#! /usr/bin/env python # Video bag of tricks: record video(+audio) in various formats and modes # XXX To do: # - audio # - improve user interface # - help button? # - command line options to set initial settings # - save settings in a file # - ...? import sys import time import getopt import string import os sts = os.system('makemap') # Must be before "import fl" to work import sgi import gl import GL import DEVICE import fl import FL import flp import watchcursor import sv import SV import VFile import VGrabber import imageop sys.path.append('/ufs/jack/src/av/vcr') import VCR try: import cl import CL except ImportError: cl = None ARROW = 0 WATCH = 1 watchcursor.defwatch(WATCH) def main(): ## fl.set_graphics_mode(0, 1) vb = VideoBagOfTricks() while 1: dummy = fl.do_forms() [dummy] StopCapture = 'StopCapture' VideoFormatLabels = ['Video off', 'rgb8', 'grey8', 'grey4', 'grey2', \ 'grey2 dith', 'mono dith', 'mono thresh', 'rgb24', 'rgb24-jpeg', \ 'compress'] VideoFormats = ['', 'rgb8', 'grey', 'grey4', 'grey2', \ 'grey2', 'mono', 'mono', 'rgb', 'jpeg', 'compress'] VideoModeLabels = ['Continuous', 'Burst', 'Single frame', 'VCR sync'] [VM_CONT, VM_BURST, VM_SINGLE, VM_VCR] = range(1, 5) AudioFormatLabels = ['Audio off', \ '16 bit mono', '16 bit stereo', '8 bit mono', '8 bit stereo'] [A_OFF, A_16_MONO, A_16_STEREO, A_8_MONO, A_8_STEREO] = range(1, 6) VcrSpeedLabels = ['normal', '1/3', '1/5', '1/10', '1/30', 'single-step'] VcrSpeeds = [None, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] RgbSizeLabels = ['full', 'quarter', 'sixteenth'] # init file stuff: if os.environ.has_key('HOME'): HOME=os.environ['HOME'] else: HOME='.' VB_INIT_FILE=HOME + '/.Vb_init' VB_INIT_KEYS=['vfile', 'vmode', 'mono_thresh', 'vformat', 'comp_scheme', \ 'rgb24_size', 'afile', 'aformat'] class VideoBagOfTricks: # Init/close stuff def __init__(self): self.window = None formdef = flp.parse_form('VbForm', 'form') flp.create_full_form(self, formdef) self.setdefaults() if self.vmode <> VM_CONT: self.g_cont.hide_object() if self.vmode <> VM_BURST: self.g_burst.hide_object() if self.vmode <> VM_SINGLE: self.g_single.hide_object() if self.vmode <> VM_VCR: self.g_vcr.hide_object() if self.vformat <> 'compress': self.g_compress.hide_object() self.openvideo() self.makewindow() self.bindvideo() if self.use_24: self.optfullsizewindow() self.showform() fl.set_event_call_back(self.do_event) def close(self): self.close_video() self.close_audio() self.savedefaults() raise SystemExit, 0 def showform(self): # Get position of video window gl.winset(self.window) x, y = gl.getorigin() width, height = gl.getsize() # Calculate position of form window x1 = x + width + 10 x2 = x1 + int(self.form.w) - 1 y2 = y + height - 1 y1 = y2 - int(self.form.h) + 1 # Position and show form window gl.prefposition(x1, x2, y1, y2) self.form.show_form(FL.PLACE_FREE, FL.TRUE, 'Vb Control') def getdefaultdefaults(self): # Video defaults self.vfile = 'film.video' self.vmode = VM_CONT self.mono_thresh = 128 self.vformat = 'rgb8' self.comp_scheme = 'Uncompressed' self.rgb24_size = 1 # Missing: drop, rate, maxmem, nframes, rate, vcrspeed # Audio defaults: self.afile = 'film.aiff' self.aformat = A_OFF def getdefaults(self): self.getdefaultdefaults() # XXXX Read defaults file and override. try: fp = open(VB_INIT_FILE, 'r') except IOError: print 'Vb: no init file' self.initcont = {} return data = fp.read(1000000) try: self.initcont = eval(data) except: print 'Vb: Ill-formatted init file' self.initcont = {} for k in self.initcont.keys(): if hasattr(self, k): setattr(self, k, self.initcont[k]) def