# Minimal interface to the Internet telnet protocol. # # *** modified to use threads *** # # It refuses all telnet options and does not recognize any of the other # telnet commands, but can still be used to connect in line-by-line mode. # It's also useful to play with a number of other services, # like time, finger, smtp and even ftp. # # Usage: telnet host [port] # # The port may be a service name or a decimal port number; # it defaults to 'telnet'. import sys, os, time from socket import * import thread BUFSIZE = 8*1024 # Telnet protocol characters IAC = chr(255) # Interpret as command DONT = chr(254) DO = chr(253) WONT = chr(252) WILL = chr(251) def main(): host = sys.argv[1] try: hostaddr = gethostbyname(host) except error: sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[1] + ': bad host name\n') sys.exit(2) # if len(sys.argv) > 2: servname = sys.argv[2] else: servname = 'telnet' # if '0' <= servname[:1] <= '9': port = eval(servname) else: try: port = getservbyname(servname, 'tcp') except error: sys.stderr.write(servname + ': bad tcp service name\n') sys.exit(2) # s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) # try: s.connect(host, port) except error, msg: sys.stderr.write('connect failed: ' + `msg` + '\n') sys.exit(1) # thread.start_new(child, (s,)) parent(s) def parent(s): # read socket, write stdout iac = 0 # Interpret next char as command opt = '' # Interpret next char as option while 1: data, dummy = s.recvfrom(BUFSIZE) if not data: # EOF -- exit sys.stderr.write( '(Closed by remote host)\n') thread.exit_prog(1) cleandata = '' for c in data: if opt: print ord(c) print '(replying: ' + `opt+c` + ')' s.send(opt + c) opt = '' elif iac: iac = 0 if c == IAC: cleandata = cleandata + c elif c in (DO, DONT): if c == DO: print '(DO)', else: print '(DONT)', opt = IAC + WONT elif c in (WILL, WONT): if c == WILL: print '(WILL)', else: print '(WONT)', opt = IAC + DONT else: print '(command)', ord(c) elif c == IAC: iac = 1 print '(IAC)', else: cleandata = cleandata + c sys.stdout.write(cleandata) sys.stdout.flush() ## print 'Out:', `cleandata` def child(s): # read stdin, write socket while 1: line = sys.stdin.readline() ## print 'Got:', `line` s.send(line) main()