import copy import sys import unittest from import is_instance from unittest import mock from unittest.mock import ( call, DEFAULT, patch, sentinel, MagicMock, Mock, NonCallableMock, NonCallableMagicMock, _CallList, create_autospec ) class Iter(object): def __init__(self): self.thing = iter(['this', 'is', 'an', 'iter']) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): return next(self.thing) __next__ = next class Something(object): def meth(self, a, b, c, d=None): pass @classmethod def cmeth(cls, a, b, c, d=None): pass @staticmethod def smeth(a, b, c, d=None): pass class MockTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_all(self): # if __all__ is badly defined then import * will raise an error # We have to exec it because you can't import * inside a method # in Python 3 exec("from unittest.mock import *") def test_constructor(self): mock = Mock() self.assertFalse(mock.called, "called not initialised correctly") self.assertEqual(mock.call_count, 0, "call_count not initialised correctly") self.assertTrue(is_instance(mock.return_value, Mock), "return_value not initialised correctly") self.assertEqual(mock.call_args, None, "call_args not initialised correctly") self.assertEqual(mock.call_args_list, [], "call_args_list not initialised correctly") self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, [], "method_calls not initialised correctly") # Can't use hasattr for this test as it always returns True on a mock self.assertNotIn('_items', mock.__dict__, "default mock should not have '_items' attribute") self.assertIsNone(mock._mock_parent, "parent not initialised correctly") self.assertIsNone(mock._mock_methods, "methods not initialised correctly") self.assertEqual(mock._mock_children, {}, "children not initialised incorrectly") def test_return_value_in_constructor(self): mock = Mock(return_value=None) self.assertIsNone(mock.return_value, "return value in constructor not honoured") def test_repr(self): mock = Mock(name='foo') self.assertIn('foo', repr(mock)) self.assertIn("'%s'" % id(mock), repr(mock)) mocks = [(Mock(), 'mock'), (Mock(name='bar'), 'bar')] for mock, name in mocks: self.assertIn('' % name, repr( self.assertIn('' % name, repr( self.assertIn('' % name, repr( self.assertIn('%s()' % name, repr(mock())) self.assertIn('%s()()' % name, repr(mock()())) self.assertIn('%s()()' % name, repr(mock()() def test_repr_with_spec(self): class X(object): pass mock = Mock(spec=X) self.assertIn(" spec='X' ", repr(mock)) mock = Mock(spec=X()) self.assertIn(" spec='X' ", repr(mock)) mock = Mock(spec_set=X) self.assertIn(" spec_set='X' ", repr(mock)) mock = Mock(spec_set=X()) self.assertIn(" spec_set='X' ", repr(mock)) mock = Mock(spec=X, name='foo') self.assertIn(" spec='X' ", repr(mock)) self.assertIn(" name='foo' ", repr(mock)) mock = Mock(name='foo') self.assertNotIn("spec", repr(mock)) mock = Mock() self.assertNotIn("spec", repr(mock)) mock = Mock(spec=['foo']) self.assertNotIn("spec", repr(mock)) def test_side_effect(self): mock = Mock() def effect(*args, **kwargs): raise SystemError('kablooie') mock.side_effect = effect self.assertRaises(SystemError, mock, 1, 2, fish=3) mock.assert_called_with(1, 2, fish=3) results = [1, 2, 3] def effect(): return results.pop() mock.side_effect = effect self.assertEqual([mock(), mock(), mock()], [3, 2, 1], "side effect not used correctly") mock = Mock(side_effect=sentinel.SideEffect) self.assertEqual(mock.side_effect, sentinel.SideEffect, "side effect in constructor not used") def side_effect(): return DEFAULT mock = Mock(side_effect=side_effect, return_value=sentinel.RETURN) self.assertEqual(mock(), sentinel.RETURN) @unittest.skipUnless('java' in sys.platform, 'This test only applies to Jython') def test_java_exception_side_effect(self): import java mock = Mock(side_effect=java.lang.RuntimeException("Boom!")) # can't use assertRaises with java exceptions try: mock(1, 2, fish=3) except java.lang.RuntimeException: pass else:'java exception not raised') mock.assert_called_with(1,2, fish=3) def test_reset_mock(self): parent = Mock() spec = ["something"] mock = Mock(name="child", parent=parent, spec=spec) mock(sentinel.Something, something=sentinel.SomethingElse) something = mock.something mock.something() mock.side_effect = sentinel.SideEffect return_value = mock.return_value return_value() mock.reset_mock() self.assertEqual(mock._mock_name, "child", "name incorrectly reset") self.assertEqual(mock._mock_parent, parent, "parent incorrectly reset") self.assertEqual(mock._mock_methods, spec, "methods incorrectly reset") self.assertFalse(mock.called, "called not reset") self.assertEqual(mock.call_count, 0, "call_count not reset") self.assertEqual(mock.call_args, None, "call_args not reset") self.assertEqual(mock.call_args_list, [], "call_args_list not reset") self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, [], "method_calls not initialised correctly: %r != %r" % (mock.method_calls, [])) self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, []) self.assertEqual(mock.side_effect, sentinel.SideEffect, "side_effect incorrectly reset") self.assertEqual(mock.return_value, return_value, "return_value incorrectly reset") self.assertFalse(return_value.called, "return value mock not reset") self.assertEqual(mock._mock_children, {'something': something}, "children reset incorrectly") self.assertEqual(mock.something, something, "children incorrectly cleared") self.assertFalse(mock.something.called, "child not reset") def test_reset_mock_recursion(self): mock = Mock() mock.return_value = mock # used to cause recursion mock.reset_mock() def test_call(self): mock = Mock() self.assertTrue(is_instance(mock.return_value, Mock), "Default return_value should be a Mock") result = mock() self.assertEqual(mock(), result, "different result from consecutive calls") mock.reset_mock() ret_val = mock(sentinel.Arg) self.assertTrue(mock.called, "called not set") self.assertEqual(mock.call_count, 1, "call_count incoreect") self.assertEqual(mock.call_args, ((sentinel.Arg,), {}), "call_args not set") self.assertEqual(mock.call_args_list, [((sentinel.Arg,), {})], "call_args_list not initialised correctly") mock.return_value = sentinel.ReturnValue ret_val = mock(sentinel.Arg, key=sentinel.KeyArg) self.assertEqual(ret_val, sentinel.ReturnValue, "incorrect return value") self.assertEqual(mock.call_count, 2, "call_count incorrect") self.assertEqual(mock.call_args, ((sentinel.Arg,), {'key': sentinel.KeyArg}), "call_args not set") self.assertEqual(mock.call_args_list, [ ((sentinel.Arg,), {}), ((sentinel.Arg,), {'key': sentinel.KeyArg}) ], "call_args_list not set") def test_call_args_comparison(self): mock = Mock() mock() mock(sentinel.Arg) mock(kw=sentinel.Kwarg) mock(sentinel.Arg, kw=sentinel.Kwarg) self.assertEqual(mock.call_args_list, [ (), ((sentinel.Arg,),), ({"kw": sentinel.Kwarg},), ((sentinel.Arg,), {"kw": sentinel.Kwarg}) ]) self.assertEqual(mock.call_args, ((sentinel.Arg,), {"kw": sentinel.Kwarg})) def test_assert_called_with(self): mock = Mock() mock() # Will raise an exception if it fails mock.assert_called_with() self.assertRaises(AssertionError, mock.assert_called_with, 1) mock.reset_mock() self.assertRaises(AssertionError, mock.assert_called_with) mock(1, 2, 3, a='fish', b='nothing') mock.assert_called_with(1, 2, 3, a='fish', b='nothing') def test_assert_called_with_function_spec(self): def f(a, b, c, d=None): pass mock = Mock(spec=f) mock(1, b=2, c=3) mock.assert_called_with(1, 2, 3) mock.assert_called_with(a=1, b=2, c=3) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, mock.assert_called_with, 1, b=3, c=2) # Expected call doesn't match the spec's signature with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as cm: mock.assert_called_with(e=8) self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.