savedefaults(self): newdb = {} for k in VB_INIT_KEYS: newdb[k] = getattr(self, k) if newdb <> self.initcont: try: fp = open(VB_INIT_FILE, 'w') except IOError: print 'Vb: Cannot create', VB_INIT_FILE return fp.write(`newdb`) fp.close() def setdefaults(self): self.getdefaults() self.vcr = None self.vout = None self.capturing = 0 self.c_vformat.clear_choice() for label in VideoFormatLabels: self.c_vformat.addto_choice(label) self.c_vformat.set_choice(1 + VideoFormats.index(self.vformat)) self.c_vmode.clear_choice() for label in VideoModeLabels: self.c_vmode.addto_choice(label) self.c_vmode.set_choice(self.vmode) self.get_vformat() self.b_drop.set_button(1) self.in_rate.set_input('2') self.in_maxmem.set_input('1.0') self.in_nframes.set_input('0') self.in_nframes_vcr.set_input('1') self.in_rate_vcr.set_input('1') self.c_vcrspeed.clear_choice() for label in VcrSpeedLabels: self.c_vcrspeed.addto_choice(label) self.c_vcrspeed.set_choice(4) self.c_rgb24_size.clear_choice() for label in RgbSizeLabels: self.c_rgb24_size.addto_choice(label) self.c_rgb24_size.set_choice(self.rgb24_size) if cl: algs = cl.QueryAlgorithms(CL.VIDEO) self.all_comp_schemes = [] for i in range(0, len(algs), 2): if algs[i+1] in (CL.COMPRESSOR, CL.CODEC): self.all_comp_schemes.append(algs[i]) self.c_cformat.clear_choice() for label in self.all_comp_schemes: self.c_cformat.addto_choice(label) i = self.all_comp_schemes.index(self.comp_scheme) self.c_cformat.set_choice(i+1) # Audio defaults self.aout = None self.aport = None self.c_aformat.clear_choice() for label in AudioFormatLabels: self.c_aformat.addto_choice(label) self.c_aformat.set_choice(self.aformat) self.get_aformat() def openvideo(self): try: self.video = sv.OpenVideo() except sv.error, msg: print 'Error opening video:', msg self.video = None param = [SV.BROADCAST, SV.PAL] if self.video: self.video.GetParam(param) if param[1] == SV.PAL: x = SV.PAL_XMAX y = SV.PAL_YMAX elif param[1] == SV.NTSC: x = SV.NTSC_XMAX y = SV.NTSC_YMAX else: print 'Unknown video standard:', param[1] sys.exit(1) self.maxx, self.maxy = x, y self.curx = 256 self.cury = 256*3/4 def makewindow(self): x, y = self.maxx, self.maxy gl.foreground() gl.maxsize(x, y) gl.keepaspect(x, y) gl.stepunit(8, 6) width = self.curx height = self.cury if width and height: # Place the window at (150, 150) from top left # (the video board likes this location...) x1 = 150 x2 = x1+width-1 SCRHEIGHT = 768 y2 = SCRHEIGHT-1-150 y1 = y2-height+1 gl.prefposition(x1, x2, y1, y2) self.window = gl.winopen('Vb video') self.settitle() if width: gl.maxsize(x, y) gl.keepaspect(x, y) gl.stepunit(8, 6) gl.winconstraints() gl.qdevice(DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT) def optfullsizewindow(self): if not self.window: return gl.winset(self.window) if self.use_24: x, y = self.maxx, self.maxy else: x, y = self.curx, self.cury left, bottom = gl.getorigin() width, height = gl.getsize() bottom = bottom+height-y gl.prefposition(left, left+x-1, bottom, bottom+y-1) gl.winconstraints() if not self.use_24: gl.keepaspect(x, y) gl.stepunit(8, 6) gl.maxsize(self.maxx, self.maxy) gl.winconstraints() self.bindvideo() def bindvideo(self): if not self.video: return x, y = gl.getsize() if not self.use_24: self.curx, self.cury = x, y self.video.SetSize(x, y) drop = self.b_drop.get_button() if drop: param = [SV.FIELDDROP, 1, SV.GENLOCK, SV.GENLOCK_OFF] else: param = [SV.FIELDDROP, 0, SV.GENLOCK, SV.GENLOCK_ON] if self.rgb: param = param+[SV.COLOR, SV.DEFAULT_COLOR, \ SV.DITHER, 1, \ SV.INPUT_BYPASS, 0] else: param = param+[SV.COLOR, SV.MONO, SV.DITHER, 