# Verify that gdb can pretty-print the various PyObject* types # # The code for testing gdb was adapted from similar work in Unladen Swallow's # Lib/test/test_jit_gdb.py import os import platform import re import subprocess import sys import sysconfig import textwrap import unittest from test import support from test.support import findfile, python_is_optimized def get_gdb_version(): try: cmd = ["gdb", "-nx", "--version"] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) with proc: version, stderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: raise Exception(f"Command {' '.join(cmd)!r} failed " f"with exit code {proc.returncode}: " f"stdout={version!r} stderr={stderr!r}") except OSError: # This is what "no gdb" looks like. There may, however, be other # errors that manifest this way too. raise unittest.SkipTest("Couldn't find gdb on the path") # Regex to parse: # 'GNU gdb (GDB; SUSE Linux Enterprise 12) 7.7\n' -> 7.7 # 'GNU gdb (GDB) Fedora 7.9.1-17.fc22\n' -> 7.9 # 'GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]\n' -> 6.1 # 'GNU gdb (GDB) Fedora (7.5.1-37.fc18)\n' -> 7.5 # 'HP gdb 6.7 for HP Itanium (32 or 64 bit) and target HP-UX 11iv2 and 11iv3.\n' -> 6.7 match = re.search(r"^(?:GNU|HP) gdb.*?\b(\d+)\.(\d+)", version) if match is None: raise Exception("unable to parse GDB version: %r" % version) return (version, int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2))) gdb_version, gdb_major_version, gdb_minor_version = get_gdb_version() if gdb_major_version < 7: raise unittest.SkipTest("gdb versions before 7.0 didn't support python " "embedding. Saw %s.%s:\n%s" % (gdb_major_version, gdb_minor_version, gdb_version)) if not sysconfig.is_python_build(): raise unittest.SkipTest("test_gdb only works on source builds at the moment.") if 'Clang' in platform.python_compiler() and sys.platform == 'darwin': raise unittest.SkipTest("test_gdb doesn't work correctly when python is" " built with LLVM clang") if ((sysconfig.get_config_var('PGO_PROF_USE_FLAG') or 'xxx') in (sysconfig.get_config_var('PY_CORE_CFLAGS') or '')): raise unittest.SkipTest("test_gdb is not reliable on PGO builds") # Location of custom hooks file in a repository checkout. checkout_hook_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'python-gdb.py') PYTHONHASHSEED = '123' def cet_protection(): cflags = sysconfig.get_config_var('CFLAGS') if not cflags: return False flags = cflags.split() # True if "-mcet -fcf-protection" options are found, but false # if "-fcf-protection=none" or "-fcf-protection=return" is found. return (('-mcet' in flags) and any((flag.startswith('-fcf-protection') and not flag.endswith(("=none", "=return"))) for flag in flags)) # Control-flow enforcement technology CET_PROTECTION = cet_protection() def run_gdb(*args, **env_vars): """Runs gdb in --batch mode with the additional arguments given by *args. Returns its (stdout, stderr) decoded from utf-8 using the replace handler. """ if env_vars: env = os.environ.copy() env.update(env_vars) else: env = None # -nx: Do not execute commands from any .gdbinit initialization files # (issue #22188) base_cmd = ('gdb', '--batch', '-nx') if (gdb_major_version, gdb_minor_version) >= (7, 4): base_cmd += ('-iex', 'add-auto-load-safe-path ' + checkout_hook_path) proc = subprocess.Popen(base_cmd + args, # Redirect stdin to prevent GDB from messing with # the terminal settings stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) with proc: out, err = proc.communicate() return out.decode('utf-8', 'replace'), err.decode('utf-8', 'replace') # Verify that "gdb" was built with the embedded python support enabled: gdbpy_version, _ = run_gdb("--eval-command=python import sys; print(sys.version_info)") if not gdbpy_version: raise unittest.SkipTest("gdb not built with embedded python support") if "major=2" in gdbpy_version: raise unittest.SkipTest("gdb built with Python 2") # Verify that "gdb" can load our custom hooks, as OS security settings may # disallow this without a customized .gdbinit. _, gdbpy_errors = run_gdb('--args', sys.executable) if "auto-loading has been declined" in gdbpy_errors: msg = "gdb security settings prevent use of custom hooks: " raise unittest.SkipTest(msg + gdbpy_errors.rstrip()) def gdb_has_frame_select(): # Does this build of gdb have gdb.Frame.select ? stdout, _ = run_gdb("--eval-command=python print(dir(gdb.Frame))") m = re.match(r'.