import builtins import errno import glob import json import importlib.util from importlib._bootstrap_external import _get_sourcefile from importlib.machinery import ( AppleFrameworkLoader, BuiltinImporter, ExtensionFileLoader, FrozenImporter, SourceFileLoader, ) import marshal import os import py_compile import random import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys import textwrap import threading import time import types import unittest from unittest import mock import _imp from import os_helper from import ( STDLIB_DIR, swap_attr, swap_item, cpython_only, is_apple_mobile, is_emscripten, is_wasi, run_in_subinterp, run_in_subinterp_with_config, Py_TRACE_REFS, requires_gil_enabled, Py_GIL_DISABLED, no_rerun) from import ( forget, make_legacy_pyc, unlink, unload, ready_to_import, DirsOnSysPath, CleanImport, import_module) from import ( TESTFN, rmtree, temp_umask, TESTFN_UNENCODABLE) from import script_helper from import threading_helper from test.test_importlib.util import uncache from types import ModuleType try: import _testsinglephase except ImportError: _testsinglephase = None try: import _testmultiphase except ImportError: _testmultiphase = None try: import _interpreters except ModuleNotFoundError: _interpreters = None try: import _testinternalcapi except ImportError: _testinternalcapi = None skip_if_dont_write_bytecode = unittest.skipIf( sys.dont_write_bytecode, "test meaningful only when writing bytecode") def _require_loader(module, loader, skip): if isinstance(module, str): module = __import__(module) MODULE_KINDS = { BuiltinImporter: 'built-in', ExtensionFileLoader: 'extension', AppleFrameworkLoader: 'framework extension', FrozenImporter: 'frozen', SourceFileLoader: 'pure Python', } expected = loader assert isinstance(expected, type), expected expected = MODULE_KINDS[expected] actual = module.__spec__.loader if not isinstance(actual, type): actual = type(actual) actual = MODULE_KINDS[actual] if actual != expected: err = f'expected module to be {expected}, got {module.__spec__}' if skip: raise unittest.SkipTest(err) raise Exception(err) return module def require_builtin(module, *, skip=False): module = _require_loader(module, BuiltinImporter, skip) assert module.__spec__.origin == 'built-in', module.__spec__ def require_extension(module, *, skip=False): # Apple extensions must be distributed as frameworks. This requires # a specialist loader. if is_apple_mobile: _require_loader(module, AppleFrameworkLoader, skip) else: _require_loader(module, ExtensionFileLoader, skip) def require_frozen(module, *, skip=True): module = _require_loader(module, FrozenImporter, skip) assert module.__spec__.origin == 'frozen', module.__spec__ def require_pure_python(module, *, skip=False): _require_loader(module, SourceFileLoader, skip) def remove_files(name): for f in (name + ".py", name + ".pyc", name + ".pyw", name + "$py.class"): unlink(f) rmtree('__pycache__') if _testsinglephase is not None: def restore__testsinglephase(*, _orig=_testsinglephase): # We started with the module imported and want to restore # it to its nominal state. sys.modules.pop('_testsinglephase', None) _orig._clear_globals() origin = _orig.__spec__.origin _testinternalcapi.clear_extension('_testsinglephase', origin) import _testsinglephase def requires_singlephase_init(meth): """Decorator to skip if single-phase init modules are not supported.""" if not isinstance(meth, type): def meth(self, _meth=meth): try: return _meth(self) finally: restore__testsinglephase() meth = cpython_only(meth) msg = "gh-117694: free-threaded build does not currently support single-phase init modules in sub-interpreters" meth = requires_gil_enabled(msg)(meth) return unittest.skipIf(_testsinglephase is None, 'test requires _testsinglephase module')(meth) def requires_subinterpreters(meth): """Decorator to skip a test if subinterpreters are not supported.""" return unittest.skipIf(_interpreters is None, 'subinterpreters required')(meth) class ModuleSnapshot(types.SimpleNamespace): """A representation of a module for testing. Fields: * id - the module's object ID * module - the actual module or an adequate substitute * __file__ * __spec__ * name * origin * ns - a copy (dict) of the module's __dict__ (or None) * ns_id - the object ID of the module's __dict__ * cached - the sys.modules[] entry (or None) * cached_id - the object ID of the sys.modules entry (or None) In cases where the value is not available (e.g. due to serialization), the value will be None. """ _fields = tuple('id module ns ns_id cached cached_id'.split()) @classmethod def from_module(cls, mod): name = cached = sys.modules.get(name) return cls( id=id(mod), module=mod, ns=types.SimpleNamespace(**mod.__dict__), ns_id=id(mod.__dict__), cached=cached, cached_id=id(cached), ) SCRIPT = textwrap.dedent(''' {imports} name = {name!r} {prescript} mod = {name} {body} {postscript} ''') IMPORTS = textwrap.dedent(''' import sys ''').strip() SCRIPT_BODY = textwrap.dedent(''' # Capture the snapshot data. cached = sys.modules.get(name) snapshot = dict( id=id(mod), module=dict( __file__=mod.__file__, __spec__=dict(, origin=mod.__spec__.origin, ), ), ns=None, ns_id=id(mod.__dict__), cached=None, cached_id=id(cached) if cached else None, ) ''').strip() CLEANUP_SCRIPT = textwrap.dedent(''' # Clean up the module. sys.modules.pop(name, None) ''').strip() @classmethod def build_script(cls, name, *, prescript=None, import_first=False, postscript=None, postcleanup=False, ): if postcleanup is True: postcleanup = cls.CLEANUP_SCRIPT elif isinstance(postcleanup, str): postcleanup = textwrap.dedent(postcleanup).strip() postcleanup = cls.CLEANUP_SCRIPT + os.linesep + postcleanup else: postcleanup = '' prescript = textwrap.dedent(prescript).strip() if prescript else '' postscript = textwrap.dedent(postscript).strip() if postscript else '' if postcleanup: if postscript: postscript = postscript + os.linesep * 2 + postcleanup else: postscript = postcleanup if import_first: prescript += textwrap.dedent(f''' # Now import the module. assert name not in sys.modules import {name}''') return cls.SCRIPT.format( imports=cls.IMPORTS.strip(), name=name, prescript=prescript.strip(), body=cls.SCRIPT_BODY.strip(), postscript=postscript, ) @classmethod def parse(cls, text): raw = json.loads(text) mod = raw['module'] mod['__spec__'] = types.SimpleNamespace(**mod['__spec__']) raw['module'] = types.SimpleNamespace(**mod) return cls(**raw) @classmethod def from_subinterp(cls, name, interpid=None, *, pipe=None, **script_kwds): if pipe is not None: return cls._from_subinterp(name, interpid, pipe, script_kwds) pipe = os.pipe() try: return cls._from_subinterp(name, interpid, pipe, script_kwds) finally: r, w = pipe os.close(r) os.close(w) @classmethod def _from_subinterp(cls, name, interpid, pipe, script_kwargs): r, w = pipe # Build the script. postscript = textwrap.dedent(f''' # Send the result over the pipe. import json import os os.write({w}, json.dumps(snapshot).encode()) ''') _postscript = script_kwargs.get('postscript') if _postscript: _postscript = textwrap.dedent(_postscript).lstrip() postscript += _postscript script_kwargs['postscript'] = postscript.strip() script = cls.build_script(name, **script_kwargs) # Run the script. if interpid is None: ret = run_in_subinterp(script) if ret != 0: raise AssertionError(f'{ret} != 0') else: _interpreters.run_string(interpid, script) # Parse the results. text =, 1000) return cls.parse(text.decode()) class ImportTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): remove_files(TESTFN) importlib.invalidate_caches() def tearDown(self): unload(TESTFN) def test_import_raises_ModuleNotFoundError(self): with self.assertRaises(ModuleNotFoundError): import something_that_should_not_exist_anywhere def test_from_import_missing_module_raises_ModuleNotFoundError(self): with self.assertRaises(ModuleNotFoundError): from something_that_should_not_exist_anywhere import blah def test_from_import_missing_attr_raises_ImportError(self): with self.assertRaises(ImportError): from importlib import something_that_should_not_exist_anywhere def test_from_import_missing_attr_has_name_and_path(self): with CleanImport('os'): import os with self.assertRaises(ImportError) as cm: from os import i_dont_exist self.assertEqual(, 'os') self.assertEqual(cm.exception.path, os.__file__) self.assertRegex(str(cm.exception), r"cannot import name 'i_dont_exist' from 'os' \(.*\)") @cpython_only def test_from_import_missing_attr_has_name_and_so_path(self): _testcapi = import_module("_testcapi") with self.assertRaises(ImportError) as cm: from _testcapi import i_dont_exist self.assertEqual(, '_testcapi') if hasattr(_testcapi, "__file__"): self.assertEqual(cm.exception.path, _testcapi.