0, \ SV.INPUT_BYPASS, 1] self.video.BindGLWindow(self.window, SV.IN_REPLACE) self.video.SetParam(param) def rebindvideo(self): gl.winset(self.window) self.bindvideo() def reset(self): self.close_video() self.close_audio() if self.vcr: try: ok = self.vcr.still() except VCR.error: pass self.vcr = None self.b_capture.set_button(0) # Event handler (catches resize of video window) def do_event(self, dev, val): #print 'Event:', dev, val if dev in (DEVICE.WINSHUT, DEVICE.WINQUIT): self.close() if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW and val == self.window: self.rebindvideo() self.settitle() # Video controls: format, mode, file def cb_vformat(self, *args): self.reset() self.get_vformat() if self.mono_use_thresh: s = `self.mono_thresh` s = fl.show_input('Please enter mono threshold', s) if s: try: self.mono_thresh = string.atoi(s) except string.atoi_error: fl.show_message('Bad input, using', \ `self.mono_thresh`, '') self.rebindvideo() def cb_cformat(self, *args): i = self.c_cformat.get_choice() self.comp_scheme = self.all_comp_schemes[i-1] def cb_vmode(self, *args): if self.vcr: self.vcr = None self.vmode = self.c_vmode.get_choice() self.form.freeze_form() self.g_cont.hide_object() self.g_burst.hide_object() self.g_single.hide_object() self.g_vcr.hide_object() if self.vmode == VM_CONT: self.g_cont.show_object() elif self.vmode == VM_BURST: self.g_burst.show_object() elif self.vmode == VM_SINGLE: self.g_single.show_object() elif self.vmode == VM_VCR: self.g_vcr.show_object() self.form.unfreeze_form() def cb_vfile(self, *args): filename = self.vfile hd, tl = os.path.split(filename) filename = fl.file_selector('Video save file:', hd, '', tl) if filename: self.reset() hd, tl = os.path.split(filename) if hd == os.getcwd(): filename = tl self.vfile = filename # Video mode specific video controls def cb_rate(self, *args): pass def cb_drop(self, *args): self.rebindvideo() def cb_maxmem(self, *args): pass def cb_nframes(self, *args): pass def cb_fps(self, *args): pass def cb_nframes_vcr(self, *args): pass def cb_rate_vcr(self, *args): pass def cb_vcrspeed(self, *args): pass def cb_rgb24_size(self, *args): i = self.c_rgb24_size.get_choice() if i: self.rgb24_size = i # Audio controls: format, file def cb_aformat(self, *args): self.get_aformat() def cb_afile(self, *args): filename = self.afile hd, tl = os.path.split(filename) filename = fl.file_selector('Audio save file:', hd, '', tl) if filename: self.reset() hd, tl = os.path.split(filename) if hd == os.getcwd(): filename = tl self.afile = filename # General controls: capture, reset, play, quit def cb_capture(self, *args): if self.capturing: raise StopCapture if not self.b_capture.get_button(): return if not self.video or not self.vformat: gl.ringbell() return if self.vmode == VM_CONT: self.cont_capture() elif self.vmode == VM_BURST: self.burst_capture() elif self.vmode == VM_SINGLE: self.single_capture(None, None) elif self.vmode == VM_VCR: self.vcr_capture() def cb_reset(self, *args): self.reset() def cb_play(self, *args): self.reset() sts = os.system('Vplay -q ' + self.vfile + ' &') def cb_quit(self, *args): self.close() # Capture routines def burst_capture(self): self.setwatch() gl.winset(self.window) x, y = gl.getsize() if self.use_24: fl.show_message('Sorry, no 24 bit continuous capture yet', '', '') return vformat = SV.RGB8_FRAMES nframes = self.getint(self.in_nframes, 0) if nframes == 0: maxmem = self.getint(self.in_maxmem, 1.0) memsize = int(maxmem * 1024 * 1024) nframes = self.calcnframes(memsize) info = (vformat, x, y, nframes, 1) try: info2, data, bitvec = self.video.CaptureBurst(info) except sv.error, msg: self.b_capture.set_button(0) self.setarrow() fl.show_message('Capture error:', str(msg), '') return if info <> info2: print info, '<>', info2 self.save_burst(info2, data, bitvec) self.setarrow() def calcnframes(self, memsize): gl.winset(self.window) x, y = gl.getsize() pixels = x*y pixels = pixels/2 # XXX always assume fields if self.mono or self.grey: n = memsize/pixels else: n = memsize/(4*pixels) return max(1, n) def save_burst(self, info, data, bitvec): (vformat, x, y, nframes, rate) = info self.open_if_closed() fieldsize = x*y/2 nskipped = 0 realframeno = 0 tpf = 1000 / 50.0 # XXX for frameno in range(0, nframes*2): if frameno <> 0 and \ bitvec[frameno] == bitvec[frameno-1]: nskipped = nskipped + 1 continue # # Save field. # XXX Works only for fields and top-to-bottom # start = frameno*fieldsize field = data[start:start+fieldsize] realframeno = realframeno + 1 fn = int(realframeno*tpf) if not self.write_frame(fn, field): break def cont_capture(self): saved_label = self.b_capture.label self.b_capture.label = 'Stop\n' + saved_label self.open_if_closed() self.init_cont() fps = 59.64 # Fields per second # XXX (fps of Indigo monitor, not of PAL or NTSC!) tpf = 1000.0 / fps # Time per field in msec self.capturing = 1 self.start_audio() while 1: try: void = fl.check_forms() except StopCapture: break try: cd, id = self.video.GetCaptureData() except sv.error: sgi.nap(1) continue id = id + 2*self.rate data = cd.InterleaveFields(1) cd.UnlockCaptureData() t = id*tpf if not self.write_frame(t, data): break self.stop_audio() self.capturing = 0 self.end_cont() if self.aout: # If recording audio, can't capture multiple sequences self.reset() self.b_capture.label = saved_label def single_capture(self, stepfunc, timecode): self.open_if_closed() self.init_cont() while 1: try: cd, id = self.video.GetCaptureData() break except sv.error: pass sgi.nap(1) if stepfunc: # This might step the video d=stepfunc() # to the next frame if not self.use_24: data = cd.InterleaveFields(1) else: x, y = self.vout.getsize() if self.use_compress: if self.rgb24_size == 1: data = cd.YUVtoYUV422DC(0) elif self.rgb24_size == 2: data = cd.YUVtoYUV422DC_quarter(1) x = x/2 y = y/2 elif self.rgb24_size == 3: data = cd.YUVtoYUV422DC_sixteenth(1) x = x/4 y = y/4 else: data = cd.YUVtoRGB(1) if self.maxx*self.maxy*4 <> len(data): print 'maxx,maxy,exp,got=', self.maxx, print self.maxy,self.maxx*self.maxy*4, print len(data) fl.showmessage('Wrong sized data') return 0 if self.rgb24_size <> 1: data = imageop.scale(data, 4, \ self.maxx, self.maxy, x, y) if self.use_jpeg: import jpeg data = jpeg.compress(data, x, y, 4) if self.use_compress: data = self.compressor.Compress(1, data) cd.UnlockCaptureData() self.end_cont() if timecode == None: timecode = (self.nframes+1) * (1000/25) return self.write_frame(timecode, data) def vcr_capture(self): if not self.vcr: try: print 'Connecting to VCR ...' self.vcr = VCR.VCR() print 'Waiting for VCR to come online ...' self.vcr.initvcr() print 'Preparing VCR ...' if not (self.vcr.fmmode('dnr') and \ self.vcr.dmcontrol('digital slow')): self.vcr_error('digital slow failed') return print 'VCR OK.' except VCR.error, msg: self.vcr = None self.vcr_error(msg) return if not self.vcr.still(): self.vcr_error('still failed') return self.open_if_closed() rate = self.getint(self.in_rate_vcr, 1) rate = max(rate, 1) vcrspeed = self.c_vcrspeed.get_choice() vcrspeed = VcrSpeeds[vcrspeed] if vcrspeed == 0: stepfunc = self.vcr.step else: stepfunc = None self.speed_factor = rate