"""Unit tests for the bytes type.""" import os import re import sys import tempfile import unittest import test.test_support import test.string_tests class BytesTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_basics(self): b = bytes() self.assertEqual(type(b), bytes) self.assertEqual(b.__class__, bytes) def test_empty_sequence(self): b = bytes() self.assertEqual(len(b), 0) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b[0]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b[1]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b[sys.maxint]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b[sys.maxint+1]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b[10**100]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b[-1]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b[-2]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b[-sys.maxint]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b[-sys.maxint-1]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b[-sys.maxint-2]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b[-10**100]) def test_from_list(self): ints = list(range(256)) b = bytes(i for i in ints) self.assertEqual(len(b), 256) self.assertEqual(list(b), ints) def test_from_index(self): class C: def __init__(self, i=0): self.i = i def __index__(self): return self.i b = bytes([C(), C(1), C(254), C(255)]) self.assertEqual(list(b), [0, 1, 254, 255]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [C(-1)]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [C(256)]) def test_constructor_type_errors(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, bytes, 0.0) class C: pass self.assertRaises(TypeError, bytes, ["0"]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, bytes, [0.0]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, bytes, [None]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, bytes, [C()]) def test_constructor_value_errors(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [-1]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [-sys.maxint]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [-sys.maxint-1]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [-sys.maxint-2]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [-10**100]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [256]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [257]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [sys.maxint]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [sys.maxint+1]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes, [10**100]) def test_repr(self): self.assertEqual(repr(bytes()), "b''") self.assertEqual(repr(bytes([0])), "b'\\0'") self.assertEqual(repr(bytes([0, 1, 254, 255])), "b'\\0\\x01\\xfe\\xff'") self.assertEqual(repr(bytes('abc')), "b'abc'") self.assertEqual(repr(bytes("'")), "b'\\''") def test_compare(self): b1 = bytes([1, 2, 3]) b2 = bytes([1, 2, 3]) b3 = bytes([1, 3]) self.failUnless(b1 == b2) self.failUnless(b2 != b3) self.failUnless(b1 <= b2) self.failUnless(b1 <= b3) self.failUnless(b1 < b3) self.failUnless(b1 >= b2) self.failUnless(b3 >= b2) self.failUnless(b3 > b2) self.failIf(b1 != b2) self.failIf(b2 == b3) self.failIf(b1 > b2) self.failIf(b1 > b3) self.failIf(b1 >= b3) self.failIf(b1 < b2) self.failIf(b3 < b2) self.failIf(b3 <= b2) def test_nohash(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, bytes()) def test_doc(self): self.failUnless(bytes.__doc__ != None) self.failUnless(bytes.__doc__.startswith("bytes(")) def test_buffer_api(self): short_sample = "Hello world\n" sample = short_sample + "x"*(20 - len(short_sample)) tfn = tempfile.mktemp() try: # Prepare with open(tfn, "wb") as f: f.write(short_sample) # Test readinto with open(tfn, "rb") as f: b = bytes([ord('x')]*20) n = f.readinto(b) self.assertEqual(n, len(short_sample)) self.assertEqual(list(b), map(ord, sample)) # Test writing in binary mode with open(tfn, "wb") as f: f.write(b) with open(tfn, "rb") as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), sample) # Test writing in text mode with open(tfn, "w") as f: f.write(b) with open(tfn, "r") as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), sample) # Can't use readinto in text mode with open(tfn, "r") as f: self.assertRaises(TypeError, f.readinto, b) finally: try: os.remove(tfn) except os.error: pass def test_reversed(self): input = map(ord, "Hello") b = bytes(input) output = list(reversed(b)) input.reverse() self.assertEqual(output, input) def test_reverse(self): b = b'hello' self.assertEqual(b.reverse(), None) self.assertEqual(b, b'olleh') b = b'hello1' # test even number of items b.reverse() self.assertEqual(b, b'1olleh') b = bytes() b.reverse() self.assertFalse(b) def