2) self.checkequal('123', '123', 'zfill', 3) self.checkequal('0123', '123', 'zfill', 4) self.checkequal('+123', '+123', 'zfill', 3) self.checkequal('+123', '+123', 'zfill', 4) self.checkequal('+0123', '+123', 'zfill', 5) self.checkequal('-123', '-123', 'zfill', 3) self.checkequal('-123', '-123', 'zfill', 4) self.checkequal('-0123', '-123', 'zfill', 5) self.checkequal('000', '', 'zfill', 3) self.checkequal('34', '34', 'zfill', 1) self.checkequal('0034', '34', 'zfill', 4) self.checkraises(TypeError, '123', 'zfill') def test_islower(self): self.checkequal(False, '', 'islower') self.checkequal(True, 'a', 'islower') self.checkequal(False, 'A', 'islower') self.checkequal(False, '\n', 'islower') self.checkequal(True, 'abc', 'islower') self.checkequal(False, 'aBc', 'islower') self.checkequal(True, 'abc\n', 'islower') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', 'islower', 42) def test_isupper(self): self.checkequal(False, '', 'isupper') self.checkequal(False, 'a', 'isupper') self.checkequal(True, 'A', 'isupper') self.checkequal(False, '\n', 'isupper') self.checkequal(True, 'ABC', 'isupper') self.checkequal(False, 'AbC', 'isupper') self.checkequal(True, 'ABC\n', 'isupper') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', 'isupper', 42) def test_istitle(self): self.checkequal(False, '', 'istitle') self.checkequal(False, 'a', 'istitle') self.checkequal(True, 'A', 'istitle') self.checkequal(False, '\n', 'istitle') self.checkequal(True, 'A Titlecased Line', 'istitle') self.checkequal(True, 'A\nTitlecased Line', 'istitle') self.checkequal(True, 'A Titlecased, Line', 'istitle') self.checkequal(False, 'Not a capitalized String', 'istitle') self.checkequal(False, 'Not\ta Titlecase String', 'istitle') self.checkequal(False, 'Not--a Titlecase String', 'istitle') self.checkequal(False, 'NOT', 'istitle') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', 'istitle', 42) def test_isspace(self): self.checkequal(False, '', 'isspace') self.checkequal(False, 'a', 'isspace') self.checkequal(True, ' ', 'isspace') self.checkequal(True, '\t', 'isspace') self.checkequal(True, '\r', 'isspace') self.checkequal(True, '\n', 'isspace') self.checkequal(True, ' \t\r\n', 'isspace') self.checkequal(False, ' \t\r\na', 'isspace') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', 'isspace', 42) def test_isalpha(self): self.checkequal(False, '', 'isalpha') self.checkequal(True, 'a', 'isalpha') self.checkequal(True, 'A', 'isalpha') self.checkequal(False, '\n', 'isalpha') self.checkequal(True, 'abc', 'isalpha') self.checkequal(False, 'aBc123', 'isalpha') self.checkequal(False, 'abc\n', 'isalpha') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', 'isalpha', 42) def test_isalnum(self): self.checkequal(False, '', 'isalnum') self.checkequal(True, 'a', 'isalnum') self.checkequal(True, 'A', 'isalnum') self.checkequal(False, '\n', 'isalnum') self.checkequal(True, '123abc456', 'isalnum') self.checkequal(True, 'a1b3c', 'isalnum') self.checkequal(False, 'aBc000 ', 'isalnum') self.checkequal(False, 'abc\n', 'isalnum') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', 'isalnum', 42) def test_isascii(self): self.checkequal(True, '', 'isascii') self.checkequal(True, '\x00', 'isascii') self.checkequal(True, '\x7f', 'isascii') self.checkequal(True, '\x00\x7f', 'isascii') self.checkequal(False, '\x80', 'isascii') self.checkequal(False, '\xe9', 'isascii') # bytes.isascii() and bytearray.isascii() has optimization which # check 4 or 8 bytes at once. So check some alignments. for p in range(8): self.checkequal(True, ' '*p + '\x7f', 'isascii') self.checkequal(False, ' '*p + '\x80', 'isascii') self.checkequal(True, ' '*p + '\x7f' + ' '*8, 'isascii') self.checkequal(False, ' '*p + '\x80' + ' '*8, 'isascii') def test_isdigit(self): self.checkequal(False, '', 'isdigit') self.checkequal(False, 'a', 'isdigit') self.checkequal(True, '0', 'isdigit') self.checkequal(True, '0123456789', 'isdigit') self.checkequal(False, '0123456789a', 'isdigit') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', 'isdigit', 42) def test_title(self): self.checkequal(' Hello ', ' hello ', 'title') self.checkequal('Hello ', 'hello ', 'title') self.checkequal('Hello ', 'Hello ', 'title') self.checkequal('Format This As Title String', "fOrMaT thIs aS titLe String", 'title') self.checkequal('Format,This-As*Title;String', "fOrMaT,thIs-aS*titLe;String", 'title', ) self.checkequal('Getint', "getInt", 'title') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'title', 42) def test_splitlines(self): self.checkequal(['abc', 'def', '', 'ghi'], "abc\ndef\n\rghi", 'splitlines') self.checkequal(['abc', 'def', '', 'ghi'], "abc\ndef\n\r\nghi", 'splitlines') self.checkequal(['abc', 'def', 'ghi'], "abc\ndef\r\nghi", 'splitlines') self.checkequal(['abc', 'def', 'ghi'], "abc\ndef\r\nghi\n", 'splitlines') self.checkequal(['abc', 'def', 'ghi', ''], "abc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r", 'splitlines') self.checkequal(['', 'abc', 'def', 'ghi', ''], "\nabc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r", 'splitlines') self.checkequal(['', 'abc', 'def', 'ghi', ''], "\nabc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r", 'splitlines', False) self.checkequal(['\n', 'abc\n', 'def\r\n', 'ghi\n', '\r'], "\nabc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r", 'splitlines', True) self.checkequal(['', 'abc', 'def', 'ghi', ''], "\nabc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r", 'splitlines', keepends=False) self.checkequal(['\n', 'abc\n', 'def\r\n', 'ghi\n', '\r'], "\nabc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r", 'splitlines', keepends=True) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', 'splitlines', 42, 42) class StringLikeTest(BaseTest): # This testcase contains tests that can be used in all # stringlike classes. Currently this is str and UserString. def test_hash(self): # SF bug 1054139: += optimization was not invalidating cached hash value a = self.type2test('DNSSEC') b = self.type2test('') for c in a: b += c hash(b) self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(b)) def test_capitalize_nonascii(self): # check that titlecased chars are lowered correctly # \u1ffc is the titlecased char self.checkequal('\u1ffc\u1ff3\u1ff3\u1ff3', '\u1ff3\u1ff3\u1ffc\u1ffc', 'capitalize') # check with cased non-letter chars self.checkequal('\u24c5\u24e8\u24e3\u24d7\u24de\u24dd', '\u24c5\u24ce\u24c9\u24bd\u24c4\u24c3', 'capitalize') self.checkequal('\u24c5\u24e8\u24e3\u24d7\u24de\u24dd', '\u24df\u24e8\u24e3\u24d7\u24de\u24dd', 'capitalize') self.checkequal('\u2160\u2171\u2172', '\u2160\u2161\u2162', 'capitalize') self.checkequal('\u2160\u2171\u2172', '\u2170\u2171\u2172', 'capitalize') # check with Ll chars with no upper - nothing changes here self.checkequal('\u019b\u1d00\u1d86\u0221\u1fb7', '\u019b\u1d00\u1d86\u0221\u1fb7', 'capitalize') def test_startswith(self): self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', 'he') self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', 'hello') self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', 'hello world') self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', '') self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', 'ello') self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', 'ello', 1) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', 'o', 4) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', 'o', 5) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', '', 5) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', 'lo', 6) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'startswith', 'lowo', 3) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'startswith', 'lowo', 3, 7) self.checkequal(False, 'helloworld', 'startswith', 'lowo', 3, 6) self.checkequal(True, '', 'startswith', '', 0, 1) self.checkequal(True, '', 'startswith', '', 0, 0) self.checkequal(False, '', 'startswith', '', 1, 0) # test negative indices self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', 'he', 0, -1) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', 'he', -53, -1) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', 'hello', 0, -1) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', 