Skip Montanaro
split functionality into pystack and pystackv commands. The former will
work with core dumps because it avoids calling any Python API routines. The
latter prints all the local variable values as well as the stack frames but
won't work with core dumps because it relies on _PyObject_Dump to print
2004-11-17 16:04:15 +00:00
Michael W. Hudson
eval_frame now has a PyAPI-style name
2004-08-07 20:11:22 +00:00
Skip Montanaro
It would help if I deleted the old pystack!
Also, move pystack comment down next to it
2004-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
Skip Montanaro
include local variables when dumping Python stack trace
2004-04-02 14:51:13 +00:00
Skip Montanaro
Add pystack definition to Misc/gdbinit with some explanation of its behavior
and add flag comments to ceval.c and main.c alerting people to the coupling
between pystack and the layout of those files.
2004-03-01 15:44:05 +00:00
Jeremy Hylton
A helper to dump info about the current frame,
assuming it is the variable f.
2003-10-03 20:56:15 +00:00
Barry Warsaw
PyObject_Dump() -> _PyObject_Dump()
PyGC_Dump() -> _PyGC_Dump()
2001-01-24 04:18:13 +00:00
Barry Warsaw
A few useful definitions if you're using gdb. Copy to ~/.gdbinit to
pull it in automatically.
2001-01-23 16:25:19 +00:00