# test the invariant that # iff a==b then hash(a)==hash(b) # # Also test that hash implementations are inherited as expected import datetime import os import sys import unittest from test.script_helper import assert_python_ok from collections import Hashable IS_64BIT = sys.maxsize > 2**32 def lcg(x, length=16): """Linear congruential generator""" if x == 0: return bytes(length) out = bytearray(length) for i in range(length): x = (214013 * x + 2531011) & 0x7fffffff out[i] = (x >> 16) & 0xff return bytes(out) def pysiphash(uint64): """Convert SipHash24 output to Py_hash_t """ assert 0 <= uint64 < (1 << 64) # simple unsigned to signed int64 if uint64 > (1 << 63) - 1: int64 = uint64 - (1 << 64) else: int64 = uint64 # mangle uint64 to uint32 uint32 = (uint64 ^ uint64 >> 32) & 0xffffffff # simple unsigned to signed int32 if uint32 > (1 << 31) - 1: int32 = uint32 - (1 << 32) else: int32 = uint32 return int32, int64 def skip_unless_internalhash(test): """Skip decorator for tests that depend on SipHash24 or FNV""" ok = sys.hash_info.algorithm in {"fnv", "siphash24"} msg = "Requires SipHash24 or FNV" return test if ok else unittest.skip(msg)(test) class HashEqualityTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def same_hash(self, *objlist): # Hash each object given and fail if # the hash values are not all the same. hashed = list(map(hash, objlist)) for h in hashed[1:]: if h != hashed[0]: self.fail("hashed values differ: %r" % (objlist,)) def test_numeric_literals(self): self.same_hash(1, 1, 1.0, 1.0+0.0j) self.same_hash(0, 0.0, 0.0+0.0j) self.same_hash(-1, -1.0, -1.0+0.0j) self.same_hash(-2, -2.0, -2.0+0.0j) def test_coerced_integers(self): self.same_hash(int(1), int(1), float(1), complex(1), int('1'), float('1.0')) self.same_hash(int(-2**31), float(-2**31)) self.same_hash(int(1-2**31), float(1-2**31)) self.same_hash(int(2**31-1), float(2**31-1)) # for 64-bit platforms self.same_hash(int(2**31), float(2**31)) self.same_hash(int(-2**63), float(-2**63)) self.same_hash(int(2**63), float(2**63)) def test_coerced_floats(self): self.same_hash(int(1.23e300), float(1.23e300)) self.same_hash(float(0.5), complex(0.5, 0.0)) def test_unaligned_buffers(self): # The hash function for bytes-like objects shouldn't have # alignment-dependent results (example in issue #16427). b = b"123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" * 128 for i in range(16): for j in range(16): aligned = b[i:128+j] unaligned = memoryview(b)[i:128+j] self.assertEqual(hash(aligned), hash(unaligned)) _default_hash = object.__hash__ class DefaultHash(object): pass _FIXED_HASH_VALUE = 42 class FixedHash(object): def __hash__(self): return _FIXED_HASH_VALUE class OnlyEquality(object): def __eq__(self, other): return self is other class OnlyInequality(object): def __ne__(self, other): return self is not other class InheritedHashWithEquality(FixedHash, OnlyEquality): pass class InheritedHashWithInequality(FixedHash, OnlyInequality): pass class NoHash(object): __hash__ = None class HashInheritanceTestCase(unittest.TestCase): default_expected = [object(), DefaultHash(), OnlyInequality(), ] fixed_expected = [FixedHash(), InheritedHashWithEquality(), InheritedHashWithInequality(), ] error_expected = [NoHash(), OnlyEquality(), ] def test_default_hash(self): for obj in self.default_expected: self.assertEqual(hash(obj), _default_hash(obj)) def test_fixed_hash(self): for obj in self.fixed_expected: self.assertEqual(hash(obj), _FIXED_HASH_VALUE) def test_error_hash(self): for obj in self.error_expected: self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, obj) def test_hashable(self): objects = (self.default_expected + self.fixed_expected) for obj in objects: self.assertIsInstance(obj, Hashable) def test_not_hashable(self): for obj in self.error_expected: self.assertNotIsInstance(obj, Hashable) # Issue #4701: Check that some builtin types are correctly hashable class DefaultIterSeq(object): seq = range(10) def __len__(self): return len(self.seq) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.seq[index] class HashBuiltinsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): hashes_to_check = [enumerate(range(10)), iter(DefaultIterSeq()), iter(lambda: 0, 0), ] def test_hashes(self): _default_hash = object.