'hello world', -1, -10) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', 'ello', -5) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', 'ello', -4) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', 'o', -2) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', 'o', -1) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', '', -3, -3) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', 'lo', -9) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'startswith') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'startswith', 42) # test tuple arguments self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', ('he', 'ha')) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', ('lo', 'llo')) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', ('hellox', 'hello')) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', ()) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'startswith', ('hellowo', 'rld', 'lowo'), 3) self.checkequal(False, 'helloworld', 'startswith', ('hellowo', 'ello', 'rld'), 3) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', ('lo', 'he'), 0, -1) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'startswith', ('he', 'hel'), 0, 1) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'startswith', ('he', 'hel'), 0, 2) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'startswith', (42,)) def test_endswith(self): self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'endswith', 'lo') self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'endswith', 'he') self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'endswith', '') self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'endswith', 'hello world') self.checkequal(False, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'worl') self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'worl', 3, 9) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'world', 3, 12) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'lowo', 1, 7) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'lowo', 2, 7) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'lowo', 3, 7) self.checkequal(False, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'lowo', 4, 7) self.checkequal(False, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'lowo', 3, 8) self.checkequal(False, 'ab', 'endswith', 'ab', 0, 1) self.checkequal(False, 'ab', 'endswith', 'ab', 0, 0) self.checkequal(True, '', 'endswith', '', 0, 1) self.checkequal(True, '', 'endswith', '', 0, 0) self.checkequal(False, '', 'endswith', '', 1, 0) # test negative indices self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'endswith', 'lo', -2) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'endswith', 'he', -2) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'endswith', '', -3, -3) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'endswith', 'hello world', -10, -2) self.checkequal(False, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'worl', -6) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'worl', -5, -1) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'worl', -5, 9) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'world', -7, 12) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'lowo', -99, -3) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'lowo', -8, -3) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'lowo', -7, -3) self.checkequal(False, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'lowo', 3, -4) self.checkequal(False, 'helloworld', 'endswith', 'lowo', -8, -2) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'endswith') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'endswith', 42) # test tuple arguments self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'endswith', ('he', 'ha')) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'endswith', ('lo', 'llo')) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'endswith', ('hellox', 'hello')) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'endswith', ()) self.checkequal(True, 'helloworld', 'endswith', ('hellowo', 'rld', 'lowo'), 