addr = start_addr = self.vcr.sense() if not self.single_capture(None, 0): return print 'captured %02d:%02d:%02d:%02d' % self.vcr.addr2tc(addr) count = self.getint(self.in_nframes_vcr, 1) - 1 if count <= 0: while rate > 0: if not self.vcr.step(): self.vcr_error('step failed') here = self.vcr.sense() if here > addr: rate = rate - (here - addr) addr = here return if not self.vcr.fwdshuttle(vcrspeed): self.vcr_error('fwd shuttle failed') return cycle = 0 while count > 0: try: here = self.vcr.sense() except VCR.error, msg: self.vcr_error(msg) break if here <> addr: if here <> addr+1: print 'Missed', here-addr-1, print 'frame' + 's'*(here-addr-1 <> 1) cycle = (cycle+1) % rate if cycle == 0: tc = (here-start_addr)*40 if not self.single_capture(stepfunc, \ tc): break print 'captured %02d:%02d:%02d:%02d' \ % self.vcr.addr2tc(here) count = count -1 addr = here if self.vcr and not self.vcr.still(): self.vcr_error('still failed') def vcr_error(self, msg): self.reset() fl.show_message('VCR error:', str(msg), '') # Init/end continuous capture mode def init_cont(self): qsize = 1 if self.vmode == VM_CONT: self.rate = self.getint(self.in_rate, 2) else: self.rate = 2 x, y = self.vout.getsize() if self.use_24: info = (SV.YUV411_FRAMES, x, y, qsize, self.rate) else: info = (SV.RGB8_FRAMES, x, y, qsize, self.rate) info2 = self.video.InitContinuousCapture(info) if info2 <> info: # XXX This is really only debug info print 'Info mismatch: requested', info, 'got', info2 def end_cont(self): self.video.EndContinuousCapture() # Misc stuff def settitle(self): gl.winset(self.window) x, y = gl.getsize() title = 'Vb ' + self.vfile + ' (%dx%d)' % (x, y) gl.wintitle(title) def get_vformat(self): i = self.c_vformat.get_choice() label = VideoFormatLabels[i-1] format = VideoFormats[i-1] if format == 'compress' and cl == None: fl.show_message('Sorry, no compression library support') format = '' label = 'Video off' self.vformat = format if self.vformat == '': self.form.freeze_form() self.g_video.hide_object() self.g_cont.hide_object() self.g_burst.hide_object() self.g_single.hide_object() self.form.unfreeze_form() else: self.g_video.show_object() if self.vmode == VM_CONT: self.g_cont.show_object() elif self.vmode == VM_BURST: self.g_burst.show_object() elif self.vmode == VM_SINGLE: self.g_single.show_object() # self.rgb = (format[:3] == 'rgb' or format == 'compress') self.mono = (format == 'mono') self.grey = (format[:4] == 'grey') self.use_24 = (format in ('rgb', 'jpeg', 'compress')) if self.use_24: self.g_rgb24.show_object() else: self.g_rgb24.hide_object() self.use_jpeg = (format == 'jpeg') self.mono_use_thresh = (label == 'mono thresh') self.use_compress = (format == 'compress') if self.use_compress: self.g_compress.show_object() else: self.g_compress.hide_object() s = format[4:] if self.grey and s: self.greybits = string.atoi(s) else: self.greybits = 8 if label == 'grey2 dith': self.greybits = -2 # convertor = None if self.grey: if self.greybits == 2: convertor = imageop.grey2grey2 elif self.greybits == 4: convertor = imageop.grey2grey4 elif self.greybits == -2: convertor = imageop.dither2grey2 self.convertor = convertor self.optfullsizewindow() def get_aformat(self): self.reset() self.aformat = self.c_aformat.get_choice() if self.aformat == A_OFF: self.g_audio.hide_object() else: self.g_audio.show_object() def init_compressor(self, w, h): self.compressor = None scheme = cl.QuerySchemeFromName(CL.VIDEO, self.comp_scheme) self.compressor = cl.OpenCompressor(scheme) parambuf = [CL.IMAGE_WIDTH, w, \ CL.IMAGE_HEIGHT, h, \ CL.ORIGINAL_FORMAT, CL.YUV422DC] self.compressor.SetParams(parambuf) return self.compressor.Compress(0, '') def open_if_closed(self): if not self.vout: self.open_video() if not self.aout: self.open_audio() # File I/O handling def open_video(self): self.close_video() gl.winset(self.window) x, y = gl.getsize() if self.use_24: if self.rgb24_size == 2: x, y = x/2, y/2 elif self.rgb24_size == 3: x, y = x/4, y/4 vout = VFile.VoutFile(self.vfile) vout.setformat(self.vformat) if self.vformat == 'compress': cheader = self.init_compressor(x, y) vout.setcompressheader(cheader) vout.setsize(x, y) if self.vmode == VM_BURST: vout.setpf((1, -2)) vout.writeheader() self.vout = vout self.nframes = 0 self.speed_factor = 1 self.t_nframes.label = `self.nframes` def write_frame(self, t, data): t = t * self.speed_factor if not self.vout: gl.ringbell() return 0 if self.convertor: data = self.convertor(data, len(data), 1) elif self.mono: if self.mono_use_thresh: data = imageop.grey2mono(data, \ len(data), 1,\ self.mono_thresh) else: data = imageop.dither2mono(data, \ len(data), 1) try: self.vout.writeframe(int(t), data, None) except IOError, msg: self.reset() if msg == (0, 'Error 0'): msg = 'disk full??' fl.show_message('IOError', str(msg), '') return 0 self.nframes = self.nframes + 1 self.t_nframes.label = `self.nframes` return 1 def close_video(self): if not self.vout: return self.nframes = 0 self.t_nframes.label = '' try: self.vout.close() except IOError, msg: if msg == (0, 'Error 0'): msg = 'disk full??' fl.show_message('IOError', str(msg), '') self.vout = None self.compressor = None # Watch cursor handling def setwatch(self): gl.winset(self.form.window) gl.setcursor(WATCH, 0, 0) gl.winset(self.window) gl.setcursor(WATCH, 0, 0) def setarrow(self): gl.winset(self.form.window) gl.setcursor(ARROW, 0, 0) gl.winset(self.window) gl.setcursor(ARROW, 0, 0) # Numeric field handling def getint(self, field, default): try: value = string.atoi(field.get_input()) except string.atoi_error: value = default field.set_input(`value`) return value def getfloat(self, field, default): try: value = float(eval(field.get_input())) except: value = float(default) field.set_input(`value`) return value # Audio stuff def open_audio(self): if self.aformat == A_OFF: return import aifc import al import AL import thread self.close_audio() params = [AL.INPUT_RATE, 0] al.getparams(AL.DEFAULT_DEVICE, params) rate = params[1] self.aout = aifc.open(self.afile, 'w') if self.aformat in (A_16_STEREO, A_8_STEREO): nch = AL.STEREO else: nch = AL.MONO if self.aformat in (A_16_STEREO, A_16_MONO): width = AL.SAMPLE_16 else: width = AL.SAMPLE_8 self.aout.setnchannels(nch) self.aout.setsampwidth(width) self.aout.setframerate(rate) c = al.newconfig() c.setqueuesize(8000) c.setchannels(nch) c.setwidth(width) self.aport = al.openport('Vb audio record', 'r', c) self.audio_stop = 0 self.audio_ok = 0 self.audio_busy = 1 thread.start_new_thread(self.record_audio, ()) def start_audio(self): if self.aformat == A_OFF: return self.audio_ok = 1 def record_audio(self, *args): # This function runs in a separate thread # Currently no semaphores are used while not self.audio_stop: data = self.aport.readsamps(4000) if self.audio_ok: self.aout.writeframes(data) data = None self.audio_busy = 0 def stop_audio(self): self.audio_ok = 0 def close_audio(self): if self.aout: self.audio_ok = 0 self.audio_stop = 1 while self.audio_busy: time.sleep(0.1) self.aout.close() self.aout = None if self.aport: self.aport.closeport() self.aport = None try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print '[Interrupt]' sys.exit(1)