import os import shlex import sys import tempfile import tokenize import tkinter.filedialog as tkFileDialog import tkinter.messagebox as tkMessageBox from tkinter.simpledialog import askstring import idlelib from idlelib.config import idleConf encoding = 'utf-8' if sys.platform == 'win32': errors = 'surrogatepass' else: errors = 'surrogateescape' class IOBinding: # One instance per editor Window so methods know which to save, close. # Open returns focus to self.editwin if aborted. # EditorWindow.open_module, others, belong here. def __init__(self, editwin): self.editwin = editwin self.text = editwin.text self.__id_open = self.text.bind("<>", self.__id_save = self.text.bind("<>", self.__id_saveas = self.text.bind("<>", self.save_as) self.__id_savecopy = self.text.bind("<>", self.save_a_copy) self.fileencoding = 'utf-8' self.__id_print = self.text.bind("<>", self.print_window) def close(self): # Undo command bindings self.text.unbind("<>", self.__id_open) self.text.unbind("<>", self.__id_save) self.text.unbind("<>",self.__id_saveas) self.text.unbind("<>", self.__id_savecopy) self.text.unbind("<>", self.__id_print) # Break cycles self.editwin = None self.text = None self.filename_change_hook = None def get_saved(self): return self.editwin.get_saved() def set_saved(self, flag): self.editwin.set_saved(flag) def reset_undo(self): self.editwin.reset_undo() filename_change_hook = None def set_filename_change_hook(self, hook): self.filename_change_hook = hook filename = None dirname = None def set_filename(self, filename): if filename and os.path.isdir(filename): self.filename = None self.dirname = filename else: self.filename = filename self.dirname = None self.set_saved(1) if self.filename_change_hook: self.filename_change_hook() def open(self, event=None, editFile=None): flist = self.editwin.flist # Save in case parent window is closed (ie, during askopenfile()). if flist: if not editFile: filename = self.askopenfile() else: filename=editFile if filename: # If editFile is valid and already open, will # shift focus to its existing window. # If the current window exists and is a fresh unnamed, # unmodified editor window (not an interpreter shell), # pass self.loadfile to so it will load the file # in the current window (if the file is not already open) # instead of a new window. if (self.editwin and not getattr(self.editwin, 'interp', None) and not self.filename and self.get_saved()):, self.loadfile) else: else: if self.text: self.text.focus_set() return "break" # Code for use outside IDLE: if self.get_saved(): reply = self.maybesave() if reply == "cancel": self.text.focus_set() return "break" if not editFile: filename = self.askopenfile() else: filename=editFile if filename: self.loadfile(filename) else: self.text.focus_set() return "break" eol_convention = os.linesep # default def loadfile(self, filename): try: try: with as f: chars = fileencoding = f.encoding eol_convention = f.newlines converted = False except (UnicodeDecodeError, SyntaxError): # Wait for the editor window to appear self.editwin.text.update() enc = askstring( "Specify file encoding", "The file's encoding is invalid for Python 3.x.\n" "IDLE will convert it to UTF-8.\n" "What is the current encoding of the file?", initialvalue='utf-8', parent=self.editwin.text) with open(filename, encoding=enc) as f: chars = fileencoding = f.encoding eol_convention = f.newlines converted = True except OSError as err: tkMessageBox.showerror("I/O Error", str(err), parent=self.text) return False except UnicodeDecodeError: tkMessageBox.showerror("Decoding Error", "File %s\nFailed to Decode" % filename, parent=self.text) return False self.text.delete("1.0", "end") self.set_filename(None) self.fileencoding = fileencoding self.eol_convention = eol_convention self.text.insert("1.0", chars) self.reset_undo() self.set_filename(filename) if converted: # We need to save the conversion results first # before being able to execute the code self.set_saved(False) self.text.mark_set("insert", "1.0") self.text.yview("insert") self.updaterecentfileslist(filename) return True def maybesave(self): if self.get_saved(): return "yes" message = "Do you want to save %s before closing?" % ( self.filename or "this untitled document") confirm = tkMessageBox.askyesnocancel( title="Save On Close", message=message, default=tkMessageBox.YES, parent=self.text) if confirm: reply = "yes" if not self.get_saved(): reply = "cancel" elif confirm is None: reply = "cancel" else: reply = "no" self.text.focus_set() return reply def save(self, event): if not self.filename: self.save_as(event) else: if self.writefile(self.filename): self.set_saved(True) try: self.editwin.store_file_breaks() except AttributeError: # may be a PyShell pass self.text.focus_set() return "break" def save_as(self, event): filename = self.asksavefile() if filename: if self.writefile(filename): self.set_filename(filename) self.set_saved(1) try: self.editwin.store_file_breaks() except AttributeError: pass self.text.focus_set() self.updaterecentfileslist(filename) return "break" def save_a_copy(self, event): filename = self.asksavefile() if filename: self.writefile(filename) self.text.focus_set() self.updaterecentfileslist(filename) return "break" def writefile(self, filename): text = self.fixnewlines() chars = self.encode(text) try: with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(chars) f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) return True except OSError as msg: tkMessageBox.showerror("I/O Error", str(msg), parent=self.text) return False def fixnewlines(self): "Return text with final \n if needed and os eols." if (self.text.get("end-2c") != '\n' and not hasattr(self.editwin, "interp")): # Not shell. self.text.insert("end-1c", "\n") text = self.text.get("1.0", "end-1c") if self.eol_convention != "\n": text = text.replace("\n", self.eol_convention) return text def encode(self, chars): if isinstance(chars, bytes): # This is either plain ASCII, or Tk was returning mixed-encoding # text to us. Don't try to guess further. return chars # Preserve a BOM that might have been present on opening if self.fileencoding == 'utf-8-sig': return chars.encode('utf-8-sig') # See whether there is anything non-ASCII in it. # If not, no need to figure out the encoding. try: return chars.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: pass # Check if there is an encoding declared try: encoded = chars.encode('ascii', 'replace') enc, _ = tokenize.detect_encoding(io.BytesIO(encoded).readline) return chars.encode(enc) except SyntaxError as err: failed = str(err) except UnicodeEncodeError: failed = "Invalid encoding '%s'" % enc tkMessageBox.showerror( "I/O Error", "%s.\nSaving as UTF-8" % failed, parent=self.text) # Fallback: save as UTF-8, with BOM - ignoring the incorrect # declared encoding return chars.encode('utf-8-sig') def print_window(self, event): confirm = tkMessageBox.askokcancel( title="Print", message="Print to Default Printer", default=tkMessageBox.OK, parent=self.text) if not confirm: self.text.focus_set() return "break" tempfilename = None saved = self.get_saved() if saved: filename = self.filename # shell undo is reset after every prompt, looks saved, probably isn't if not saved or filename is None: (tfd, tempfilename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='IDLE_tmp_') filename = tempfilename os.close(tfd) if not self.writefile(tempfilename): os.unlink(tempfilename) return "break" platform = printPlatform = True if platform == 'posix': #posix platform command = idleConf.GetOption('main','General', 'print-command-posix') command = command + " 2>&1" elif platform == 'nt': #win32 platform command = idleConf.GetOption('main','General','print-command-win') else: #no printing for this platform printPlatform = False if printPlatform: #we can try to print for this platform command = command % shlex.quote(filename) pipe = os.popen(command, "r") # things can get ugly on NT if there is no printer available. output = status = pipe.close() if status: output = "Printing failed (exit status 0x%x)\n" % \ status + output if output: output = "Printing command: %s\n" % repr(command) + output tkMessageBox.showerror("Print status", output, parent=self.text) else: #no printing for this platform message = "Printing is not enabled for this platform: %s" % platform tkMessageBox.showinfo("Print status", message, parent=self.text) if tempfilename: os.unlink(tempfilename) return "break" opendialog = None savedialog = None filetypes = ( ("Python files", "*.py *.pyw", "TEXT"), ("Text files", "*.txt", "TEXT"), ("All files", "*"), ) defaultextension = '.py' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else '' def askopenfile(self): dir, base = self.defaultfilename("open") if not self.opendialog: self.opendialog = tkFileDialog.Open(parent=self.text, filetypes=self.filetypes) filename =, initialfile=base) return filename def defaultfilename(self, mode="open"): if self.filename: return os.path.split(self.filename) elif self.dirname: return self.dirname, "" else: try: pwd = os.getcwd() except OSError: pwd = "" return pwd, "" def asksavefile(self): dir, base = self.defaultfilename("save") if not self.savedialog: self.savedialog = tkFileDialog.SaveAs( parent=self.text, filetypes=self.filetypes, defaultextension=self.defaultextension) filename =, initialfile=base) return filename def updaterecentfileslist(self,filename): "Update recent file list on all editor windows" if self.editwin.flist: self.editwin.update_recent_files_list(filename) def _io_binding(parent): # htest # from tkinter import Toplevel, Text root = Toplevel(parent) root.title("Test IOBinding") x, y = map(int, parent.geometry().split('+')[1:]) root.geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y + 175)) class MyEditWin: def __init__(self, text): self.text = text self.flist = None self.text.bind("", self.text.bind('', self.print) self.text.bind("", self.text.bind("", self.saveas) self.text.bind('', self.savecopy) def get_saved(self): return 0 def set_saved(self, flag): pass def reset_undo(self): pass def open(self, event): self.text.event_generate("<>") def print(self, event): self.text.event_generate("<>") def save(self, event): self.text.event_generate("<>") def saveas(self, event): self.text.event_generate("<>") def savecopy(self, event): self.text.event_generate("<>") text = Text(root) text.pack() text.focus_set() editwin = MyEditWin(text) IOBinding(editwin) if __name__ == "__main__": from unittest import main main('idlelib.idle_test.test_iomenu', verbosity=2, exit=False) from idlelib.idle_test.htest import run run(_io_binding)