# module 'macpath' -- pathname (or -related) operations for the Macintosh import string import mac from stat import * # Normalize the case of a pathname. Dummy in Posix, but string.lower here. normcase = string.lower # Return true if a path is absolute. # On the Mac, relative paths begin with a colon, # but as a special case, paths with no colons at all are also relative. # Anything else is absolute (the string up to the first colon is the # volume name). def isabs(s): return ':' in s and s[0] <> ':' # Join two pathnames. # The result is equivalent to what the second pathname would refer to # if the first pathname were the current directory. def join(s, t): if (not s) or isabs(t): return t if t[:1] == ':': t = t[1:] if ':' not in s: s = ':' + s if s[-1:] <> ':': s = s + ':' return s + t cat = join # For compatibility # Split a pathname in two parts: the directory leading up to the final bit, # and the basename (the filename, without colons, in that directory). # The result (s, t) is such that join(s, t) yields the original argument. def split(s): if ':' not in s: return '', s colon = 0 for i in range(len(s)): if s[i] == ':': colon = i+1 return s[:colon], s[colon:] # Normalize a pathname: get rid of '::' sequences by backing up, # e.g., 'foo:bar::bletch' becomes 'foo:bletch'. # Raise the exception norm_error below if backing up is impossible, # e.g., for '::foo'. norm_error = 'macpath.norm_error: path cannot be normalized' def norm(s): import string if ':' not in s: return ':' + s f = string.splitfields(s, ':') pre = [] post = [] if not f[0]: pre = f[:1] f = f[1:] if not f[len(f)-1]: post = f[-1:] f = f[:-1] res = [] for seg in f: if seg: res.append(seg) else: if not res: raise norm_error, 'path starts with ::' del res[len(res)-1] if not (pre or res): raise norm_error, 'path starts with volume::' if pre: res = pre + res if post: res = res + post s = res[0] for seg in res[1:]: s = s + ':' + seg return s # Return true if the pathname refers to an existing directory. def isdir(s): try: st = mac.stat(s) except mac.error: return 0 return S_ISDIR(st[ST_MODE]) # Return true if the pathname refers to an existing regular file. def isfile(s): try: st = mac.stat(s) except mac.error: return 0 return S_ISREG(st[ST_MODE]) # Return true if the pathname refers to an existing file or directory. def exists(s): try: st = mac.stat(s) except mac.error: return 0 return 1