/* * Rewritten Python launcher for Windows * * This new rewrite properly handles PEP 514 and allows any registered Python * runtime to be launched. It also enables auto-install of versions when they * are requested but no installation can be found. */ #define __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MS_WINDOWS #include "patchlevel.h" #define MAXLEN PATHCCH_MAX_CCH #define MSGSIZE 1024 #define RC_NO_STD_HANDLES 100 #define RC_CREATE_PROCESS 101 #define RC_BAD_VIRTUAL_PATH 102 #define RC_NO_PYTHON 103 #define RC_NO_MEMORY 104 #define RC_NO_SCRIPT 105 #define RC_NO_VENV_CFG 106 #define RC_BAD_VENV_CFG 107 #define RC_NO_COMMANDLINE 108 #define RC_INTERNAL_ERROR 109 #define RC_DUPLICATE_ITEM 110 #define RC_INSTALLING 111 #define RC_NO_PYTHON_AT_ALL 112 static FILE * log_fp = NULL; void debug(wchar_t * format, ...) { va_list va; if (log_fp != NULL) { wchar_t buffer[MAXLEN]; int r = 0; va_start(va, format); r = vswprintf_s(buffer, MAXLEN, format, va); va_end(va); if (r <= 0) { return; } fputws(buffer, log_fp); while (r && isspace(buffer[r])) { buffer[r--] = L'\0'; } if (buffer[0]) { OutputDebugStringW(buffer); } } } void formatWinerror(int rc, wchar_t * message, int size) { FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, rc, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), message, size, NULL); } void winerror(int err, wchar_t * format, ... ) { va_list va; wchar_t message[MSGSIZE]; wchar_t win_message[MSGSIZE]; int len; if (err == 0) { err = GetLastError(); } va_start(va, format); len = _vsnwprintf_s(message, MSGSIZE, _TRUNCATE, format, va); va_end(va); formatWinerror(err, win_message, MSGSIZE); if (len >= 0) { _snwprintf_s(&message[len], MSGSIZE - len, _TRUNCATE, L": %s", win_message); } #if !defined(_WINDOWS) fwprintf(stderr, L"%s\n", message); #else MessageBoxW(NULL, message, L"Python Launcher is sorry to say ...", MB_OK); #endif } void error(wchar_t * format, ... ) { va_list va; wchar_t message[MSGSIZE]; va_start(va, format); _vsnwprintf_s(message, MSGSIZE, _TRUNCATE, format, va); va_end(va); #if !defined(_WINDOWS) fwprintf(stderr, L"%s\n", message); #else MessageBoxW(NULL, message, L"Python Launcher is sorry to say ...", MB_OK); #endif } typedef BOOL (*PIsWow64Process2)(HANDLE, USHORT*, USHORT*); USHORT _getNativeMachine() { static USHORT _nativeMachine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; if (_nativeMachine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN) { USHORT processMachine; HMODULE kernel32 = GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32.dll"); PIsWow64Process2 IsWow64Process2 = kernel32 ? (PIsWow64Process2)GetProcAddress(kernel32, "IsWow64Process2") : NULL; if (!IsWow64Process2) { BOOL wow64Process; if (!IsWow64Process(NULL, &wow64Process)) { winerror(0, L"Checking process type"); } else if (wow64Process) { // We should always be a 32-bit executable, so if running // under emulation, it must be a 64-bit host. _nativeMachine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64; } else { // Not running under emulation, and an old enough OS to not // have IsWow64Process2, so assume it's x86. _nativeMachine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; } } else if (!IsWow64Process2(NULL, &processMachine, &_nativeMachine)) { winerror(0, L"Checking process type"); } } return _nativeMachine; } bool isAMD64Host() { return _getNativeMachine() == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64; } bool isARM64Host() { return _getNativeMachine() == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64; } bool isEnvVarSet(const wchar_t *name) { /* only looking for non-empty, which means at least one character and the null terminator */ return GetEnvironmentVariableW(name, NULL, 0) >= 2; } bool join(wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufferLength, const wchar_t *fragment) { if (SUCCEEDED(PathCchCombineEx(buffer, bufferLength, buffer, fragment, PATHCCH_ALLOW_LONG_PATHS))) { return true; } return false; } int _compare(const wchar_t *x, int xLen, const wchar_t *y, int yLen) { // Empty strings sort first if (!x || !xLen) { return (!y || !yLen) ? 0 : -1; } else if (!y || !yLen) { return 1; } switch (CompareStringEx( LOCALE_NAME_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE | SORT_DIGITSASNUMBERS, x, xLen, y, yLen, NULL, NULL, 0 )) { case CSTR_LESS_THAN: return -1; case CSTR_EQUAL: return 0; case CSTR_GREATER_THAN: return 1; default: winerror(0, L"Error comparing '%.*s' and '%.*s' (compare)", xLen, x, yLen, y); return -1; } } int _compareArgument(const wchar_t *x, int xLen, const wchar_t *y, int yLen) { // Empty strings sort first if (!x || !xLen) { return (!y || !yLen) ? 0 : -1; } else if (!y || !yLen) { return 1; } switch (CompareStringEx( LOCALE_NAME_INVARIANT, 0, x, xLen, y, yLen, NULL, NULL, 0 )) { case CSTR_LESS_THAN: return -1; case CSTR_EQUAL: return 0; case CSTR_GREATER_THAN: return 1; default: winerror(0, L"Error comparing '%.*s' and '%.*s' (compareArgument)", xLen, x, yLen, y); return -1; } } int _comparePath(const wchar_t *x, int xLen, const wchar_t *y, int yLen) { // Empty strings sort first if (!x || !xLen) { return !y || !yLen ? 0 : -1; } else if (!y || !yLen) { return 1; } switch (CompareStringOrdinal(x, xLen, y, yLen, TRUE)) { case CSTR_LESS_THAN: return -1; case CSTR_EQUAL: return 0; case CSTR_GREATER_THAN: return 1; default: winerror(0, L"Error comparing '%.*s' and '%.*s' (comparePath)", xLen, x, yLen, y); return -1; } } bool _startsWith(const wchar_t *x, int xLen, const wchar_t *y, int yLen) { if (!x || !y) { return false; } yLen = yLen < 0 ? (int)wcsnlen_s(y, MAXLEN) : yLen; xLen = xLen < 0 ? (int)wcsnlen_s(x, MAXLEN) : xLen; return xLen >= yLen && 0 == _compare(x, yLen, y, yLen); } bool _startsWithArgument(const wchar_t *x, int xLen, const wchar_t *y, int yLen) { if (!x || !y) { return false; } yLen = yLen < 0 ? (int)wcsnlen_s(y, MAXLEN) : yLen; xLen = xLen < 0 ? (int)wcsnlen_s(x, MAXLEN) : xLen; return xLen >= yLen && 0 == _compareArgument(x, yLen, y, yLen); } /******************************************************************************\ *** HELP TEXT *** \******************************************************************************/ int showHelpText(wchar_t ** argv) { // The help text is stored in launcher-usage.txt, which is compiled into // the launcher and loaded at runtime if needed. // // The file must be UTF-8. There are two substitutions: // %ls - PY_VERSION (as wchar_t*) // %ls - argv[0] (as wchar_t*) HRSRC res = FindResourceExW(NULL, L"USAGE", MAKEINTRESOURCE(1), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL)); HGLOBAL resData = res ? LoadResource(NULL, res) : NULL; const char *usage = resData ? (const char*)LockResource(resData) : NULL; if (usage == NULL) { winerror(0, L"Unable to load usage text"); return RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } DWORD cbData = SizeofResource(NULL, res); DWORD cchUsage = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, usage, cbData, NULL, 0); if (!cchUsage) { winerror(0, L"Unable to preprocess usage text"); return RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } cchUsage += 1; wchar_t *wUsage = (wchar_t*)malloc(cchUsage * sizeof(wchar_t)); cchUsage = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, usage, cbData, wUsage, cchUsage); if (!cchUsage) { winerror(0, L"Unable to preprocess usage text"); free((void *)wUsage); return RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } // Ensure null termination wUsage[cchUsage] = L'\0'; fwprintf(stdout, wUsage, (L"" PY_VERSION), argv[0]); fflush(stdout); free((void *)wUsage); return 0; } /******************************************************************************\ *** SEARCH INFO *** \******************************************************************************/ struct _SearchInfoBuffer { struct _SearchInfoBuffer *next; wchar_t buffer[0]; }; typedef struct { // the original string, managed by the OS const wchar_t *originalCmdLine; // pointer into the cmdline to mark what we've consumed const wchar_t *restOfCmdLine; // if known/discovered, the full executable path of our runtime const wchar_t *executablePath; // pointer and length into cmdline for the file to check for a // shebang line, if any. Length can be -1 if the string is null // terminated. const wchar_t *scriptFile; int scriptFileLength; // pointer and length into cmdline or a static string with the // name of the target executable. Length can be -1 if the string // is null terminated. const wchar_t *executable; int executableLength; // pointer and length into a string with additional interpreter // arguments to include before restOfCmdLine. Length can be -1 if // the string is null terminated. const wchar_t *executableArgs; int executableArgsLength; // pointer and length into cmdline or a static string with the // company name for PEP 514 lookup. Length can be -1 if the string // is null terminated. const wchar_t *company; int companyLength; // pointer and length into cmdline or a static string with the // tag for PEP 514 lookup. Length can be -1 if the string is // null terminated. const wchar_t *tag; int tagLength; // if true, treats 'tag' as a non-PEP 514 filter bool oldStyleTag; // if true, we had an old-style tag with '-64' suffix, and so do not // want to match tags like '3.x-32' bool exclude32Bit; // if true, we had an old-style tag with '-32' suffix, and so *only* // want to match tags like '3.x-32' bool only32Bit; // if true, allow PEP 514 lookup to override 'executable' bool allowExecutableOverride; // if true, allow a nearby pyvenv.cfg to locate the executable bool allowPyvenvCfg; // if true, allow defaults (env/py.ini) to clarify/override tags bool allowDefaults; // if true, prefer windowed (console-less) executable bool windowed; // if true, only list detected runtimes without launching bool list; // if true, only list detected runtimes with paths without launching bool listPaths; // if true, display help message before contiuning bool help; // dynamically allocated buffers to free later struct _SearchInfoBuffer *_buffer; } SearchInfo; wchar_t * allocSearchInfoBuffer(SearchInfo *search, int wcharCount) { struct _SearchInfoBuffer *buffer = (struct _SearchInfoBuffer*)malloc( sizeof(struct _SearchInfoBuffer) + wcharCount * sizeof(wchar_t) ); if (!buffer) { return NULL; } buffer->next = search->_buffer; search->_buffer = buffer; return buffer->buffer; } void freeSearchInfo(SearchInfo *search) { struct _SearchInfoBuffer *b = search->_buffer; search->_buffer = NULL; while (b) { struct _SearchInfoBuffer *nextB = b->next; free((void *)b); b = nextB; } } void _debugStringAndLength(const wchar_t *s, int len, const wchar_t *name) { if (!s) { debug(L"%s: (null)\n", name); } else if (len == 0) { debug(L"%s: (empty)\n", name); } else if (len < 0) { debug(L"%s: %s\n", name, s); } else { debug(L"%s: %.*ls\n", name, len, s); } } void dumpSearchInfo(SearchInfo *search) { if (!log_fp) { return; } #define DEBUGNAME(s) L"SearchInfo." ## s #define DEBUG(s) debug(DEBUGNAME(#s) L": %s\n", (search->s) ? (search->s) : L"(null)") #define DEBUG_2(s, sl) _debugStringAndLength((search->s), (search->sl), DEBUGNAME(#s)) #define DEBUG_BOOL(s) debug(DEBUGNAME(#s) L": %s\n", (search->s) ? L"True" : L"False") DEBUG(originalCmdLine); DEBUG(restOfCmdLine); DEBUG(executablePath); DEBUG_2(scriptFile, scriptFileLength); DEBUG_2(executable, executableLength); DEBUG_2(executableArgs, executableArgsLength); DEBUG_2(company, companyLength); DEBUG_2(tag, tagLength); DEBUG_BOOL(oldStyleTag); DEBUG_BOOL(exclude32Bit); DEBUG_BOOL(only32Bit); DEBUG_BOOL(allowDefaults); DEBUG_BOOL(allowExecutableOverride); DEBUG_BOOL(windowed); DEBUG_BOOL(list); DEBUG_BOOL(listPaths); DEBUG_BOOL(help); #undef DEBUG_BOOL #undef DEBUG_2 #undef DEBUG #undef DEBUGNAME } int findArgumentLength(const wchar_t *buffer, int bufferLength) { if (bufferLength < 0) { bufferLength = (int)wcsnlen_s(buffer, MAXLEN); } if (bufferLength == 0) { return 0; } const wchar_t *end; int i; if (buffer[0] != L'"') { end = wcschr(buffer, L' '); if (!end) { return bufferLength; } i = (int)(end - buffer); return i < bufferLength ? i : bufferLength; } i = 0; while (i < bufferLength) { end = wcschr(&buffer[i + 1], L'"'); if (!end) { return bufferLength; } i = (int)(end - buffer); if (i >= bufferLength) { return bufferLength; } int j = i; while (j > 1 && buffer[--j] == L'\\') { if (j > 0 && buffer[--j] == L'\\') { // Even number, so back up and keep counting } else { // Odd number, so it's escaped and we want to keep searching continue; } } // Non-escaped quote with space after it - end of the argument! if (i + 1 >= bufferLength || isspace(buffer[i + 1])) { return i + 1; } } return bufferLength; } const wchar_t * findArgumentEnd(const wchar_t *buffer, int bufferLength) { return &buffer[findArgumentLength(buffer, bufferLength)]; } /******************************************************************************\ *** COMMAND-LINE PARSING *** \******************************************************************************/ int parseCommandLine(SearchInfo *search) { if (!search || !search->originalCmdLine) { return RC_NO_COMMANDLINE; } const wchar_t *tail = findArgumentEnd(search->originalCmdLine, -1); const wchar_t *end = tail; search->restOfCmdLine = tail; while (--tail != search->originalCmdLine) { if (*tail == L'.' && end == search->restOfCmdLine) { end = tail; } else if (*tail == L'\\' || *tail == L'/') { ++tail; break; } } // Without special cases, we can now fill in the search struct int tailLen = (int)(end ? (end - tail) : wcsnlen_s(tail, MAXLEN)); search->executableLength = -1; // Our special cases are as follows #define MATCHES(s) (0 == _comparePath(tail, tailLen, (s), -1)) #define STARTSWITH(s) _startsWith(tail, tailLen, (s), -1) if (MATCHES(L"py")) { search->executable = L"python.exe"; search->allowExecutableOverride = true; search->allowDefaults = true; } else if (MATCHES(L"pyw")) { search->executable = L"pythonw.exe"; search->allowExecutableOverride = true; search->allowDefaults = true; search->windowed = true; } else if (MATCHES(L"py_d")) { search->executable = L"python_d.exe"; search->allowExecutableOverride = true; search->allowDefaults = true; } else if (MATCHES(L"pyw_d")) { search->executable = L"pythonw_d.exe"; search->allowExecutableOverride = true; search->allowDefaults = true; search->windowed = true; } else if (STARTSWITH(L"python3")) { search->executable = L"python.exe"; search->tag = &tail[6]; search->tagLength = tailLen - 6; search->allowExecutableOverride = true; search->oldStyleTag = true; search->allowPyvenvCfg = true; } else if (STARTSWITH(L"pythonw3")) { search->executable = L"pythonw.exe"; search->tag = &tail[7]; search->tagLength = tailLen - 7; search->allowExecutableOverride = true; search->oldStyleTag = true; search->allowPyvenvCfg = true; search->windowed = true; } else { search->executable = tail; search->executableLength = tailLen; search->allowPyvenvCfg = true; } #undef STARTSWITH #undef MATCHES // First argument might be one of our options. If so, consume it, // update flags and then set restOfCmdLine. const wchar_t *arg = search->restOfCmdLine; while(*arg && isspace(*arg)) { ++arg; } #define MATCHES(s) (0 == _compareArgument(arg, argLen, (s), -1)) #define STARTSWITH(s) _startsWithArgument(arg, argLen, (s), -1) if (*arg && *arg == L'-' && *++arg) { tail = arg; while (*tail && !isspace(*tail)) { ++tail; } int argLen = (int)(tail - arg); if (argLen > 0) { if (STARTSWITH(L"2") || STARTSWITH(L"3")) { // All arguments starting with 2 or 3 are assumed to be version tags search->tag = arg; search->tagLength = argLen; search->oldStyleTag = true; search->restOfCmdLine = tail; // If the tag ends with -64, we want to exclude 32-bit runtimes // (If the tag ends with -32, it will be filtered later) if (argLen > 3) { if (0 == _compareArgument(&arg[argLen - 3], 3, L"-64", 3)) { search->tagLength -= 3; search->exclude32Bit = true; } else if (0 == _compareArgument(&arg[argLen - 3], 3, L"-32", 3)) { search->tagLength -= 3; search->only32Bit = true; } } } else if (STARTSWITH(L"V:") || STARTSWITH(L"-version:")) { // Arguments starting with 'V:' specify company and/or tag const wchar_t *argStart = wcschr(arg, L':') + 1; const wchar_t *tagStart = wcschr(argStart, L'/') ; if (tagStart) { search->company = argStart; search->companyLength = (int)(tagStart - argStart); search->tag = tagStart + 1; } else { search->tag = argStart; } search->tagLength = (int)(tail - search->tag); search->restOfCmdLine = tail; } else if (MATCHES(L"0") || MATCHES(L"-list")) { search->list = true; search->restOfCmdLine = tail; } else if (MATCHES(L"0p") || MATCHES(L"-list-paths")) { search->listPaths = true; search->restOfCmdLine = tail; } else if (MATCHES(L"h") || MATCHES(L"-help")) { search->help = true; // Do not update restOfCmdLine so that we trigger the help // message from whichever interpreter we select } } } #undef STARTSWITH #undef MATCHES // Might have a script filename. If it looks like a filename, add // it to the SearchInfo struct for later reference. arg = search->restOfCmdLine; while(*arg && isspace(*arg)) { ++arg; } if (*arg && *arg != L'-') { search->scriptFile = arg; if (*arg == L'"') { ++search->scriptFile; while (*++arg && *arg != L'"') { } } else { while (*arg && !isspace(*arg)) { ++arg; } } search->scriptFileLength = (int)(arg - search->scriptFile); } return 0; } int _decodeShebang(SearchInfo *search, const char *buffer, int bufferLength, bool onlyUtf8, wchar_t **decoded, int *decodedLength) { DWORD cp = CP_UTF8; int wideLen = MultiByteToWideChar(cp, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, buffer, bufferLength, NULL, 0); if (!wideLen) { cp = CP_ACP; wideLen = MultiByteToWideChar(cp, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, buffer, bufferLength, NULL, 0); if (!wideLen) { debug(L"# Failed to decode shebang line (0x%08X)\n", GetLastError()); return RC_BAD_VIRTUAL_PATH; } } wchar_t *b = allocSearchInfoBuffer(search, wideLen + 1); if (!b) { return RC_NO_MEMORY; } wideLen = MultiByteToWideChar(cp, 0, buffer, bufferLength, b, wideLen + 1); if (!wideLen) { debug(L"# Failed to decode shebang line (0x%08X)\n", GetLastError()); return RC_BAD_VIRTUAL_PATH; } b[wideLen] = L'\0'; *decoded = b; *decodedLength = wideLen; return 0; } bool _shebangStartsWith(const wchar_t *buffer, int bufferLength, const wchar_t *prefix, const wchar_t **rest) { int prefixLength = (int)wcsnlen_s(prefix, MAXLEN); if (bufferLength < prefixLength) { return false; } if (rest) { *rest = &buffer[prefixLength]; } return _startsWithArgument(buffer, bufferLength, prefix, prefixLength); } int _readIni(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *settingName, wchar_t *buffer, int bufferLength) { wchar_t iniPath[MAXLEN]; int n; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, iniPath)) && join(iniPath, MAXLEN, L"py.ini")) { debug(L"# Reading from %s for %s/%s\n", iniPath, section, settingName); n = GetPrivateProfileStringW(section, settingName, NULL, buffer, bufferLength, iniPath); if (n) { debug(L"# Found %s in %s\n", settingName, iniPath); return true; } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { debug(L"# Did not find file %s\n", iniPath); } else { winerror(0, L"Failed to read from %s\n", iniPath); } } if (GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, iniPath, MAXLEN) && SUCCEEDED(PathCchRemoveFileSpec(iniPath, MAXLEN)) && join(iniPath, MAXLEN, L"py.ini")) { debug(L"# Reading from %s for %s/%s\n", iniPath, section, settingName); n = GetPrivateProfileStringW(section, settingName, NULL, buffer, MAXLEN, iniPath); if (n) { debug(L"# Found %s in %s\n", settingName, iniPath); return n; } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { debug(L"# Did not find file %s\n", iniPath); } else { winerror(0, L"Failed to read from %s\n", iniPath); } } return 0; } bool _findCommand(SearchInfo *search, const wchar_t *command, int commandLength) { wchar_t commandBuffer[MAXLEN]; wchar_t buffer[MAXLEN]; wcsncpy_s(commandBuffer, MAXLEN, command, commandLength); int n = _readIni(L"commands", commandBuffer, buffer, MAXLEN); if (!n) { return false; } wchar_t *path = allocSearchInfoBuffer(search, n + 1); if (!path) { return false; } wcscpy_s(path, n + 1, buffer); search->executablePath = path; return true; } int checkShebang(SearchInfo *search) { // Do not check shebang if a tag was provided or if no script file // was found on the command line. if (search->tag || !search->scriptFile) { return 0; } if (search->scriptFileLength < 0) { search->scriptFileLength = (int)wcsnlen_s(search->scriptFile, MAXLEN); } wchar_t *scriptFile = (wchar_t*)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (search->scriptFileLength + 1)); if (!scriptFile) { return RC_NO_MEMORY; } wcsncpy_s(scriptFile, search->scriptFileLength + 1, search->scriptFile, search->scriptFileLength); HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(scriptFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { debug(L"# Failed to open %s for shebang parsing (0x%08X)\n", scriptFile, GetLastError()); free(scriptFile); return 0; } DWORD bytesRead = 0; char buffer[4096]; if (!ReadFile(hFile, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &bytesRead, NULL)) { debug(L"# Failed to read %s for shebang parsing (0x%08X)\n", scriptFile, GetLastError()); free(scriptFile); return 0; } CloseHandle(hFile); debug(L"# Read %d bytes from %s to find shebang line\n", bytesRead, scriptFile); free(scriptFile); char *b = buffer; bool onlyUtf8 = false; if (bytesRead > 3 && *b == 0xEF) { if (*++b == 0xBB && *++b == 0xBF) { // Allow a UTF-8 BOM ++b; bytesRead -= 3; onlyUtf8 = true; } else { debug(L"# Invalid BOM in shebang line"); return 0; } } if (bytesRead <= 2 || b[0] != '#' || b[1] != '!') { // No shebang (#!) at start of line debug(L"# No valid shebang line"); return 0; } ++b; --bytesRead; while (--bytesRead > 0 && isspace(*++b)) { } char *start = b; while (--bytesRead > 0 && *++b != '\r' && *b != '\n') { } wchar_t *shebang; int shebangLength; int exitCode = _decodeShebang(search, start, (int)(b - start + 1), onlyUtf8, &shebang, &shebangLength); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } debug(L"Shebang: %s\n", shebang); // Handle some known, case-sensitive shebang templates const wchar_t *command; int commandLength; static const wchar_t *shebangTemplates[] = { L"/usr/bin/env ", L"/usr/bin/", L"/usr/local/bin/", L"", NULL }; for (const wchar_t **tmpl = shebangTemplates; *tmpl; ++tmpl) { if (_shebangStartsWith(shebang, shebangLength, *tmpl, &command)) { commandLength = 0; while (command[commandLength] && !isspace(command[commandLength])) { commandLength += 1; } if (!commandLength) { } else if (_findCommand(search, command, commandLength)) { search->executableArgs = &command[commandLength]; search->executableArgsLength = shebangLength - commandLength; debug(L"# Treating shebang command '%.*s' as %s\n", commandLength, command, search->executablePath); } else if (_shebangStartsWith(command, commandLength, L"python", NULL)) { search->tag = &command[6]; search->tagLength = commandLength - 6; search->oldStyleTag = true; search->executableArgs = &command[commandLength]; search->executableArgsLength = shebangLength - commandLength; if (search->tag && search->tagLength) { debug(L"# Treating shebang command '%.*s' as 'py -%.*s'\n", commandLength, command, search->tagLength, search->tag); } else { debug(L"# Treating shebang command '%.