import sys import unittest import tkinter from tkinter import ttk from import requires, run_unittest, swap_attr from import AbstractTkTest, destroy_default_root requires('gui') class LabeledScaleTest(AbstractTkTest, unittest.TestCase): def tearDown(self): self.root.update_idletasks() super().tearDown() def test_widget_destroy(self): # automatically created variable x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root) var = x._variable._name x.destroy() self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError,, var) # manually created variable myvar = tkinter.DoubleVar(self.root) name = myvar._name x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root, variable=myvar) x.destroy() if self.wantobjects: self.assertEqual(, myvar.get()) else: self.assertEqual(float(, myvar.get()) del myvar self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError,, name) # checking that the tracing callback is properly removed myvar = tkinter.IntVar(self.root) # LabeledScale will start tracing myvar x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root, variable=myvar) x.destroy() # Unless the tracing callback was removed, creating a new # LabeledScale with the same var will cause an error now. This # happens because the variable will be set to (possibly) a new # value which causes the tracing callback to be called and then # it tries calling instance attributes not yet defined. ttk.LabeledScale(self.root, variable=myvar) if hasattr(sys, 'last_type'): self.assertNotEqual(sys.last_type, tkinter.TclError) def test_initialization_no_master(self): # no master passing with swap_attr(tkinter, '_default_root', None), \ swap_attr(tkinter, '_support_default_root', True): try: x = ttk.LabeledScale() self.assertIsNotNone(tkinter._default_root) self.assertEqual(x.master, tkinter._default_root) self.assertEqual(, x.destroy() finally: destroy_default_root() def test_initialization(self): # master passing master = tkinter.Frame(self.root) x = ttk.LabeledScale(master) self.assertEqual(x.master, master) x.destroy() # variable initialization/passing passed_expected = (('0', 0), (0, 0), (10, 10), (-1, -1), (sys.maxsize + 1, sys.maxsize + 1), (2.5, 2), ('2.5', 2)) for pair in passed_expected: x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root, from_=pair[0]) self.assertEqual(x.value, pair[1]) x.destroy() x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root, from_=None) self.assertRaises((ValueError, tkinter.TclError), x._variable.get) x.destroy() # variable should have its default value set to the from_ value myvar = tkinter.DoubleVar(self.root, value=20) x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root, variable=myvar) self.assertEqual(x.value, 0) x.destroy() # check that it is really using a DoubleVar x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root, variable=myvar, from_=0.5) self.assertEqual(x.value, 0.5) self.assertEqual(x._variable._name, myvar._name) x.destroy() # widget positionment def check_positions(scale, scale_pos, label, label_pos): self.assertEqual(scale.pack_info()['side'], scale_pos) self.assertEqual(label.place_info()['anchor'], label_pos) x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root, compound='top') check_positions(x.scale, 'bottom', x.label, 'n') x.destroy() x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root, compound='bottom') check_positions(x.scale, 'top', x.label, 's') x.destroy() # invert default positions x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root, compound='unknown') check_positions(x.scale, 'top', x.label, 's') x.destroy() x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root) # take default positions check_positions(x.scale, 'bottom', x.label, 'n') x.destroy() # extra, and invalid, kwargs self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError, ttk.LabeledScale, master, a='b') def test_horizontal_range(self): lscale = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root, from_=0, to=10) lscale.pack() lscale.wait_visibility() lscale.update() linfo_1 = lscale.label.place_info() prev_xcoord = lscale.scale.coords()[0] self.assertEqual(prev_xcoord, int(linfo_1['x'])) # change range to: from -5 to 5. This should change the x coord of # the scale widget, since 0 is at the middle of the new # range. lscale.scale.configure(from_=-5, to=5) # The following update is needed since the test doesn't use mainloop, # at the same time this shouldn't affect test outcome lscale.update() curr_xcoord = lscale.scale.coords()[0] self.assertNotEqual(prev_xcoord, curr_xcoord) # the label widget should have been repositioned too linfo_2 = lscale.label.place_info() self.assertEqual(lscale.label['text'], 0 if self.wantobjects else '0') self.assertEqual(curr_xcoord, int(linfo_2['x'])) # change the range back