"""distutils.errors Provides exceptions used by the Distutils modules. Note that Distutils modules may raise standard exceptions; in particular, SystemExit is usually raised for errors that are obviously the end-user's fault (eg. bad command-line arguments). This module is safe to use in "from ... import *" mode; it only exports symbols whose names start with "Distutils" and end with "Error".""" class DistutilsError (Exception): """The root of all Distutils evil.""" pass class DistutilsModuleError (DistutilsError): """Unable to load an expected module, or to find an expected class within some module (in particular, command modules and classes).""" pass class DistutilsFileError (DistutilsError): """Any problems in the filesystem: expected file not found, etc. Typically this is for problems that we detect before OSError could be raised.""" pass class DistutilsPlatformError (DistutilsError): """We don't know how to do something on the current platform (but we do know how to do it on some platform) -- eg. trying to compile C files on a platform not supported by a CCompiler subclass.""" pass class DistutilsExecError (DistutilsError): """Any problems executing an external program (such as the C compiler, when compiling C files).""" pass # Exception classes used by the CCompiler implementation classes class CCompilerError (Exception): """Some compile/link operation failed.""" class PreprocessError (CCompilerError): """Failure to preprocess one or more C/C++ files.""" class CompileError (CCompilerError): """Failure to compile one or more C/C++ source files.""" class UnknownFileError (CCompilerError): """Attempt to process an unknown file type."""