*\[(.*)\].*', stdout) if not m: raise unittest.SkipTest("Unable to parse output from gdb.Frame.select test") gdb_frame_dir = m.group(1).split(', ') return "'select'" in gdb_frame_dir HAS_PYUP_PYDOWN = gdb_has_frame_select() BREAKPOINT_FN='builtin_id' @unittest.skipIf(support.PGO, "not useful for PGO") class DebuggerTests(unittest.TestCase): """Test that the debugger can debug Python.""" def get_stack_trace(self, source=None, script=None, breakpoint=BREAKPOINT_FN, cmds_after_breakpoint=None, import_site=False, ignore_stderr=False): ''' Run 'python -c SOURCE' under gdb with a breakpoint. Support injecting commands after the breakpoint is reached Returns the stdout from gdb cmds_after_breakpoint: if provided, a list of strings: gdb commands ''' # We use "set breakpoint pending yes" to avoid blocking with a: # Function "foo" not defined. # Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) # error, which typically happens python is dynamically linked (the # breakpoints of interest are to be found in the shared library) # When this happens, we still get: # Function "textiowrapper_write" not defined. # emitted to stderr each time, alas. # Initially I had "--eval-command=continue" here, but removed it to # avoid repeated print breakpoints when traversing hierarchical data # structures # Generate a list of commands in gdb's language: commands = ['set breakpoint pending yes', 'break %s' % breakpoint, # The tests assume that the first frame of printed # backtrace will not contain program counter, # that is however not guaranteed by gdb # therefore we need to use 'set print address off' to # make sure the counter is not there. For example: # #0 in PyObject_Print ... # is assumed, but sometimes this can be e.g. # #0 0x00003fffb7dd1798 in PyObject_Print ... 'set print address off', 'run'] # GDB as of 7.4 onwards can distinguish between the # value of a variable at entry vs current value: # http://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Variables.html # which leads to the selftests failing with errors like this: # AssertionError: 'v@entry=()' != '()' # Disable this: if (gdb_major_version, gdb_minor_version) >= (7, 4): commands += ['set print entry-values no'] if cmds_after_breakpoint: if CET_PROTECTION: # bpo-32962: When Python is compiled with -mcet # -fcf-protection, function arguments are unusable before # running the first instruction of the function entry point. # The 'next' command makes the required first step. commands += ['next'] commands += cmds_after_breakpoint else: commands += ['backtrace'] # print commands # Use "commands" to generate the arguments with which to invoke "gdb": args = ['--eval-command=%s' % cmd for cmd in commands] args += ["--args", sys.executable] args.extend(subprocess._args_from_interpreter_flags()) if not import_site: # -S suppresses the default 'import site' args += ["-S"] if source: args += ["-c", source] elif script: args += [script] # Use "args" to invoke gdb, capturing stdout, stderr: out, err = run_gdb(*args, PYTHONHASHSEED=PYTHONHASHSEED) if not ignore_stderr: for line in err.splitlines(): print(line, file=sys.stderr) # bpo-34007: Sometimes some versions of the shared libraries that # are part of the traceback are compiled in optimised mode and the # Program Counter (PC) is not present, not