# Display digits of pi in a window, calculating in a separate thread. # Compare ../scripts/pi.py. import time import thread import stdwin from stdwinevents import * digits = [] def worker(): k, a, b, a1, b1 = 2l, 4l, 1l, 12l, 4l while 1: # Next approximation p, q, k = k*k, 2l*k+1l, k+1l a, b, a1, b1 = a1, b1, p*a+q*a1, p*b+q*b1 # Print common digits d, d1 = a/b, a1/b1 #print a, b, a1, b1 while d == d1: digits.append(`int(d)`) a, a1 = 10l*(a%b), 10l*(a1%b1) d, d1 = a/b, a1/b1 def main(): digits_seen = 0 thread.start_new_thread(worker, ()) tw = stdwin.textwidth('0 ') lh = stdwin.lineheight() stdwin.setdefwinsize(20 * tw, 20 * lh) win = stdwin.open('digits of pi') options = win.menucreate('Options') options.additem('Auto scroll') autoscroll = 1 options.check(0, autoscroll) while 1: win.settimer(1) type, w, detail = stdwin.getevent() if type == WE_CLOSE: thread.exit_prog(0) elif type == WE_DRAW: (left, top), (right, bottom) = detail digits_seen = len(digits) d = win.begindrawing() for i in range(digits_seen): h = (i % 20) * tw v = (i / 20) * lh if top-lh < v < bottom: d.text((h, v), digits[i]) d.close() elif type == WE_TIMER: n = len(digits) if n > digits_seen: win.settitle(`n` + ' digits of pi') d = win.begindrawing() for i in range(digits_seen, n): h = (i % 20) * tw v = (i / 20) * lh d.text((h, v), digits[i]) d.close() digits_seen = n height = (v + 20*lh) / (20*lh) * (20*lh) win.setdocsize(0, height) if autoscroll: win.show((0, v), (h+tw, v+lh)) elif type == WE_MENU: menu, item = detail if menu == options: if item == 0: autoscroll = (not autoscroll) options.check(0, autoscroll) main()