I added some information to the `Concurrency and Multithreading` section of the `Developing with asyncio` guide.
This is all information that would have helped me when I started using asyncio. I incorrectly assumed that `loop.call_soon_threadsafe()` and `run_coroutine_threadsafe()` could be called from a thread in a process separate from the one that the event loop is running in. Explicitly stating that this will not work will probably help some people starting out with asyncio in the future.
I also added references to some other functions that can be used for inter-process communication without blocking the event loop. The section already mentions running blocking code in a ThreadPoolExecutor, but I think listing these other options in this section will also be helpful.
Sphinx 3 disallows having more than one productionlist markup with
the same name. Simply remove names in this case, since names are not
shown anyway. For example, fix the Sphinx 3 warning:
Doc/reference/introduction.rst:96: duplicate token description
of *:name, other instance in reference/expressions
Sphinx 3 requires to refer to terms with the exact case.
For example, fix the Sphinx 3 warning:
Doc/library/pkgutil.rst:71: WARNING: term Loader not found in case
sensitive match.made a reference to loader instead.
For example, fix the following Sphinx 3 errors:
Doc/c-api/buffer.rst:102: WARNING: Error in declarator or parameters
Invalid C declaration: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 5]
void \*obj
Doc/c-api/arg.rst:130: WARNING: Unparseable C cross-reference: 'PyObject*'
Invalid C declaration: Expected end of definition. [error at 8]
The modified documentation is compatible with Sphinx 2 and Sphinx 3.
2020-08-13 22:11:50 +02:00
Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy (శ్రీనివాస్ రెడ్డి తాటిపర్తి)
Add :noindex: to duplicated documentation to fix "duplicate object
description" errors.
For example, fix this Sphinx 3 issue:
Doc/library/configparser.rst:1146: WARNING: duplicate object
description of configparser.ConfigParser.optionxform, other instance
in library/configparser, use :noindex: for one of them
The http.cookiejar module has is_blocked() and blocked_domains()
methods, so "blocklist" term sounds better than "denylist" in this
Replace also denylisted with denied in test___all__.
Fix two Sphinx 3 issues:
Doc/c-api/buffer.rst:304: WARNING: Duplicate C declaration, also defined in 'c-api/buffer'.
Declaration is 'PyBUF_ND'.
Doc/c-api/unicode.rst:1603: WARNING: Duplicate C declaration, also defined in 'c-api/unicode'.
Declaration is 'PyObject* PyUnicode_Translate(PyObject *str, PyObject *table, const char *errors)'.
Enable Sphinx 3.2 "c_allow_pre_v3" option and disable the
c_warn_on_allowed_pre_v3 option to make the documentation compatible
with Sphinx 2 and Sphinx 3.
Adds a link to the "Reading and Writing Files" page so users can
more easily discover how file handles are handled with the `with`
context manager vs without it.