allowing gdb to walk the # frames back. When this happens, the Python bindings of gdb raise # an exception, making the test impossible to succeed. if "PC not saved" in err: raise unittest.SkipTest("gdb cannot walk the frame object" " because the Program Counter is" " not present") # bpo-40019: Skip the test if gdb failed to read debug information # because the Python binary is optimized. for pattern in ( '(frame information optimized out)', 'Unable to read information on python frame', ): if pattern in out: raise unittest.SkipTest(f"{pattern!r} found in gdb output") return out def get_gdb_repr(self, source, cmds_after_breakpoint=None, import_site=False): # Given an input python source representation of data, # run "python -c'id(DATA)'" under gdb with a breakpoint on # builtin_id and scrape out gdb's representation of the "op" # parameter, and verify that the gdb displays the same string # # Verify that the gdb displays the expected string # # For a nested structure, the first time we hit the breakpoint will # give us the top-level structure # NOTE: avoid decoding too much of the traceback as some # undecodable characters may lurk there in optimized mode # (issue #19743). cmds_after_breakpoint = cmds_after_breakpoint or ["backtrace 1"] gdb_output = self.get_stack_trace(source, breakpoint=BREAKPOINT_FN, cmds_after_breakpoint=cmds_after_breakpoint, import_site=import_site) # gdb can insert additional '\n' and space characters in various places # in its output, depending on the width of the terminal it's connected # to (using its "wrap_here" function) m = re.search( # Match '#0 builtin_id(self=..., v=...)' r'#0\s+builtin_id\s+\(self\=.*,\s+v=\s*(.*?)?\)' # Match ' at Python/bltinmodule.c'. # bpo-38239: builtin_id() is defined in Python/bltinmodule.c, # but accept any "Directory\file.c" to support Link Time # Optimization (LTO). r'\s+at\s+\S*[A-Za-z]+/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.c', gdb_output, re.DOTALL) if not m: self.fail('Unexpected gdb output: %r\n%s' % (gdb_output, gdb_output)) return m.group(1), gdb_output def assertEndsWith(self, actual, exp_end): '''Ensure that the given "actual" string ends with "exp_end"''' self.assertTrue(actual.endswith(exp_end), msg='%r did not end with %r' % (actual, exp_end)) def assertMultilineMatches(self, actual, pattern): m = re.match(pattern, actual, re.DOTALL) if not m: self.fail(msg='%r did not match %r' % (actual, pattern)) def get_sample_script(self): return findfile('gdb_sample.py') class PrettyPrintTests(DebuggerTests): def test_getting_backtrace(self): gdb_output = self.get_stack_trace('id(42)') self.assertTrue(BREAKPOINT_FN in gdb_output) def assertGdbRepr(self, val, exp_repr=None): # Ensure that gdb's rendering of the value in a debugged process # matches repr(value) in this process: gdb_repr, gdb_output = self.get_gdb_repr('id(' + ascii(val) + ')') if not exp_repr: exp_repr = repr(val) self.assertEqual(gdb_repr, exp_repr, ('%r did not equal expected %r; full output was:\n%s' % (gdb_repr, exp_repr, gdb_output))) def test_int(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of various int values' self.assertGdbRepr(42) self.assertGdbRepr(0) self.assertGdbRepr(-7) self.assertGdbRepr(1000000000000) self.assertGdbRepr(-1000000000000000) def test_singletons(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of True, False and None' self.assertGdbRepr(True) self.assertGdbRepr(False) self.assertGdbRepr(None) def test_dicts(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of dictionaries' self.assertGdbRepr({}) self.assertGdbRepr({'foo': 'bar'}, "{'foo': 'bar'}") # Python preserves insertion order since 3.6 self.assertGdbRepr({'foo': 'bar', 'douglas': 42}, "{'foo': 'bar', 'douglas': 42}") def test_lists(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of