__file__) self.assertRegex( str(cm.exception), r"cannot import name 'i_dont_exist' from '_testcapi' \(.*\.(so|fwork|pyd)\)" ) else: self.assertEqual( str(cm.exception), "cannot import name 'i_dont_exist' from '_testcapi' (unknown location)" ) def test_from_import_missing_attr_has_name(self): with self.assertRaises(ImportError) as cm: # _warning has no path as it's a built-in module. from _warning import i_dont_exist self.assertEqual(, '_warning') self.assertIsNone(cm.exception.path) def test_from_import_missing_attr_path_is_canonical(self): with self.assertRaises(ImportError) as cm: from os.path import i_dont_exist self.assertIn(, {'posixpath', 'ntpath'}) self.assertIsNotNone(cm.exception) def test_from_import_star_invalid_type(self): import re with ready_to_import() as (name, path): with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("__all__ = [b'invalid_type']") globals = {} with self.assertRaisesRegex( TypeError, f"{re.escape(name)}\\.__all__ must be str" ): exec(f"from {name} import *", globals) self.assertNotIn(b"invalid_type", globals) with ready_to_import() as (name, path): with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("globals()[b'invalid_type'] = object()") globals = {} with self.assertRaisesRegex( TypeError, f"{re.escape(name)}\\.__dict__ must be str" ): exec(f"from {name} import *", globals) self.assertNotIn(b"invalid_type", globals) def test_case_sensitivity(self): # Brief digression to test that import is case-sensitive: if we got # this far, we know for sure that "random" exists. with self.assertRaises(ImportError): import RAnDoM def test_double_const(self): # Importing double_const checks that float constants # serialiazed by marshal as PYC files don't lose precision # (SF bug 422177). from import double_const unload('') from import double_const def test_import(self): def test_with_extension(ext): # The extension is normally ".py", perhaps ".pyw". source = TESTFN + ext pyc = TESTFN + ".pyc" with open(source, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: print("# This tests Python's ability to import a", ext, "file.", file=f) a = random.randrange(1000) b = random.randrange(1000) print("a =", a, file=f) print("b =", b, file=f) if TESTFN in sys.modules: del sys.modules[TESTFN] importlib.invalidate_caches() try: try: mod = __import__(TESTFN) except ImportError as err:"import from %s failed: %s" % (ext, err)) self.assertEqual(mod.a, a, "module loaded (%s) but contents invalid" % mod) self.assertEqual(mod.b, b, "module loaded (%s) but contents invalid" % mod) finally: forget(TESTFN) unlink(source) unlink(pyc) sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir) try: test_with_extension(".py") if sys.platform.startswith("win"): for ext in [".PY", ".Py", ".pY", ".pyw", ".PYW", ".pYw"]: test_with_extension(ext) finally: del sys.path[0] def test_module_with_large_stack(self, module='longlist'): # Regression test for filename = module + '.py' # Create a file with a list of 65000 elements. with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('d = [\n') for i in range(65000): f.write('"",\n') f.write(']') try: # Compile & remove .py file; we only need .pyc. # Bytecode must be relocated from the PEP 3147 bytecode-only location. py_compile.compile(filename) finally: unlink(filename) # Need to be able to load from current dir. sys.path.append('') importlib.invalidate_caches() namespace = {} try: make_legacy_pyc(filename) # This used to crash. exec('import ' + module, None, namespace) finally: # Cleanup. del sys.path[-1] unlink(filename + 'c') unlink(filename + 'o') # Remove references to the module (unload the module) namespace.clear() try: del sys.modules[module] except KeyError: pass def test_failing_import_sticks(self): source = TESTFN + ".py" with open(source, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: print("a = 1/0", file=f) # New in 2.4, we shouldn't be able to import that no matter how often # we try. sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir) importlib.invalidate_caches() if TESTFN in sys.modules: del sys.modules[TESTFN] try: for i in [1, 2, 3]: self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, __import__, TESTFN) self.assertNotIn(TESTFN, sys.modules, "damaged module in sys.modules on %i try" % i) finally: del sys.path[0] remove_files(TESTFN) def test_import_name_binding(self): # import x.y.z binds x in the current namespace import test as x import self.assertIs(x, test, x.__name__) self.assertTrue(hasattr(, "__file__")) # import x.y.z as w binds z as w import as y self.assertIs(y,, y.__name__) def test_issue31286(self): # import in a 'finally' block resulted in SystemError try: x = ... finally: import as x # import in a 'while' loop resulted in stack overflow i = 0 while i < 10: import as x i += 1 # import in a 'for' loop resulted in segmentation fault for i in range(2): import as x def test_failing_reload(self): # A failing reload should leave the module object in sys.modules. source = TESTFN + os.extsep + "py" with open(source, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("a = 1\nb=2\n") sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir) try: mod = __import__(TESTFN) self.assertIn(TESTFN, sys.modules) self.assertEqual(mod.a, 1, "module has wrong attribute values") self.assertEqual(mod.b, 2, "module has wrong attribute values") # On WinXP, just replacing the .py file wasn't enough to # convince reload() to reparse it. Maybe the timestamp didn't # move enough. We force it to get reparsed by removing the # compiled file too. remove_files(TESTFN) # Now damage the module. with open(source, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("a = 10\nb=20//0\n") self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, importlib.reload, mod) # But we still expect the module to be in sys.modules. mod = sys.modules.get(TESTFN) self.assertIsNotNone(mod, "expected module to be in sys.modules") # We should have replaced a w/ 10, but the old b value should # stick. self.assertEqual(mod.a, 10, "module has wrong attribute values") self.assertEqual(mod.b, 2, "module has wrong attribute values") finally: del sys.path[0] remove_files(TESTFN) unload(TESTFN) @skip_if_dont_write_bytecode def test_file_to_source(self): # check if __file__ points to the source file where available source = TESTFN + ".py" with open(source, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("test = None\n") sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir) try: mod = __import__(TESTFN) self.assertTrue(mod.__file__.endswith('.py')) os.remove(source) del sys.modules[TESTFN] make_legacy_pyc(source) importlib.invalidate_caches() mod = __import__(TESTFN) base, ext = os.path.splitext(mod.__file__) self.assertEqual(ext, '.pyc') finally: del sys.path[0] remove_files(TESTFN) if TESTFN in sys.modules: del sys.modules[TESTFN] def test_import_by_filename(self): path = os.path.abspath(TESTFN) encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() try: path.encode(encoding) except UnicodeEncodeError: self.skipTest('path is not encodable to {}'.format(encoding)) with self.assertRaises(ImportError) as c: __import__(path) def test_import_in_del_does_not_crash(self): # Issue 4236 testfn = script_helper.make_script('', TESTFN, textwrap.dedent("""\ import sys class C: def __del__(self): import importlib sys.argv.insert(0, C()) """)) script_helper.assert_python_ok(testfn) @skip_if_dont_write_bytecode def test_timestamp_overflow(self): # A modification timestamp larger than 2**32 should not be a problem # when importing a module (issue #11235). sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir) try: source = TESTFN + ".py" compiled = importlib.util.cache_from_source(source) with open(source, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: pass try: os.utime(source, (2 ** 33 - 5, 2 ** 33 - 5)) except OverflowError: self.skipTest("cannot set modification time to large integer") except OSError as e: if e.errno not in (getattr(errno, 'EOVERFLOW', None), getattr(errno, 'EINVAL', None)): raise self.skipTest("cannot set modification time to large integer ({})".format(e)) __import__(TESTFN) # The pyc file was created. os.stat(compiled) finally: del sys.path[0] remove_files(TESTFN) def test_bogus_fromlist(self): try: __import__('http', fromlist=['blah']) except ImportError:"fromlist must allow bogus names") @cpython_only def test_delete_builtins_import(self): args = ["-c", "del __builtins__.