# xmlcore.etree test. This file contains enough tests to make sure that # all included components work as they should. For a more extensive # test suite, see the selftest script in the ElementTree distribution. import doctest, sys from test import test_support from xmlcore.etree import ElementTree as ET SAMPLE_XML = """ text
""" SAMPLE_XML_NS = """ text
""" def sanity(): """ Import sanity. >>> from xmlcore.etree import ElementTree >>> from xmlcore.etree import ElementInclude >>> from xmlcore.etree import ElementPath """ def check_method(method): if not callable(method): print method, "not callable" def serialize(ET, elem, encoding=None): import StringIO file = StringIO.StringIO() tree = ET.ElementTree(elem) if encoding: tree.write(file, encoding) else: tree.write(file) return file.getvalue() def summarize(elem): return elem.tag def summarize_list(seq): return map(summarize, seq) def interface(): """ Test element tree interface. >>> element = ET.Element("tag", key="value") >>> tree = ET.ElementTree(element) Make sure all standard element methods exist. >>> check_method(element.append) >>> check_method(element.insert) >>> check_method(element.remove) >>> check_method(element.getchildren) >>> check_method(element.find) >>> check_method(element.findall) >>> check_method(element.findtext) >>> check_method(element.clear) >>> check_method(element.get) >>> check_method(element.set) >>> check_method(element.keys) >>> check_method(element.items) >>> check_method(element.getiterator) Basic method sanity checks. >>> serialize(ET, element) # 1 '' >>> subelement = ET.Element("subtag") >>> element.append(subelement) >>> serialize(ET, element) # 2 '' >>> element.insert(0, subelement) >>> serialize(ET, element) # 3 '' >>> element.remove(subelement) >>> serialize(ET, element) # 4 '' >>> element.remove(subelement) >>> serialize(ET, element) # 5 '' >>> element.remove(subelement) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list >>> serialize(ET, element) # 6 '' """ def find(): """ Test find methods (including xpath syntax). >>> elem = ET.XML(SAMPLE_XML) >>> elem.find("tag").tag 'tag' >>> ET.ElementTree(elem).find("tag").tag 'tag' >>> elem.find("section/tag").tag 'tag' >>> ET.ElementTree(elem).find("section/tag").tag 'tag' >>> elem.findtext("tag") 'text' >>> elem.findtext("tog") >>> elem.findtext("tog", "default") 'default' >>> ET.ElementTree(elem).findtext("tag") 'text' >>> elem.findtext("section/tag") 'subtext' >>> ET.ElementTree(elem).findtext("section/tag") 'subtext' >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("tag")) ['tag', 'tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("*")) ['tag', 'tag', 'section'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall(".//tag")) ['tag', 'tag', 'tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("section/tag")) ['tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("section//tag")) ['tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("section/*")) ['tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("section//*")) ['tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("section/.//*")) ['tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("*/*")) ['tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("*//*")) ['tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("*/tag")) ['tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("*/./tag")) ['tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("./tag")) ['tag', 'tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall(".//tag")) ['tag', 'tag', 'tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("././tag")) ['tag', 'tag'] >>> summarize_list(ET.ElementTree(elem).findall("/tag")) ['tag', 'tag'] >>> summarize_list(ET.ElementTree(elem).findall("./tag")) ['tag', 'tag'] >>> elem = ET.XML(SAMPLE_XML_NS) >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("tag")) [] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall("{http://effbot.org/ns}tag")) ['{http://effbot.org/ns}tag', '{http://effbot.org/ns}tag'] >>> summarize_list(elem.findall(".//{http://effbot.org/ns}tag")) ['{http://effbot.org/ns}tag', '{http://effbot.org/ns}tag', '{http://effbot.org/ns}tag'] """ def parseliteral(): r""" >>> element = ET.XML("text") >>> ET.ElementTree(element).write(sys.stdout) text >>> element = ET.fromstring("text") >>> ET.ElementTree(element).write(sys.stdout) text >>> print ET.tostring(element) text >>> print ET.tostring(element, "ascii") text >>> _, ids = ET.XMLID("text") >>> len(ids) 0 >>> _, ids = ET.XMLID("text") >>> len(ids) 1 >>> ids["body"].tag 'body' """ def check_encoding(encoding): """ >>> check_encoding("ascii") >>> check_encoding("us-ascii") >>> check_encoding("iso-8859-1") >>> check_encoding("iso-8859-15") >>> check_encoding("cp437") >>> check_encoding("mac-roman") """ ET.XML( "" % encoding ) # # xinclude tests (samples from appendix C of the xinclude specification) XINCLUDE = {} XINCLUDE["C1.xml"] = """\

120 Mz is adequate for an average home user.

""" XINCLUDE["disclaimer.xml"] = """\

The opinions represented herein represent those of the individual and should not be interpreted as official policy endorsed by this organization.

""" XINCLUDE["C2.xml"] = """\

This document has been accessed times.

""" XINCLUDE["count.txt"] = "324387" XINCLUDE["C3.xml"] = """\

The following is the source of the "data.xml" resource:

""" XINCLUDE["data.xml"] = """\ """ XINCLUDE["C5.xml"] = """\ """ XINCLUDE["default.xml"] = """\


""" def xinclude_loader(href, parse="xml", encoding=None): try: data = XINCLUDE[href] except KeyError: raise IOError("resource not found") if parse == "xml": return ET.XML(data) return data def xinclude(): r""" Basic inclusion example (XInclude C.1) >>> from xmlcore.etree import ElementInclude >>> document = xinclude_loader("C1.xml") >>> ElementInclude.include(document, xinclude_loader) >>> print serialize(ET, document) # C1

120 Mz is adequate for an average home user.

The opinions represented herein represent those of the individual and should not be interpreted as official policy endorsed by this organization.

Textual inclusion example (XInclude C.2) >>> document = xinclude_loader("C2.xml") >>> ElementInclude.include(document, xinclude_loader) >>> print serialize(ET, document) # C2

This document has been accessed 324387 times.

Textual inclusion of XML example (XInclude C.3) >>> document = xinclude_loader("C3.xml") >>> ElementInclude.include(document, xinclude_loader) >>> print serialize(ET, document) # C3

The following is the source of the "data.xml" resource:

<?xml version='1.0'?> <data> <item><![CDATA[Brooks & Shields]]></item> </data>
Fallback example (XInclude C.5) Note! Fallback support is not yet implemented >>> document = xinclude_loader("C5.xml") >>> ElementInclude.include(document, xinclude_loader) Traceback (most recent call last): IOError: resource not found >>> # print serialize(ET, document) # C5 """ def test_main(): from test import test_xml_etree test_support.run_doctest(test_xml_etree, verbosity=True) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()