import importlib from importlib import _bootstrap from .. import abc from . import util as source_util import imp import os import py_compile import stat import sys import unittest class SimpleTest(unittest.TestCase): """Should have no issue importing a source module [basic]. And if there is a syntax error, it should raise a SyntaxError [syntax error]. """ # [basic] def test_module(self): with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: loader = _bootstrap._PyPycFileLoader('_temp', mapping['_temp'], False) module = loader.load_module('_temp') self.assertTrue('_temp' in sys.modules) check = {'__name__': '_temp', '__file__': mapping['_temp'], '__package__': ''} for attr, value in check.items(): self.assertEqual(getattr(module, attr), value) def test_package(self): with source_util.create_modules('_pkg.__init__') as mapping: loader = _bootstrap._PyPycFileLoader('_pkg', mapping['_pkg.__init__'], True) module = loader.load_module('_pkg') self.assertTrue('_pkg' in sys.modules) check = {'__name__': '_pkg', '__file__': mapping['_pkg.__init__'], '__path__': [os.path.dirname(mapping['_pkg.__init__'])], '__package__': '_pkg'} for attr, value in check.items(): self.assertEqual(getattr(module, attr), value) def test_lacking_parent(self): with source_util.create_modules('_pkg.__init__', '_pkg.mod')as mapping: loader = _bootstrap._PyPycFileLoader('_pkg.mod', mapping['_pkg.mod'], False) module = loader.load_module('_pkg.mod') self.assertTrue('_pkg.mod' in sys.modules) check = {'__name__': '_pkg.mod', '__file__': mapping['_pkg.mod'], '__package__': '_pkg'} for attr, value in check.items(): self.assertEqual(getattr(module, attr), value) def fake_mtime(self, fxn): """Fake mtime to always be higher than expected.""" return lambda name: fxn(name) + 1 def test_module_reuse(self): with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: loader = _bootstrap._PyPycFileLoader('_temp', mapping['_temp'], False) module = loader.load_module('_temp') module_id = id(module) module_dict_id = id(module.__dict__) with open(mapping['_temp'], 'w') as file: file.write("testing_var = 42\n") # For filesystems where the mtime is only to a second granularity, # everything that has happened above can be too fast; # force an mtime on the source that is guaranteed to be different # than the original mtime. loader.source_mtime = self.fake_mtime(loader.source_mtime) module = loader.load_module('_temp') self.assertTrue('testing_var' in module.__dict__, "'testing_var' not in " "{0}".format(list(module.__dict__.keys()))) self.assertEqual(module, sys.modules['_temp']) self.assertEqual(id(module), module_id) self.assertEqual(id(module.__dict__), module_dict_id) def test_state_after_failure(self): # A failed reload should leave the original module intact. attributes = ('__file__', '__path__', '__package__') value = '' name = '_temp' with source_util.create_modules(name) as mapping: orig_module = imp.new_module(name) for attr in attributes: setattr(orig_module, attr, value) with open(mapping[name], 'w') as file: file.write('+++ bad syntax +++') loader = _bootstrap._PyPycFileLoader('_temp', mapping['_temp'], False) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): loader.load_module(name) for attr in attributes: self.assertEqual(getattr(orig_module, attr), value) # [syntax error] def test_bad_syntax(self): with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: with open(mapping['_temp'], 'w') as file: file.write('=') loader = _bootstrap._PyPycFileLoader('_temp', mapping['_temp'], False) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): loader.load_module('_temp') self.assertTrue('_temp' not in sys.modules) class BadBytecodeTest(unittest.TestCase): def import_(self, file, module_name): loader = _bootstrap._PyPycFileLoader(module_name, file, False) module = loader.load_module(module_name) self.assertTrue(module_name in sys.modules) def manipulate_bytecode(self, name, mapping, manipulator, *, del_source=False): """Manipulate the bytecode of a module by passing it into a callable that returns what to use as the new bytecode.""" try: del sys.modules['_temp'] except KeyError: pass py_compile.compile(mapping[name]) bytecode_path = imp.cache_from_source(mapping[name]) with open(bytecode_path, 'rb') as file: bc = new_bc = manipulator(bc) with open(bytecode_path, 'wb') as file: if new_bc: file.write(new_bc) if del_source: os.unlink(mapping[name]) return bytecode_path @source_util.writes_bytecode_files def test_empty_file(self): # When a .pyc is empty, regenerate it if possible, else raise # ImportError. with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: bc_path = self.manipulate_bytecode('_temp', mapping, lambda bc: None) self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') with open(bc_path, 'rb') as file: self.assertGreater(len(, 8) self.manipulate_bytecode('_temp', mapping, lambda bc: None, del_source=True) with self.assertRaises(ImportError): self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') @source_util.writes_bytecode_files def test_partial_magic(self): # When their are less than 4 bytes to a .pyc, regenerate it if # possible, else raise ImportError. with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: bc_path = self.manipulate_bytecode('_temp', mapping, lambda bc: bc[:3]) self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') with open(bc_path, 'rb') as file: self.assertGreater(len(, 8) self.manipulate_bytecode('_temp', mapping, lambda bc: bc[:3], del_source=True) with self.assertRaises(ImportError): self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') @source_util.writes_bytecode_files def test_magic_only(self): # When there is only the magic number, regenerate the .pyc if possible, # else raise EOFError. with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: bc_path = self.manipulate_bytecode('_temp', mapping, lambda bc: bc[:4]) self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') with open(bc_path, 'rb') as file: self.assertGreater(len(, 8) self.manipulate_bytecode('_temp', mapping, lambda bc: bc[:4], del_source=True) with self.assertRaises(EOFError): self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') @source_util.writes_bytecode_files def test_partial_timestamp(self): # When the timestamp is partial, regenerate the .pyc, else # raise EOFError. with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: bc_path = self.manipulate_bytecode('_temp', mapping, lambda bc: bc[:7]) self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') with open(bc_path, 'rb') as file: self.assertGreater(len(, 8) self.manipulate_bytecode('_temp', mapping, lambda bc: bc[:7], del_source=True) with self.assertRaises(EOFError): self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') @source_util.writes_bytecode_files def test_no_marshal(self): # When there is only the magic number and timestamp, raise EOFError. with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: bc_path = self.manipulate_bytecode('_temp', mapping, lambda bc: bc[:8]) with self.assertRaises(EOFError): self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') @source_util.writes_bytecode_files def test_bad_magic(self): # When the magic number is different, the bytecode should be # regenerated. with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: bc_path = self.manipulate_bytecode('_temp', mapping, lambda bc: b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' + bc[4:]) self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') with open(bc_path, 'rb') as bytecode_file: self.assertEqual(, imp.get_magic()) # [bad timestamp] @source_util.writes_bytecode_files def test_bad_bytecode(self): # When the timestamp is older than the source, bytecode should be # regenerated. zeros = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: py_compile.compile(mapping['_temp']) bytecode_path = imp.cache_from_source(mapping['_temp']) with open(bytecode_path, 'r+b') as bytecode_file: bytecode_file.write(zeros) self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') source_mtime = os.path.getmtime(mapping['_temp']) source_timestamp = importlib._w_long(source_mtime) with open(bytecode_path, 'rb') as bytecode_file: self.assertEqual(, source_timestamp) # [bad marshal] @source_util.writes_bytecode_files def test_bad_marshal(self): # Bad marshal data should raise a ValueError. with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: bytecode_path = imp.cache_from_source(mapping['_temp']) source_mtime = os.path.getmtime(mapping['_temp']) source_timestamp = importlib._w_long(source_mtime) source_util.ensure_bytecode_path(bytecode_path) with open(bytecode_path, 'wb') as bytecode_file: bytecode_file.write(imp.get_magic()) bytecode_file.write(source_timestamp) bytecode_file.write(b'AAAA') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') self.assertTrue('_temp' not in sys.modules) # [bytecode read-only] @source_util.writes_bytecode_files def test_read_only_bytecode(self): # When bytecode is read-only but should be rewritten, fail silently. with source_util.create_modules('_temp') as mapping: # Create bytecode that will need to be re-created. py_compile.compile(mapping['_temp']) bytecode_path = imp.cache_from_source(mapping['_temp']) with open(bytecode_path, 'r+b') as bytecode_file: bytecode_file.write(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') # Make the bytecode read-only. os.chmod(bytecode_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH) try: # Should not raise IOError! self.import_(mapping['_temp'], '_temp') finally: # Make writable for eventual clean-up. os.chmod(bytecode_path, stat.S_IWUSR) def test_main(): from import run_unittest run_unittest(SimpleTest, BadBytecodeTest) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()