*s' as 'py'\n", commandLength, command); } } else { debug(L"# Found shebang command but could not execute it: %.*s\n", commandLength, command); } break; } } return 0; } int checkDefaults(SearchInfo *search) { if (!search->allowDefaults) { return 0; } // Only resolve old-style (or absent) tags to defaults if (search->tag && search->tagLength && !search->oldStyleTag) { return 0; } // If tag is only a major version number, expand it from the environment // or an ini file const wchar_t *settingName = NULL; if (!search->tag || !search->tagLength) { settingName = L"py_python"; } else if (0 == wcsncmp(search->tag, L"3", search->tagLength)) { settingName = L"py_python3"; } else if (0 == wcsncmp(search->tag, L"2", search->tagLength)) { settingName = L"py_python2"; } else { debug(L"# Cannot select defaults for tag '%.*s'\n", search->tagLength, search->tag); return 0; } // First, try to read an environment variable wchar_t buffer[MAXLEN]; int n = GetEnvironmentVariableW(settingName, buffer, MAXLEN); // If none found, check in our two .ini files instead if (!n) { n = _readIni(L"defaults", settingName, buffer, MAXLEN); } if (n) { wchar_t *tag = allocSearchInfoBuffer(search, n + 1); if (!tag) { return RC_NO_MEMORY; } wcscpy_s(tag, n + 1, buffer); wchar_t *slash = wcschr(tag, L'/'); if (!slash) { search->tag = tag; search->tagLength = n; } else { search->company = tag; search->companyLength = (int)(slash - tag); search->tag = slash + 1; search->tagLength = n - (search->companyLength + 1); search->oldStyleTag = false; } } return 0; } /******************************************************************************\ *** ENVIRONMENT SEARCH *** \******************************************************************************/ typedef struct EnvironmentInfo { /* We use a binary tree and sort on insert */ struct EnvironmentInfo *prev; struct EnvironmentInfo *next; /* parent is only used when constructing */ struct EnvironmentInfo *parent; const wchar_t *company; const wchar_t *tag; int internalSortKey; const wchar_t *installDir; const wchar_t *executablePath; const wchar_t *executableArgs; const wchar_t *architecture; const wchar_t *displayName; bool isActiveVenv; } EnvironmentInfo; int copyWstr(const wchar_t **dest, const wchar_t *src) { if (!dest) { return RC_NO_MEMORY; } if (!src) { *dest = NULL; return 0; } size_t n = wcsnlen_s(src, MAXLEN - 1) + 1; wchar_t *buffer = (wchar_t*)malloc(n * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (!buffer) { return RC_NO_MEMORY; } wcsncpy_s(buffer, n, src, n - 1); *dest = (const wchar_t*)buffer; return 0; } EnvironmentInfo * newEnvironmentInfo(const wchar_t *company, const wchar_t *tag) { EnvironmentInfo *env = (EnvironmentInfo *)malloc(sizeof(EnvironmentInfo)); if (!env) { return NULL; } memset(env, 0, sizeof(EnvironmentInfo)); int exitCode = copyWstr(&env->company, company); if (exitCode) { free((void *)env); return NULL; } exitCode = copyWstr(&env->tag, tag); if (exitCode) { free((void *)env->company); free((void *)env); return NULL; } return env; } void freeEnvironmentInfo(EnvironmentInfo *env) { if (env) { free((void *)env->company); free((void *)env->tag); free((void *)env->installDir); free((void *)env->executablePath); free((void *)env->executableArgs); free((void *)env->displayName); freeEnvironmentInfo(env->prev); env->prev = NULL; freeEnvironmentInfo(env->next); env->next = NULL; free((void *)env); } } /* Specific string comparisons for sorting the tree */ int _compareCompany(const wchar_t *x, const wchar_t *y) { if (!x && !y) { return 0; } else if (!x) { return -1; } else if (!y) { return 1; } bool coreX = 0 == _compare(x, -1, L"PythonCore", -1); bool coreY = 0 == _compare(y, -1, L"PythonCore", -1); if (coreX) { return coreY ? 0 : -1; } else if (coreY) { return 1; } return _compare(x, -1, y, -1); } int _compareTag(const wchar_t *x, const wchar_t *y) { if (!x && !y) { return 0; } else if (!x) { return -1; } else if (!y) { return 1; } // Compare up to the first dash. If not equal, that's our sort order const wchar_t *xDash = wcschr(x, L'-'); const wchar_t *yDash = wcschr(y, L'-'); int xToDash = xDash ? (int)(xDash - x) : -1; int yToDash = yDash ? (int)(yDash - y) : -1; int r = _compare(x, xToDash, y, yToDash); if (r) { return r; } // If we're equal up to the first dash, we want to sort one with // no dash *after* one with a dash. Otherwise, a reversed compare. // This works out because environments are sorted in descending tag // order, so that higher versions (probably) come first. // For PythonCore, our "X.Y" structure ensures that higher versions // come first. Everyone else will just have to deal with it. if (xDash && yDash) { return _compare(yDash, -1, xDash, -1); } else if (xDash) { return -1; } else if (yDash) { return 1; } return 0; } int addEnvironmentInfo(EnvironmentInfo **root, EnvironmentInfo *node) { EnvironmentInfo *r = *root; if (!r) { *root = node; node->parent = NULL; return 0; } // Sort by company name switch (_compareCompany(node->company, r->company)) { case -1: return addEnvironmentInfo(&r->prev, node); case 1: return addEnvironmentInfo(&r->next, node); case 0: break; } // Then by tag (descending) switch (_compareTag(node->tag, r->tag)) { case -1: return addEnvironmentInfo(&r->next, node); case 1: return addEnvironmentInfo(&r->prev, node); case 0: break; } // Then keep the one with the lowest internal sort key if (r->internalSortKey < node->internalSortKey) { // Replace the current node node->parent = r->parent; if (node->parent) { if (node->parent->prev == r) { node->parent->prev = node; } else if (node->parent->next == r) { node->parent->next = node; } else { debug(L"# Inconsistent parent value in tree\n"); freeEnvironmentInfo(node); return RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } node->next = r->next; node->prev = r->prev; } else { debug(L"# not adding %s/%s/%i to tree\n", node->company, node->tag, node->internalSortKey); return RC_DUPLICATE_ITEM; } return 0; } /******************************************************************************\ *** REGISTRY SEARCH *** \******************************************************************************/ int _registryReadString(const wchar_t **dest, HKEY root, const wchar_t *subkey, const wchar_t *value) { // Note that this is bytes (hence 'cb'), not characters ('cch') DWORD cbData = 0; DWORD flags = RRF_RT_REG_SZ | RRF_RT_REG_EXPAND_SZ; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegGetValueW(root, subkey, value, flags, NULL, NULL, &cbData)) { return 0; } wchar_t *buffer = (wchar_t*)malloc(cbData); if (!buffer) { return RC_NO_MEMORY; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegGetValueW(root, subkey, value, flags, NULL, buffer, &cbData)) { *dest = buffer; } else { free((void *)buffer); } return 0; } int _combineWithInstallDir(const wchar_t **dest, const wchar_t *installDir, const wchar_t *fragment, int fragmentLength) { wchar_t buffer[MAXLEN]; wchar_t fragmentBuffer[MAXLEN]; if (wcsncpy_s(fragmentBuffer, MAXLEN, fragment, fragmentLength)) { return RC_NO_MEMORY; } if (FAILED(PathCchCombineEx(buffer, MAXLEN, installDir, fragmentBuffer, PATHCCH_ALLOW_LONG_PATHS))) { return RC_NO_MEMORY; } return copyWstr(dest, buffer); } int _registryReadEnvironment(const SearchInfo *search, HKEY root, EnvironmentInfo *env, const wchar_t *fallbackArch) { int exitCode = _registryReadString(&env->installDir, root, L"InstallPath", NULL); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } if (!env->installDir) { return RC_NO_PYTHON; } // If pythonw.exe requested, check specific value if (search->windowed) { exitCode = _registryReadString(&env->executablePath, root, L"InstallPath", L"WindowedExecutablePath"); if (!exitCode && env->executablePath) { exitCode = _registryReadString(&env->executableArgs, root, L"InstallPath", L"WindowedExecutableArguments"); } } if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } // Missing windowed path or non-windowed request means we use ExecutablePath if (!env->executablePath) { exitCode = _registryReadString(&env->executablePath, root, L"InstallPath", L"ExecutablePath"); if (!exitCode && env->executablePath) { exitCode = _registryReadString(&env->executableArgs, root, L"InstallPath", L"ExecutableArguments"); } } if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } exitCode = _registryReadString(&env->architecture, root, NULL, L"SysArchitecture"); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } exitCode = _registryReadString(&env->displayName, root, NULL, L"DisplayName"); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } // Only PythonCore entries will infer executablePath from installDir and architecture from the binary if (0 == _compare(env->company, -1, L"PythonCore", -1)) { if (!env->executablePath) { exitCode = _combineWithInstallDir( &env->executablePath, env->installDir, search->executable, search->executableLength ); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } } if (!env->architecture && env->executablePath && fallbackArch) { copyWstr(&env->architecture, fallbackArch); } } if (!env->executablePath) { debug(L"# %s/%s has no executable path\n", env->company, env->tag); return RC_NO_PYTHON; } return 0; } int _registrySearchTags(const SearchInfo *search, EnvironmentInfo **result, HKEY root, int sortKey, const wchar_t *company, const wchar_t *fallbackArch) { wchar_t buffer[256]; int err = 0; int exitCode = 0; for (int i = 0; exitCode == 0; ++i) { DWORD cchBuffer = sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(buffer[0]); err = RegEnumKeyExW(root, i, buffer, &cchBuffer, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (err) { if (err != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { winerror(0, L"Failed to read installs (tags) from the registry"); } break; } HKEY subkey; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExW(root, buffer, 0, KEY_READ, &subkey)) { EnvironmentInfo *env = newEnvironmentInfo(company, buffer); env->internalSortKey = sortKey; exitCode = _registryReadEnvironment(search, subkey, env, fallbackArch); RegCloseKey(subkey); if (exitCode == RC_NO_PYTHON) { freeEnvironmentInfo(env); exitCode = 0; } else if (!exitCode) { exitCode = addEnvironmentInfo(result, env); if (exitCode) { freeEnvironmentInfo(env); if (exitCode == RC_DUPLICATE_ITEM) { exitCode = 0; } } } } } return exitCode; } int registrySearch(const SearchInfo *search, EnvironmentInfo **result, HKEY root, int sortKey, const wchar_t *fallbackArch) { wchar_t buffer[256]; int err = 0; int exitCode = 0; for (int i = 0; exitCode == 0; ++i) { DWORD cchBuffer = sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(buffer[0]); err = RegEnumKeyExW(root, i, buffer, &cchBuffer, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (err) { if (err != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { winerror(0, L"Failed to read distributors (company) from the registry"); } break; } HKEY subkey; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExW(root, buffer, 0, KEY_READ, &subkey)) { exitCode = _registrySearchTags(search, result, subkey, sortKey, buffer, fallbackArch); RegCloseKey(subkey); } } return exitCode; } /******************************************************************************\ *** APP PACKAGE SEARCH *** \******************************************************************************/ int appxSearch(const SearchInfo *search, EnvironmentInfo **result, const wchar_t *packageFamilyName, const wchar_t *tag, int sortKey) { wchar_t realTag[32]; wchar_t buffer[MAXLEN]; const wchar_t *exeName = search->executable; if (!exeName || search->allowExecutableOverride) { exeName = search->windowed ? L"pythonw.exe" : L"python.exe"; } if (FAILED(SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, buffer)) || !join(buffer, MAXLEN, L"Microsoft\\WindowsApps") || !join(buffer, MAXLEN, packageFamilyName) || !join(buffer, MAXLEN, exeName)) { return RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == GetFileAttributesW(buffer)) { return RC_NO_PYTHON; } // Assume packages are native architecture, which means we need to append // the '-arm64' on ARM64 host. wcscpy_s(realTag, 32, tag); if (isARM64Host()) { wcscat_s(realTag, 32, L"-arm64"); } EnvironmentInfo *env = newEnvironmentInfo(L"PythonCore", realTag); if (!env) { return RC_NO_MEMORY; } env->internalSortKey = sortKey; if (isAMD64Host()) { copyWstr(&env->architecture, L"64bit"); } else if (isARM64Host()) { copyWstr(&env->architecture, L"ARM64"); } copyWstr(&env->executablePath, buffer); if (swprintf_s(buffer, MAXLEN, L"Python %s (Store)", tag)) { copyWstr(&env->displayName, buffer); } int exitCode = addEnvironmentInfo(result, env); if (exitCode) { freeEnvironmentInfo(env); if (exitCode == RC_DUPLICATE_ITEM) { exitCode = 0; } } return exitCode; } /******************************************************************************\ *** OVERRIDDEN EXECUTABLE PATH *** \******************************************************************************/ int explicitOverrideSearch(const SearchInfo *search, EnvironmentInfo **result) { if (!search->executablePath) { return 0; } EnvironmentInfo *env = newEnvironmentInfo(NULL, NULL); if (!env) { return RC_NO_MEMORY; } env->internalSortKey = 10; int exitCode = copyWstr(&env->executablePath, search->executablePath); if (exitCode) { goto abort; } exitCode = copyWstr(&env->displayName, L"Explicit override"); if (exitCode) { goto abort; } exitCode = addEnvironmentInfo(result, env); if (exitCode) { goto abort; } return 0; abort: freeEnvironmentInfo(env); if (exitCode == RC_DUPLICATE_ITEM) { exitCode = 0; } return exitCode; } /******************************************************************************\ *** ACTIVE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT SEARCH *** \******************************************************************************/ int virtualenvSearch(const SearchInfo *search, EnvironmentInfo **result) { int exitCode = 0; EnvironmentInfo *env = NULL; wchar_t buffer[MAXLEN]; int n = GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"VIRTUAL_ENV", buffer, MAXLEN); if (!n || !join(buffer, MAXLEN, L"Scripts") || !join(buffer, MAXLEN, search->executable)) { return 0; } if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == GetFileAttributesW(buffer)) { debug(L"Python executable %s missing from virtual env\n", buffer); return 0; } env = newEnvironmentInfo(NULL, NULL); if (!env) { return RC_NO_MEMORY; } env->isActiveVenv = true; env->internalSortKey = 20; exitCode = copyWstr(&env->displayName, L"Active venv"); if (exitCode) { goto abort; } exitCode = copyWstr(&env->executablePath, buffer); if (exitCode) { goto abort; } exitCode = addEnvironmentInfo(result, env); if (exitCode) { goto abort; } return 0; abort: freeEnvironmentInfo(env); if (exitCode == RC_DUPLICATE_ITEM) { return 0; } return exitCode; } /******************************************************************************\ *** COLLECT ENVIRONMENTS *** \******************************************************************************/ struct RegistrySearchInfo { // Registry subkey to search const wchar_t *subkey; // Registry hive to search HKEY hive; // Flags to use when opening the subkey DWORD flags; // Internal sort key to select between "identical" environments discovered // through different methods int sortKey; // Fallback value to assume for PythonCore entries missing a SysArchitecture value const wchar_t *fallbackArch; }; struct RegistrySearchInfo REGISTRY_SEARCH[] = { { L"Software\\Python", HKEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_READ, 1, NULL }, { L"Software\\Python", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, 