test_getslice(self): def by(s): return bytes(map(ord, s)) b = by("Hello, world") self.assertEqual(b[:5], by("Hello")) self.assertEqual(b[1:5], by("ello")) self.assertEqual(b[5:7], by(", ")) self.assertEqual(b[7:], by("world")) self.assertEqual(b[7:12], by("world")) self.assertEqual(b[7:100], by("world")) self.assertEqual(b[:-7], by("Hello")) self.assertEqual(b[-11:-7], by("ello")) self.assertEqual(b[-7:-5], by(", ")) self.assertEqual(b[-5:], by("world")) self.assertEqual(b[-5:12], by("world")) self.assertEqual(b[-5:100], by("world")) self.assertEqual(b[-100:5], by("Hello")) def test_extended_getslice(self): # Test extended slicing by comparing with list slicing. L = list(range(255)) b = bytes(L) indices = (0, None, 1, 3, 19, 100, -1, -2, -31, -100) for start in indices: for stop in indices: # Skip step 0 (invalid) for step in indices[1:]: self.assertEqual(b[start:stop:step], bytes(L[start:stop:step])) def test_regexps(self): def by(s): return bytes(map(ord, s)) b = by("Hello, world") self.assertEqual(re.findall(r"\w+", b), [by("Hello"), by("world")]) def test_setitem(self): b = bytes([1, 2, 3]) b[1] = 100 self.assertEqual(b, bytes([1, 100, 3])) b[-1] = 200 self.assertEqual(b, bytes([1, 100, 200])) class C: def __init__(self, i=0): self.i = i def __index__(self): return self.i b[0] = C(10) self.assertEqual(b, bytes([10, 100, 200])) try: b[3] = 0 self.fail("Didn't raise IndexError") except IndexError: pass try: b[-10] = 0 self.fail("Didn't raise IndexError") except IndexError: pass try: b[0] = 256 self.fail("Didn't raise ValueError") except ValueError: pass try: b[0] = C(-1) self.fail("Didn't raise ValueError") except ValueError: pass try: b[0] = None self.fail("Didn't raise TypeError") except TypeError: pass def test_delitem(self): b = bytes(range(10)) del b[0] self.assertEqual(b, bytes(range(1, 10))) del b[-1] self.assertEqual(b, bytes(range(1, 9))) del b[4] self.assertEqual(b, bytes([1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8])) def test_setslice(self): b = bytes(range(10)) self.assertEqual(list(b), list(range(10))) b[0:5] = bytes([1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) self.assertEqual(b, bytes([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])) del b[0:-5] self.assertEqual(b, bytes([5, 6, 7, 8, 9])) b[0:0] = bytes([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(b, bytes(range(10))) b[-7:-3] = bytes([100, 101]) self.assertEqual(b, bytes([0, 1, 2, 100, 101, 7, 8, 9])) b[3:5] = [3, 4, 5, 6] self.assertEqual(b, bytes(range(10))) b[3:0] = [42, 42, 42] self.assertEqual(b, bytes([0, 1, 2, 42, 42, 42, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])) def test_extended_set_del_slice(self): indices = (0, None, 1, 3, 19, 300, -1, -2, -31, -300) for start in indices: for stop in indices: # Skip invalid step 0 for step in indices[1:]: L = list(range(255)) b = bytes(L) # Make sure we have a slice of exactly the right length, # but with different data. data = L[start:stop:step] data.reverse() L[start:stop:step] = data b[start:stop:step] = data self.assertEquals(b, bytes(L)) del L[start:stop:step] del b[start:stop:step] self.assertEquals(b, bytes(L)) def test_setslice_trap(self): # This test verifies that we correctly handle assigning self # to a slice of self (the old Lambert Meertens trap). b = bytes(range(256)) b[8:] = b self.assertEqual(b, bytes(list(range(8)) + list(range(256)))) def test_encoding(self): sample = u"Hello world\n\u1234\u5678\u9abc\udef0" for enc in ("utf8", "utf16"): b = bytes(sample, enc) self.assertEqual(b, bytes(map(ord, sample.encode(enc)))) self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, bytes, sample, "latin1") b = bytes(sample, "latin1", "ignore") self.assertEqual(b, bytes(sample[:-4])) def test_decode(self): sample = u"Hello world\n\u1234\u5678\u9abc\def0\def0" for enc in ("utf8", "utf16"): b = bytes(sample, enc) self.assertEqual(b.decode(enc), sample) sample = u"Hello world\n\x80\x81\xfe\xff" b = bytes(sample, "latin1") self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, b.decode, "utf8") self.assertEqual(b.decode("utf8", "ignore"), "Hello world\n") def test_from_buffer(self): sample = "Hello world\n\x80\x81\xfe\xff" buf = buffer(sample) b = bytes(buf) self.assertEqual(b, bytes(map(ord, sample))) def test_to_str(self): sample = "Hello world\n\x80\x81\xfe\xff" b = bytes(sample) self.assertEqual(str(b), sample) def test_from_int(self): b = bytes(0) self.assertEqual(b, bytes()) b = bytes(10) self.assertEqual(b, bytes([0]*10)) b = bytes(10000) self.assertEqual(b, bytes([0]*10000)) def test_concat(self): b1 = bytes("abc") b2 = bytes("def") self.assertEqual(b1 + b2, bytes("abcdef")) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: b1 + "def") self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: "abc" + b2) def test_repeat(self): b = bytes("abc") self.assertEqual(b * 3, bytes("abcabcabc")) self.assertEqual(b * 0, bytes()) self.assertEqual(b * -1, bytes()) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: b * 3.14) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: 3.14 * b) self.assertRaises(MemoryError, lambda: b * sys.maxint) def test_repeat_1char(self): self.assertEqual(bytes('x')*100, bytes('x'*100)) def test_iconcat(self): b = bytes("abc") b1 = b b += bytes("def") self.assertEqual(b, bytes("abcdef")) self.assertEqual(b, b1) self.failUnless(b is b1) def test_irepeat(self): b = bytes("abc") b1 = b b *= 3 self.assertEqual(b, bytes("abcabcabc")) self.assertEqual(b, b1) self.failUnless(b is b1) def test_irepeat_1char(self): b = bytes("x") b1 = b b *= 100 self.assertEqual(b, bytes("x"*100)) self.assertEqual(b, b1) self.failUnless(b is b1) def test_contains(self): b = bytes("abc") self.failUnless(ord('a') in b) self.failUnless(int(ord('a')) in b) self.failIf(200 in b) self.failIf(200 in b) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: 300 in b) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: -1 in b) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: None in b) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: float(ord('a')) in b) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: "a" in b) self.failUnless(bytes("") in b) self.failUnless(bytes("a") in b) self.failUnless(bytes("b") in b) self.failUnless(bytes("c") in b) self.failUnless(bytes("ab") in b) self.failUnless(bytes("bc") in b) self.failUnless(bytes("abc") in b) self.failIf(bytes("ac") in b) self.failIf(bytes("d") in b) self.failIf(bytes("dab") in b) self.failIf(bytes("abd") in b) def test_alloc(self): b = bytes() alloc = b.__alloc__() self.assert_(alloc >= 0) seq = [alloc] for i in range(100): b += bytes("x") alloc = b.__alloc__() self.assert_(alloc >= len(b)) if alloc not in seq: seq.append(alloc) #print seq def test_fromhex(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, bytes.fromhex) self.assertRaises(TypeError, bytes.fromhex, 1) self.assertEquals(bytes.fromhex(''), bytes()) b = bytes([0x1a, 0x2b, 0x30]) self.assertEquals(bytes.fromhex('1a2B30'), b) self.assertEquals(bytes.fromhex(' 1A 2B 30 '), b) self.assertEquals(bytes.fromhex(buffer('')), bytes()) self.assertEquals(bytes.fromhex(buffer('0000')), bytes([0, 0])) self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes.fromhex, 'a') self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes.fromhex, 'rt') self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes.fromhex, '1a b cd') self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes.fromhex, '\x00') self.assertRaises(ValueError, bytes.fromhex, '12 \x00 34') def test_join(self): self.assertEqual(bytes.join([]), bytes()) self.assertEqual(bytes.join([bytes()]), bytes()) for part in [("abc",), ("a", "bc"), ("ab", "c"), ("a", "b", "c")]: lst = map(bytes, part) self.assertEqual(bytes.join(lst), bytes("abc")) self.assertEqual(bytes.join(tuple(lst)), bytes("abc")) self.assertEqual(bytes.join(iter(lst)), bytes("abc")) # XXX more... def test_literal(self): tests = [ (b"Wonderful spam", u"Wonderful spam"), (br"Wonderful spam too", u"Wonderful spam too"), (b"\xaa\x00\000\200", u"\xaa\x00\000\200"), (br"\xaa\x00\000\200", ur"\xaa\x00\000\200"), ] for b, s in tests: self.assertEqual(b, bytes(s, 'latin-1')) for c in range(128, 256): self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, eval, 'b"%s"' % chr(c)) def test_extend(self): orig = b'hello' a = bytes(orig) a.extend(a) self.assertEqual(a, orig + orig) self.assertEqual(a[5:], orig) def test_remove(self): b = b'hello' b.remove(ord('l')) self.assertEqual(b, b'helo') b.remove(ord('l')) self.assertEqual(b, b'heo') self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: b.remove(ord('l'))) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: b.remove(400)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: b.remove('e')) # remove first and last b.remove(ord('o')) b.remove(ord('h')) self.assertEqual(b, b'e') def test_pop(self): b = b'world' self.assertEqual(b.pop(), ord('d')) self.assertEqual(b.pop(0), ord('w')) self.assertEqual(b.pop(-2), ord('r')) self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: b.pop(10)) self.assertRaises(OverflowError, lambda: bytes().pop()) def test_nosort(self): self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: bytes().sort()) def test_index(self): b = b'parrot' self.assertEqual(b.index('p'), 0) self.assertEqual(b.index('rr'), 2) self.assertEqual(b.index('t'), 5) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: b.index('w')) def test_count(self): b = b'mississippi' self.assertEqual(b.count('i'), 4) self.assertEqual(b.count('ss'), 2) self.assertEqual(b.count('w'), 0) def test_append(self): b = b'hell' b.append(ord('o')) self.assertEqual(b, b'hello') self.assertEqual(b.append(100), None) b = bytes() b.append(ord('A')) self.assertEqual(len(b), 1) def test_insert(self): b = b'msssspp' b.insert(1, ord('i')) b.insert(4, ord('i')) b.insert(-2, ord('i')) b.insert(1000, ord('i')) self.assertEqual(b, b'mississippi') def test_startswith(self): b = b'hello' self.assertFalse(bytes().startswith("anything")) self.assertTrue(b.startswith("hello")) self.assertTrue(b.startswith("hel")) self.assertTrue(b.startswith("h")) self.assertFalse(b.startswith("hellow")) self.assertFalse(b.startswith("ha")) def test_endswith(self): b = b'hello' self.assertFalse(bytes().endswith("anything")) self.assertTrue(b.endswith("hello")) self.assertTrue(b.endswith("llo")) self.assertTrue(b.endswith("o")) self.assertFalse(b.endswith("whello")) self.assertFalse(b.endswith("no")) def test_find(self): b = b'mississippi' self.assertEqual(b.find('ss'), 2) self.assertEqual(b.find('ss', 3), 5) self.assertEqual(b.find('ss', 1, 7), 2) self.assertEqual(b.find('ss', 1, 3), -1) self.assertEqual(b.find('w'), -1) self.assertEqual(b.find('mississippian'), -1) def test_rfind(self): b = b'mississippi' self.assertEqual(b.rfind('ss'), 5) self.assertEqual(b.rfind('ss', 3), 5) self.assertEqual(b.rfind('ss', 0, 6), 2) self.assertEqual(b.rfind('w'), -1) self.assertEqual(b.rfind('mississippian'), -1) def test_index(self): b = b'world' self.assertEqual(b.index('w'), 0) self.assertEqual(b.index('orl'), 1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: b.index('worm')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: b.index('ldo')) def test_rindex(self): # XXX could be more rigorous b = b'world' self.assertEqual(b.rindex('w'), 0) self.assertEqual(b.rindex('orl'), 1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: b.rindex('worm')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: b.rindex('ldo')) def test_replace(self): b = b'mississippi' self.assertEqual(b.replace('i', 'a'), b'massassappa') self.assertEqual(b.replace('ss', 'x'), b'mixixippi') def test_translate(self): b = b'hello' rosetta = bytes(range(0, 256)) rosetta[ord('o')] = ord('e') c = b.translate(rosetta, b'l') self.assertEqual(b, b'hello') self.assertEqual(c, b'hee') def test_split(self): b = b'mississippi' self.assertEqual(b.split('i'), [b'm', b'ss', b'ss', b'pp', b'']) self.assertEqual(b.split('ss'), [b'mi', b'i', b'ippi']) self.assertEqual(b.split('w'), [b]) # require an arg (no magic whitespace split) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: b.split()) def test_rsplit(self): b = b'mississippi' self.assertEqual(b.rsplit('i'), [b'm', b'ss', b'ss', b'pp', b'']) self.assertEqual(b.rsplit('ss'), [b'mi', b'i', b'ippi']) self.assertEqual(b.rsplit('w'), [b]) # require an arg (no magic whitespace split) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: b.rsplit()) def test_partition(self): b = b'mississippi' self.assertEqual(b.partition(b'ss'), (b'mi', b'ss', b'issippi')) self.assertEqual(b.rpartition(b'w'), (b'', b'', b'mississippi')) def test_rpartition(self): b = b'mississippi' self.assertEqual(b.rpartition(b'ss'), (b'missi', b'ss', b'ippi')) self.assertEqual(b.rpartition(b'i'), (b'mississipp', b'i', b'')) # Optimizations: # __iter__? (optimization) # __reversed__? (optimization) # XXX Some string methods? (Those that don't use character properties) # lstrip, rstrip, strip?? (currently un-pepped) # join # XXX pickle and marshal support? # There are tests in string_tests.py that are more # comprehensive for things like split, partition, etc. # Unfortunately they are all bundled with tests that # are not appropriate for bytes class BytesAsStringTest(test.string_tests.BaseTest): type2test = bytes def checkequal(self, result, object, methodname, *args): object = bytes(object) realresult = getattr(bytes, methodname)(object, *args) self.assertEqual( self.fixtype(result), realresult ) def checkraises(self, exc, object, methodname, *args): object = bytes(object) self.assertRaises( exc, getattr(bytes, methodname), object, *args ) # Currently the bytes containment testing uses a single integer # value. This may not be the final design, but until then the # bytes section with in a bytes containment not valid def test_contains(self): pass def test_find(self): pass def test_main(): test.test_support.run_unittest(BytesTest) test.test_support.run_unittest(BytesAsStringTest) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main() ##unittest.main()