__import__; import os"] popen = script_helper.spawn_python(*args) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertIn(b"ImportError", stdout) def test_from_import_message_for_nonexistent_module(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ImportError, "^No module named 'bogus'"): from bogus import foo def test_from_import_message_for_existing_module(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ImportError, "^cannot import name 'bogus'"): from re import bogus def test_from_import_AttributeError(self): # Issue #24492: trying to import an attribute that raises an # AttributeError should lead to an ImportError. class AlwaysAttributeError: def __getattr__(self, _): raise AttributeError module_name = 'test_from_import_AttributeError' self.addCleanup(unload, module_name) sys.modules[module_name] = AlwaysAttributeError() with self.assertRaises(ImportError) as cm: from test_from_import_AttributeError import does_not_exist self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "cannot import name 'does_not_exist' from '' (unknown location)") @cpython_only def test_issue31492(self): # There shouldn't be an assertion failure in case of failing to import # from a module with a bad __name__ attribute, or in case of failing # to access an attribute of such a module. with swap_attr(os, '__name__', None): with self.assertRaises(ImportError): from os import does_not_exist with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): os.does_not_exist @threading_helper.requires_working_threading() def test_concurrency(self): # bpo 38091: this is a hack to slow down the code that calls # has_deadlock(); the logic was itself sometimes deadlocking. def delay_has_deadlock(frame, event, arg): if event == 'call' and frame.f_code.co_name == 'has_deadlock': time.sleep(0.1) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data')) try: exc = None def run(): sys.settrace(delay_has_deadlock) event.wait() try: import package except BaseException as e: nonlocal exc exc = e sys.settrace(None) for i in range(10): event = threading.Event() threads = [threading.Thread(target=run) for x in range(2)] try: with threading_helper.start_threads(threads, event.set): time.sleep(0) finally: sys.modules.pop('package', None) sys.modules.pop('package.submodule', None) if exc is not None: raise exc finally: del sys.path[0] @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == "win32", "Windows-specific") def test_dll_dependency_import(self): from _winapi import GetModuleFileName dllname = GetModuleFileName(sys.dllhandle) pydname = importlib.util.find_spec("_sqlite3").origin depname = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(pydname), "sqlite3{}.dll".format("_d" if "_d" in pydname else "")) with os_helper.temp_dir() as tmp: tmp2 = os.path.join(tmp, "DLLs") os.mkdir(tmp2) pyexe = os.path.join(tmp, os.path.basename(sys.executable)) shutil.copy(sys.executable, pyexe) shutil.copy(dllname, tmp) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(glob.escape(sys.prefix), "vcruntime*.dll")): shutil.copy(f, tmp) shutil.copy(pydname, tmp2) env = None env = {k.upper(): os.environ[k] for k in os.environ} env["PYTHONPATH"] = tmp2 + ";" + STDLIB_DIR # Test 1: import with added DLL directory subprocess.check_call([ pyexe, "-Sc", ";".join([ "import os", "p = os.add_dll_directory({!r})".format( os.path.dirname(depname)), "import _sqlite3", "p.close" ])], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, cwd=os.path.dirname(pyexe)) # Test 2: import with DLL adjacent to PYD shutil.copy(depname, tmp2) subprocess.check_call([pyexe, "-Sc", "import _sqlite3"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, cwd=os.path.dirname(pyexe)) def test_issue105979(self): # this used to crash with self.assertRaises(ImportError) as cm: _imp.get_frozen_object("x", b"6\'\xd5Cu\x12") self.assertIn("Frozen object named 'x' is invalid", str(cm.exception)) def test_script_shadowing_stdlib(self): with os_helper.temp_dir() as tmp: with open(os.path.join(tmp, ""), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("import fractions\nfractions.Fraction") expected_error = ( rb"AttributeError: module 'fractions' has no attribute 'Fraction' " rb"\(consider renaming '.*' since it has the " rb"same name as the standard library module named 'fractions' " rb"and the import system gives it precedence\)" ) popen = script_helper.spawn_python(os.path.join(tmp, ""), cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, expected_error) popen = script_helper.spawn_python('-m', 'fractions', cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, expected_error) popen = script_helper.spawn_python('-c', 'import fractions', cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, expected_error) # and there's no error at all when using -P popen = script_helper.spawn_python('-P', '', cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertEqual(stdout, b'') tmp_child = os.path.join(tmp, "child") os.mkdir(tmp_child) # test the logic with different cwd popen = script_helper.spawn_python(os.path.join(tmp, ""), cwd=tmp_child) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, expected_error) popen = script_helper.spawn_python('-m', 'fractions', cwd=tmp_child) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertEqual(stdout, b'') # no error popen = script_helper.spawn_python('-c', 'import fractions', cwd=tmp_child) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertEqual(stdout, b'') # no error def test_package_shadowing_stdlib_module(self): with os_helper.temp_dir() as tmp: os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp, "fractions")) with open(os.path.join(tmp, "fractions", ""), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("shadowing_module = True") with open(os.path.join(tmp, ""), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(""" import fractions fractions.shadowing_module fractions.Fraction """) expected_error = ( rb"AttributeError: module 'fractions' has no attribute 'Fraction' " rb"\(consider renaming '.*' since it has the " rb"same name as the standard library module named 'fractions' " rb"and the import system gives it precedence\)" ) popen = script_helper.spawn_python(os.path.join(tmp, ""), cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, expected_error) popen = script_helper.spawn_python('-m', 'main', cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, expected_error) # and there's no shadowing at all when using -P popen = script_helper.spawn_python('-P', '', cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, b"module 'fractions' has no attribute 'shadowing_module'") def test_script_shadowing_third_party(self): with os_helper.temp_dir() as tmp: with open(os.path.join(tmp, ""), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("import numpy\nnumpy.array") expected_error = ( rb"AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'array' " rb"\(consider renaming '.*' if it has the " rb"same name as a third-party module you intended to import\)\s+\Z" ) popen = script_helper.spawn_python(os.path.join(tmp, "")) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, expected_error) popen = script_helper.spawn_python('-m', 'numpy', cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, expected_error) popen = script_helper.spawn_python('-c', 'import numpy', cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, expected_error) def test_script_maybe_not_shadowing_third_party(self): with os_helper.temp_dir() as tmp: with open(os.path.join(tmp, ""), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("this_script_does_not_attempt_to_import_numpy = True") expected_error = ( rb"AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'attr'\s+\Z" ) popen = script_helper.spawn_python('-c', 'import numpy; numpy.attr', cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, expected_error) def test_script_shadowing_stdlib_edge_cases(self): with os_helper.temp_dir() as tmp: with open(os.path.join(tmp, ""), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("shadowing_module = True") with open(os.path.join(tmp, ""), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(""" import fractions fractions.shadowing_module class substr(str): __hash__ = None fractions.__name__ = substr('fractions') try: fractions.Fraction except TypeError as e: print(str(e)) """) popen = script_helper.spawn_python("", cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertEqual(stdout.rstrip(), b"unhashable type: 'substr'") with open(os.path.join(tmp, ""), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(""" import fractions fractions.shadowing_module import sys sys.stdlib_module_names = None try: fractions.Fraction except AttributeError as e: print(str(e)) del sys.stdlib_module_names try: fractions.Fraction except AttributeError as e: print(str(e)) sys.path = [0] try: fractions.Fraction except AttributeError as e: print(str(e)) """) popen = script_helper.spawn_python("", cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertEqual( stdout.splitlines(), [ b"module 'fractions' has no attribute 'Fraction'", b"module 'fractions' has no attribute 'Fraction'", b"module 'fractions' has no attribute 'Fraction'", ], ) with open(os.path.join(tmp, ""), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(""" import fractions fractions.shadowing_module del fractions.