import contextlib import itertools import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import sysconfig import tempfile import textwrap import unittest from pathlib import Path from test import support if sys.platform != "win32": raise unittest.SkipTest("test only applies to Windows") # Get winreg after the platform check import winreg PY_EXE = "py.exe" if sys.executable.casefold().endswith("_d.exe".casefold()): PY_EXE = "py_d.exe" # Registry data to create. On removal, everything beneath top-level names will # be deleted. TEST_DATA = { "PythonTestSuite": { "DisplayName": "Python Test Suite", "SupportUrl": "", "3.100": { "DisplayName": "X.Y version", "InstallPath": { None: sys.prefix, "ExecutablePath": "X.Y.exe", } }, "3.100-32": { "DisplayName": "X.Y-32 version", "InstallPath": { None: sys.prefix, "ExecutablePath": "X.Y-32.exe", } }, "3.100-arm64": { "DisplayName": "X.Y-arm64 version", "InstallPath": { None: sys.prefix, "ExecutablePath": "X.Y-arm64.exe", "ExecutableArguments": "-X fake_arg_for_test", } }, "ignored": { "DisplayName": "Ignored because no ExecutablePath", "InstallPath": { None: sys.prefix, } }, } } TEST_PY_ENV = dict( PY_PYTHON="PythonTestSuite/3.100", PY_PYTHON2="PythonTestSuite/3.100-32", PY_PYTHON3="PythonTestSuite/3.100-arm64", ) TEST_PY_COMMANDS = "\n".join([ "[defaults]", *[f"{k.lower()}={v}" for k, v in TEST_PY_ENV.items()] ]) def create_registry_data(root, data): def _create_registry_data(root, key, value): if isinstance(value, dict): # For a dict, we recursively create keys with winreg.CreateKeyEx(root, key) as hkey: for k, v in value.items(): _create_registry_data(hkey, k, v) elif isinstance(value, str): # For strings, we set values. 'key' may be None in this case winreg.SetValueEx(root, key, None, winreg.REG_SZ, value) else: raise TypeError("don't know how to create data for '{}'".format(value)) for k, v in data.items(): _create_registry_data(root, k, v) def enum_keys(root): for i in itertools.count(): try: yield winreg.EnumKey(root, i) except OSError as ex: if ex.winerror == 259: break raise def delete_registry_data(root, keys): ACCESS = winreg.KEY_WRITE | winreg.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS for key in list(keys): with winreg.OpenKey(root, key, access=ACCESS) as hkey: delete_registry_data(hkey, enum_keys(hkey)) winreg.DeleteKey(root, key) def is_installed(tag): key = rf"Software\Python\PythonCore\{tag}\InstallPath" for root, flag in [ (winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 0), (winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY), (winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY), ]: try: winreg.CloseKey(winreg.OpenKey(root, key, access=winreg.KEY_READ | flag)) return True except OSError: pass return False class PreservePyIni: def __init__(self, path, content): self.path = Path(path) self.content = content self._preserved = None def __enter__(self): try: self._preserved = self.path.read_bytes() except FileNotFoundError: self._preserved = None self.path.write_text(self.content, encoding="utf-16") def __exit__(self, *exc_info): if self._preserved is None: self.path.unlink() else: self.path.write_bytes(self._preserved) class RunPyMixin: py_exe = None @classmethod def find_py(cls): py_exe = None if sysconfig.is_python_build(True): py_exe = Path(sys.executable).parent / PY_EXE else: for p in os.getenv("PATH").split(";"): if p: py_exe = Path(p) / PY_EXE if py_exe.is_file(): break else: py_exe = None # Test launch and check version, to exclude installs of older # releases when running outside of a source tree if py_exe: try: with subprocess.Popen( [py_exe, "-h"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="ascii", errors="ignore", ) as p: p.stdin.close() version = next(p.stdout).splitlines()[0].rpartition(" ")[2] p.wait(10) if not sys.version.startswith(version): py_exe = None except OSError: py_exe = None if not py_exe: raise unittest.SkipTest( "cannot locate '{}' for test".format(PY_EXE) ) return py_exe def run_py(self, args, env=None, allow_fail=False, expect_returncode=0): if not self.py_exe: self.py_exe = self.find_py() ignore = {"VIRTUAL_ENV", "PY_PYTHON", "PY_PYTHON2", "PY_PYTHON3"} env = { **{k.upper(): v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.upper() not in ignore}, **{k.upper(): v for k, v in (env or {}).items()}, "PYLAUNCHER_DEBUG": "1", "PYLAUNCHER_DRYRUN": "1", } with subprocess.Popen( [self.py_exe, *args], env=env, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) as p: p.stdin.close() p.wait(10) out ="utf-8", "replace") err ="ascii", "replace") if p.returncode != expect_returncode and support.verbose and not allow_fail: print("++ COMMAND ++") print([self.py_exe, *args]) print("++ STDOUT ++") print(out) print("++ STDERR ++") print(err) if allow_fail and p.returncode != expect_returncode: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, [self.py_exe, *args], out, err) else: self.assertEqual(expect_returncode, p.returncode) data = { s.partition(":")[0]: s.partition(":")[2].lstrip() for s in err.splitlines() if not s.startswith("#") and ":" in s } data["stdout"] = out data["stderr"] = err return data def py_ini(self, content): if not self.py_exe: self.py_exe = self.find_py() return PreservePyIni(self.py_exe.with_name("py.ini"), content) @contextlib.contextmanager def script(self, content, encoding="utf-8"): file = Path(tempfile.mktemp(dir=os.getcwd()) + ".py") file.write_text(content, encoding=encoding) try: yield file finally: file.unlink() class TestLauncher(unittest.TestCase, RunPyMixin): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): with winreg.CreateKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, rf"Software\Python") as key: create_registry_data(key, TEST_DATA) if support.verbose: p = subprocess.check_output("reg query HKCU\\Software\\Python /s") #print(p.decode('mbcs')) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, rf"Software\Python", access=winreg.KEY_WRITE | winreg.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS) as key: delete_registry_data(key, TEST_DATA) def test_version(self): data = self.run_py(["-0"]) self.assertEqual(self.py_exe, Path(data["argv0"])) self.assertEqual(sys.version.partition(" ")[0], data["version"]) def test_help_option(self): data = self.run_py(["-h"]) self.assertEqual("True", data[""]) def test_list_option(self): for opt, v1, v2 in [ ("-0", "True", "False"), ("-0p", "False", "True"), ("--list", "True", "False"), ("--list-paths", "False", "True"), ]: with self.subTest(opt): data = self.run_py([opt]) self.assertEqual(v1, data["SearchInfo.list"]) self.assertEqual(v2, data["SearchInfo.listPaths"]) def test_list(self): data = self.run_py(["--list"]) found = {} expect = {} for line in data["stdout"].splitlines(): m = re.match(r"\s*(.+?)\s+?(\*\s+)?(.+)$", line) if m: found[] = for company in TEST_DATA: company_data = TEST_DATA[company] tags = [t for t in company_data if isinstance(company_data[t], dict)] for tag in tags: arg = f"-V:{company}/{tag}" expect[arg] = company_data[tag]["DisplayName"] expect.pop(f"-V:{company}/ignored", None) actual = {k: v for k, v in found.items() if k in expect} try: self.assertDictEqual(expect, actual) except: if support.verbose: print("*** STDOUT ***") print(data["stdout"]) raise def test_list_paths(self): data = self.run_py(["--list-paths"]) found = {} expect = {} for line in data["stdout"].splitlines(): m = re.match(r"\s*(.+?)\s+?(\*\s+)?(.+)$", line) if m: found[] = for company in TEST_DATA: company_data = TEST_DATA[company] tags = [t for t in company_data if isinstance(company_data[t], dict)] for tag in tags: arg = f"-V:{company}/{tag}" install = company_data[tag]["InstallPath"] try: expect[arg] = install["ExecutablePath"] try: expect[arg] += " " + install["ExecutableArguments"] except KeyError: pass except KeyError: expect[arg] = str(Path(install[None]) / Path(sys.executable).name) expect.pop(f"-V:{company}/ignored", None) actual = {k: v for k, v in found.items() if k in expect} try: self.assertDictEqual(expect, actual) except: if support.verbose: print("*** STDOUT ***") print(data["stdout"]) raise def test_filter_to_company(self): company = "PythonTestSuite" data = self.run_py([f"-V:{company}/"]) self.assertEqual("X.Y.exe", data["LaunchCommand"]) self.assertEqual(company, data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100", data["env.tag"]) def test_filter_to_tag(self): company = "PythonTestSuite" data = self.run_py([f"-V:3.100"]) self.assertEqual("X.Y.exe", data["LaunchCommand"]) self.assertEqual(company, data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100", data["env.tag"]) data = self.run_py([f"-V:3.100-3"]) self.assertEqual("X.Y-32.exe", data["LaunchCommand"]) self.assertEqual(company, data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100-32", data["env.tag"]) data = self.run_py([f"-V:3.100-a"]) self.assertEqual("X.Y-arm64.exe -X fake_arg_for_test", data["LaunchCommand"]) self.assertEqual(company, data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100-arm64", data["env.tag"]) def test_filter_to_company_and_tag(self): company = "PythonTestSuite" data = self.run_py([f"-V:{company}/3.1"]) self.assertEqual("X.Y.exe", data["LaunchCommand"]) self.assertEqual(company, data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100", data["env.tag"]) def test_search_major_3(self): try: data = self.run_py(["-3"], allow_fail=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise unittest.SkipTest("requires at least one Python 3.x install") self.assertEqual("PythonCore", data[""]) self.assertTrue(data["env.tag"].startswith("3."), data["env.tag"]) def test_search_major_3_32(self): try: data = self.run_py(["-3-32"], allow_fail=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: if not any(is_installed(f"3.