3) self.checkequal(False, 'helloworld', 'endswith', ('hellowo', 'ello', 'rld'), 3, -1) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'endswith', ('hell', 'ell'), 0, -1) self.checkequal(False, 'hello', 'endswith', ('he', 'hel'), 0, 1) self.checkequal(True, 'hello', 'endswith', ('he', 'hell'), 0, 4) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'hello', 'endswith', (42,)) def test___contains__(self): self.checkequal(True, '', '__contains__', '') self.checkequal(True, 'abc', '__contains__', '') self.checkequal(False, 'abc', '__contains__', '\0') self.checkequal(True, '\0abc', '__contains__', '\0') self.checkequal(True, 'abc\0', '__contains__', '\0') self.checkequal(True, '\0abc', '__contains__', 'a') self.checkequal(True, 'asdf', '__contains__', 'asdf') self.checkequal(False, 'asd', '__contains__', 'asdf') self.checkequal(False, '', '__contains__', 'asdf') def test_subscript(self): self.checkequal('a', 'abc', '__getitem__', 0) self.checkequal('c', 'abc', '__getitem__', -1) self.checkequal('a', 'abc', '__getitem__', 0) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(0, 3)) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(0, 1000)) self.checkequal('a', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(0, 1)) self.checkequal('', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(0, 0)) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', '__getitem__', 'def') for idx_type in ('def', object()): expected_msg = "string indices must be integers, not '{}'".format(type(idx_type).__name__) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', '__getitem__', idx_type, expected_msg=expected_msg) def test_slice(self): self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(0, 1000)) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(0, 3)) self.checkequal('ab', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(0, 2)) self.checkequal('bc', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(1, 3)) self.checkequal('b', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(1, 2)) self.checkequal('', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(2, 2)) self.checkequal('', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(1000, 1000)) self.checkequal('', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(2000, 1000)) self.checkequal('', 'abc', '__getitem__', slice(2, 1)) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', '__getitem__', 'def') def test_extended_getslice(self): # Test extended slicing by comparing with list slicing. s = string.ascii_letters + string.digits indices = (0, None, 1, 3, 41, sys.maxsize, -1, -2, -37) for start in indices: for stop in indices: # Skip step 0 (invalid) for step in indices[1:]: L = list(s)[start:stop:step] self.checkequal("".join(L), s, '__getitem__', slice(start, stop, step)) def test_mul(self): self.checkequal('', 'abc', '__mul__', -1) self.checkequal('', 'abc', '__mul__', 0) self.checkequal('abc', 'abc', '__mul__', 1) self.checkequal('abcabcabc', 'abc', '__mul__', 3) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', '__mul__') self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', '__mul__', '') # XXX: on a 64-bit system, this doesn't raise an overflow error, # but either raises a MemoryError, or succeeds (if you have 54TiB) #self.checkraises(OverflowError, 10000*'abc', '__mul__', 2000000000) def test_join(self): # join now works with any sequence type # moved here, because the argument order is # different in string.join self.checkequal('a b c d', ' ', 'join', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) self.checkequal('abcd', '', 'join', ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')) self.checkequal('bd', '', 'join', ('', 'b', '', 'd')) self.checkequal('ac', '', 'join', ('a', '', 'c', '')) self.checkequal('w x y z', ' ', 'join', Sequence()) self.checkequal('abc', 'a', 'join', ('abc',)) self.checkequal('z', 'a', 'join', UserList(['z'])) self.checkequal('a.b.c', '.', 'join', ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertRaises(TypeError, '.'