__spec__.origin try: fractions.Fraction except AttributeError as e: print(str(e)) fractions.__spec__.origin = 0 try: fractions.Fraction except AttributeError as e: print(str(e)) """) popen = script_helper.spawn_python("", cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertEqual( stdout.splitlines(), [ b"module 'fractions' has no attribute 'Fraction'", b"module 'fractions' has no attribute 'Fraction'" ], ) def test_script_shadowing_stdlib_sys_path_modification(self): with os_helper.temp_dir() as tmp: with open(os.path.join(tmp, ""), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("shadowing_module = True") expected_error = ( rb"AttributeError: module 'fractions' has no attribute 'Fraction' " rb"\(consider renaming '.*' since it has the " rb"same name as the standard library module named 'fractions' " rb"and the import system gives it precedence\)" ) with open(os.path.join(tmp, ""), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(""" import sys sys.path.insert(0, "this_folder_does_not_exist") import fractions fractions.Fraction """) popen = script_helper.spawn_python("", cwd=tmp) stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() self.assertRegex(stdout, expected_error) @skip_if_dont_write_bytecode class FilePermissionTests(unittest.TestCase): # tests for file mode on cached .pyc files @unittest.skipUnless( == 'posix', "test meaningful only on posix systems") @unittest.skipIf( is_emscripten or is_wasi, "Emscripten's/WASI's umask is a stub." ) def test_creation_mode(self): mask = 0o022 with temp_umask(mask), ready_to_import() as (name, path): cached_path = importlib.util.cache_from_source(path) module = __import__(name) if not os.path.exists(cached_path):"__import__ did not result in creation of " "a .pyc file") stat_info = os.stat(cached_path) # Check that the umask is respected, and the executable bits # aren't set. self.assertEqual(oct(stat.S_IMODE(stat_info.st_mode)), oct(0o666 & ~mask)) @unittest.skipUnless( == 'posix', "test meaningful only on posix systems") @os_helper.skip_unless_working_chmod def test_cached_mode_issue_2051(self): # permissions of .pyc should match those of .py, regardless of mask mode = 0o600 with temp_umask(0o022), ready_to_import() as (name, path): cached_path = importlib.util.cache_from_source(path) os.chmod(path, mode) __import__(name) if not os.path.exists(cached_path):"__import__ did not result in creation of " "a .pyc file") stat_info = os.stat(cached_path) self.assertEqual(oct(stat.S_IMODE(stat_info.st_mode)), oct(mode)) @unittest.skipUnless( == 'posix', "test meaningful only on posix systems") @os_helper.skip_unless_working_chmod def test_cached_readonly(self): mode = 0o400 with temp_umask(0o022), ready_to_import() as (name, path): cached_path = importlib.util.cache_from_source(path) os.chmod(path, mode) __import__(name) if not os.path.exists(cached_path):"__import__ did not result in creation of " "a .pyc file") stat_info = os.stat(cached_path) expected = mode | 0o200 # Account for fix for issue #6074 self.assertEqual(oct(stat.S_IMODE(stat_info.st_mode)), oct(expected)) def test_pyc_always_writable(self): # Initially read-only .pyc files on Windows used to cause problems # with later updates, see issue #6074 for details with ready_to_import() as (name, path): # Write a Python file, make it read-only and import it with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("x = 'original'\n") # Tweak the mtime of the source to ensure pyc gets updated later s = os.stat(path) os.utime(path, (s.st_atime, s.st_mtime-100000000)) os.chmod(path, 0o400) m = __import__(name) self.assertEqual(m.x, 'original') # Change the file and then reimport it os.chmod(path, 0o600) with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("x = 'rewritten'\n") unload(name) importlib.invalidate_caches() m = __import__(name) self.assertEqual(m.x, 'rewritten') # Now delete the source file and check the pyc was rewritten unlink(path) unload(name) importlib.invalidate_caches() bytecode_only = path + "c" os.rename(importlib.util.cache_from_source(path), bytecode_only) m = __import__(name) self.assertEqual(m.x, 'rewritten') class PycRewritingTests(unittest.TestCase): # Test that the `co_filename` attribute on code objects always points # to the right file, even when various things happen (e.g. both the .py # and the .pyc file are renamed). module_name = "unlikely_module_name" module_source = """ import sys code_filename = sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename module_filename = __file__ constant = 1 def func(): pass func_filename = func.__code__.co_filename """ dir_name = os.path.abspath(TESTFN) file_name = os.path.join(dir_name, module_name) + os.extsep + "py" compiled_name = importlib.util.cache_from_source(file_name) def setUp(self): self.sys_path = sys.path[:] self.orig_module = sys.modules.pop(self.module_name, None) os.mkdir(self.dir_name) with open(self.file_name, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(self.module_source) sys.path.insert(0, self.dir_name) importlib.invalidate_caches() def tearDown(self): sys.path[:] = self.sys_path if self.orig_module is not None: sys.modules[self.module_name] = self.orig_module else: unload(self.module_name) unlink(self.file_name) unlink(self.compiled_name) rmtree(self.dir_name) def import_module(self): ns = globals() __import__(self.module_name, ns, ns) return sys.modules[self.module_name] def test_basics(self): mod = self.import_module() self.assertEqual(mod.module_filename, self.file_name) self.assertEqual(mod.code_filename, self.file_name) self.assertEqual(mod.func_filename, self.file_name) del sys.modules[self.module_name] mod = self.import_module() self.assertEqual(mod.module_filename, self.file_name) self.assertEqual(mod.code_filename, self.file_name) self.assertEqual(mod.func_filename, self.file_name) def test_incorrect_code_name(self): py_compile.compile(self.file_name, dfile="") mod = self.import_module() self.assertEqual(mod.module_filename, self.file_name) self.assertEqual(mod.code_filename, self.file_name) self.assertEqual(mod.func_filename, self.file_name) def test_module_without_source(self): target = "" py_compile.compile(self.file_name, dfile=target) os.remove(self.file_name) pyc_file = make_legacy_pyc(self.file_name) importlib.invalidate_caches() mod = self.import_module() self.assertEqual(mod.module_filename, pyc_file) self.assertEqual(mod.code_filename, target) self.assertEqual(mod.func_filename, target) def test_foreign_code(self): py_compile.compile(self.file_name) with open(self.compiled_name, "rb") as f: header = code = marshal.load(f) constants = list(code.co_consts) foreign_code = importlib.import_module.__code__ pos = constants.index(1) constants[pos] = foreign_code code = code.replace(co_consts=tuple(constants)) with open(self.compiled_name, "wb") as f: f.write(header) marshal.dump(code, f) mod = self.import_module() self.assertEqual(mod.constant.co_filename, foreign_code.co_filename) class PathsTests(unittest.TestCase): SAMPLES = ('test', 'test\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df', 'test\u00e9\u00e8', 'test\u00b0\u00b3\u00b2') path = TESTFN def setUp(self): os.mkdir(self.path) self.syspath = sys.path[:] def tearDown(self): rmtree(self.path) sys.path[:] = self.syspath # Regression test for def test_trailing_slash(self): with open(os.path.join(self.path, ''), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("testdata = 'test_trailing_slash'") sys.path.append(self.path+'/') mod = __import__("test_trailing_slash") self.assertEqual(mod.testdata, 'test_trailing_slash') unload("test_trailing_slash") # Regression test for @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == 'win32', 'Windows-specific') def test_UNC_path(self): with open(os.path.join(self.path, ''), 'w') as f: f.write("testdata = 'test_unc_path'") importlib.invalidate_caches() # Create the UNC path, like \\myhost\c$\foo\bar. path = os.path.abspath(self.path) import socket hn = socket.gethostname() drive = path[0] unc = "\\\\%s\\%s$"%(hn, drive) unc += path[2:] try: os.listdir(unc) except OSError as e: if e.errno in (errno.EPERM, errno.EACCES, errno.ENOENT): # See issue #15338 self.skipTest("cannot access administrative share %r" % (unc,)) raise sys.path.insert(0, unc) try: mod = __import__("test_unc_path") except ImportError as e:"could not import 'test_unc_path' from %r: %r" % (unc, e)) self.assertEqual(mod.testdata, 'test_unc_path') self.assertTrue(mod.__file__.startswith(unc), mod.