Remove the asyncore and asynchat modules, deprecated in Python
3.6: use the asyncio module instead.
Remove the smtpd module, deprecated in Python 3.6: the aiosmtpd
module can be used instead, it is based on asyncio.
* Remove asyncore, asynchat and smtpd documentation
* Remove test_asyncore, test_asynchat and test_smtpd
* Rename Lib/ to Lib/test/support/
* Rename Lib/ to Lib/test/support/
* Rename Lib/ to Lib/test/support/
* Remove DeprecationWarning from private _asyncore, _asynchat and
_smtpd modules
* _smtpd: remove deprecated properties
Patch by Milan Oberkirch, developed as part of his 2014 GSOC project.
Note that this also fixes a bug in mock_socket ('getpeername' was returning a
simple string instead of the tuple required for IPvX protocols), a bug in
DebugServer with respect to handling binary data (should have been fixed when
decode_data was introduced, but wasn't found until this patch was written),
and a long-standing bug in DebugServer (it was printing an extra blank line at
the end of the displayed message text).