lists' self.assertGdbRepr([]) self.assertGdbRepr(list(range(5))) def test_bytes(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of bytes' self.assertGdbRepr(b'') self.assertGdbRepr(b'And now for something hopefully the same') self.assertGdbRepr(b'string with embedded NUL here \0 and then some more text') self.assertGdbRepr(b'this is a tab:\t' b' this is a slash-N:\n' b' this is a slash-R:\r' ) self.assertGdbRepr(b'this is byte 255:\xff and byte 128:\x80') self.assertGdbRepr(bytes([b for b in range(255)])) def test_strings(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of unicode strings' # We cannot simply call locale.getpreferredencoding() here, # as GDB might have been linked against a different version # of Python with a different encoding and coercion policy # with respect to PEP 538 and PEP 540. out, err = run_gdb( '--eval-command', 'python import locale; print(locale.getpreferredencoding())') encoding = out.rstrip() if err or not encoding: raise RuntimeError( f'unable to determine the preferred encoding ' f'of embedded Python in GDB: {err}') def check_repr(text): try: text.encode(encoding) except UnicodeEncodeError: self.assertGdbRepr(text, ascii(text)) else: self.assertGdbRepr(text) self.assertGdbRepr('') self.assertGdbRepr('And now for something hopefully the same') self.assertGdbRepr('string with embedded NUL here \0 and then some more text') # Test printing a single character: # U+2620 SKULL AND CROSSBONES check_repr('\u2620') # Test printing a Japanese unicode string # (I believe this reads "mojibake", using 3 characters from the CJK # Unified Ideographs area, followed by U+3051 HIRAGANA LETTER KE) check_repr('\u6587\u5b57\u5316\u3051') # Test a character outside the BMP: # U+1D121 MUSICAL SYMBOL C CLEF # This is: # UTF-8: 0xF0 0x9D 0x84 0xA1 # UTF-16: 0xD834 0xDD21 check_repr(chr(0x1D121)) def test_tuples(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of tuples' self.assertGdbRepr(tuple(), '()') self.assertGdbRepr((1,), '(1,)') self.assertGdbRepr(('foo', 'bar', 'baz')) def test_sets(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of sets' if (gdb_major_version, gdb_minor_version) < (7, 3): self.skipTest("pretty-printing of sets needs gdb 7.3 or later") self.assertGdbRepr(set(), "set()") self.assertGdbRepr(set(['a']), "{'a'}") # PYTHONHASHSEED is need to get the exact frozenset item order if not sys.flags.ignore_environment: self.assertGdbRepr(set(['a', 'b']), "{'a', 'b'}") self.assertGdbRepr(set([4, 5, 6]), "{4, 5, 6}") # Ensure that we handle sets containing the "dummy" key value, # which happens on deletion: gdb_repr, gdb_output = self.get_gdb_repr('''s = set(['a','b']) s.remove('a') id(s)''') self.assertEqual(gdb_repr, "{'b'}") def test_frozensets(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of frozensets' if (gdb_major_version, gdb_minor_version) < (7, 3): self.skipTest("pretty-printing of frozensets needs gdb 7.3 or later") self.assertGdbRepr(frozenset(), "frozenset()") self.assertGdbRepr(frozenset(['a']), "frozenset({'a'})") # PYTHONHASHSEED is need to get the exact frozenset item order if not sys.flags.ignore_environment: self.assertGdbRepr(frozenset(['a', 'b']), "frozenset({'a', 'b'})") self.assertGdbRepr(frozenset([4, 5, 6]), "frozenset({4, 5, 6})") def test_exceptions(self): # Test a RuntimeError gdb_repr, gdb_output = self.get_gdb_repr(''' try: raise RuntimeError("I am an error") except RuntimeError as e: id(e) ''') self.assertEqual(gdb_repr, "RuntimeError('I am an error',)") # Test division by zero: gdb_repr, gdb_output = self.get_gdb_repr(''' try: a = 1 / 0 except ZeroDivisionError as e: id(e) ''') self.assertEqual(gdb_repr, "ZeroDivisionError('division by zero',)") def test_modern_class(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of new-style class instances' gdb_repr, gdb_output = self.get_gdb_repr(''' class Foo: pass foo = Foo() foo.an_int = 42 id(foo)''') m = re.match(r'', gdb_repr) self.assertTrue(m, msg='Unexpected new-style class rendering %r' % gdb_repr) def test_subclassing_list(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of an instance of a list subclass' gdb_repr, gdb_output = self.get_gdb_repr(''' class Foo(list): pass foo = Foo() foo += [1, 2, 3] foo.an_int = 42 id(foo)''') m = re.match(r'', gdb_repr) self.assertTrue(m, msg='Unexpected new-style class rendering %r' % gdb_repr) def test_subclassing_tuple(self): 'Verify the pretty-printing of an instance of a tuple subclass' # This should exercise the negative tp_dictoffset code in the # new-style class support gdb_repr, gdb_output = self.get_gdb_repr(''' class Foo(tuple): pass foo = Foo((1, 2, 3)) foo.an_int = 42 id(foo)''') m = re.match(r'', gdb_repr) self.assertTrue(m, msg='Unexpected new-style class rendering %r' % gdb_repr) def assertSane(self, source, corruption, exprepr=None): '''Run Python under gdb, corrupting variables in the inferior process immediately before taking a backtrace. Verify that the variable's representation is the expected failsafe representation''' if corruption: cmds_after_breakpoint=[corruption, 'backtrace'] else: cmds_after_breakpoint=['backtrace'] gdb_repr, gdb_output = \ self.get_gdb_repr(source, cmds_after_breakpoint=cmds_after_breakpoint) if exprepr: if gdb_repr == exprepr: # gdb managed to print the value in spite of the corruption; # this is good (see http://bugs.python.org/issue8330) return # Match anything for the type name; 0xDEADBEEF could point to # something arbitrary (see http://bugs.python.org/issue8330) pattern = '<.* at remote 0x-?[0-9a-f]+>' m = re.match(pattern, gdb_repr) if not m: self.fail('Unexpected gdb representation: %r\n%s' % \ (gdb_repr, gdb_output)) def test_NULL_ptr(self): 'Ensure that a NULL PyObject* is handled gracefully' gdb_repr, gdb_output = ( self.get_gdb_repr('id(42)', cmds_after_breakpoint=['set variable v=0', 'backtrace']) ) self.assertEqual(gdb_repr, '0x0') def test_NULL_ob_type(self): 'Ensure that a PyObject* with NULL ob_type is handled gracefully' self.assertSane('id(42)', 'set v->ob_type=0') def test_corrupt_ob_type(self): 'Ensure that a PyObject* with a corrupt ob_type is handled gracefully' self.assertSane('id(42)', 'set v->ob_type=0xDEADBEEF', exprepr='42') def test_corrupt_tp_flags(self): 'Ensure that a PyObject* with a type with corrupt tp_flags is handled' self.assertSane('id(42)', 'set v->ob_type->tp_flags=0x0', exprepr='42') def test_corrupt_tp_name(self): 'Ensure that a PyObject* with a type with corrupt tp_name is handled' self.assertSane('id(42)', 'set v->ob_type->tp_name=0xDEADBEEF', exprepr='42') def test_builtins_help(self): 'Ensure that the new-style class _Helper in site.py can be handled' if sys.flags.no_site: self.skipTest("need site module, but -S option was used") # (this was the issue causing tracebacks in # http://bugs.python.org/issue8032#msg100537 ) gdb_repr, gdb_output = self.get_gdb_repr('id(__builtins__.help)', import_site=True) m = re.match(r'<_Helper\(\) at remote 0x-?[0-9a-f]+>', gdb_repr) self.assertTrue(m, msg='Unexpected rendering %r' % gdb_repr) def test_selfreferential_list(self): '''Ensure that a reference loop involving a list doesn't lead proxyval into an infinite loop:''' gdb_repr, gdb_output = \ self.get_gdb_repr("a = [3, 4, 5] ; a.append(a) ; id(a)") self.assertEqual(gdb_repr, '[3, 4, 5, [...]]') gdb_repr, gdb_output = \ self.get_gdb_repr("a = [3, 4, 5] ; b = [a] ; a.append(b) ; id(a)") self.assertEqual(gdb_repr, '[3, 4, 5, [[...]]]') def test_selfreferential_dict(self): '''Ensure that a reference loop involving a dict doesn't lead proxyval into an infinite loop:''' gdb_repr, gdb_output = \ self.get_gdb_repr("a = {} ; b = {'bar':a} ; a['foo'] = b ; id(a)") self.assertEqual(gdb_repr, "{'foo': {'bar': {...