__cause__, TypeError) def test_assert_called_with_method_spec(self): def _check(mock): mock(1, b=2, c=3) mock.assert_called_with(1, 2, 3) mock.assert_called_with(a=1, b=2, c=3) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, mock.assert_called_with, 1, b=3, c=2) mock = Mock(spec=Something().meth) _check(mock) mock = Mock(spec=Something.cmeth) _check(mock) mock = Mock(spec=Something().cmeth) _check(mock) mock = Mock(spec=Something.smeth) _check(mock) mock = Mock(spec=Something().smeth) _check(mock) def test_assert_called_once_with(self): mock = Mock() mock() # Will raise an exception if it fails mock.assert_called_once_with() mock() self.assertRaises(AssertionError, mock.assert_called_once_with) mock.reset_mock() self.assertRaises(AssertionError, mock.assert_called_once_with) mock('foo', 'bar', baz=2) mock.assert_called_once_with('foo', 'bar', baz=2) mock.reset_mock() mock('foo', 'bar', baz=2) self.assertRaises( AssertionError, lambda: mock.assert_called_once_with('bob', 'bar', baz=2) ) def test_assert_called_once_with_function_spec(self): def f(a, b, c, d=None): pass mock = Mock(spec=f) mock(1, b=2, c=3) mock.assert_called_once_with(1, 2, 3) mock.assert_called_once_with(a=1, b=2, c=3) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, mock.assert_called_once_with, 1, b=3, c=2) # Expected call doesn't match the spec's signature with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as cm: mock.assert_called_once_with(e=8) self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.__cause__, TypeError) # Mock called more than once => always fails mock(4, 5, 6) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, mock.assert_called_once_with, 1, 2, 3) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, mock.assert_called_once_with, 4, 5, 6) def test_attribute_access_returns_mocks(self): mock = Mock() something = mock.something self.assertTrue(is_instance(something, Mock), "attribute isn't a mock") self.assertEqual(mock.something, something, "different attributes returned for same name") # Usage example mock = Mock() mock.something.return_value = 3 self.assertEqual(mock.something(), 3, "method returned wrong value") self.assertTrue(mock.something.called, "method didn't record being called") def test_attributes_have_name_and_parent_set(self): mock = Mock() something = mock.something self.assertEqual(something._mock_name, "something", "attribute name not set correctly") self.assertEqual(something._mock_parent, mock, "attribute parent not set correctly") def test_method_calls_recorded(self): mock = Mock() mock.something(3, fish=None) mock.something_else.something(6, cake=sentinel.Cake) self.assertEqual(mock.something_else.method_calls, [("something", (6,), {'cake': sentinel.Cake})], "method calls not recorded correctly") self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, [ ("something", (3,), {'fish': None}), ("something_else.something", (6,), {'cake': sentinel.Cake}) ], "method calls not recorded correctly") def test_method_calls_compare_easily(self): mock = Mock() mock.something() self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, [('something',)]) self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, [('something', (), {})]) mock = Mock() mock.something('different') self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, [('something', ('different',))]) self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, [('something', ('different',), {})]) mock = Mock() mock.something(x=1) self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, [('something', {'x': 1})]) self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, [('something', (), {'x': 1})]) mock = Mock() mock.something('different', some='more') self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, [ ('something', ('different',), {'some': 'more'}) ]) def test_only_allowed_methods_exist(self): for spec in ['something'], ('something',): for arg in 'spec', 'spec_set': mock = Mock(**{arg: spec}) # this should be allowed mock.something self.assertRaisesRegex( AttributeError, "Mock object has no attribute 'something_else'", getattr, mock, 'something_else' ) def test_from_spec(self): class Something(object): x = 3 __something__ = None def y(self): pass def test_attributes(mock): # should work mock.x mock.y mock.