lscale.scale.configure(from_=0, to=10) self.assertNotEqual(prev_xcoord, curr_xcoord) self.assertEqual(prev_xcoord, int(linfo_1['x'])) lscale.destroy() def test_variable_change(self): x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root) x.pack() x.wait_visibility() x.update() curr_xcoord = x.scale.coords()[0] newval = x.value + 1 x.value = newval # The following update is needed since the test doesn't use mainloop, # at the same time this shouldn't affect test outcome x.update() self.assertEqual(x.value, newval) self.assertEqual(x.label['text'], newval if self.wantobjects else str(newval)) self.assertEqual(float(x.scale.get()), newval) self.assertGreater(x.scale.coords()[0], curr_xcoord) self.assertEqual(x.scale.coords()[0], int(x.label.place_info()['x'])) # value outside range if self.wantobjects: conv = lambda x: x else: conv = int x.value = conv(x.scale['to']) + 1 # no changes shouldn't happen x.update() self.assertEqual(x.value, newval) self.assertEqual(conv(x.label['text']), newval) self.assertEqual(float(x.scale.get()), newval) self.assertEqual(x.scale.coords()[0], int(x.label.place_info()['x'])) # non-integer value x.value = newval = newval + 1.5 x.update() self.assertEqual(x.value, int(newval)) self.assertEqual(conv(x.label['text']), int(newval)) self.assertEqual(float(x.scale.get()), newval) x.destroy() def test_resize(self): x = ttk.LabeledScale(self.root) x.pack(expand=True, fill='both') x.wait_visibility() x.update() width, height = x.master.winfo_width(), x.master.winfo_height() width_new, height_new = width * 2, height * 2 x.value = 3 x.update() x.master.wm_geometry("%dx%d" % (width_new, height_new)) self.assertEqual(int(x.label.place_info()['x']), x.scale.coords()[0]) # Reset geometry x.master.wm_geometry("%dx%d" % (width, height)) x.destroy() class OptionMenuTest(AbstractTkTest, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.textvar = tkinter.StringVar(self.root) def tearDown(self): del self.textvar super().tearDown() def test_widget_destroy(self): var = tkinter.StringVar(self.root) optmenu = ttk.OptionMenu(self.root, var) name = var._name optmenu.update_idletasks() optmenu.destroy() self.assertEqual(, var.get()) del var self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError,, name) def test_initialization(self): self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError, ttk.OptionMenu, self.root, self.textvar, invalid='thing') optmenu = ttk.OptionMenu(self.root, self.textvar, 'b', 'a', 'b') self.assertEqual(optmenu._variable.get(), 'b') self.assertTrue(optmenu['menu']) self.assertTrue(optmenu['textvariable']) optmenu.destroy() def test_menu(self): items = ('a', 'b', 'c') default = 'a' optmenu = ttk.OptionMenu(self.root, self.textvar, default, *items) found_default = False for i in range(len(items)): value = optmenu['menu'].entrycget(i, 'value') self.assertEqual(value, items[i]) if value == default: found_default = True self.assertTrue(found_default) optmenu.destroy() # default shouldn't be in menu if it is not part of values default = 'd' optmenu = ttk.OptionMenu(self.root, self.textvar, default, *items) curr = None i = 0 while True: last, curr = curr, optmenu['menu'].entryconfigure(i, 'value') if last == curr: # no more menu entries break self.assertNotEqual(curr, default) i += 1 self.assertEqual(i, len(items)) # check that variable is updated correctly optmenu.pack() optmenu.wait_visibility() optmenu['menu'].invoke(0) self.assertEqual(optmenu._variable.get(), items[0]) # changing to an invalid index shouldn't change the variable self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError, optmenu['menu'].invoke, -1) self.assertEqual(optmenu._variable.get(), items[0]) optmenu.destroy() # specifying a callback success = [] def cb_test(item): self.assertEqual(item, items[1]) success.append(True) optmenu = ttk.OptionMenu(self.root, self.textvar, 'a', command=cb_test, *items) optmenu['menu'].invoke(1) if not success:"Menu callback not invoked") optmenu.destroy() def test_unique_radiobuttons(self): # check that radiobuttons are unique across instances (bpo25684) items = ('a', 'b', 'c') default = 'a' optmenu = ttk.OptionMenu(self.root, self.textvar, default, *items) textvar2 = tkinter.StringVar(self.root) optmenu2 = ttk.OptionMenu(self.root, textvar2, default, *items) optmenu.pack() optmenu.wait_visibility() optmenu2.pack() optmenu2.wait_visibility() optmenu['menu'].invoke(1) optmenu2['menu'].invoke(2) optmenu_stringvar_name = optmenu['menu'].entrycget(0, 'variable') optmenu2_stringvar_name = optmenu2['menu'].entrycget(0, 'variable') self.assertNotEqual(optmenu_stringvar_name, optmenu2_stringvar_name) self.assertEqual(, items[1]) self.assertEqual(, items[2]) optmenu.destroy() optmenu2.destroy() tests_gui = (LabeledScaleTest, OptionMenuTest) if __name__ == "__main__": run_unittest(*tests_gui)