}}}") def test_selfreferential_old_style_instance(self): gdb_repr, gdb_output = \ self.get_gdb_repr(''' class Foo: pass foo = Foo() foo.an_attr = foo id(foo)''') self.assertTrue(re.match(r'\) at remote 0x-?[0-9a-f]+>', gdb_repr), 'Unexpected gdb representation: %r\n%s' % \ (gdb_repr, gdb_output)) def test_selfreferential_new_style_instance(self): gdb_repr, gdb_output = \ self.get_gdb_repr(''' class Foo(object): pass foo = Foo() foo.an_attr = foo id(foo)''') self.assertTrue(re.match(r'\) at remote 0x-?[0-9a-f]+>', gdb_repr), 'Unexpected gdb representation: %r\n%s' % \ (gdb_repr, gdb_output)) gdb_repr, gdb_output = \ self.get_gdb_repr(''' class Foo(object): pass a = Foo() b = Foo() a.an_attr = b b.an_attr = a id(a)''') self.assertTrue(re.match(r'\) at remote 0x-?[0-9a-f]+>\) at remote 0x-?[0-9a-f]+>', gdb_repr), 'Unexpected gdb representation: %r\n%s' % \ (gdb_repr, gdb_output)) def test_truncation(self): 'Verify that very long output is truncated' gdb_repr, gdb_output = self.get_gdb_repr('id(list(range(1000)))') self.assertEqual(gdb_repr, "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, " "14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, " "27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, " "40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, " "53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, " "66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, " "79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, " "92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, " "104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, " "114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, " "124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, " "134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, " "144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, " "154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, " "164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, " "174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, " "184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, " "194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, " "204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, " "214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, " "224, 225, 226...(truncated)") self.assertEqual(len(gdb_repr), 1024 + len('...(truncated)')) def test_builtin_method(self): gdb_repr, gdb_output = self.get_gdb_repr('import sys; id(sys.stdout.readlines)') self.assertTrue(re.match(r'', gdb_repr), 'Unexpected gdb representation: %r\n%s' % \ (gdb_repr, gdb_output)) def test_frames(self): gdb_output = self.get_stack_trace(''' import sys def foo(a, b, c): return sys._getframe(0) f = foo(3, 4, 5) id(f)''', breakpoint='builtin_id', cmds_after_breakpoint=['print (PyFrameObject*)v'] ) self.assertTrue(re.match(r'.*\s+\$1 =\s+Frame 0x-?[0-9a-f]+, for file , line 4, in foo \(a=3.*', gdb_output, re.DOTALL), 'Unexpected gdb representation: %r\n%s' % (gdb_output, gdb_output)) @unittest.skipIf(python_is_optimized(), "Python was compiled with optimizations") class PyListTests(DebuggerTests): def assertListing(self, expected, actual): self.assertEndsWith(actual, expected) def test_basic_command(self): 'Verify that the "py-list" command works' bt = self.get_stack_trace(script=self.get_sample_script(), cmds_after_breakpoint=['py-list']) self.assertListing(' 5 \n' ' 6 def bar(a, b, c):\n' ' 7 baz(a, b, c)\n' ' 8 \n' ' 9 def baz(*args):\n' ' >10 id(42)\n' ' 11 \n' ' 12 foo(1, 2, 3)\n', bt) def test_one_abs_arg(self): 'Verify the "py-list" command with one absolute argument' bt = self.get_stack_trace(script=self.get_sample_script(), cmds_after_breakpoint=['py-list 9']) self.assertListing(' 9 def baz(*args):\n' ' >10 id(42)\n' ' 11 \n' ' 12 foo(1, 2, 3)\n', bt) def test_two_abs_args(self): 'Verify the "py-list" command with