__file__) unload("test_unc_path") class RelativeImportTests(unittest.TestCase): def tearDown(self): unload("test.relimport") setUp = tearDown def test_relimport_star(self): # This will import * from .test_import. from .. import relimport self.assertTrue(hasattr(relimport, "RelativeImportTests")) def test_issue3221(self): # Note for mergers: the 'absolute' tests from the 2.x branch # are missing in Py3k because implicit relative imports are # a thing of the past # # Regression test for def check_relative(): exec("from . import relimport", ns) # Check relative import OK with __package__ and __name__ correct ns = dict(__package__='test', __name__='test.notarealmodule') check_relative() # Check relative import OK with only __name__ wrong ns = dict(__package__='test', __name__='notarealpkg.notarealmodule') check_relative() # Check relative import fails with only __package__ wrong ns = dict(__package__='foo', __name__='test.notarealmodule') self.assertRaises(ModuleNotFoundError, check_relative) # Check relative import fails with __package__ and __name__ wrong ns = dict(__package__='foo', __name__='notarealpkg.notarealmodule') self.assertRaises(ModuleNotFoundError, check_relative) # Check relative import fails with package set to a non-string ns = dict(__package__=object()) self.assertRaises(TypeError, check_relative) def test_parentless_import_shadowed_by_global(self): # Test as if this were done from the REPL where this error most commonly occurs (bpo-37409). script_helper.assert_python_failure('-W', 'ignore', '-c', "foo = 1; from . import foo") def test_absolute_import_without_future(self): # If explicit relative import syntax is used, then do not try # to perform an absolute import in the face of failure. # Issue #7902. with self.assertRaises(ImportError): from .os import sep"explicit relative import triggered an " "implicit absolute import") def test_import_from_non_package(self): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'package2') with uncache('submodule1', 'submodule2'), DirsOnSysPath(path): with self.assertRaises(ImportError): import submodule1 self.assertNotIn('submodule1', sys.modules) self.assertNotIn('submodule2', sys.modules) def test_import_from_unloaded_package(self): with uncache('package2', 'package2.submodule1', 'package2.submodule2'), \ DirsOnSysPath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data')): import package2.submodule1 package2.submodule1.submodule2 def test_rebinding(self): # The same data is also used for testing pkgutil.resolve_name() # in test_pkgutil and mock.patch in test_unittest. path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data') with uncache('package3', 'package3.submodule'), DirsOnSysPath(path): from package3 import submodule self.assertEqual(submodule.attr, 'rebound') import package3.submodule as submodule self.assertEqual(submodule.attr, 'rebound') with uncache('package3', 'package3.submodule'), DirsOnSysPath(path): import package3.submodule as submodule self.assertEqual(submodule.attr, 'rebound') from package3 import submodule self.assertEqual(submodule.attr, 'rebound') def test_rebinding2(self): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data') with uncache('package4', 'package4.submodule'), DirsOnSysPath(path): import package4.submodule as submodule self.assertEqual(submodule.attr, 'submodule') from package4 import submodule self.assertEqual(submodule.attr, 'submodule') with uncache('package4', 'package4.submodule'), DirsOnSysPath(path): from package4 import submodule self.assertEqual(submodule.attr, 'origin') import package4.submodule as submodule self.assertEqual(submodule.attr, 'submodule') class OverridingImportBuiltinTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_override_builtin(self): # Test that overriding builtins.__import__ can bypass sys.modules. import os def foo(): import os return os self.assertEqual(foo(), os) # Quick sanity check. with swap_attr(builtins, "__import__", lambda *x: 5): self.assertEqual(foo(), 5) # Test what happens when we shadow __import__ in globals(); this # currently does not impact the import process, but if this changes, # other code will need to change, so keep this test as a tripwire. with swap_item(globals(), "__import__", lambda *x: 5): self.assertEqual(foo(), os) class PycacheTests(unittest.TestCase): # Test the various PEP 3147/488-related behaviors. def _clean(self): forget(TESTFN) rmtree('__pycache__') unlink(self.source) def setUp(self): self.source = TESTFN + '.py' self._clean() with open(self.source, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: print('# This is a test file written by', file=fp) sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir) importlib.invalidate_caches() def tearDown(self): assert sys.path[0] == os.curdir, 'Unexpected sys.path[0]' del sys.path[0] self._clean() @skip_if_dont_write_bytecode def test_import_pyc_path(self): self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('__pycache__')) __import__(TESTFN) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('__pycache__')) pyc_path = importlib.util.cache_from_source(self.source) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pyc_path), 'bytecode file {!r} for {!r} does not ' 'exist'.format(pyc_path, TESTFN)) @unittest.skipUnless( == 'posix', "test meaningful only on posix systems") @skip_if_dont_write_bytecode @os_helper.skip_unless_working_chmod @os_helper.skip_if_dac_override @unittest.skipIf(is_emscripten, "umask is a stub") def test_unwritable_directory(self): # When the umask causes the new __pycache__ directory to be # unwritable, the import still succeeds but no .pyc file is written. with temp_umask(0o222): __import__(TESTFN) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('__pycache__')) pyc_path = importlib.util.cache_from_source(self.source) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(pyc_path), 'bytecode file {!r} for {!r} ' 'exists'.format(pyc_path, TESTFN)) @skip_if_dont_write_bytecode def test_missing_source(self): # With PEP 3147 cache layout, removing the source but leaving the pyc # file does not satisfy the import. __import__(TESTFN) pyc_file = importlib.util.cache_from_source(self.source) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pyc_file)) os.remove(self.source) forget(TESTFN) importlib.invalidate_caches() self.assertRaises(ImportError, __import__, TESTFN) @skip_if_dont_write_bytecode def test_missing_source_legacy(self): # Like test_missing_source() except that for backward compatibility, # when the pyc file lives where the py file would have been (and named # without the tag), it is importable. The __file__ of the imported # module is the pyc location. __import__(TESTFN) # pyc_file gets removed in _clean() via tearDown(). pyc_file = make_legacy_pyc(self.source) os.remove(self.source) unload(TESTFN) importlib.invalidate_caches() m = __import__(TESTFN) try: self.assertEqual(m.__file__, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.relpath(pyc_file))) finally: os.remove(pyc_file) def test___cached__(self): # Modules now also have an __cached__ that points to the pyc file. m = __import__(TESTFN) pyc_file = importlib.util.cache_from_source(TESTFN + '.py') self.assertEqual(m.__cached__, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), pyc_file)) @skip_if_dont_write_bytecode def test___cached___legacy_pyc(self): # Like test___cached__() except that for backward compatibility, # when the pyc file lives where the py file would have been (and named # without the tag), it is importable. The __cached__ of the imported # module is the pyc location. __import__(TESTFN) # pyc_file gets removed in _clean() via tearDown(). pyc_file = make_legacy_pyc(self.source) os.remove(self.source) unload(TESTFN) importlib.invalidate_caches() m = __import__(TESTFN) self.assertEqual(m.__cached__, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.relpath(pyc_file))) @skip_if_dont_write_bytecode def test_package___cached__(self): # Like test___cached__ but for packages. def cleanup(): rmtree('pep3147') unload('') unload('pep3147') os.mkdir('pep3147') self.addCleanup(cleanup) # Touch the with open(os.path.join('pep3147', ''), 'wb'): pass with open(os.path.join('pep3147', ''), 'wb'): pass importlib.invalidate_caches() m = __import__('') init_pyc = importlib.util.cache_from_source( os.path.join('pep3147', '')) self.assertEqual(m.__cached__, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), init_pyc)) foo_pyc = importlib.util.cache_from_source(os.path.join('pep3147', '')) self.assertEqual(sys.modules[''].