3, L"64bit" }, { L"Software\\Python", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_32KEY, 4, L"32bit" }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL } }; struct AppxSearchInfo { // The package family name. Can be found for an installed package using the // Powershell "Get-AppxPackage" cmdlet const wchar_t *familyName; // The tag to treat the installation as const wchar_t *tag; // Internal sort key to select between "identical" environments discovered // through different methods int sortKey; }; struct AppxSearchInfo APPX_SEARCH[] = { // Releases made through the Store { L"PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0", L"3.11", 10 }, { L"PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0", L"3.10", 10 }, { L"PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0", L"3.9", 10 }, { L"PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_qbz5n2kfra8p0", L"3.8", 10 }, // Side-loadable releases. Note that the publisher ID changes whenever we // renew our code-signing certificate, so the newer ID has a higher // priority (lower sortKey) { L"PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_3847v3x7pw1km", L"3.11", 11 }, { L"PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_hd69rhyc2wevp", L"3.11", 12 }, { L"PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_3847v3x7pw1km", L"3.10", 11 }, { L"PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_hd69rhyc2wevp", L"3.10", 12 }, { L"PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_3847v3x7pw1km", L"3.9", 11 }, { L"PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.9_hd69rhyc2wevp", L"3.9", 12 }, { L"PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_hd69rhyc2wevp", L"3.8", 12 }, { NULL, NULL, 0 } }; int collectEnvironments(const SearchInfo *search, EnvironmentInfo **result) { int exitCode = 0; HKEY root; EnvironmentInfo *env = NULL; if (!result) { return RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } *result = NULL; exitCode = explicitOverrideSearch(search, result); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } exitCode = virtualenvSearch(search, result); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } // If we aren't collecting all items to list them, we can exit now. if (env && !(search->list || search->listPaths)) { return 0; } for (struct RegistrySearchInfo *info = REGISTRY_SEARCH; info->subkey; ++info) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExW(info->hive, info->subkey, 0, info->flags, &root)) { exitCode = registrySearch(search, result, root, info->sortKey, info->fallbackArch); RegCloseKey(root); } if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } } for (struct AppxSearchInfo *info = APPX_SEARCH; info->familyName; ++info) { exitCode = appxSearch(search, result, info->familyName, info->tag, info->sortKey); if (exitCode && exitCode != RC_NO_PYTHON) { return exitCode; } } return 0; } /******************************************************************************\ *** INSTALL ON DEMAND *** \******************************************************************************/ struct StoreSearchInfo { // The tag a user is looking for const wchar_t *tag; // The Store ID for a package if it can be installed from the Microsoft // Store. These are obtained from the dashboard at // https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard const wchar_t *storeId; }; struct StoreSearchInfo STORE_SEARCH[] = { { L"3", /* 3.10 */ L"9PJPW5LDXLZ5" }, { L"3.11", L"9NRWMJP3717K" }, { L"3.10", L"9PJPW5LDXLZ5" }, { L"3.9", L"9P7QFQMJRFP7" }, { L"3.8", L"9MSSZTT1N39L" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int _installEnvironment(const wchar_t *command, const wchar_t *arguments) { SHELLEXECUTEINFOW siw = { sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFOW), SEE_MASK_NOASYNC | SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS | SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, command, arguments, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL }; debug(L"# Installing with %s %s\n", command, arguments); if (isEnvVarSet(L"PYLAUNCHER_DRYRUN")) { debug(L"# Exiting due to PYLAUNCHER_DRYRUN\n"); fflush(stdout); int mode = _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U8TEXT); if (arguments) { fwprintf_s(stdout, L"\"%s\" %s\n", command, arguments); } else { fwprintf_s(stdout, L"\"%s\"\n", command); } fflush(stdout); if (mode >= 0) { _setmode(_fileno(stdout), mode); } return RC_INSTALLING; } if (!ShellExecuteExW(&siw)) { return RC_NO_PYTHON; } if (!siw.hProcess) { return RC_INSTALLING; } WaitForSingleObjectEx(siw.hProcess, INFINITE, FALSE); DWORD exitCode = 0; if (GetExitCodeProcess(siw.hProcess, &exitCode) && exitCode == 0) { return 0; } return RC_INSTALLING; } const wchar_t *WINGET_COMMAND = L"Microsoft\\WindowsApps\\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe\\winget.exe"; const wchar_t *WINGET_ARGUMENTS = L"install -q %s --exact --accept-package-agreements --source msstore"; const wchar_t *MSSTORE_COMMAND = L"ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=%s"; int installEnvironment(const SearchInfo *search) { // No tag? No installing if (!search->tag || !search->tagLength) { debug(L"# Cannot install Python with no tag specified\n"); return RC_NO_PYTHON; } // PEP 514 tag but not PythonCore? No installing if (!search->oldStyleTag && search->company && search->companyLength && 0 != _compare(search->company, search->companyLength, L"PythonCore", -1)) { debug(L"# Cannot install for company %.*s\n", search->companyLength, search->company); return RC_NO_PYTHON; } const wchar_t *storeId = NULL; for (struct StoreSearchInfo *info = STORE_SEARCH; info->tag; ++info) { if (0 == _compare(search->tag, search->tagLength, info->tag, -1)) { storeId = info->storeId; break; } } if (!storeId) { return RC_NO_PYTHON; } int exitCode; wchar_t command[MAXLEN]; wchar_t arguments[MAXLEN]; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, command)) && join(command, MAXLEN, WINGET_COMMAND) && swprintf_s(arguments, MAXLEN, WINGET_ARGUMENTS, storeId)) { if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == GetFileAttributesW(command)) { formatWinerror(GetLastError(), arguments, MAXLEN); debug(L"# Skipping %s: %s\n", command, arguments); } else { fputws(L"Launching winget to install Python. The following output is from the install process\n\ ***********************************************************************\n", stdout); exitCode = _installEnvironment(command, arguments); if (exitCode == RC_INSTALLING) { fputws(L"***********************************************************************\n\ Please check the install status and run your command again.", stderr); return exitCode; } else if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } fputws(L"***********************************************************************\n\ Install appears to have succeeded. Searching for new matching installs.\n", stdout); return 0; } } if (swprintf_s(command, MAXLEN, MSSTORE_COMMAND, storeId)) { fputws(L"Opening the Microsoft Store to install Python. After installation, " L"please run your command again.