two absolute arguments' bt = self.get_stack_trace(script=self.get_sample_script(), cmds_after_breakpoint=['py-list 1,3']) self.assertListing(' 1 # Sample script for use by test_gdb.py\n' ' 2 \n' ' 3 def foo(a, b, c):\n', bt) SAMPLE_WITH_C_CALL = """ from _testcapi import pyobject_fastcall def foo(a, b, c): bar(a, b, c) def bar(a, b, c): pyobject_fastcall(baz, (a, b, c)) def baz(*args): id(42) foo(1, 2, 3) """ class StackNavigationTests(DebuggerTests): @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_PYUP_PYDOWN, "test requires py-up/py-down commands") @unittest.skipIf(python_is_optimized(), "Python was compiled with optimizations") def test_pyup_command(self): 'Verify that the "py-up" command works' bt = self.get_stack_trace(source=SAMPLE_WITH_C_CALL, cmds_after_breakpoint=['py-up', 'py-up']) self.assertMultilineMatches(bt, r'''^.* #[0-9]+ Frame 0x-?[0-9a-f]+, for file , line 12, in baz \(args=\(1, 2, 3\)\) #[0-9]+ $''') @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_PYUP_PYDOWN, "test requires py-up/py-down commands") def test_down_at_bottom(self): 'Verify handling of "py-down" at the bottom of the stack' bt = self.get_stack_trace(script=self.get_sample_script(), cmds_after_breakpoint=['py-down']) self.assertEndsWith(bt, 'Unable to find a newer python frame\n') @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_PYUP_PYDOWN, "test requires py-up/py-down commands") def test_up_at_top(self): 'Verify handling of "py-up" at the top of the stack' bt = self.get_stack_trace(script=self.get_sample_script(), cmds_after_breakpoint=['py-up'] * 5) self.assertEndsWith(bt, 'Unable to find an older python frame\n') @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_PYUP_PYDOWN, "test requires py-up/py-down commands") @unittest.skipIf(python_is_optimized(), "Python was compiled with optimizations") def test_up_then_down(self): 'Verify "py-up" followed by "py-down"' bt = self.get_stack_trace(source=SAMPLE_WITH_C_CALL, cmds_after_breakpoint=['py-up', 'py-up', 'py-down']) self.assertMultilineMatches(bt, r'''^.* #[0-9]+ Frame 0x-?[0-9a-f]+, for file , line 12, in baz \(args=\(1, 2, 3\)\) #[0-9]+ #[0-9]+ Frame 0x-?[0-9a-f]+, for file , line 12, in baz \(args=\(1, 2, 3\)\) $''') class PyBtTests(DebuggerTests): @unittest.skipIf(python_is_optimized(), "Python was compiled with optimizations") def test_bt(self): 'Verify that the "py-bt" command works' bt = self.get_stack_trace(script=self.get_sample_script(), cmds_after_breakpoint=['py-bt']) self.assertMultilineMatches(bt, r'''^.* Traceback \(most recent call first\): File ".*gdb_sample.py", line 10, in baz id\(42\) File ".*gdb_sample.py", line 7, in bar baz\(a, b, c\) File ".*gdb_sample.py", line 4, in foo bar\(a=a, b=b, c=c\) File ".*gdb_sample.py", line 12, in foo\(1, 2, 3\) ''') @unittest.skipIf(python_is_optimized(), "Python was compiled with optimizations") def test_bt_full(self): 'Verify that the "py-bt-full" command works' bt = self.get_stack_trace(script=self.get_sample_script(), cmds_after_breakpoint=['py-bt-full']) self.assertMultilineMatches(bt, r'''^.* #[0-9]+ Frame 0x-?[0-9a-f]+, for file .*gdb_sample.py, line 7, in bar \(a=1, b=2, c=3\) baz\(a, b, c\) #[0-9]+ Frame 0x-?[0-9a-f]+, for file .*gdb_sample.py, line 4, in foo \(a=1, b=2, c=3\) bar\(a=a, b=b, c=c\) #[0-9]+ Frame 0x-?[0-9a-f]+, for file .