__cached__, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), foo_pyc)) def test_package___cached___from_pyc(self): # Like test___cached__ but ensuring __cached__ when imported from a # PEP 3147 pyc file. def cleanup(): rmtree('pep3147') unload('') unload('pep3147') os.mkdir('pep3147') self.addCleanup(cleanup) # Touch the with open(os.path.join('pep3147', ''), 'wb'): pass with open(os.path.join('pep3147', ''), 'wb'): pass importlib.invalidate_caches() m = __import__('') unload('') unload('pep3147') importlib.invalidate_caches() m = __import__('') init_pyc = importlib.util.cache_from_source( os.path.join('pep3147', '')) self.assertEqual(m.__cached__, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), init_pyc)) foo_pyc = importlib.util.cache_from_source(os.path.join('pep3147', '')) self.assertEqual(sys.modules[''].__cached__, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), foo_pyc)) def test_recompute_pyc_same_second(self): # Even when the source file doesn't change timestamp, a change in # source size is enough to trigger recomputation of the pyc file. __import__(TESTFN) unload(TESTFN) with open(self.source, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as fp: print("x = 5", file=fp) m = __import__(TESTFN) self.assertEqual(m.x, 5) class TestSymbolicallyLinkedPackage(unittest.TestCase): package_name = 'sample' tagged = package_name + '-tagged' def setUp(self): os_helper.rmtree(self.tagged) os_helper.rmtree(self.package_name) self.orig_sys_path = sys.path[:] # create a sample package; imagine you have a package with a tag and # you want to symbolically link it from its untagged name. os.mkdir(self.tagged) self.addCleanup(os_helper.rmtree, self.tagged) init_file = os.path.join(self.tagged, '') os_helper.create_empty_file(init_file) assert os.path.exists(init_file) # now create a symlink to the tagged package # sample -> sample-tagged os.symlink(self.tagged, self.package_name, target_is_directory=True) self.addCleanup(os_helper.unlink, self.package_name) importlib.invalidate_caches() self.assertEqual(os.path.isdir(self.package_name), True) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.package_name, '')) def tearDown(self): sys.path[:] = self.orig_sys_path # regression test for issue6727 @unittest.skipUnless( not hasattr(sys, 'getwindowsversion') or sys.getwindowsversion() >= (6, 0), "Windows Vista or later required") @os_helper.skip_unless_symlink def test_symlinked_dir_importable(self): # make sure sample can only be imported from the current directory. sys.path[:] = ['.'] assert os.path.exists(self.package_name) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.package_name, '')) # Try to import the package importlib.import_module(self.package_name) @cpython_only class ImportlibBootstrapTests(unittest.TestCase): # These tests check that importlib is bootstrapped. def test_frozen_importlib(self): mod = sys.modules['_frozen_importlib'] self.assertTrue(mod) def test_frozen_importlib_is_bootstrap(self): from importlib import _bootstrap mod = sys.modules['_frozen_importlib'] self.assertIs(mod, _bootstrap) self.assertEqual(mod.__name__, 'importlib._bootstrap') self.assertEqual(mod.__package__, 'importlib') self.assertTrue(mod.__file__.endswith(''), mod.__file__) def test_frozen_importlib_external_is_bootstrap_external(self): from importlib import _bootstrap_external mod = sys.modules['_frozen_importlib_external'] self.assertIs(mod, _bootstrap_external) self.assertEqual(mod.__name__, 'importlib._bootstrap_external') self.assertEqual(mod.__package__, 'importlib') self.assertTrue(mod.__file__.endswith(''), mod.__file__) def test_there_can_be_only_one(self): # Issue #15386 revealed a tricky loophole in the bootstrapping # This test is technically redundant, since the bug caused importing # this test module to crash completely, but it helps prove the point from importlib import machinery mod = sys.modules['_frozen_importlib'] self.assertIs(machinery.ModuleSpec, mod.ModuleSpec) @cpython_only class GetSourcefileTests(unittest.TestCase): """Test importlib._bootstrap_external._get_sourcefile() as used by the C API. Because of the peculiarities of the need of this function, the tests are knowingly whitebox tests. """ def test_get_sourcefile(self): # Given a valid bytecode path, return the path to the corresponding # source file if it exists. with mock.patch('importlib._bootstrap_external._path_isfile') as _path_isfile: _path_isfile.return_value = True path = TESTFN + '.pyc' expect = TESTFN + '.py' self.assertEqual(_get_sourcefile(path), expect) def test_get_sourcefile_no_source(self): # Given a valid bytecode path without a corresponding source path, # return the original bytecode path. with mock.patch('importlib._bootstrap_external._path_isfile') as _path_isfile: _path_isfile.return_value = False path = TESTFN + '.pyc' self.assertEqual(_get_sourcefile(path), path) def test_get_sourcefile_bad_ext(self): # Given a path with an invalid bytecode extension, return the # bytecode path passed as the argument. path = TESTFN + '.bad_ext' self.assertEqual(_get_sourcefile(path), path) class ImportTracebackTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): os.mkdir(TESTFN) self.old_path = sys.path[:] sys.path.insert(0, TESTFN) def tearDown(self): sys.path[:] = self.old_path rmtree(TESTFN) def create_module(self, mod, contents, ext=".py"): fname = os.path.join(TESTFN, mod + ext) with open(fname, "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(contents) self.addCleanup(unload, mod) importlib.invalidate_caches() return fname def assert_traceback(self, tb, files): deduped_files = [] while tb: code = tb.tb_frame.f_code fn = code.co_filename if not deduped_files or fn != deduped_files[-1]: deduped_files.append(fn) tb = tb.tb_next self.assertEqual(len(deduped_files), len(files), deduped_files) for fn, pat in zip(deduped_files, files): self.assertIn(pat, fn) def test_nonexistent_module(self): try: # assertRaises() clears __traceback__ import nonexistent_xyzzy except ImportError as e: tb = e.__traceback__ else:"ImportError should have been raised") self.assert_traceback(tb, [__file__]) def test_nonexistent_module_nested(self): self.create_module("foo", "import nonexistent_xyzzy") try: import foo except ImportError as e: tb = e.__traceback__ else:"ImportError should have been raised") self.assert_traceback(tb, [__file__, '']) def test_exec_failure(self): self.create_module("foo", "1/0") try: import foo except ZeroDivisionError as e: tb = e.__traceback__ else:"ZeroDivisionError should have been raised") self.assert_traceback(tb, [__file__, '']) def test_exec_failure_nested(self): self.create_module("foo", "import bar") self.create_module("bar", "1/0") try: import foo except ZeroDivisionError as e: tb = e.__traceback__ else:"ZeroDivisionError should have been raised") self.assert_traceback(tb, [__file__, '', '']) # A few more examples from issue #15425 def test_syntax_error(self): self.create_module("foo", "invalid syntax is invalid") try: import foo except SyntaxError as e: tb = e.__traceback__ else:"SyntaxError should have been raised") self.assert_traceback(tb, [__file__]) def _setup_broken_package(self, parent, child): pkg_name = "_parent_foo" self.addCleanup(unload, pkg_name) pkg_path = os.path.join(TESTFN, pkg_name) os.mkdir(pkg_path) # Touch the init_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, '') with open(init_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(parent) bar_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, '') with open(bar_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(child) importlib.invalidate_caches() return init_path, bar_path def test_broken_submodule(self): init_path, bar_path = self._setup_broken_package("", "1/0") try: import except ZeroDivisionError as e: tb = e.__traceback__ else:"ZeroDivisionError should have been raised") self.assert_traceback(tb, [__file__, bar_path]) def test_broken_from(self): init_path, bar_path = self._setup_broken_package("", "1/0") try: from _parent_foo import bar except ZeroDivisionError as e: tb = e.__traceback__ else:"ImportError should have been raised") self.assert_traceback(tb, [__file__, bar_path]) def test_broken_parent(self): init_path, bar_path = self._setup_broken_package("1/0", "") try: import except ZeroDivisionError as e: tb = e.__traceback__ else:"ZeroDivisionError should have been raised") self.assert_traceback(tb, [__file__, init_path]) def test_broken_parent_from(self): init_path, bar_path = self._setup_broken_package("1/0", "") try: from _parent_foo import bar except ZeroDivisionError as e: tb = e.__traceback__ else:"ZeroDivisionError should have been raised") self.assert_traceback(tb, [__file__, init_path]) @cpython_only def test_import_bug(self): # We simulate a bug in importlib and check that it's not stripped # away from the traceback. self.create_module("foo", "") importlib = sys.modules['_frozen_importlib_external'] if 'load_module' in vars(importlib.SourceLoader): old_exec_module = importlib.SourceLoader.exec_module else: old_exec_module = None try: def exec_module(*args): 1/0 importlib.SourceLoader.exec_module = exec_module try: import foo except ZeroDivisionError as e: tb = e.