__something__ self.assertRaisesRegex( AttributeError, "Mock object has no attribute 'z'", getattr, mock, 'z' ) self.assertRaisesRegex( AttributeError, "Mock object has no attribute '__foobar__'", getattr, mock, '__foobar__' ) test_attributes(Mock(spec=Something)) test_attributes(Mock(spec=Something())) def test_wraps_calls(self): real = Mock() mock = Mock(wraps=real) self.assertEqual(mock(), real()) real.reset_mock() mock(1, 2, fish=3) real.assert_called_with(1, 2, fish=3) def test_wraps_call_with_nondefault_return_value(self): real = Mock() mock = Mock(wraps=real) mock.return_value = 3 self.assertEqual(mock(), 3) self.assertFalse(real.called) def test_wraps_attributes(self): class Real(object): attribute = Mock() real = Real() mock = Mock(wraps=real) self.assertEqual(mock.attribute(), real.attribute()) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: self.assertNotEqual(mock.attribute, real.attribute) result = mock.attribute.frog(1, 2, fish=3) Real.attribute.frog.assert_called_with(1, 2, fish=3) self.assertEqual(result, Real.attribute.frog()) def test_exceptional_side_effect(self): mock = Mock(side_effect=AttributeError) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, mock) mock = Mock(side_effect=AttributeError('foo')) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, mock) def test_baseexceptional_side_effect(self): mock = Mock(side_effect=KeyboardInterrupt) self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt, mock) mock = Mock(side_effect=KeyboardInterrupt('foo')) self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt, mock) def test_assert_called_with_message(self): mock = Mock() self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, 'Not called', mock.assert_called_with) def test_assert_called_once_with_message(self): mock = Mock(name='geoffrey') self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, r"Expected 'geoffrey' to be called once\.", mock.assert_called_once_with) def test__name__(self): mock = Mock() self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: mock.__name__) mock.__name__ = 'foo' self.assertEqual(mock.__name__, 'foo') def test_spec_list_subclass(self): class Sub(list): pass mock = Mock(spec=Sub(['foo'])) mock.append(3) mock.append.assert_called_with(3) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, mock, 'foo') def test_spec_class(self): class X(object): pass mock = Mock(spec=X) self.assertIsInstance(mock, X) mock = Mock(spec=X()) self.assertIsInstance(mock, X) self.assertIs(mock.__class__, X) self.assertEqual(Mock().__class__.__name__, 'Mock') mock = Mock(spec_set=X) self.assertIsInstance(mock, X) mock = Mock(spec_set=X()) self.assertIsInstance(mock, X) def test_setting_attribute_with_spec_set(self): class X(object): y = 3 mock = Mock(spec=X) mock.x = 'foo' mock = Mock(spec_set=X) def set_attr(): mock.x = 'foo' mock.y = 'foo' self.assertRaises(AttributeError, set_attr) def test_copy(self): current = sys.getrecursionlimit() self.addCleanup(sys.setrecursionlimit, current) # can't use sys.maxint as this doesn't exist in Python 3 sys.setrecursionlimit(int(10e8)) # this segfaults without the fix in place copy.copy(Mock()) def test_subclass_with_properties(self): class SubClass(Mock): def _get(self): return 3 def _set(self, value): raise NameError('strange error') some_attribute = property(_get, _set) s = SubClass(spec_set=SubClass) self.assertEqual(s.some_attribute, 3) def test(): s.some_attribute = 3 self.assertRaises(NameError, test) def test(): = 'bar' self.assertRaises(AttributeError, test) def test_setting_call(self): mock = Mock() def __call__(self, a): return self._mock_call(a) type(mock).__call__ = __call__ mock('one') mock.assert_called_with('one') self.assertRaises(TypeError, mock, 'one', 'two') def test_dir(self): mock = Mock() attrs = set(dir(mock)) type_attrs = set([m for m in dir(Mock) if not m.startswith('_')]) # all public attributes from the type are included self.assertEqual(set(), type_attrs - attrs) # creates these attributes mock.a, mock.b self.assertIn('a', dir(mock)) self.assertIn('b', dir(mock)) # instance attributes mock.c = mock.d = None self.assertIn('c', dir(mock)) self.assertIn('d', dir(mock)) # magic methods mock.