* Add PhotoImage.read() to read an image from a file.
* Add PhotoImage.data() to get the image data.
* Add background and grayscale parameters to PhotoImage.write().
* Add the PhotoImage method copy_replace() to copy a region
from one image to other image, possibly with pixel zooming and/or
* Add from_coords parameter to PhotoImage methods copy(), zoom() and subsample().
* Add zoom and subsample parameters to PhotoImage method copy().
* Remove the Lib/test/imghdrdata/ directory.
* Copy 5 pictures (gif, png, ppm, pgm, xbm) from removed
Lib/test/imghdrdata/ to a new Lib/test/tkinterdata/ directory.
* Update Sphinx from 4.5 to 6.2 in Doc/requirements.txt.
* Move Lib/tkinter/test/test_tkinter/ to Lib/test/test_tkinter/.
* Move Lib/tkinter/test/test_ttk/ to Lib/test/test_ttk/.
* Add Lib/test/test_ttk/__init__.py based on test_ttk_guionly.py.
* Add Lib/test/test_tkinter/__init__.py
* Remove old Lib/test/test_tk.py.
* Remove old Lib/test/test_ttk_guionly.py.
* Add __main__ sub-modules.
* Update imports and update references to rename files.