"""Generate opcode metadata. Reads the instruction definitions from bytecodes.c. Writes the metadata to pycore_opcode_metadata.h by default. """ import argparse import os.path import sys from analyzer import ( Analysis, Instruction, analyze_files, Skip, Uop, ) from generators_common import ( DEFAULT_INPUT, ROOT, write_header, cflags, StackOffset, ) from cwriter import CWriter from typing import TextIO from stack import get_stack_effect # Constants used instead of size for macro expansions. # Note: 1, 2, 4 must match actual cache entry sizes. OPARG_KINDS = { "OPARG_FULL": 0, "OPARG_CACHE_1": 1, "OPARG_CACHE_2": 2, "OPARG_CACHE_4": 4, "OPARG_TOP": 5, "OPARG_BOTTOM": 6, "OPARG_SAVE_RETURN_OFFSET": 7, # Skip 8 as the other powers of 2 are sizes "OPARG_REPLACED": 9, } FLAGS = [ "ARG", "CONST", "NAME", "JUMP", "FREE", "LOCAL", "EVAL_BREAK", "DEOPT", "ERROR", "ESCAPES", "EXIT", "PURE", "PASSTHROUGH", "OPARG_AND_1", "ERROR_NO_POP", ] def generate_flag_macros(out: CWriter) -> None: for i, flag in enumerate(FLAGS): out.emit(f"#define HAS_{flag}_FLAG ({1< None: for name, value in OPARG_KINDS.items(): out.emit(f"#define {name} {value}\n") out.emit("\n") def emit_stack_effect_function( out: CWriter, direction: str, data: list[tuple[str, str]] ) -> None: out.emit(f"extern int _PyOpcode_num_{direction}(int opcode, int oparg);\n") out.emit("#ifdef NEED_OPCODE_METADATA\n") out.emit(f"int _PyOpcode_num_{direction}(int opcode, int oparg) {{\n") out.emit("switch(opcode) {\n") for name, effect in data: out.emit(f"case {name}:\n") out.emit(f" return {effect};\n") out.emit("default:\n") out.emit(" return -1;\n") out.emit("}\n") out.emit("}\n\n") out.emit("#endif\n\n") def generate_stack_effect_functions(analysis: Analysis, out: CWriter) -> None: popped_data: list[tuple[str, str]] = [] pushed_data: list[tuple[str, str]] = [] for inst in analysis.instructions.values(): stack = get_stack_effect(inst) popped = (-stack.base_offset).to_c() pushed = (stack.top_offset - stack.base_offset).to_c() popped_data.append((inst.name, popped)) pushed_data.append((inst.name, pushed)) emit_stack_effect_function(out, "popped", sorted(popped_data)) emit_stack_effect_function(out, "pushed", sorted(pushed_data)) def generate_is_pseudo(analysis: Analysis, out: CWriter) -> None: """Write the IS_PSEUDO_INSTR macro""" out.emit("\n\n#define IS_PSEUDO_INSTR(OP) ( \\\n") for op in analysis.pseudos: out.emit(f"((OP) == {op}) || \\\n") out.emit("0") out.emit(")\n\n") def get_format(inst: Instruction) -> str: if inst.properties.oparg: format = "INSTR_FMT_IB" else: format = "INSTR_FMT_IX" if inst.size > 1: format += "C" format += "0" * (inst.size - 2) return format def generate_instruction_formats(analysis: Analysis, out: CWriter) -> None: # Compute the set of all instruction formats. formats: set[str] = set() for inst in analysis.instructions.values(): formats.add(get_format(inst)) # Generate an enum for it out.emit("enum InstructionFormat {\n") next_id = 1 for format in sorted(formats): out.emit(f"{format} = {next_id},\n") next_id += 1 out.emit("};\n\n") def generate_deopt_table(analysis: Analysis, out: CWriter) -> None: out.emit("extern const uint8_t _PyOpcode_Deopt[256];\n") out.emit("#ifdef NEED_OPCODE_METADATA\n") out.emit("const uint8_t _PyOpcode_Deopt[256] = {\n") deopts: list[tuple[str, str]] = [] for inst in analysis.instructions.values(): deopt = inst.name if inst.family is not None: deopt = inst.family.name deopts.append((inst.name, deopt)) deopts.append(("INSTRUMENTED_LINE", "INSTRUMENTED_LINE")) for name, deopt in sorted(deopts): out.emit(f"[{name}] = {deopt},\n") out.emit("};\n\n") out.emit("#endif // NEED_OPCODE_METADATA\n\n") def generate_cache_table(analysis: Analysis, out: CWriter) -> None: out.emit("extern const uint8_t _PyOpcode_Caches[256];\n") out.emit("#ifdef NEED_OPCODE_METADATA\n") out.emit("const uint8_t _PyOpcode_Caches[256] = {\n") for