\chapter{MacOS Toolbox Modules \label{toolbox}} There are a set of modules that provide interfaces to various MacOS toolboxes. If applicable the module will define a number of Python objects for the various structures declared by the toolbox, and operations will be implemented as methods of the object. Other operations will be implemented as functions in the module. Not all operations possible in C will also be possible in Python (callbacks are often a problem), and parameters will occasionally be different in Python (input and output buffers, especially). All methods and functions have a \member{__doc__} string describing their arguments and return values, and for additional description you are referred to \citetitle[http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macos8/mac8.html]{Inside Macintosh} or similar works. \strong{Warning!} These modules are not yet documented. If you wish to contribute documentation of any of these modules, please get in touch with \email{python-docs@python.org}. \localmoduletable %\section{Argument Handling for Toolbox Modules} \section{\module{AE} --- Apple Events} \declaremodule{standard}{AE} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the Apple Events toolbox} \section{\module{Cm} --- Component Manager} \declaremodule{standard}{Cm} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the Component Manager} \section{\module{Ctl} --- Control Manager} \declaremodule{standard}{Ctl} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the Control Manager} \section{\module{Dlg} --- Dialog Manager} \declaremodule{standard}{Dlg} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the Dialog Manager} \section{\module{Evt} --- Event Manager} \declaremodule{standard}{Evt} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the Event Manager} \section{\module{Fm} --- Font Manager} \declaremodule{standard}{Fm} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the Font Manager} \section{\module{List} --- List Manager} \declaremodule{standard}{List} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the List Manager} \section{\module{Menu} --- Menu Manager} \declaremodule{standard}{Menu} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the Menu Manager} \section{\module{Qd} --- QuickDraw} \declaremodule{builtin}{Qd} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the QuickDraw toolbox} \section{\module{Qt} --- QuickTime} \declaremodule{standard}{Qt} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the QuickTime toolbox} \section{\module{Res} --- Resource Manager and Handles} \declaremodule{standard}{Res} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the Resource Manager and Handles} \section{\module{Scrap} --- Scrap Manager} \declaremodule{standard}{Scrap} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the Scrap Manager} \section{\module{Snd} --- Sound Manager} \declaremodule{standard}{Snd} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the Sound Manager } \section{\module{TE} --- TextEdit} \declaremodule{standard}{TE} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to TextEdit} \section{\module{waste} --- non-Apple \program{TextEdit} replacement} \declaremodule{standard}{waste} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the ``WorldScript-Aware Styled Text Engine.''} \begin{seealso} \seetitle[http://www.merzwaren.com/waste/]{About WASTE}{Information about the WASTE widget and library, including documentation and downloads.} \end{seealso} \section{\module{Win} --- Window Manager} \declaremodule{standard}{Win} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Interface to the Window Manager}