import unittest from test import support class Empty: def __repr__(self): return '' class Cmp: def __init__(self,arg): self.arg = arg def __repr__(self): return '' % self.arg def __eq__(self, other): return self.arg == other class Anything: def __eq__(self, other): return True def __ne__(self, other): return False class ComparisonTest(unittest.TestCase): set1 = [2, 2.0, 2, 2+0j, Cmp(2.0)] set2 = [[1], (3,), None, Empty()] candidates = set1 + set2 def test_comparisons(self): for a in self.candidates: for b in self.candidates: if ((a in self.set1) and (b in self.set1)) or a is b: self.assertEqual(a, b) else: self.assertNotEqual(a, b) def test_id_comparisons(self): # Ensure default comparison compares id() of args L = [] for i in range(10): L.insert(len(L)//2, Empty()) for a in L: for b in L: self.assertEqual(a == b, id(a) == id(b), 'a=%r, b=%r' % (a, b)) def test_ne_defaults_to_not_eq(self): a = Cmp(1) b = Cmp(1) c = Cmp(2) self.assertIs(a == b, True) self.assertIs(a != b, False) self.assertIs(a != c, True) def test_ne_high_priority(self): """object.__ne__() should allow reflected __ne__() to be tried""" calls = [] class Left: # Inherits object.__ne__() def __eq__(*args): calls.append('Left.__eq__') return NotImplemented class Right: def __eq__(*args): calls.append('Right.__eq__') return NotImplemented def __ne__(*args): calls.append('Right.__ne__') return NotImplemented Left() != Right() self.assertSequenceEqual(calls, ['Left.__eq__', 'Right.__ne__']) def test_ne_low_priority(self): """object.__ne__() should not invoke reflected __eq__()""" calls = [] class Base: # Inherits object.__ne__() def __eq__(*args): calls.append('Base.__eq__') return NotImplemented class Derived(Base): # Subclassing forces higher priority def __eq__(*args): calls.append('Derived.__eq__') return NotImplemented def __ne__(*args): calls.append('Derived.__ne__') return NotImplemented Base() != Derived() self.assertSequenceEqual(calls, ['Derived.__ne__', 'Base.__eq__']) def test_other_delegation(self): """No default delegation between operations except __ne__()""" ops = ( ('__eq__', lambda a, b: a == b), ('__lt__', lambda a, b: a < b), ('__le__', lambda a, b: a <= b), ('__gt__', lambda a, b: a > b), ('__ge__', lambda a, b: a >= b), ) for name, func in ops: with self.subTest(name): def unexpected(*args):'Unexpected operator method called') class C: __ne__ = unexpected for other, _ in ops: if other != name: setattr(C, other, unexpected) if name == '__eq__': self.assertIs(func(C(), object()), False) else: self.assertRaises(TypeError, func, C(), object()) def test_issue_1393(self): x = lambda: None self.assertEqual(x, Anything()) self.assertEqual(Anything(), x) y = object() self.assertEqual(y, Anything()) self.assertEqual(Anything(), y) def test_main(): support.run_unittest(ComparisonTest) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()