"""A dumb and slow but simple dbm clone. For database spam, spam.dir contains the index (a text file), spam.bak *may* contain a backup of the index (also a text file), while spam.dat contains the data (a binary file). XXX TO DO: - seems to contain a bug when updating... - reclaim free space (currently, space once occupied by deleted or expanded items is never reused) - support concurrent access (currently, if two processes take turns making updates, they can mess up the index) - support efficient access to large databases (currently, the whole index is read when the database is opened, and some updates rewrite the whole index) - support opening for read-only (flag = 'm') """ import os as _os import __builtin__ _open = __builtin__.open _BLOCKSIZE = 512 error = IOError # For anydbm class _Database: def __init__(self, file, mode): self._mode = mode self._dirfile = file + _os.extsep + 'dir' self._datfile = file + _os.extsep + 'dat' self._bakfile = file + _os.extsep + 'bak' # Mod by Jack: create data file if needed try: f = _open(self._datfile, 'r') except IOError: f = _open(self._datfile, 'w', self._mode) f.close() self._update() def _update(self): self._index = {} try: f = _open(self._dirfile) except IOError: pass else: while 1: line = f.readline().rstrip() if not line: break key, (pos, siz) = eval(line) self._index[key] = (pos, siz) f.close() def _commit(self): try: _os.unlink(self._bakfile) except _os.error: pass try: _os.rename(self._dirfile, self._bakfile) except _os.error: pass f = _open(self._dirfile, 'w', self._mode) for key, (pos, siz) in self._index.items(): f.write("%s, (%s, %s)\n" % (`key`, `pos`, `siz`)) f.close() def __getitem__(self, key): pos, siz = self._index[key] # may raise KeyError f = _open(self._datfile, 'rb') f.seek(pos) dat = f.read(siz) f.close() return dat def _addval(self, val): f = _open(self._datfile, 'rb+') f.seek(0, 2) pos = int(f.tell()) ## Does not work under MW compiler ## pos = ((pos + _BLOCKSIZE - 1) / _BLOCKSIZE) * _BLOCKSIZE ## f.seek(pos) npos = ((pos + _BLOCKSIZE - 1) // _BLOCKSIZE) * _BLOCKSIZE f.write('\0'*(npos-pos)) pos = npos f.write(val) f.close() return (pos, len(val)) def _setval(self, pos, val): f = _open(self._datfile, 'rb+') f.seek(pos) f.write(val) f.close() return (pos, len(val)) def _addkey(self, key, (pos, siz)): self._index[key] = (pos, siz) f = _open(self._dirfile, 'a', self._mode) f.write("%s, (%s, %s)\n" % (`key`, `pos`, `siz`)) f.close() def __setitem__(self, key, val): if not type(key) == type('') == type(val): raise TypeError, "keys and values must be strings" if not key in self._index: (pos, siz) = self._addval(val) self._addkey(key, (pos, siz)) else: pos, siz = self._index[key] oldblocks = (siz + _BLOCKSIZE - 1) / _BLOCKSIZE newblocks = (len(val) + _BLOCKSIZE - 1) / _BLOCKSIZE if newblocks <= oldblocks: pos, siz = self._setval(pos, val) self._index[key] = pos, siz else: pos, siz = self._addval(val) self._index[key] = pos, siz def __delitem__(self, key): del self._index[key] self._commit() def keys(self): return self._index.keys() def has_key(self, key): return key in self._index def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._index def iterkeys(self): return self._index.iterkeys() __iter__ = iterkeys def __len__(self): return len(self._index) def close(self): self._commit() self._index = None self._datfile = self._dirfile = self._bakfile = None def __del__(self): if self._index is not None: self._commit() def open(file, flag=None, mode=0666): """Open the database file, filename, and return corresponding object. The flag argument, used to control how the database is opened in the other DBM implementations, is ignored in the dumbdbm module; the database is always opened for update, and will be created if it does not exist. The optional mode argument is the UNIX mode of the file, used only when the database has to be created. It defaults to octal code 0666 (and will be modified by the prevailing umask). """ # flag, mode arguments are currently ignored return _Database(file, mode)