.join, ['a', 'b', 3]) for i in [5, 25, 125]: self.checkequal(((('a' * i) + '-') * i)[:-1], '-', 'join', ['a' * i] * i) self.checkequal(((('a' * i) + '-') * i)[:-1], '-', 'join', ('a' * i,) * i) class LiesAboutLengthSeq(Sequence): def __init__(self): self.seq = ['a', 'b', 'c'] def __len__(self): return 8 self.checkequal('a b c', ' ', 'join', LiesAboutLengthSeq()) self.checkraises(TypeError, ' ', 'join') self.checkraises(TypeError, ' ', 'join', None) self.checkraises(TypeError, ' ', 'join', 7) self.checkraises(TypeError, ' ', 'join', [1, 2, bytes()]) try: def f(): yield 4 + "" self.fixtype(' ').join(f()) except TypeError as e: if '+' not in str(e): self.fail('join() ate exception message') else: self.fail('exception not raised') def test_formatting(self): self.checkequal('+hello+', '+%s+', '__mod__', 'hello') self.checkequal('+10+', '+%d+', '__mod__', 10) self.checkequal('a', "%c", '__mod__', "a") self.checkequal('a', "%c", '__mod__', "a") self.checkequal('"', "%c", '__mod__', 34) self.checkequal('$', "%c", '__mod__', 36) self.checkequal('10', "%d", '__mod__', 10) self.checkequal('\x7f', "%c", '__mod__', 0x7f) for ordinal in (-100, 0x200000): # unicode raises ValueError, str raises OverflowError self.checkraises((ValueError, OverflowError), '%c', '__mod__', ordinal) longvalue = sys.maxsize + 10 slongvalue = str(longvalue) self.checkequal(' 42', '%3ld', '__mod__', 42) self.checkequal('42', '%d', '__mod__', 42.0) self.checkequal(slongvalue, '%d', '__mod__', longvalue) self.checkcall('%d', '__mod__', float(longvalue)) self.checkequal('0042.00', '%07.2f', '__mod__', 42) self.checkequal('0042.00', '%07.2F', '__mod__', 42) self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', '__mod__') self.checkraises(TypeError, '%(foo)s', '__mod__', 42) self.checkraises(TypeError, '%s%s', '__mod__', (42,)) self.checkraises(TypeError, '%c', '__mod__', (None,)) self.checkraises(ValueError, '%(foo', '__mod__', {}) self.checkraises(TypeError, '%(foo)s %(bar)s', '__mod__', ('foo', 42)) self.checkraises(TypeError, '%d', '__mod__', "42") # not numeric self.checkraises(TypeError, '%d', '__mod__', (42+0j)) # no int conversion provided # argument names with properly nested brackets are supported self.checkequal('bar', '%((foo))s', '__mod__', {'(foo)': 'bar'}) # 100 is a magic number in PyUnicode_Format, this forces a resize self.checkequal(103*'a'+'x', '%sx', '__mod__', 103*'a') self.checkraises(TypeError, '%*s', '__mod__', ('foo', 'bar')) self.checkraises(TypeError, '%10.*f', '__mod__', ('foo', 42.)) self.checkraises(ValueError, '%10', '__mod__', (42,)) # Outrageously large width or precision should raise ValueError. self.checkraises(ValueError, '%%%df' % (2**64), '__mod__', (3.2)) self.checkraises(ValueError, '%%.%df' % (2**64), '__mod__', (3.2)) self.checkraises(OverflowError, '%*s', '__mod__', (sys.maxsize + 1, '')) self.checkraises(OverflowError, '%.*f', '__mod__', (sys.maxsize + 1, 1. / 7)) class X(object): pass self.checkraises(TypeError, 'abc', '__mod__', X()) @support.cpython_only def test_formatting_c_limits(self): _testcapi = import_helper.import_module('_testcapi') SIZE_MAX = (1 << (_testcapi.PY_SSIZE_T_MAX.bit_length() + 1)) - 1 self.checkraises(OverflowError, '%*s', '__mod__', (_testcapi.PY_SSIZE_T_MAX + 1, '')) self.checkraises(OverflowError, '%.*f', '__mod__', (_testcapi.INT_MAX + 1, 1. / 7)) # Issue 15989 self.checkraises(OverflowError, '%*s', '__mod__', (SIZE_MAX + 1, '')) self.checkraises(OverflowError, '%.*f', '__mod__', (_testcapi.UINT_MAX + 1, 1. / 7)) def test_floatformatting(self): # float formatting for prec in range(100): format = '%%.