__hash__ for obj in self.hashes_to_check: self.assertEqual(hash(obj), _default_hash(obj)) class HashRandomizationTests: # Each subclass should define a field "repr_", containing the repr() of # an object to be tested def get_hash_command(self, repr_): return 'print(hash(eval(%r.decode("utf-8"))))' % repr_.encode("utf-8") def get_hash(self, repr_, seed=None): env = os.environ.copy() env['__cleanenv'] = True # signal to assert_python not to do a copy # of os.environ on its own if seed is not None: env['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed) else: env.pop('PYTHONHASHSEED', None) out = assert_python_ok( '-c', self.get_hash_command(repr_), **env) stdout = out[1].strip() return int(stdout) def test_randomized_hash(self): # two runs should return different hashes run1 = self.get_hash(self.repr_, seed='random') run2 = self.get_hash(self.repr_, seed='random') self.assertNotEqual(run1, run2) class StringlikeHashRandomizationTests(HashRandomizationTests): repr_ = None repr_long = None # 32bit little, 64bit little, 32bit big, 64bit big known_hashes = { 'djba33x': [ # only used for small strings # seed 0, 'abc' [193485960, 193485960, 193485960, 193485960], # seed 42, 'abc' [-678966196, 573763426263223372, -820489388, -4282905804826039665], ], 'siphash24': [ # NOTE: PyUCS2 layout depends on endianess # seed 0, 'abc' [1198583518, 4596069200710135518, 1198583518, 4596069200710135518], # seed 42, 'abc' [273876886, -4501618152524544106, 273876886, -4501618152524544106], # seed 42, 'abcdefghijk' [-1745215313, 4436719588892876975, -1745215313, 4436719588892876975], # seed 0, 'äú∑ℇ' [493570806, 5749986484189612790, -1006381564, -5915111450199468540], # seed 42, 'äú∑ℇ' [-1677110816, -2947981342227738144, -1860207793, -4296699217652516017], ], 'fnv': [ # seed 0, 'abc' [-1600925533, 1453079729188098211, -1600925533, 1453079729188098211], # seed 42, 'abc' [-206076799, -4410911502303878509, -1024014457, -3570150969479994130], # seed 42, 'abcdefghijk' [811136751, -5046230049376118746, -77208053 , -4779029615281019666], # seed 0, 'äú∑ℇ' [44402817, 8998297579845987431, -1956240331, -782697888614047887], # seed 42, 'äú∑ℇ' [-283066365, -4576729883824601543, -271871407, -3927695501187247084], ] } def get_expected_hash(self, position, length): if length < sys.hash_info.cutoff: algorithm = "djba33x" else: algorithm = sys.hash_info.algorithm if sys.byteorder == 'little': platform = 1 if IS_64BIT else 0 else: assert(sys.byteorder == 'big') platform = 3 if IS_64BIT else 2 return self.known_hashes[algorithm][position][platform] def test_null_hash(self): # PYTHONHASHSEED=0 disables the randomized hash known_hash_of_obj = self.get_expected_hash(0, 3) # Randomization is enabled by default: self.assertNotEqual(self.get_hash(self.repr_), known_hash_of_obj) # It can also be disabled by setting the seed to 0: self.assertEqual(self.get_hash(self.repr_, seed=0), known_hash_of_obj) @skip_unless_internalhash def test_fixed_hash(self): # test a fixed seed for the randomized hash # Note that all types share the same values: h = self.get_expected_hash(1, 3) self.assertEqual(self.get_hash(self.repr_, seed=42), h) @skip_unless_internalhash def test_long_fixed_hash(self): if self.repr_long is None: return h = self.get_expected_hash(2, 11) self.assertEqual(self.get_hash(self.repr_long, seed=42), h) class StrHashRandomizationTests(StringlikeHashRandomizationTests, unittest.TestCase): repr_ = repr('abc') repr_long = repr('abcdefghijk') repr_ucs2 = repr('äú∑ℇ') @skip_unless_internalhash def test_empty_string(self): self.assertEqual(hash(""), 0) @skip_unless_internalhash def test_ucs2_string(self): h = self.get_expected_hash(3, 6) self.assertEqual(self.get_hash(self.repr_ucs2, seed=0), h) h = self.get_expected_hash(4, 6) self.assertEqual(self.get_hash(self.repr_ucs2, seed=42), h) class BytesHashRandomizationTests(StringlikeHashRandomizationTests, unittest.TestCase): repr_ = repr(b'abc') repr_long = repr(b'abcdefghijk') @skip_unless_internalhash def test_empty_string(self): self.assertEqual(hash(b""), 0) class MemoryviewHashRandomizationTests(StringlikeHashRandomizationTests, unittest.TestCase): repr_ = "memoryview(b'abc')" repr_long = "memoryview(b'abcdefghijk')" @skip_unless_internalhash def test_empty_string(self): self.assertEqual(hash(memoryview(b"")), 0) class DatetimeTests(HashRandomizationTests): def get_hash_command(self, repr_): return 'import datetime; print(hash(%s))' % repr_ class DatetimeDateTests(DatetimeTests, unittest.TestCase): repr_ = repr(datetime.date(1066, 10, 14)) class DatetimeDatetimeTests(DatetimeTests, unittest.TestCase): repr_ = repr(datetime.datetime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) class DatetimeTimeTests(DatetimeTests, unittest.TestCase): repr_ = repr(datetime.time(0)) class HashDistributionTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_hash_distribution(self): # check for hash collision base = "abcdefghabcdefg" for i in range(1, len(base)): prefix = base[:i] with self.subTest(prefix=prefix): s15 = set() s255 = set() for c in range(256): h = hash(prefix + chr(c)) s15.add(h & 0xf) s255.add(h & 0xff) # SipHash24 distribution depends on key, usually > 60% self.assertGreater(len(s15), 8, prefix) self.assertGreater(len(s255), 128, prefix) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()