{i}-32") for i in range(5, 11)): raise unittest.SkipTest("requires at least one 32-bit Python 3.x install") raise self.assertEqual("PythonCore", data[""]) self.assertTrue(data["env.tag"].startswith("3."), data["env.tag"]) self.assertTrue(data["env.tag"].endswith("-32"), data["env.tag"]) def test_search_major_2(self): try: data = self.run_py(["-2"], allow_fail=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: if not is_installed("2.7"): raise unittest.SkipTest("requires at least one Python 2.x install") self.assertEqual("PythonCore", data[""]) self.assertTrue(data["env.tag"].startswith("2."), data["env.tag"]) def test_py_default(self): with self.py_ini(TEST_PY_COMMANDS): data = self.run_py(["-arg"]) self.assertEqual("PythonTestSuite", data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100", data["SearchInfo.tag"]) self.assertEqual("X.Y.exe -arg", data["stdout"].strip()) def test_py2_default(self): with self.py_ini(TEST_PY_COMMANDS): data = self.run_py(["-2", "-arg"]) self.assertEqual("PythonTestSuite", data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100-32", data["SearchInfo.tag"]) self.assertEqual("X.Y-32.exe -arg", data["stdout"].strip()) def test_py3_default(self): with self.py_ini(TEST_PY_COMMANDS): data = self.run_py(["-3", "-arg"]) self.assertEqual("PythonTestSuite", data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100-arm64", data["SearchInfo.tag"]) self.assertEqual("X.Y-arm64.exe -X fake_arg_for_test -arg", data["stdout"].strip()) def test_py_default_env(self): data = self.run_py(["-arg"], env=TEST_PY_ENV) self.assertEqual("PythonTestSuite", data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100", data["SearchInfo.tag"]) self.assertEqual("X.Y.exe -arg", data["stdout"].strip()) def test_py2_default_env(self): data = self.run_py(["-2", "-arg"], env=TEST_PY_ENV) self.assertEqual("PythonTestSuite", data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100-32", data["SearchInfo.tag"]) self.assertEqual("X.Y-32.exe -arg", data["stdout"].strip()) def test_py3_default_env(self): data = self.run_py(["-3", "-arg"], env=TEST_PY_ENV) self.assertEqual("PythonTestSuite", data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100-arm64", data["SearchInfo.tag"]) self.assertEqual("X.Y-arm64.exe -X fake_arg_for_test -arg", data["stdout"].strip()) def test_py_default_in_list(self): data = self.run_py(["-0"], env=TEST_PY_ENV) default = None for line in data["stdout"].splitlines(): m = re.match(r"\s*-V:(.+?)\s+?\*\s+(.+)$", line) if m: default = break self.assertEqual("PythonTestSuite/3.100", default) def test_virtualenv_in_list(self): venv = Path.cwd() / "Scripts" venv.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) venv_exe = (venv / Path(sys.executable).name) venv_exe.touch() try: data = self.run_py(["-0p"], env={"VIRTUAL_ENV": str(venv.parent)}) for line in data["stdout"].splitlines(): m = re.match(r"\s*\*\s+(.+)$", line) if m: self.assertEqual(str(venv_exe), break else:"did not find active venv path") data = self.run_py(["-0"], env={"VIRTUAL_ENV": str(venv.parent)}) for line in data["stdout"].splitlines(): m = re.match(r"\s*\*\s+(.+)$", line) if m: self.assertEqual("Active venv", break else:"did not find active venv entry") finally: shutil.rmtree(venv) def test_py_shebang(self): with self.py_ini(TEST_PY_COMMANDS): with self.script("#! /usr/bin/env python -prearg") as script: data = self.run_py([script, "-postarg"]) self.assertEqual("PythonTestSuite", data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100", data["SearchInfo.tag"]) self.assertEqual(f"X.Y.exe -prearg {script} -postarg", data["stdout"].strip()) def test_py2_shebang(self): with self.py_ini(TEST_PY_COMMANDS): with self.script("#! /usr/bin/env python2 -prearg") as script: data = self.run_py([script, "-postarg"]) self.assertEqual("PythonTestSuite", data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100-32", data["SearchInfo.tag"]) self.assertEqual(f"X.Y-32.exe -prearg {script} -postarg", data["stdout"].strip()) def test_py3_shebang(self): with self.py_ini(TEST_PY_COMMANDS): with self.script("#! /usr/bin/env python3 -prearg") as script: data = self.run_py([script, "-postarg"]) self.assertEqual("PythonTestSuite", data[""]) self.assertEqual("3.100-arm64", data["SearchInfo.tag"]) self.assertEqual(f"X.Y-arm64.exe -X fake_arg_for_test -prearg {script} -postarg", data["stdout"].strip()) def test_install(self): data = self.run_py(["-V:3.10"], env={"PYLAUNCHER_ALWAYS_INSTALL": "1"}, expect_returncode=111) cmd = data["stdout"].strip() # If winget is runnable, we should find it. Otherwise, we'll be trying # to open the Store. try: subprocess.check_call(["winget.exe", "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except FileNotFoundError: self.assertIn("ms-windows-store://", cmd) else: self.assertIn("winget.exe", cmd) # Both command lines include the store ID self.assertIn("9PJPW5LDXLZ5", cmd)