"""browsepict - Display all "PICT" resources found""" import FrameWork import EasyDialogs from Carbon import Res from Carbon import Qd from Carbon import Win from Carbon import Controls from Carbon import List import sys import struct import macresource # # Resource definitions ID_MAIN=512 MAIN_LIST=1 MAIN_SHOW=2 # Where is the picture window? LEFT=200 TOP=64 MINWIDTH=64 MINHEIGHT=64 MAXWIDTH=320 MAXHEIGHT=320 def main(): macresource.need('DLOG', ID_MAIN, "PICTbrowse.rsrc") PICTbrowse() class PICTbrowse(FrameWork.Application): def __init__(self): # First init menus, etc. FrameWork.Application.__init__(self) # Next create our dialog self.main_dialog = MyDialog(self) # Now open the dialog contents = self.findPICTresources() self.main_dialog.open(ID_MAIN, contents) # Finally, go into the event loop self.mainloop() def makeusermenus(self): self.filemenu = m = FrameWork.Menu(self.menubar, "File") self.quititem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Quit", "Q", self.quit) def quit(self, *args): self._quit() def showPICT(self, resid): w = PICTwindow(self) w.open(resid) #EasyDialogs.Message('Show PICT '+`resid`) def findPICTresources(self): num = Res.CountResources('PICT') rv = [] for i in range(1, num+1): Res.SetResLoad(0) try: r = Res.GetIndResource('PICT', i) finally: Res.SetResLoad(1) id, type, name = r.GetResInfo() rv.append((id, name)) return rv class PICTwindow(FrameWork.Window): def open(self, (resid, resname)): if not resname: resname = '#'+`resid` self.resid = resid self.picture = Qd.GetPicture(self.resid) # Get rect for picture sz, t, l, b, r = struct.unpack('hhhhh', self.picture.data[:10]) self.pictrect = (l, t, r, b) width = r-l height = b-t if width < MINWIDTH: width = MINWIDTH elif width > MAXWIDTH: width = MAXWIDTH if height < MINHEIGHT: height = MINHEIGHT elif height > MAXHEIGHT: height = MAXHEIGHT bounds = (LEFT, TOP, LEFT+width, TOP+height) self.wid = Win.NewWindow(bounds, resname, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0) self.do_postopen() def do_update(self, *args): currect = self.fitrect() Qd.DrawPicture(self.picture, currect) def fitrect(self): """Return self.pictrect scaled to fit in window""" graf = self.dlg.GetWindowPort() screenrect = graf.portRect picwidth = self.pictrect[2] - self.pictrect[0] picheight = self.pictrect[3] - self.pictrect[1] if picwidth > screenrect[2] - screenrect[0]: factor = float(picwidth) / float(screenrect[2]-screenrect[0]) picwidth = picwidth / factor picheight = picheight / factor if picheight > screenrect[3] - screenrect[1]: factor = float(picheight) / float(screenrect[3]-screenrect[1]) picwidth = picwidth / factor picheight = picheight / factor return (screenrect[0], screenrect[1], screenrect[0]+int(picwidth), screenrect[1]+int(picheight)) class MyDialog(FrameWork.DialogWindow): "Main dialog window for PICTbrowse" def open(self, id, contents): self.id = id FrameWork.DialogWindow.open(self, ID_MAIN) self.dlg.SetDialogDefaultItem(MAIN_SHOW) self.contents = contents self.ctl = self.dlg.GetDialogItemAsControl(MAIN_LIST) h = self.ctl.GetControlData_Handle(Controls.kControlListBoxPart, Controls.kControlListBoxListHandleTag) self.list = List.as_List(h) self.setlist() def setlist(self): self.list.LDelRow(0, 0) self.list.LSetDrawingMode(0) if self.contents: self.list.LAddRow(len(self.contents), 0) for i in range(len(self.contents)): v = `self.contents[i][0]` if self.contents[i][1]: v = v + '"' + self.contents[i][1] + '"' self.list.LSetCell(v, (0, i)) self.list.LSetDrawingMode(1) self.list.LUpdate(self.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn) def getselection(self): items = [] point = (0,0) while 1: ok, point = self.list.LGetSelect(1, point) if not ok: break items.append(point[1]) point = point[0], point[1]+1 values = [] for i in items: values.append(self.contents[i]) return values def do_show(self, *args): selection = self.getselection() for resid in selection: self.parent.showPICT(resid) def do_close(self): self.close() def do_itemhit(self, item, event): if item == MAIN_SHOW: self.do_show() main()