__iter__ = lambda s: iter([]) self.assertIn('__iter__', dir(mock)) def test_dir_from_spec(self): mock = Mock(spec=unittest.TestCase) testcase_attrs = set(dir(unittest.TestCase)) attrs = set(dir(mock)) # all attributes from the spec are included self.assertEqual(set(), testcase_attrs - attrs) # shadow a sys attribute mock.version = 3 self.assertEqual(dir(mock).count('version'), 1) def test_filter_dir(self): patcher = patch.object(mock, 'FILTER_DIR', False) patcher.start() try: attrs = set(dir(Mock())) type_attrs = set(dir(Mock)) # ALL attributes from the type are included self.assertEqual(set(), type_attrs - attrs) finally: patcher.stop() def test_configure_mock(self): mock = Mock(foo='bar') self.assertEqual(, 'bar') mock = MagicMock(foo='bar') self.assertEqual(, 'bar') kwargs = {'side_effect': KeyError, '': 33, 'foo': MagicMock()} mock = Mock(**kwargs) self.assertRaises(KeyError, mock) self.assertEqual(, 33) self.assertIsInstance(, MagicMock) mock = Mock() mock.configure_mock(**kwargs) self.assertRaises(KeyError, mock) self.assertEqual(, 33) self.assertIsInstance(, MagicMock) def assertRaisesWithMsg(self, exception, message, func, *args, **kwargs): # needed because assertRaisesRegex doesn't work easily with newlines try: func(*args, **kwargs) except: instance = sys.exc_info()[1] self.assertIsInstance(instance, exception) else:'Exception %r not raised' % (exception,)) msg = str(instance) self.assertEqual(msg, message) def test_assert_called_with_failure_message(self): mock = NonCallableMock() expected = "mock(1, '2', 3, bar='foo')" message = 'Expected call: %s\nNot called' self.assertRaisesWithMsg( AssertionError, message % (expected,), mock.assert_called_with, 1, '2', 3, bar='foo' ), '2', 3, foo='foo') asserters = [, ] for meth in asserters: actual = "foo(1, '2', 3, foo='foo')" expected = "foo(1, '2', 3, bar='foo')" message = 'Expected call: %s\nActual call: %s' self.assertRaisesWithMsg( AssertionError, message % (expected, actual), meth, 1, '2', 3, bar='foo' ) # just kwargs for meth in asserters: actual = "foo(1, '2', 3, foo='foo')" expected = "foo(bar='foo')" message = 'Expected call: %s\nActual call: %s' self.assertRaisesWithMsg( AssertionError, message % (expected, actual), meth, bar='foo' ) # just args for meth in asserters: actual = "foo(1, '2', 3, foo='foo')" expected = "foo(1, 2, 3)" message = 'Expected call: %s\nActual call: %s' self.assertRaisesWithMsg( AssertionError, message % (expected, actual), meth, 1, 2, 3 ) # empty for meth in asserters: actual = "foo(1, '2', 3, foo='foo')" expected = "foo()" message = 'Expected call: %s\nActual call: %s' self.assertRaisesWithMsg( AssertionError, message % (expected, actual), meth ) def test_mock_calls(self): mock = MagicMock() # need to do this because MagicMock.mock_calls used to just return # a MagicMock which also returned a MagicMock when __eq__ was called self.assertIs(mock.mock_calls == [], True) mock = MagicMock() mock() expected = [('', (), {})] self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, expected) expected.append( self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, expected) # intermediate mock_calls work too self.assertEqual(, [('', (), {})]) mock = MagicMock() mock().foo(1, 2, 3, a=4, b=5) expected = [ ('', (), {}), ('().foo', (1, 2, 3), dict(a=4, b=5)) ] self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, expected) self.assertEqual(, [('', (1, 2, 3), dict(a=4, b=5))]) self.assertEqual(mock.return_value.mock_calls, [('foo', (1, 2, 3), dict(a=4, b=5))]) mock = MagicMock() mock() expected = [ ('', (), {}), ('()', (), {}), ('()', (), {}) ] self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, expected) self.assertEqual(mock().mock_calls, for kwargs in dict(), dict(name='bar'): mock = MagicMock(**kwargs) int( expected = [('foo.