\n", stderr); exitCode = _installEnvironment(command, NULL); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } return 0; } return RC_NO_PYTHON; } /******************************************************************************\ *** ENVIRONMENT SELECT *** \******************************************************************************/ bool _companyMatches(const SearchInfo *search, const EnvironmentInfo *env) { if (!search->company || !search->companyLength) { return true; } return 0 == _compare(env->company, -1, search->company, search->companyLength); } bool _tagMatches(const SearchInfo *search, const EnvironmentInfo *env) { if (!search->tag || !search->tagLength) { return true; } return _startsWith(env->tag, -1, search->tag, search->tagLength); } bool _is32Bit(const EnvironmentInfo *env) { if (env->architecture) { return 0 == _compare(env->architecture, -1, L"32bit", -1); } return false; } int _selectEnvironment(const SearchInfo *search, EnvironmentInfo *env, EnvironmentInfo **best) { int exitCode = 0; while (env) { exitCode = _selectEnvironment(search, env->prev, best); if (exitCode && exitCode != RC_NO_PYTHON) { return exitCode; } else if (!exitCode && *best) { return 0; } if (!search->oldStyleTag) { if (_companyMatches(search, env) && _tagMatches(search, env)) { // Because of how our sort tree is set up, we will walk up the // "prev" side and implicitly select the "best" best. By // returning straight after a match, we skip the entire "next" // branch and won't ever select a "worse" best. *best = env; return 0; } } else if (0 == _compare(env->company, -1, L"PythonCore", -1)) { // Old-style tags can only match PythonCore entries if (_startsWith(env->tag, -1, search->tag, search->tagLength)) { if (search->exclude32Bit && _is32Bit(env)) { debug(L"# Excluding %s/%s because it looks like 32bit\n", env->company, env->tag); } else if (search->only32Bit && !_is32Bit(env)) { debug(L"# Excluding %s/%s because it doesn't look 32bit\n", env->company, env->tag); } else { *best = env; return 0; } } } env = env->next; } return RC_NO_PYTHON; } int selectEnvironment(const SearchInfo *search, EnvironmentInfo *root, EnvironmentInfo **best) { if (!best) { return RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (!root) { *best = NULL; return RC_NO_PYTHON_AT_ALL; } if (!root->next && !root->prev) { *best = root; return 0; } EnvironmentInfo *result = NULL; int exitCode = _selectEnvironment(search, root, &result); if (!exitCode) { *best = result; } return exitCode; } /******************************************************************************\ *** LIST ENVIRONMENTS *** \******************************************************************************/ #define TAGWIDTH 16 int _printEnvironment(const EnvironmentInfo *env, FILE *out, bool showPath, const wchar_t *argument) { if (showPath) { if (env->executablePath && env->executablePath[0]) { if (env->executableArgs && env->executableArgs[0]) { fwprintf(out, L" %-*s %s %s\n", TAGWIDTH, argument, env->executablePath, env->executableArgs); } else { fwprintf(out, L" %-*s %s\n", TAGWIDTH, argument, env->executablePath); } } else if (env->installDir && env->installDir[0]) { fwprintf(out, L" %-*s %s\n", TAGWIDTH, argument, env->installDir); } else { fwprintf(out, L" %s\n", argument); } } else if (env->displayName) { fwprintf(out, L" %-*s %s\n", TAGWIDTH, argument, env->displayName); } else { fwprintf(out, L" %s\n", argument); } return 0; } int _listAllEnvironments(EnvironmentInfo *env, FILE * out, bool showPath, EnvironmentInfo *defaultEnv) { wchar_t buffer[256]; const int bufferSize = 256; while (env) { int exitCode = _listAllEnvironments(env->prev, out, showPath, defaultEnv); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } if (!env->company || !env->tag) { buffer[0] = L'\0'; } else if (0 == _compare(env->company, -1, L"PythonCore", -1)) { swprintf_s(buffer, bufferSize, L"-V:%s", env->tag); } else { swprintf_s(buffer, bufferSize, L"-V:%s/%s", env->company, env->tag); } if (env == defaultEnv) { wcscat_s(buffer, bufferSize, L" *"); } if (buffer[0]) { exitCode = _printEnvironment(env, out, showPath, buffer); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } } env = env->next; } return 0; } int listEnvironments(EnvironmentInfo *env, FILE * out, bool showPath, EnvironmentInfo *defaultEnv) { if (!env) { fwprintf_s(stdout, L"No installed Pythons found!\n"); return 0; } /* TODO: Do we want to display these? In favour, helps users see that '-3' is a good option Against, repeats the next line of output SearchInfo majorSearch; EnvironmentInfo *major; int exitCode; if (showPath) { memset(&majorSearch, 0, sizeof(majorSearch)); majorSearch.company = L"PythonCore"; majorSearch.companyLength = -1; majorSearch.tag = L"3"; majorSearch.tagLength = -1; majorSearch.oldStyleTag = true; major = NULL; exitCode = selectEnvironment(&majorSearch, env, &major); if (!exitCode && major) { exitCode = _printEnvironment(major, out, showPath, L"-3 *"); isDefault = false; if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } } majorSearch.tag = L"2"; major = NULL; exitCode = selectEnvironment(&majorSearch, env, &major); if (!exitCode && major) { exitCode = _printEnvironment(major, out, showPath, L"-2"); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } } } */ int mode = _setmode(_fileno(out), _O_U8TEXT); int exitCode = _listAllEnvironments(env, out, showPath, defaultEnv); fflush(out); if (mode >= 0) { _setmode(_fileno(out), mode); } return exitCode; } /******************************************************************************\ *** INTERPRETER LAUNCH *** \******************************************************************************/ int calculateCommandLine(const SearchInfo *search, const EnvironmentInfo *launch, wchar_t *buffer, int bufferLength) { int exitCode = 0; const wchar_t *executablePath = NULL; // Construct command line from a search override, or else the selected // environment's executablePath if (search->executablePath) { executablePath = search->executablePath; } else if (launch && launch->executablePath) { executablePath = launch->executablePath; } // If we have an executable path, put it at the start of the command, but // only if the search allowed an override. // Otherwise, use the environment's installDir and the search's default // executable name. if (executablePath && search->allowExecutableOverride) { if (wcschr(executablePath, L' ') && executablePath[0] != L'"') { buffer[0] = L'"'; exitCode = wcscpy_s(&buffer[1], bufferLength - 1, executablePath); if (!exitCode) { exitCode = wcscat_s(buffer, bufferLength, L"\""); } } else { exitCode = wcscpy_s(buffer, bufferLength, executablePath); } } else if (launch) { if (!launch->installDir) { fwprintf_s(stderr, L"Cannot launch %s %s because no install directory was specified", launch->company, launch->tag); exitCode = RC_NO_PYTHON; } else if (!search->executable || !search->executableLength) { fwprintf_s(stderr, L"Cannot launch %s %s because no executable name is available", launch->company, launch->tag); exitCode = RC_NO_PYTHON; } else { wchar_t executable[256]; wcsncpy_s(executable, 256, search->executable, search->executableLength); if ((wcschr(launch->installDir, L' ') && launch->installDir[0] != L'"') || (wcschr(executable, L' ') && executable[0] != L'"')) { buffer[0] = L'"'; exitCode = wcscpy_s(&buffer[1], bufferLength - 1, launch->installDir); if (!exitCode) { exitCode = join(buffer, bufferLength, executable) ? 0 : RC_NO_MEMORY; } if (!exitCode) { exitCode = wcscat_s(buffer, bufferLength, L"\""); } } else { exitCode = wcscpy_s(buffer, bufferLength, launch->installDir); if (!exitCode) { exitCode = join(buffer, bufferLength, executable) ? 