inst in analysis.instructions.values(): if inst.family and inst.family.name != inst.name: continue if inst.name.startswith("INSTRUMENTED"): continue if inst.size > 1: out.emit(f"[{inst.name}] = {inst.size-1},\n") out.emit("};\n") out.emit("#endif\n\n") def generate_name_table(analysis: Analysis, out: CWriter) -> None: table_size = 256 + len(analysis.pseudos) out.emit(f"extern const char *_PyOpcode_OpName[{table_size}];\n") out.emit("#ifdef NEED_OPCODE_METADATA\n") out.emit(f"const char *_PyOpcode_OpName[{table_size}] = {{\n") names = list(analysis.instructions) + list(analysis.pseudos) names.append("INSTRUMENTED_LINE") for name in sorted(names): out.emit(f'[{name}] = "{name}",\n') out.emit("};\n") out.emit("#endif\n\n") def generate_metadata_table(analysis: Analysis, out: CWriter) -> None: table_size = 256 + len(analysis.pseudos) out.emit("struct opcode_metadata {\n") out.emit("uint8_t valid_entry;\n") out.emit("int8_t instr_format;\n") out.emit("int16_t flags;\n") out.emit("};\n\n") out.emit( f"extern const struct opcode_metadata _PyOpcode_opcode_metadata[{table_size}];\n" ) out.emit("#ifdef NEED_OPCODE_METADATA\n") out.emit( f"const struct opcode_metadata _PyOpcode_opcode_metadata[{table_size}] = {{\n" ) for inst in sorted(analysis.instructions.values(), key=lambda t: t.name): out.emit( f"[{inst.name}] = {{ true, {get_format(inst)}, {cflags(inst.properties)} }},\n" ) for pseudo in sorted(analysis.pseudos.values(), key=lambda t: t.name): flags = cflags(pseudo.properties) for flag in pseudo.flags: if flags == "0": flags = f"{flag}_FLAG" else: flags += f" | {flag}_FLAG" out.emit(f"[{pseudo.name}] = {{ true, -1, {flags} }},\n") out.emit("};\n") out.emit("#endif\n\n") def generate_expansion_table(analysis: Analysis, out: CWriter) -> None: expansions_table: dict[str, list[tuple[str, int, int]]] = {} for inst in sorted(analysis.instructions.values(), key=lambda t: t.name): offset: int = 0 # Cache effect offset expansions: list[tuple[str, int, int]] = [] # [(name, size, offset), ...] if inst.is_super(): pieces = inst.name.split("_") assert len(pieces) == 4, f"{inst.name} doesn't look like a super-instr" name1 = "_".join(pieces[:2]) name2 = "_".join(pieces[2:]) assert name1 in analysis.instructions, f"{name1} doesn't match any instr" assert name2 in analysis.instructions, f"{name2} doesn't match any instr" instr1 = analysis.instructions[name1] instr2 = analysis.instructions[name2] assert ( len(instr1.parts) == 1 ), f"{name1} is not a good superinstruction part" assert ( len(instr2.parts) == 1 ), f"{name2} is not a good superinstruction part" expansions.append((instr1.parts[0].name, OPARG_KINDS["OPARG_TOP"], 0)) expansions.append((instr2.parts[0].name, OPARG_KINDS["OPARG_BOTTOM"], 0)) elif not is_viable_expansion(inst): continue else: for part in inst.parts: size = part.size if part.name == "_SAVE_RETURN_OFFSET": size = OPARG_KINDS["OPARG_SAVE_RETURN_OFFSET"] if isinstance(part, Uop): # Skip specializations if "specializing" in part.annotations: continue if "replaced" in part.annotations: size = OPARG_KINDS["OPARG_REPLACED"] expansions.append((part.name, size, offset if size else 0)) offset += part.size expansions_table[inst.name] = expansions max_uops = max(len(ex) for ex in expansions_table.values()) out.emit(f"#define MAX_UOP_PER_EXPANSION {max_uops}\n") out.emit("struct opcode_macro_expansion {\n") out.emit("int nuops;\n") out.emit( "struct { int16_t uop; int8_t size; int8_t offset; } uops[MAX_UOP_PER_EXPANSION];\n" ) out.emit("};\n") out.emit( "extern const struct opcode_macro_expansion _PyOpcode_macro_expansion[256];\n\n" ) out.emit("#ifdef NEED_OPCODE_METADATA\n") out.emit("const struct opcode_macro_expansion\n") out.emit("_PyOpcode_macro_expansion[256] = {\n") for inst_name, expansions in expansions_table.items(): uops = [ f"{{ {name}, {size}, {offset} }}" for (name, size, offset) in expansions ] out.emit( f'[{inst_name}] = {{ .nuops = {len(expansions)}, .uops = {{ {", ".join(uops)} }} }},\n' ) out.emit("};\n") out.emit("#endif // NEED_OPCODE_METADATA\n\n") def is_viable_expansion(inst: Instruction) -> bool: "An instruction can be expanded if all its parts are viable for tier 2" for part in inst.parts: if isinstance(part, Uop): # Skip specializing and replaced uops if "specializing" in part.annotations: continue if "replaced" in part.annotations: continue if part.properties.tier == 1 or not part.is_viable(): return False return True def generate_extra_cases(analysis: Analysis, out: CWriter) -> None: out.emit("#define EXTRA_CASES \\\n") valid_opcodes = set(analysis.opmap.values()) for op in range(256): if op not in valid_opcodes: out.emit(f" case {op}: \\\n") out.emit(" ;\n") def generate_pseudo_targets(analysis: Analysis, out: CWriter) -> None: table_size = len(analysis.pseudos) max_targets = max(len(pseudo.targets) for pseudo in analysis.pseudos.values()) out.emit("struct pseudo_targets {\n") out.emit(f"uint8_t targets[{max_targets + 1}];\n") out.emit("};\n") out.emit( f"extern const struct pseudo_targets _PyOpcode_PseudoTargets[{table_size}];\n" ) out.emit("#ifdef NEED_OPCODE_METADATA\n") out.emit( f"const struct pseudo_targets _PyOpcode_PseudoTargets[{table_size}] = {{\n" ) for pseudo in analysis.pseudos.values(): targets = ["0"] * (max_targets + 1) for i, target in enumerate(pseudo.targets): targets[i] = target.name out.emit(f"[{pseudo.name}-256] = {{ {{ {', '.join(targets)} }} }},\n") out.emit("};\n\n") out.emit("#endif // NEED_OPCODE_METADATA\n") out.emit("static inline bool\n") out.emit("is_pseudo_target(int pseudo, int target) {\n") out.emit(f"if (pseudo < 256 || pseudo >= {256+table_size}) {{\n") out.emit(f"return false;\n") out.emit("}\n") out.emit( f"for (int i = 0; _PyOpcode_PseudoTargets[pseudo-256].targets[i]; i++) {{\n" ) out.emit( f"if (_PyOpcode_PseudoTargets[pseudo-256].targets[i] == target) return true;\n" ) out.emit("}\n") out.emit(f"return false;\n") out.emit("}\n\n") def generate_opcode_metadata( filenames: list[str], analysis: Analysis, outfile: TextIO ) -> None: write_header(__file__, filenames, outfile) out = CWriter(outfile, 0, False) with out.header_guard("Py_CORE_OPCODE_METADATA_H"): out.emit("#ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE\n") out.emit('# error "this header requires Py_BUILD_CORE define"\n') out.emit("#endif\n\n") out.emit("#include // bool\n") out.emit('#include "opcode_ids.h"\n') generate_is_pseudo(analysis, out) out.emit('#include "pycore_uop_ids.h"\n') generate_stack_effect_functions(analysis, out) generate_instruction_formats(analysis, out) table_size = 256 + len(analysis.pseudos) out.emit("#define IS_VALID_OPCODE(OP) \\\n") out.emit(f" (((OP) >= 0) && ((OP) < {table_size}) && \\\n") out.emit(" (_PyOpcode_opcode_metadata[(OP)].valid_entry))\n\n") generate_flag_macros(out) generate_oparg_macros(out) generate_metadata_table(analysis, out) generate_expansion_table(analysis, out) generate_name_table(analysis, out) generate_cache_table(analysis, out) generate_deopt_table(analysis, out) generate_extra_cases(analysis, out) generate_pseudo_targets(analysis, out) arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate the header file with opcode metadata.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) DEFAULT_OUTPUT = ROOT / "Include/internal/pycore_opcode_metadata.h" arg_parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", type=str, help="Generated code", default=DEFAULT_OUTPUT ) arg_parser.add_argument( "input", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="Instruction definition file(s)" ) if __name__ == "__main__": args = arg_parser.parse_args() if len(args.input) == 0: args.input.append(DEFAULT_INPUT) data = analyze_files(args.input) with open(args.output, "w") as outfile: generate_opcode_metadata(args.input, data, outfile)