__int__', (), {})] self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, expected) mock = MagicMock(**kwargs) mock.a()() expected = [('a', (), {}), ('a()', (), {})] self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, expected) self.assertEqual(mock.a().mock_calls, [call()]) mock = MagicMock(**kwargs) mock(1)(2)(3) self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, call(1)(2)(3).call_list()) self.assertEqual(mock().mock_calls, call(2)(3).call_list()) self.assertEqual(mock()().mock_calls, call(3).call_list()) mock = MagicMock(**kwargs) mock(1)(2)(3).a.b.c(4) self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, call(1)(2)(3).a.b.c(4).call_list()) self.assertEqual(mock().mock_calls, call(2)(3).a.b.c(4).call_list()) self.assertEqual(mock()().mock_calls, call(3).a.b.c(4).call_list()) mock = MagicMock(**kwargs) int(mock() last_call = ('()', (), {}) self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls[-1], last_call) self.assertEqual(mock().mock_calls, self.assertEqual(mock(), call.baz().__int__().call_list()) self.assertEqual(mock(), call().__int__().call_list()) def test_subclassing(self): class Subclass(Mock): pass mock = Subclass() self.assertIsInstance(, Subclass) self.assertIsInstance(mock(), Subclass) class Subclass(Mock): def _get_child_mock(self, **kwargs): return Mock(**kwargs) mock = Subclass() self.assertNotIsInstance(, Subclass) self.assertNotIsInstance(mock(), Subclass) def test_arg_lists(self): mocks = [ Mock(), MagicMock(), NonCallableMock(), NonCallableMagicMock() ] def assert_attrs(mock): names = 'call_args_list', 'method_calls', 'mock_calls' for name in names: attr = getattr(mock, name) self.assertIsInstance(attr, _CallList) self.assertIsInstance(attr, list) self.assertEqual(attr, []) for mock in mocks: assert_attrs(mock) if callable(mock): mock() mock(1, 2) mock(a=3) mock.reset_mock() assert_attrs(mock), a=3) mock.reset_mock() assert_attrs(mock) def test_call_args_two_tuple(self): mock = Mock() mock(1, a=3) mock(2, b=4) self.assertEqual(len(mock.call_args), 2) args, kwargs = mock.call_args self.assertEqual(args, (2,)) self.assertEqual(kwargs, dict(b=4)) expected_list = [((1,), dict(a=3)), ((2,), dict(b=4))] for expected, call_args in zip(expected_list, mock.call_args_list): self.assertEqual(len(call_args), 2) self.assertEqual(expected[0], call_args[0]) self.assertEqual(expected[1], call_args[1]) def test_side_effect_iterator(self): mock = Mock(side_effect=iter([1, 2, 3])) self.assertEqual([mock(), mock(), mock()], [1, 2, 3]) self.assertRaises(StopIteration, mock) mock = MagicMock(side_effect=['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual([mock(), mock(), mock()], ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertRaises(StopIteration, mock) mock = Mock(side_effect='ghi') self.assertEqual([mock(), mock(), mock()], ['g', 'h', 'i']) self.assertRaises(StopIteration, mock) class Foo(object): pass mock = MagicMock(side_effect=Foo) self.assertIsInstance(mock(), Foo) mock = Mock(side_effect=Iter()) self.assertEqual([mock(), mock(), mock(), mock()], ['this', 'is', 'an', 'iter']) self.assertRaises(StopIteration, mock) def test_side_effect_iterator_exceptions(self): for Klass in Mock, MagicMock: iterable = (ValueError, 3, KeyError, 6) m = Klass(side_effect=iterable) self.assertRaises(ValueError, m) self.assertEqual(m(), 3) self.assertRaises(KeyError, m) self.assertEqual(m(), 6) def test_side_effect_setting_iterator(self): mock = Mock() mock.side_effect = iter([1, 2, 3]) self.assertEqual([mock(), mock(), mock()], [1, 2, 3]) self.assertRaises(StopIteration, mock) side_effect = mock.side_effect self.assertIsInstance(side_effect, type(iter([]))) mock.side_effect = ['a', 'b', 'c'] self.assertEqual([mock(), mock(), mock()], ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertRaises(StopIteration, mock) side_effect = mock.side_effect self.assertIsInstance(side_effect, type(iter([]))) this_iter = Iter() mock.side_effect = this_iter self.assertEqual([mock(), mock(), mock(), mock()], ['this', 'is', 'an', 'iter']) self.assertRaises(StopIteration, mock) self.assertIs(mock.side_effect, this_iter) def test_side_effect_iterator_default(self): mock = Mock(return_value=2) mock.side_effect = iter([1, DEFAULT]) self.assertEqual([mock(), mock()], [1, 2]) def test_assert_has_calls_any_order(self): mock = Mock() mock(1, 2) mock(a=3) mock(3, 4) mock(b=6) mock(b=6) kalls = [ call(1, 2), ({'a': 3},), ((3, 4),), ((), {'a': 3}), ('', (1, 2)), ('', {'a': 3}), ('', (1, 2), {}), ('', (), {'a': 3}) ] for kall in kalls: mock.assert_has_calls([kall], any_order=True) for kall in call(1, '2'), call(b=3), call(), 3, None, 'foo': self.assertRaises( AssertionError, mock.assert_has_calls, [kall], any_order=True ) kall_lists = [ [call(1, 2), call(b=6)], [call(3, 4), call(1, 2)], [call(b=6), call(b=6)], ] for kall_list in kall_lists: mock.assert_has_calls(kall_list, any_order=True) kall_lists = [ [call(b=6), call(b=6), call(b=6)], [call(1, 2), call(1, 2)], [call(3, 4), call(1, 2), call(5, 7)], [call(b=6), call(3, 4), call(b=6), call(1, 2), call(b=6)], ] for kall_list in kall_lists: self.assertRaises( AssertionError, mock.assert_has_calls, kall_list, any_order=True ) def test_assert_has_calls(self): kalls1 = [ call(1, 2), ({'a': 3},), ((3, 4),), call(b=6), ('', (1,), {'b': 6}), ] kalls2 = [,] kalls2.extend(call.spam().baz(a=3).call_list()) kalls2.extend(call.bam(set(), foo={}).fish([1]).call_list()) mocks = [] for mock in Mock(), MagicMock(): mock(1, 2) mock(a=3) mock(3, 4) mock(b=6) mock(1, b=6) mocks.append((mock, kalls1)) mock = Mock() mock.spam().baz(a=3) mock.bam(set(), foo={}).fish([1]) mocks.append((mock, kalls2)) for mock, kalls in mocks: for i in range(len(kalls)): for step in 1, 2, 3: these = kalls[i:i+step] mock.assert_has_calls(these) if len(these) > 1: self.assertRaises( AssertionError, mock.assert_has_calls, list(reversed(these)) ) def test_assert_has_calls_with_function_spec(self): def f(a, b, c, d=None): pass mock = Mock(spec=f) mock(1, b=2, c=3) mock(4, 5, c=6, d=7) mock(10, 11, c=12) calls = [ ('', (1, 2, 3), {}), ('', (4, 5, 6), {'d': 7}), ((10, 11, 12), {}), ] mock.assert_has_calls(calls) mock.assert_has_calls(calls, any_order=True) mock.assert_has_calls(calls[1:]) mock.assert_has_calls(calls[1:], any_order=True) mock.assert_has_calls(calls[:-1]) mock.assert_has_calls(calls[:-1], any_order=True) # Reversed order calls = list(reversed(calls)) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): mock.assert_has_calls(calls) mock.assert_has_calls(calls, any_order=True) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): mock.assert_has_calls(calls[1:]) mock.assert_has_calls(calls[1:], any_order=True) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): mock.assert_has_calls(calls[:-1]) mock.assert_has_calls(calls[:-1], any_order=True) def test_assert_any_call(self): mock = Mock() mock(1, 2) mock(a=3) mock(1, b=6) mock.assert_any_call(1, 2) mock.assert_any_call(a=3) mock.assert_any_call(1, b=6) self.assertRaises( AssertionError, mock.assert_any_call ) self.assertRaises( AssertionError, mock.assert_any_call, 1, 3 ) self.assertRaises( AssertionError, mock.assert_any_call, a=4 ) def test_assert_any_call_with_function_spec(self): def f(a, b, c, d=None): pass mock = Mock(spec=f) mock(1, b=2, c=3) mock(4, 5, c=6, d=7) mock.assert_any_call(1, 2, 3) mock.assert_any_call(a=1, b=2, c=3) mock.assert_any_call(4, 5, 6, 7) mock.assert_any_call(a=4, b=5, c=6, d=7) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, mock.assert_any_call, 1, b=3, c=2) # Expected call doesn't match the spec's signature with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as cm: mock.assert_any_call(e=8) self.assertIsInstance(cm.exception.__cause__, TypeError) def test_mock_calls_create_autospec(self): def f(a, b): pass obj = Iter() obj.f = f funcs = [ create_autospec(f), create_autospec(obj).f ] for func in funcs: func(1, 2) func(3, 4) self.assertEqual( func.mock_calls, [call(1, 2), call(3, 4)] ) def test_mock_add_spec(self): class _One(object): one = 1 class _Two(object): two = 2 class Anything(object): one = two = three = 'four' klasses = [ Mock, MagicMock, NonCallableMock, NonCallableMagicMock ] for Klass in list(klasses): klasses.append(lambda K=Klass: K(spec=Anything)) klasses.append(lambda K=Klass: K(spec_set=Anything)) for Klass in klasses: for kwargs in dict(), dict(spec_set=True): mock = Klass() #no error, mock.two, mock.three for One, Two in [(_One, _Two), (['one'], ['two'])]: for kwargs in dict(), dict(spec_set=True): mock.mock_add_spec(One, **kwargs) self.assertRaises( AttributeError, getattr, mock, 'two' ) self.assertRaises( AttributeError, getattr, mock, 