0 : RC_NO_MEMORY; } } } } else { exitCode = RC_NO_PYTHON; } if (!exitCode && launch && launch->executableArgs) { exitCode = wcscat_s(buffer, bufferLength, L" "); if (!exitCode) { exitCode = wcscat_s(buffer, bufferLength, launch->executableArgs); } } if (!exitCode && search->executableArgs) { if (search->executableArgsLength < 0) { exitCode = wcscat_s(buffer, bufferLength, search->executableArgs); } else if (search->executableArgsLength > 0) { int end = (int)wcsnlen_s(buffer, MAXLEN); if (end < bufferLength - (search->executableArgsLength + 1)) { exitCode = wcsncpy_s(&buffer[end], bufferLength - end, search->executableArgs, search->executableArgsLength); } } } if (!exitCode && search->restOfCmdLine) { exitCode = wcscat_s(buffer, bufferLength, search->restOfCmdLine); } return exitCode; } BOOL _safeDuplicateHandle(HANDLE in, HANDLE * pout, const wchar_t *nameForError) { BOOL ok; HANDLE process = GetCurrentProcess(); DWORD rc; *pout = NULL; ok = DuplicateHandle(process, in, process, pout, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); if (!ok) { rc = GetLastError(); if (rc == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) { debug(L"DuplicateHandle returned ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE\n"); ok = TRUE; } else { winerror(0, L"Failed to duplicate %s handle", nameForError); } } return ok; } BOOL WINAPI ctrl_c_handler(DWORD code) { return TRUE; /* We just ignore all control events. */ } int launchEnvironment(const SearchInfo *search, const EnvironmentInfo *launch, wchar_t *launchCommand) { HANDLE job; JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_LIMIT_INFORMATION info; DWORD rc; BOOL ok; STARTUPINFOW si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; // If this is a dryrun, do not actually launch if (isEnvVarSet(L"PYLAUNCHER_DRYRUN")) { debug(L"LaunchCommand: %s\n", launchCommand); debug(L"# Exiting due to PYLAUNCHER_DRYRUN variable\n"); fflush(stdout); int mode = _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U8TEXT); fwprintf(stdout, L"%s\n", launchCommand); fflush(stdout); if (mode >= 0) { _setmode(_fileno(stdout), mode); } return 0; } #if defined(_WINDOWS) /* When explorer launches a Windows (GUI) application, it displays the "app starting" (the "pointer + hourglass") cursor for a number of seconds, or until the app does something UI-ish (eg, creating a window, or fetching a message). As this launcher doesn't do this directly, that cursor remains even after the child process does these things. We avoid that by doing a simple post+get message. See http://bugs.python.org/issue17290 and https://bitbucket.org/vinay.sajip/pylauncher/issue/20/busy-cursor-for-a-long-time-when-running */ MSG msg; PostMessage(0, 0, 0, 0); GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0); #endif debug(L"# about to run: %s\n", launchCommand); job = CreateJobObject(NULL, NULL); ok = QueryInformationJobObject(job, JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation, &info, sizeof(info), &rc); if (!ok || (rc != sizeof(info)) || !job) { winerror(0, L"Failed to query job information"); return RC_CREATE_PROCESS; } info.BasicLimitInformation.LimitFlags |= JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE | JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_SILENT_BREAKAWAY_OK; ok = SetInformationJobObject(job, JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation, &info, sizeof(info)); if (!ok) { winerror(0, L"Failed to update job information"); return RC_CREATE_PROCESS; } memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); GetStartupInfoW(&si); if (!_safeDuplicateHandle(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), &si.hStdInput, L"stdin") || !_safeDuplicateHandle(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &si.hStdOutput, L"stdout") || !_safeDuplicateHandle(GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), &si.hStdError, L"stderr")) { return RC_NO_STD_HANDLES; } ok = SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ctrl_c_handler, TRUE); if (!ok) { winerror(0, L"Failed to update Control-C handler"); return RC_NO_STD_HANDLES; } si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; ok = CreateProcessW(NULL, launchCommand, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); if (!ok) { winerror(0, L"Unable to create process using '%s'", launchCommand); return RC_CREATE_PROCESS; } AssignProcessToJobObject(job, pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); WaitForSingleObjectEx(pi.hProcess, INFINITE, FALSE); ok = GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &rc); if (!ok) { winerror(0, L"Failed to get exit code of process"); return RC_CREATE_PROCESS; } debug(L"child process exit code: %d\n", rc); return rc; } /******************************************************************************\ *** PROCESS CONTROLLER *** \******************************************************************************/ int performSearch(SearchInfo *search, EnvironmentInfo **envs) { // First parse the command line for options int exitCode = parseCommandLine(search); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } // Check for a shebang line in our script file // (or return quickly if no script file was specified) exitCode = checkShebang(search); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } // Resolve old-style tags (possibly from a shebang) against py.ini entries // and environment variables. exitCode = checkDefaults(search); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } // If debugging is enabled, list our search criteria dumpSearchInfo(search); // Find all matching environments exitCode = collectEnvironments(search, envs); if (exitCode) { return exitCode; } return 0; } int process(int argc, wchar_t ** argv) { int exitCode = 0; int searchExitCode = 0; SearchInfo search = {0}; EnvironmentInfo *envs = NULL; EnvironmentInfo *env = NULL; wchar_t launchCommand[MAXLEN]; memset(launchCommand, 0, sizeof(launchCommand)); if (isEnvVarSet(L"PYLAUNCHER_DEBUG")) { setvbuf(stderr, (char *)NULL, _IONBF, 0); log_fp = stderr; debug(L"argv0: %s\nversion: %S\n", argv[0], PY_VERSION); } search.originalCmdLine = GetCommandLineW(); exitCode = performSearch(&search, &envs); if (exitCode) { goto abort; } // Display the help text, but only exit on error if (search.help) { exitCode = showHelpText(argv); if (exitCode) { goto abort; } } // Select best environment // This is early so that we can show the default when listing, but all // responses to any errors occur later. searchExitCode = selectEnvironment(&search, envs, &env); // List all environments, then exit if (search.list || search.listPaths) { exitCode = listEnvironments(envs, stdout, search.listPaths, env); goto abort; } // When debugging, list all discovered environments anyway if (log_fp) { exitCode = listEnvironments(envs, log_fp, true, NULL); if (exitCode) { goto abort; } } // We searched earlier, so if we didn't find anything, now we react exitCode = searchExitCode; // If none found, and if permitted, install it if (exitCode == RC_NO_PYTHON && isEnvVarSet(L"PYLAUNCHER_ALLOW_INSTALL") || isEnvVarSet(L"PYLAUNCHER_ALWAYS_INSTALL")) { exitCode = installEnvironment(&search); if (!exitCode) { // Successful install, so we need to re-scan and select again env = NULL; exitCode = performSearch(&search, &envs); if (exitCode) { goto abort; } exitCode = selectEnvironment(&search, envs, &env); } } if (exitCode == RC_NO_PYTHON) { fputws(L"No suitable Python runtime found\n", stderr); fputws(L"Pass --list (-0) to see all detected environments on your machine\n", stderr); if (!isEnvVarSet(L"PYLAUNCHER_ALLOW_INSTALL") && search.oldStyleTag) { fputws(L"or set environment variable PYLAUNCHER_ALLOW_INSTALL to use winget\n" L"or open the Microsoft Store to the requested version.\n", stderr); } goto abort; } if (exitCode == RC_NO_PYTHON_AT_ALL) { fputws(L"No installed Python found!\n", stderr); goto abort; } if (exitCode) { goto abort; } if (env) { debug(L"env.company: %s\nenv.tag: %s\n", env->company, env->tag); } else { debug(L"env.company: (null)\nenv.tag: (null)\n"); } exitCode = calculateCommandLine(&search, env, launchCommand, sizeof(launchCommand) / sizeof(launchCommand[0])); if (exitCode) { goto abort; } // Launch selected runtime exitCode = launchEnvironment(&search, env, launchCommand); abort: freeSearchInfo(&search); freeEnvironmentInfo(envs); return exitCode; } #if defined(_WINDOWS) int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR lpstrCmd, int nShow) { return process(__argc, __wargv); } #else int cdecl wmain(int argc, wchar_t ** argv) { return process(argc, argv); } #endif