%if' % prec value = 0.01 for x in range(60): value = value * 3.14159265359 / 3.0 * 10.0 self.checkcall(format, "__mod__", value) def test_inplace_rewrites(self): # Check that strings don't copy and modify cached single-character strings self.checkequal('a', 'A', 'lower') self.checkequal(True, 'A', 'isupper') self.checkequal('A', 'a', 'upper') self.checkequal(True, 'a', 'islower') self.checkequal('a', 'A', 'replace', 'A', 'a') self.checkequal(True, 'A', 'isupper') self.checkequal('A', 'a', 'capitalize') self.checkequal(True, 'a', 'islower') self.checkequal('A', 'a', 'swapcase') self.checkequal(True, 'a', 'islower') self.checkequal('A', 'a', 'title') self.checkequal(True, 'a', 'islower') def test_partition(self): self.checkequal(('this is the par', 'ti', 'tion method'), 'this is the partition method', 'partition', 'ti') # from raymond's original specification S = 'http://www.python.org' self.checkequal(('http', '://', 'www.python.org'), S, 'partition', '://') self.checkequal(('http://www.python.org', '', ''), S, 'partition', '?') self.checkequal(('', 'http://', 'www.python.org'), S, 'partition', 'http://') self.checkequal(('http://www.python.', 'org', ''), S, 'partition', 'org') self.checkraises(ValueError, S, 'partition', '') self.checkraises(TypeError, S, 'partition', None) def test_rpartition(self): self.checkequal(('this is the rparti', 'ti', 'on method'), 'this is the rpartition method', 'rpartition', 'ti') # from raymond's original specification S = 'http://www.python.org' self.checkequal(('http', '://', 'www.python.org'), S, 'rpartition', '://') self.checkequal(('', '', 'http://www.python.org'), S, 'rpartition', '?') self.checkequal(('', 'http://', 'www.python.org'), S, 'rpartition', 'http://') self.checkequal(('http://www.python.', 'org', ''), S, 'rpartition', 'org') self.checkraises(ValueError, S, 'rpartition', '') self.checkraises(TypeError, S, 'rpartition', None) def test_none_arguments(self): # issue 11828 s = 'hello' self.checkequal(2, s, 'find', 'l', None) self.checkequal(3, s, 'find', 'l', -2, None) self.checkequal(2, s, 'find', 'l', None, -2) self.checkequal(0, s, 'find', 'h', None, None) self.checkequal(3, s, 'rfind', 'l', None) self.checkequal(3, s, 'rfind', 'l', -2, None) self.checkequal(2, s, 'rfind', 'l', None, -2) self.checkequal(0, s, 'rfind', 'h', None, None) self.checkequal(2, s, 'index', 'l', None) self.checkequal(3, s, 'index', 'l', -2, None) self.checkequal(2, s, 'index', 'l', None, -2) self.checkequal(0, s, 'index', 'h', None, None) self.checkequal(3, s, 'rindex', 'l', None) self.checkequal(3, s, 'rindex', 'l', -2, None) self.checkequal(2, s, 'rindex', 'l', None, -2) self.checkequal(0, s, 'rindex', 'h', None, None) self.checkequal(2, s, 'count', 'l', None) self.checkequal(1, s, 'count', 'l', -2, None) self.checkequal(1, s, 'count', 'l', None, -2) self.checkequal(0, s, 'count', 'x', None, None) self.checkequal(True, s, 'endswith', 'o', None) self.checkequal(True, s, 'endswith', 'lo', -2, None) self.checkequal(True, s, 'endswith', 'l', None, -2) self.checkequal(False, s, 'endswith', 'x', None, None) self.checkequal(True, s, 'startswith', 'h', None) self.checkequal(True, s, 'startswith', 'l', -2, None) self.checkequal(True, s, 'startswith', 'h', None, -2) self.checkequal(False, s, 'startswith', 'x', None, None) def test_find_etc_raise_correct_error_messages(self): # issue 11828 s = 'hello' x = 'x' self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r'^find\(', s.find, x, None, None, None) self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r'^rfind\(', s.rfind, x, None, None, None) self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r'^index\(', s.index, x, None, None, None) self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r'^rindex\(', s.rindex, x, None, None, None) self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r'^count\(', s.count, x, None, None, None) self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r'^startswith\(', s.startswith, x, None, None, None) self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, r'^endswith\(', s.endswith, x, None, None, None) # issue #15534 self.checkequal(10, "...\u043c......<", "find", "<") class MixinStrUnicodeTest: # Additional tests that only work with str. def test_bug1001011(self): # Make sure join returns a NEW object for single item sequences # involving a subclass. # Make sure that it is of the appropriate type. # Check the optimisation still occurs for standard objects. t = self.type2test class subclass(t): pass s1 = subclass("abcd") s2 = t().join([s1]) self.assertIsNot(s1, s2) self.assertIs(type(s2), t) s1 = t("abcd") s2 = t().join([s1]) self.assertIs(s1, s2)