#! /usr/bin/env python # Tk man page browser -- currently only shows the Tcl/Tk man pages import sys import os import string import re from tkinter import * from ManPage import ManPage MANNDIRLIST = ['/depot/sundry/man/mann','/usr/local/man/mann'] MAN3DIRLIST = ['/depot/sundry/man/man3','/usr/local/man/man3'] foundmanndir = 0 for dir in MANNDIRLIST: if os.path.exists(dir): MANNDIR = dir foundmanndir = 1 foundman3dir = 0 for dir in MAN3DIRLIST: if os.path.exists(dir): MAN3DIR = dir foundman3dir = 1 if not foundmanndir or not foundman3dir: sys.stderr.write('\n') if not foundmanndir: msg = """\ Failed to find mann directory. Please add the correct entry to the MANNDIRLIST at the top of %s script.""" % \ sys.argv[0] sys.stderr.write("%s\n\n" % msg) if not foundman3dir: msg = """\ Failed to find man3 directory. Please add the correct entry to the MAN3DIRLIST at the top of %s script.""" % \ sys.argv[0] sys.stderr.write("%s\n\n" % msg) sys.exit(1) del foundmanndir del foundman3dir def listmanpages(mandir): files = os.listdir(mandir) names = [] for file in files: if file[-2:-1] == '.' and (file[-1] in 'ln123456789'): names.append(file[:-2]) names.sort() return names class SelectionBox: def __init__(self, master=None): self.choices = [] self.frame = Frame(master, name="frame") self.frame.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) self.master = self.frame.master self.subframe = Frame(self.frame, name="subframe") self.subframe.pack(expand=0, fill=BOTH) self.leftsubframe = Frame(self.subframe, name='leftsubframe') self.leftsubframe.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1, fill=BOTH) self.rightsubframe = Frame(self.subframe, name='rightsubframe') self.rightsubframe.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=1, fill=BOTH) self.chaptervar = StringVar(master) self.chapter = Menubutton(self.rightsubframe, name='chapter', text='Directory', relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2) self.chapter.pack(side=TOP) self.chaptermenu = Menu(self.chapter, name='chaptermenu') self.chaptermenu.add_radiobutton(label='C functions', value=MAN3DIR, variable=self.chaptervar, command=self.newchapter) self.chaptermenu.add_radiobutton(label='Tcl/Tk functions', value=MANNDIR, variable=self.chaptervar, command=self.newchapter) self.chapter['menu'] = self.chaptermenu self.listbox = Listbox(self.rightsubframe, name='listbox', relief=SUNKEN, borderwidth=2, width=20, height=5) self.listbox.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) self.l1 = Button(self.leftsubframe, name='l1', text='Display manual page named:', command=self.entry_cb) self.l1.pack(side=TOP) self.entry = Entry(self.leftsubframe, name='entry', relief=SUNKEN, borderwidth=2, width=20) self.entry.pack(expand=0, fill=X) self.l2frame = Frame(self.leftsubframe, name='l2frame') self.l2frame.pack(expand=0, fill=NONE) self.l2 = Button(self.l2frame, name='l2', text='Search regexp:', command=self.search_cb) self.l2.pack(side=LEFT) self.casevar = BooleanVar() self.casesense = Checkbutton(self.l2frame, name='casesense', text='Case sensitive', variable=self.casevar, relief=FLAT) self.casesense.pack(side=LEFT) self.search = Entry(self.leftsubframe, name='search', relief=SUNKEN, borderwidth=2, width=20) self.search.pack(expand=0, fill=X) self.title = Label(self.leftsubframe, name='title', text='(none)') self.title.pack(side=BOTTOM) self.text = ManPage(self.frame, name='text', relief=SUNKEN, borderwidth=2, wrap=NONE, width=72, selectbackground='pink') self.text.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) self.entry.bind('', self.entry_cb) self.search.bind('', self.search_cb) self.listbox.bind('', self.listbox_cb) self.entry.bind('', self.entry_tab) self.search.bind('', self.search_tab) self.text.bind('', self.text_tab) self.entry.focus_set() self.chaptervar.set(MANNDIR) self.newchapter() def newchapter(self): mandir = self.chaptervar.get() self.choices = [] self.addlist(listmanpages(mandir)) def addchoice(self, choice): if choice not in self.choices: self.choices.append(choice) self.choices.sort() self.update() def addlist(self, list): self.choices[len(self.choices):] = list self.choices.sort() self.update() def entry_cb(self, *e): self.update() def listbox_cb(self, e): selection = self.listbox.curselection() if selection and len(selection) == 1: name = self.listbox.get(selection[0]) self.show_page(name) def search_cb(self, *e): self.search_string(self.search.get()) def entry_tab(self, e): self.search.focus_set() def search_tab(self, e): self.entry.focus_set() def text_tab(self, e): self.entry.focus_set() def updatelist(self): key = self.entry.get() ok = list(filter(lambda name, key=key, n=len(key): name[:n]==key, self.choices)) if not ok: self.frame.bell() self.listbox.delete(0, AtEnd()) exactmatch = 0 for item in ok: if item == key: exactmatch = 1 self.listbox.insert(AtEnd(), item) if exactmatch: return key n = self.listbox.size() if n == 1: return self.listbox.get(0) # Else return None, meaning not a unique selection def update(self): name = self.updatelist() if name: self.show_page(name) self.entry.delete(0, AtEnd()) self.updatelist() def show_page(self, name): file = '%s/%s.?' % (self.chaptervar.get(), name) fp = os.popen('nroff -man %s | ul -i' % file, 'r') self.text.kill() self.title['text'] = name self.text.parsefile(fp) def search_string(self, search): if not search: self.frame.bell() print('Empty search string') return if not self.casevar.get(): map = re.IGNORECASE else: map = None try: if map: prog = re.compile(search, map) else: prog = re.compile(search) except re.error as msg: self.frame.bell() print('Regex error:', msg) return here = self.text.index(AtInsert()) lineno = string.atoi(here[:string.find(here, '.')]) end = self.text.index(AtEnd()) endlineno = string.atoi(end[:string.find(end, '.')]) wraplineno = lineno found = 0 while 1: lineno = lineno + 1 if lineno > endlineno: if wraplineno <= 0: break endlineno = wraplineno lineno = 0 wraplineno = 0 line = self.text.get('%d.0 linestart' % lineno, '%d.0 lineend' % lineno) i = prog.search(line) if i >= 0: found = 1 n = max(1, len(prog.group(0))) try: self.text.tag_remove('sel', AtSelFirst(), AtSelLast()) except TclError: pass self.text.tag_add('sel', '%d.%d' % (lineno, i), '%d.%d' % (lineno, i+n)) self.text.mark_set(AtInsert(), '%d.%d' % (lineno, i)) self.text.yview_pickplace(AtInsert()) break if not found: self.frame.bell() def main(): root = Tk() sb = SelectionBox(root) if sys.argv[1:]: sb.show_page(sys.argv[1]) root.minsize(1, 1) root.mainloop() main()