*gdb_sample.py, line 12, in \(\) foo\(1, 2, 3\) ''') @unittest.skipIf(python_is_optimized(), "Python was compiled with optimizations") def test_threads(self): 'Verify that "py-bt" indicates threads that are waiting for the GIL' cmd = ''' from threading import Thread class TestThread(Thread): # These threads would run forever, but we'll interrupt things with the # debugger def run(self): i = 0 while 1: i += 1 t = {} for i in range(4): t[i] = TestThread() t[i].start() # Trigger a breakpoint on the main thread id(42) ''' # Verify with "py-bt": gdb_output = self.get_stack_trace(cmd, cmds_after_breakpoint=['thread apply all py-bt']) self.assertIn('Waiting for the GIL', gdb_output) # Verify with "py-bt-full": gdb_output = self.get_stack_trace(cmd, cmds_after_breakpoint=['thread apply all py-bt-full']) self.assertIn('Waiting for the GIL', gdb_output) @unittest.skipIf(python_is_optimized(), "Python was compiled with optimizations") # Some older versions of gdb will fail with # "Cannot find new threads: generic error" # unless we add LD_PRELOAD=PATH-TO-libpthread.so.1 as a workaround def test_gc(self): 'Verify that "py-bt" indicates if a thread is garbage-collecting' cmd = ('from gc import collect\n' 'id(42)\n' 'def foo():\n' ' collect()\n' 'def bar():\n' ' foo()\n' 'bar()\n') # Verify with "py-bt": gdb_output = self.get_stack_trace(cmd, cmds_after_breakpoint=['break update_refs', 'continue', 'py-bt'], ) self.assertIn('Garbage-collecting', gdb_output) # Verify with "py-bt-full": gdb_output = self.get_stack_trace(cmd, cmds_after_breakpoint=['break update_refs', 'continue', 'py-bt-full'], ) self.assertIn('Garbage-collecting', gdb_output) @unittest.skipIf(python_is_optimized(), "Python was compiled with optimizations") # Some older versions of gdb will fail with # "Cannot find new threads: generic error" # unless we add LD_PRELOAD=PATH-TO-libpthread.so.1 as a workaround # # gdb will also generate many erroneous errors such as: # Function "meth_varargs" not defined. # This is because we are calling functions from an "external" module # (_testcapimodule) rather than compiled-in functions. It seems difficult # to suppress these. See also the comment in DebuggerTests.get_stack_trace def test_pycfunction(self): 'Verify that "py-bt" displays invocations of PyCFunction instances' # bpo-46600: If the compiler inlines _null_to_none() in meth_varargs() # (ex: clang -Og), _null_to_none() is the frame #1. Otherwise, # meth_varargs() is the frame #1. expected_frame = r'#(1|2)' # Various optimizations multiply the code paths by which these are # called, so test a variety of calling conventions. for func_name, args in ( ('meth_varargs', ''), ('meth_varargs_keywords', ''), ('meth_o', '[]'), ('meth_noargs', ''), ('meth_fastcall', ''), ('meth_fastcall_keywords', ''), ): for obj in ( '_testcapi', '_testcapi.MethClass', '_testcapi.MethClass()', '_testcapi.MethStatic()', # XXX: bound methods don't yet give nice tracebacks # '_testcapi.MethInstance()', ): with self.subTest(f'{obj}.{func_name}'): cmd = textwrap.dedent(f''' import _testcapi def foo(): {obj}.{func_name}({args}) def bar(): foo() bar() ''') # Verify with "py-bt": gdb_output = self.get_stack_trace( cmd, breakpoint=func_name, cmds_after_breakpoint=['bt', 'py-bt'], # bpo-45207: Ignore 'Function "meth_varargs" not # defined.' message in stderr. ignore_stderr=True, ) self.assertIn(f'\n.*") class PyLocalsTests(DebuggerTests): @unittest.skipIf(python_is_optimized(), "Python was compiled with optimizations") def test_basic_command(self): bt = self.get_stack_trace(script=self.get_sample_script(), cmds_after_breakpoint=['py-up', 'py-locals']) self.assertMultilineMatches(bt, r".*\nargs = \(1, 2, 3\)\n.*") @unittest.skipUnless(HAS_PYUP_PYDOWN, "test requires py-up/py-down commands") @unittest.skipIf(python_is_optimized(), "Python was compiled with optimizations") def test_locals_after_up(self): bt = self.get_stack_trace(script=self.get_sample_script(), cmds_after_breakpoint=['py-up', 'py-up', 'py-locals']) self.assertMultilineMatches(bt, r'''^.* Locals for foo a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 Locals for .*$''') def setUpModule(): if support.verbose: print("GDB version %s.%s:" % (gdb_major_version, gdb_minor_version)) for line in gdb_version.splitlines(): print(" " * 4 + line) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()