# Extract files from a SHAR archive. # Run this on the Mac. # Usage: # >>> import unshar # >>> f = open('SHAR') # >>> unshar.unshar(f) import string def unshar(fp, verbose=0, overwrite=0): ofp = None file = None while 1: line = fp.readline() if verbose > 3: print 'Got:', `line` if line[:1] == 'X': # Most common case first if ofp: ofp.write(line[1:]) continue if not line: if verbose: print 'EOF' if ofp: print 'Unterminated file -- closing' ofp.close() ofp = None break if line[0] == '#': if verbose: print line, continue if line[:14] == 'sed "s/^X//" >': if verbose: print "!!!", `line` i = string.find(line, "'") j = string.find(line, "'", i+1) if i >= 0 and j > i: file = line[i+1:j] if '/' in file: words = string.splitfields(file, '/') for funny in '', '.': while funny in words: words.remove(funny) for i in range(len(words)): if words[i] == '..': words[i] = '' words.insert(0, '') file = string.joinfields(words, ':') try: ofp = open(file, 'r') ofp.close() ofp = None over = 1 except IOError: over = 0 if over and not overwrite: print 'Skipping', file, '(already exists) ...' continue ofp = open(file, 'w') if over: print 'Overwriting', file, '...' else: print 'Writing', file, '...' continue if line == 'END_OF_FILE\n': if not file: print 'Unexpected END_OF_FILE marker' if ofp: print 'done' ofp.close() ofp = None else: print 'done skipping' file = None continue if verbose: print "...", `line`