__traceback__ else:"ZeroDivisionError should have been raised") self.assert_traceback(tb, [__file__, 'imports.modules_by_index was set for the module). self.assertEqual(snap.lookedup_id, self.assertEqual(snap.cached_id, with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): snap.spam else: self.assertIs(snap.lookedup, mod) self.assertIs(snap.cached, mod) def check_direct(self, loaded): # The module has its own PyModuleDef, with a matching name. self.assertEqual(loaded.module.__name__, self.assertIs(loaded.snapshot.lookedup, loaded.module) def check_indirect(self, loaded, orig): # The module re-uses another's PyModuleDef, with a different name. assert orig is not loaded.module assert orig.__name__ != self.assertNotEqual(loaded.module.__name__, self.assertIs(loaded.snapshot.lookedup, loaded.module) def check_basic(self, loaded, expected_init_count): # m_size == -1 # The module loads fresh the first time and copies m_copy after. snap = loaded.snapshot self.assertIsNot(snap.state_initialized, None) self.assertIsInstance(snap.init_count, int) self.assertGreater(snap.init_count, 0) self.assertEqual(snap.init_count, expected_init_count) def check_with_reinit(self, loaded): # m_size >= 0 # The module loads fresh every time. pass def check_fresh(self, loaded): """ The module had not been loaded before (at least since fully reset). """ snap = loaded.snapshot # The module's init func was run. # A copy of the module's __dict__ was stored in def->m_base.m_copy. # The previous m_copy was deleted first. # _PyRuntime.imports.extensions was set. self.assertEqual(snap.init_count, 1) # The global state was initialized. # The module attrs were initialized from that state. self.assertEqual(snap.module._module_initialized, snap.state_initialized) def check_semi_fresh(self, loaded, base, prev): """ The module had been loaded before and then reset (but the module global state wasn't). """ snap = loaded.snapshot # The module's init func was run again. # A copy of the module's __dict__ was stored in def->m_base.m_copy. # The previous m_copy was deleted first. # The module globals did not get reset. self.assertNotEqual(, self.assertNotEqual(, self.assertEqual(snap.init_count, prev.snapshot.init_count + 1) # The global state was updated. # The module attrs were initialized from that state. self.assertEqual(snap.module._module_initialized, snap.state_initialized) self.assertNotEqual(snap.state_initialized, base.snapshot.state_initialized) self.assertNotEqual(snap.state_initialized, prev.snapshot.state_initialized) def check_copied(self, loaded, base): """ The module had been loaded before and never reset. """ snap = loaded.snapshot # The module's init func was not run again. # The interpreter copied m_copy, as set by the other interpreter, # with objects owned by the other interpreter. # The module globals did not get reset. self.assertNotEqual(, self.assertEqual(snap.init_count, base.snapshot.init_count) # The global state was not updated since the init func did not run. # The module attrs were not directly initialized from that state. # The state and module attrs still match the previous loading. self.assertEqual(snap.module._module_initialized, snap.state_initialized) self.assertEqual(snap.state_initialized, base.snapshot.state_initialized) ######################### # the tests def test_cleared_globals(self): loaded = self.load(self.NAME) _testsinglephase = loaded.module init_before = _testsinglephase.state_initialized() _testsinglephase._clear_globals() init_after = _testsinglephase.state_initialized() init_count = _testsinglephase.initialized_count() self.assertGreater(init_before, 0) self.assertEqual(init_after, 0) self.assertEqual(init_count, -1) def test_variants(self): # Exercise the most meaningful variants described in Python/import.c. self.maxDiff = None # Check the "basic" module. name = self.NAME expected_init_count = 1 with self.subTest(name): loaded = self.load(name) self.check_common(loaded) self.check_direct(loaded) self.check_basic(loaded, expected_init_count) basic = loaded.module # Check its indirect variants. name = f'{self.NAME}_basic_wrapper' self.add_module_cleanup(name) expected_init_count += 1 with self.subTest(name): loaded = self.load(name) self.check_common(loaded) self.check_indirect(loaded, basic) self.check_basic(loaded, expected_init_count) # Currently PyState_AddModule() always replaces the cached module. self.assertIs(basic.look_up_self(), loaded.module) self.assertEqual(basic.initialized_count(), expected_init_count) # The cached module shouldn't change after this point. basic_lookedup = loaded.module # Check its direct variant. name = f'{self.NAME}_basic_copy' self.add_module_cleanup(name) expected_init_count += 1 with self.subTest(name): loaded = self.load(name) self.check_common(loaded) self.check_direct(loaded) self.check_basic(loaded, expected_init_count) # This should change the cached module for _testsinglephase. self.assertIs(basic.look_up_self(), basic_lookedup) self.assertEqual(basic.initialized_count(), expected_init_count) # Check the non-basic variant that has no state. name = f'{self.NAME}_with_reinit' self.add_module_cleanup(name) with self.subTest(name): loaded = self.load(name) self.check_common(loaded) self.assertIs(loaded.snapshot.state_initialized, None) self.check_direct(loaded) self.check_with_reinit(loaded) # This should change the cached module for _testsinglephase. self.assertIs(basic.look_up_self(), basic_lookedup) self.assertEqual(basic.initialized_count(), expected_init_count) # Check the basic variant that has state. name = f'{self.NAME}_with_state' self.add_module_cleanup(name) with self.subTest(name): loaded = self.load(name) self.addCleanup(loaded.module._clear_module_state) self.check_common(loaded) self.assertIsNot(loaded.snapshot.state_initialized, None) self.check_direct(loaded) self.check_with_reinit(loaded) # This should change the cached module for _testsinglephase. self.assertIs(basic.look_up_self(), basic_lookedup) self.assertEqual(basic.initialized_count(), expected_init_count) def test_basic_reloaded(self): # m_copy is copied into the existing module object. # Global state is not changed. self.maxDiff = None for name in [ self.NAME, # the "basic" module f'{self.NAME}_basic_wrapper', # the indirect variant f'{self.NAME}_basic_copy', # the direct variant ]: self.add_module_cleanup(name) with self.subTest(name): loaded = self.load(name) reloaded = self.re_load(name, loaded.module) self.check_common(loaded) self.check_common(reloaded) # Make sure the original __dict__ did not get replaced. self.assertEqual(id(loaded.module.__dict__), loaded.snapshot.ns_id) self.assertEqual(loaded.snapshot.ns.__dict__, loaded.module.__dict__) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(reloaded.module.__name__, reloaded.snapshot.ns.__name__) self.assertIs(reloaded.module, loaded.module) self.assertIs(reloaded.module.__dict__, loaded.module.__dict__) # It only happens to be the same but that's good enough here. # We really just want to verify that the re-loaded attrs # didn't change. self.assertIs(reloaded.snapshot.lookedup, loaded.snapshot.lookedup) self.assertEqual(reloaded.snapshot.state_initialized, loaded.snapshot.state_initialized) self.assertEqual(reloaded.snapshot.init_count, loaded.snapshot.init_count) self.assertIs(reloaded.snapshot.cached, reloaded.module) def test_with_reinit_reloaded(self): # The module's m_init func is run again. self.maxDiff = None # Keep a reference around. basic = self.load(self.NAME) for name, has_state in [ (f'{self.NAME}_with_reinit', False), # m_size == 0 (f'{self.NAME}_with_state', True), # m_size > 0 ]: self.add_module_cleanup(name) with self.subTest(name=name, has_state=has_state): loaded = self.load(name) if has_state: self.addCleanup(loaded.module._clear_module_state) reloaded = self.re_load(name, loaded.module) if has_state: self.addCleanup(reloaded.module._clear_module_state) self.check_common(loaded) self.check_common(reloaded) # Make sure the original __dict__ did not get replaced. self.assertEqual(id(loaded.module.__dict__), loaded.snapshot.ns_id) self.assertEqual(loaded.snapshot.ns.__dict__, loaded.module.__dict__) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(reloaded.module.__name__, reloaded.snapshot.ns.__name__) self.assertIsNot(reloaded.module, loaded.module) self.assertNotEqual(reloaded.module.__dict__, loaded.module.