'three' ) if 'spec_set' in kwargs: self.assertRaises( AttributeError, setattr, mock, 'three', None ) mock.mock_add_spec(Two, **kwargs) self.assertRaises( AttributeError, getattr, mock, 'one' ) mock.two self.assertRaises( AttributeError, getattr, mock, 'three' ) if 'spec_set' in kwargs: self.assertRaises( AttributeError, setattr, mock, 'three', None ) # note that creating a mock, setting an instance attribute, and # *then* setting a spec doesn't work. Not the intended use case def test_mock_add_spec_magic_methods(self): for Klass in MagicMock, NonCallableMagicMock: mock = Klass() int(mock) mock.mock_add_spec(object) self.assertRaises(TypeError, int, mock) mock = Klass() mock['foo'] mock.__int__.return_value =4 mock.mock_add_spec(int) self.assertEqual(int(mock), 4) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: mock['foo']) def test_adding_child_mock(self): for Klass in NonCallableMock, Mock, MagicMock, NonCallableMagicMock: mock = Klass() = Mock() self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, []) self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, []) mock = Klass() = Mock(name='name') self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, []) self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, []) # mock with an existing _new_parent but no name mock = Klass() mock.baz = MagicMock()() mock.baz() self.assertEqual(mock.method_calls, []) self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, []) def test_adding_return_value_mock(self): for Klass in Mock, MagicMock: mock = Klass() mock.return_value = MagicMock() mock()() self.assertEqual(mock.mock_calls, [call(), call()()]) def test_manager_mock(self): class Foo(object): one = 'one' two = 'two' manager = Mock() p1 = patch.object(Foo, 'one') p2 = patch.object(Foo, 'two') mock_one = p1.start() self.addCleanup(p1.stop) mock_two = p2.start() self.addCleanup(p2.stop) manager.attach_mock(mock_one, 'one') manager.attach_mock(mock_two, 'two') Foo.two() self.assertEqual(manager.mock_calls, [call.two(),]) def test_magic_methods_mock_calls(self): for Klass in Mock, MagicMock: m = Klass() m.__int__ = Mock(return_value=3) m.__float__ = MagicMock(return_value=3.0) int(m) float(m) self.assertEqual(m.mock_calls, [call.__int__(), call.__float__()]) self.assertEqual(m.method_calls, []) def test_mock_parents(self): for Klass in Mock, MagicMock: m = Klass() original_repr = repr(m) m.return_value = m self.assertIs(m(), m) self.assertEqual(repr(m), original_repr) m.reset_mock() self.assertIs(m(), m) self.assertEqual(repr(m), original_repr) m = Klass() m.b = m.a self.assertIn("name='mock.a'", repr(m.b)) self.assertIn("name='mock.a'", repr(m.a)) m.reset_mock() self.assertIn("name='mock.a'", repr(m.b)) self.assertIn("name='mock.a'", repr(m.a)) m = Klass() original_repr = repr(m) m.a = m() m.a.return_value = m self.assertEqual(repr(m), original_repr) self.assertEqual(repr(m.a()), original_repr) def test_attach_mock(self): classes = Mock, MagicMock, NonCallableMagicMock, NonCallableMock for Klass in classes: for Klass2 in classes: m = Klass() m2 = Klass2(name='foo') m.attach_mock(m2, 'bar') self.assertIs(, m2) self.assertIn("name=''", repr(m2)) self.assertEqual(m.mock_calls, []) self.assertEqual(m.method_calls, []) def test_attach_mock_return_value(self): classes = Mock, MagicMock, NonCallableMagicMock, NonCallableMock for Klass in Mock, MagicMock: for Klass2 in classes: m = Klass() m2 = Klass2(name='foo') m.attach_mock(m2, 'return_value') self.assertIs(m(), m2) self.assertIn("name='mock()'", repr(m2)) self.assertEqual(m.mock_calls, call().foo().call_list()) def test_attribute_deletion(self): for mock in (Mock(), MagicMock(), NonCallableMagicMock(), NonCallableMock()): self.assertTrue(hasattr(mock, 'm')) del mock.m self.assertFalse(hasattr(mock, 'm')) del mock.f self.assertFalse(hasattr(mock, 'f')) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, mock, 'f') def test_class_assignable(self): for mock in Mock(), MagicMock(): self.assertNotIsInstance(mock, int) mock.__class__ = int self.assertIsInstance(mock, int) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()