"""Generate the cases for the tier 2 interpreter. Reads the instruction definitions from bytecodes.c. Writes the cases to executor_cases.c.h, which is #included in ceval.c. """ import argparse import os.path import sys from analyzer import ( Analysis, Instruction, Uop, Part, analyze_files, Skip, StackItem, analysis_error, ) from generators_common import ( DEFAULT_INPUT, ROOT, write_header, emit_tokens, emit_to, REPLACEMENT_FUNCTIONS, ) from cwriter import CWriter from typing import TextIO, Iterator from lexer import Token from stack import StackOffset, Stack, SizeMismatch DEFAULT_OUTPUT = ROOT / "Python/executor_cases.c.h" def declare_variable( var: StackItem, uop: Uop, variables: set[str], out: CWriter ) -> None: if var.name in variables: return type = var.type if var.type else "PyObject *" variables.add(var.name) if var.condition: out.emit(f"{type}{var.name} = NULL;\n") if uop.replicates: # Replicas may not use all their conditional variables # So avoid a compiler warning with a fake use out.emit(f"(void){var.name};\n") else: out.emit(f"{type}{var.name};\n") def declare_variables(uop: Uop, out: CWriter) -> None: variables = {"unused"} for var in reversed(uop.stack.inputs): declare_variable(var, uop, variables, out) for var in uop.stack.outputs: declare_variable(var, uop, variables, out) def tier2_replace_error( out: CWriter, tkn: Token, tkn_iter: Iterator[Token], uop: Uop, stack: Stack, inst: Instruction | None, ) -> None: out.emit_at("if ", tkn) out.emit(next(tkn_iter)) emit_to(out, tkn_iter, "COMMA") label = next(tkn_iter).text next(tkn_iter) # RPAREN next(tkn_iter) # Semi colon out.emit(") JUMP_TO_ERROR();\n") def tier2_replace_error_no_pop( out: CWriter, tkn: Token, tkn_iter: Iterator[Token], uop: Uop, stack: Stack, inst: Instruction | None, ) -> None: next(tkn_iter) # LPAREN next(tkn_iter) # RPAREN next(tkn_iter) # Semi colon out.emit_at("JUMP_TO_ERROR();", tkn) def tier2_replace_deopt( out: CWriter, tkn: Token, tkn_iter: Iterator[Token], uop: Uop, unused: Stack, inst: Instruction | None, ) -> None: out.emit_at("if ", tkn) out.emit(next(tkn_iter)) emit_to(out, tkn_iter, "RPAREN") next(tkn_iter) # Semi colon out.emit(") {\n") out.emit("UOP_STAT_INC(uopcode, miss);\n") out.emit("JUMP_TO_JUMP_TARGET();\n"); out.emit("}\n") def tier2_replace_exit_if( out: CWriter, tkn: Token, tkn_iter: Iterator[Token], uop: Uop, unused: Stack, inst: Instruction | None, ) -> None: out.emit_at("if ", tkn) out.emit(next(tkn_iter)) emit_to(out, tkn_iter, "RPAREN") next(tkn_iter) # Semi colon out.emit(") {\n") out.emit("UOP_STAT_INC(uopcode, miss);\n") out.emit("JUMP_TO_JUMP_TARGET();\n") out.emit("}\n") def tier2_replace_oparg( out: CWriter, tkn: Token, tkn_iter: Iterator[Token], uop: Uop, unused: Stack, inst: Instruction | None, ) -> None: if not uop.name.endswith("_0") and not uop.name.endswith("_1"): out.emit(tkn) return amp = next(tkn_iter) if amp.text != "&": out.emit(tkn) out.emit(amp) return one = next(tkn_iter) assert one.text == "1" out.emit_at(uop.name[-1], tkn) TIER2_REPLACEMENT_FUNCTIONS = REPLACEMENT_FUNCTIONS.copy() TIER2_REPLACEMENT_FUNCTIONS["ERROR_IF"] = tier2_replace_error TIER2_REPLACEMENT_FUNCTIONS["ERROR_NO_POP"] = tier2_replace_error_no_pop TIER2_REPLACEMENT_FUNCTIONS["DEOPT_IF"] = tier2_replace_deopt TIER2_REPLACEMENT_FUNCTIONS["oparg"] = tier2_replace_oparg TIER2_REPLACEMENT_FUNCTIONS["EXIT_IF"] = tier2_replace_exit_if def write_uop(uop: Uop, out: CWriter, stack: Stack) -> None: try: out.start_line() if uop.properties.oparg: out.emit("oparg = CURRENT_OPARG();\n") assert uop.properties.const_oparg < 0 elif uop.properties.const_oparg >= 0: out.emit(f"oparg = {uop.properties.const_oparg};\n") out.emit(f"assert(oparg == CURRENT_OPARG());\n") for var in reversed(uop.stack.inputs): out.emit(stack.pop(var)) if not uop.properties.stores_sp: for i, var in enumerate(uop.stack.outputs): out.emit(stack.push(var)) for cache in uop.caches: if cache.name != "unused": if cache.size == 4: type = cast = "PyObject *" else: type = f"uint{cache.size*16}_t " cast = f"uint{cache.size*16}_t" out.emit(f"{type}{cache.name} = ({cast})CURRENT_OPERAND();\n") emit_tokens(out, uop, stack, None, TIER2_REPLACEMENT_FUNCTIONS) if uop.properties.stores_sp: for i, var in enumerate(uop.stack.outputs): out.emit(stack.push(var)) except SizeMismatch as ex: raise analysis_error(ex.args[0], uop.body[0]) SKIPS = ("_EXTENDED_ARG",) def generate_tier2( filenames: list[str], analysis: Analysis, outfile: TextIO, lines: bool ) -> None: write_header(__file__, filenames, outfile) outfile.write( """ #ifdef TIER_ONE #error "This file is for Tier 2 only" #endif #define TIER_TWO 2 """ ) out = CWriter(outfile, 2, lines) out.emit("\n") for name, uop in analysis.uops.items(): if uop.properties.tier == 1: continue if uop.properties.oparg_and_1: out.emit(f"/* {uop.name} is split on (oparg & 1) */\n\n") continue if uop.is_super(): continue why_not_viable = uop.why_not_viable() if why_not_viable is not None: out.emit(f"/* {uop.name} is not a viable micro-op for tier 2 because it {why_not_viable} */\n\n") continue out.emit(f"case {uop.name}: {{\n") declare_variables(uop, out) stack = Stack() write_uop(uop, out, stack) out.start_line() if not uop.properties.always_exits: stack.flush(out) if uop.properties.ends_with_eval_breaker: out.emit("CHECK_EVAL_BREAKER();\n") out.emit("break;\n") out.start_line() out.emit("}") out.emit("\n\n") outfile.write("#undef TIER_TWO\n") arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate the code for the tier 2 interpreter.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) arg_parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", type=str, help="Generated code", default=DEFAULT_OUTPUT ) arg_parser.add_argument( "-l", "--emit-line-directives", help="Emit #line directives", action="store_true" ) arg_parser.add_argument( "input", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="Instruction definition file(s)" ) if __name__ == "__main__": args = arg_parser.parse_args() if len(args.input) == 0: args.input.append(DEFAULT_INPUT) data = analyze_files(args.input) with open(args.output, "w") as outfile: generate_tier2(args.input, data, outfile, args.emit_line_directives)