__dict__) self.assertIs(reloaded.snapshot.lookedup, reloaded.module) if loaded.snapshot.state_initialized is None: self.assertIs(reloaded.snapshot.state_initialized, None) else: self.assertGreater(reloaded.snapshot.state_initialized, loaded.snapshot.state_initialized) self.assertIs(reloaded.snapshot.cached, reloaded.module) @unittest.skipIf(_testinternalcapi is None, "requires _testinternalcapi") def test_check_state_first(self): for variant in ['', '_with_reinit', '_with_state']: name = f'{self.NAME}{variant}_check_cache_first' with self.subTest(name): mod = self._load_dynamic(name, self.ORIGIN) self.assertEqual(mod.__name__, name) sys.modules.pop(name, None) _testinternalcapi.clear_extension(name, self.ORIGIN) # Currently, for every single-phrase init module loaded # in multiple interpreters, those interpreters share a # PyModuleDef for that object, which can be a problem. # Also, we test with a single-phase module that has global state, # which is shared by all interpreters. @requires_subinterpreters def test_basic_multiple_interpreters_main_no_reset(self): # without resetting; already loaded in main interpreter # At this point: # * alive in 0 interpreters # * module def may or may not be loaded already # * module def not in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func has not run yet (since reset, at least) # * m_copy not set (hasn't been loaded yet or already cleared) # * module's global state has not been initialized yet # (or already cleared) main_loaded = self.load(self.NAME) _testsinglephase = main_loaded.module # Attrs set after loading are not in m_copy. _testsinglephase.spam = 'spam, spam, spam, spam, eggs, and spam' self.check_common(main_loaded) self.check_fresh(main_loaded) interpid1 = self.add_subinterpreter() interpid2 = self.add_subinterpreter() # At this point: # * alive in 1 interpreter (main) # * module def in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func ran for the first time (since reset, at least) # * m_copy was copied from the main interpreter (was NULL) # * module's global state was initialized # Use an interpreter that gets destroyed right away. loaded = self.import_in_subinterp() self.check_common(loaded) self.check_copied(loaded, main_loaded) # At this point: # * alive in 1 interpreter (main) # * module def still in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func ran again # * m_copy is NULL (claered when the interpreter was destroyed) # (was from main interpreter) # * module's global state was updated, not reset # Use a subinterpreter that sticks around. loaded = self.import_in_subinterp(interpid1) self.check_common(loaded) self.check_copied(loaded, main_loaded) # At this point: # * alive in 2 interpreters (main, interp1) # * module def still in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func ran again # * m_copy was copied from interp1 # * module's global state was updated, not reset # Use a subinterpreter while the previous one is still alive. loaded = self.import_in_subinterp(interpid2) self.check_common(loaded) self.check_copied(loaded, main_loaded) # At this point: # * alive in 3 interpreters (main, interp1, interp2) # * module def still in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func ran again # * m_copy was copied from interp2 (was from interp1) # * module's global state was updated, not reset @no_rerun(reason="rerun not possible; module state is never cleared (see gh-102251)") @requires_subinterpreters def test_basic_multiple_interpreters_deleted_no_reset(self): # without resetting; already loaded in a deleted interpreter if Py_TRACE_REFS: # It's a Py_TRACE_REFS build. # This test breaks interpreter isolation a little, # which causes problems on Py_TRACE_REF builds. raise unittest.SkipTest('crashes on Py_TRACE_REFS builds') # At this point: # * alive in 0 interpreters # * module def may or may not be loaded already # * module def not in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func has not run yet (since reset, at least) # * m_copy not set (hasn't been loaded yet or already cleared) # * module's global state has not been initialized yet # (or already cleared) interpid1 = self.add_subinterpreter() interpid2 = self.add_subinterpreter() # First, load in the main interpreter but then completely clear it. loaded_main = self.load(self.NAME) loaded_main.module._clear_globals() _testinternalcapi.clear_extension(self.NAME, self.ORIGIN) # At this point: # * alive in 0 interpreters # * module def loaded already # * module def was in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions, but cleared # * mod init func ran for the first time (since reset, at least) # * m_copy was set, but cleared (was NULL) # * module's global state was initialized but cleared # Start with an interpreter that gets destroyed right away. base = self.import_in_subinterp( postscript=''' # Attrs set after loading are not in m_copy. mod.spam = 'spam, spam, mash, spam, eggs, and spam' ''') self.check_common(base) self.check_fresh(base) # At this point: # * alive in 0 interpreters # * module def in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func ran for the first time (since reset) # * m_copy is still set (owned by main interpreter) # * module's global state was initialized, not reset # Use a subinterpreter that sticks around. loaded_interp1 = self.import_in_subinterp(interpid1) self.check_common(loaded_interp1) self.check_copied(loaded_interp1, base) # At this point: # * alive in 1 interpreter (interp1) # * module def still in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func did not run again # * m_copy was not changed # * module's global state was not touched # Use a subinterpreter while the previous one is still alive. loaded_interp2 = self.import_in_subinterp(interpid2) self.check_common(loaded_interp2) self.check_copied(loaded_interp2, loaded_interp1) # At this point: # * alive in 2 interpreters (interp1, interp2) # * module def still in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func did not run again # * m_copy was not changed # * module's global state was not touched @requires_subinterpreters def test_basic_multiple_interpreters_reset_each(self): # resetting between each interpreter # At this point: # * alive in 0 interpreters # * module def may or may not be loaded already # * module def not in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func has not run yet (since reset, at least) # * m_copy not set (hasn't been loaded yet or already cleared) # * module's global state has not been initialized yet # (or already cleared) interpid1 = self.add_subinterpreter() interpid2 = self.add_subinterpreter() # Use an interpreter that gets destroyed right away. loaded = self.import_in_subinterp( postscript=''' # Attrs set after loading are not in m_copy. mod.spam = 'spam, spam, mash, spam, eggs, and spam' ''', postcleanup=True, ) self.check_common(loaded) self.check_fresh(loaded) # At this point: # * alive in 0 interpreters # * module def in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func ran for the first time (since reset, at least) # * m_copy is NULL (claered when the interpreter was destroyed) # * module's global state was initialized, not reset # Use a subinterpreter that sticks around. loaded = self.import_in_subinterp(interpid1, postcleanup=True) self.check_common(loaded) self.check_fresh(loaded) # At this point: # * alive in 1 interpreter (interp1) # * module def still in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func ran again # * m_copy was copied from interp1 (was NULL) # * module's global state was initialized, not reset # Use a subinterpreter while the previous one is still alive. loaded = self.import_in_subinterp(interpid2, postcleanup=True) self.check_common(loaded) self.check_fresh(loaded) # At this point: # * alive in 2 interpreters (interp2, interp2) # * module def still in _PyRuntime.imports.extensions # * mod init func ran again # * m_copy was copied from interp2 (was from interp1) # * module's global state was initialized, not reset @cpython_only class CAPITests(unittest.TestCase): def test_pyimport_addmodule(self): # gh-105922: Test PyImport_AddModuleRef(), PyImport_AddModule() # and PyImport_AddModuleObject() _testcapi = import_module("_testcapi") for name in ( 'sys', # frozen module 'test', # package __name__, # package.module ): _testcapi.check_pyimport_addmodule(name) def test_pyimport_addmodule_create(self): # gh-105922: Test PyImport_AddModuleRef(), create a new module _testcapi = import_module("_testcapi") name = 'dontexist' self.assertNotIn(name, sys.modules) self.addCleanup(unload, name) mod = _testcapi.check_pyimport_addmodule(name) self.assertIs(mod, sys.modules[name]) if __name__ == '__main__': # Test needs to be a package, so we can do relative imports. unittest.main()